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Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 08.09.2020

Luxury & Holistic Health! This is how I work with my clients so they get amazing results. Listen to this podcast where I discuss my approach with two wonderful woman....... Shama Yunus-Joynt at SYJ Consulting and Lindsay Bridger White at High Voltage Coaching Empower yourself by listening to this conversation!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 26.08.2020

Do you believe that your family history and genetics determine your overall health? Maybe BUT maybe not! It is entirely possible that your genetics influence your overall health but it isnt the only factor. If you have been making the assumption that your health is ONLY linked to your genetics, you COULD be overlooking very SPECIFIC issues that are standing in your way to great health! ... As a Holistic Living Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, clients come to me all the time with the belief that they are destined to repeat the same health problems of their parents. What I have found is that family health history is important information to be aware of BUT IT IS NOT the ONLY factor when healing holistically. What I have found is 30% of the time, it forms a baseline condition but the other aspects of health come from the individuals physical body, emotional state, and overall mindset. Ask yourself these questions: Do you believe that your health is destined ONLY by your genetics? If yes, how do you manage this physically, emotionally, and mentally? Does the belief you have about your health and genetics influence you when it comes to making health decisions? What evidence do you have which indicates you are going to repeat the same health problems of your family members? As you reflect on the answers to these questions, you may realize that the root of your pain when it comes to your health is actually NOT predestined. That you MAY just have more options and POWER over your personal health than you originally thought.... OR That you have been living in fear of what MAY happen in your health because of what you watched someone else suffer through. OR That you KNOW you have similar health issues of your family members but NOT all of the same issue. OR That you dont know much or ANYTHING about your family health history or genetics... If these questions stir up answers that SURPRISE and EMPOWER you to learn more about how YOU can incorporate your family health history knowledge (or lack thereof) into your life holistically, you are not alone. When living and healing holistically all information is used to find the strategy that is UNIQUE to YOU. DM me so I can help you get a whole picture of YOUR specific health needs.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 13.08.2020

There is nothing quite like a wave The power of a large wave is humbling, but the sound is the best part. Big or small the sound of a wave brings me peace. I often listen wave recordings to relax. Is there something you love about waves?

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 02.08.2020

In my experience there are two traits that are required for planning and executing SUCCESSFUL events: 1. meticulous organization skills 2. the ability to pivot and adapt... If one or both of these traits are thrown off in any way, event participants have any easier time of seeing the good, the bad, and the ugly that is often just behind the figurative or literal event curtain. What is even MORE interesting about these characteristics is they require a healthy mind, emotional state, and body! As circumstances change, emotions can flare which impact a persons stress hormones and thoughts and in-turn put stress on the body. Most of us can relate and remember a time where before, during, or after an event we felt terrible emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and/or physically. For me, I remember a time when an even WORSE situation occurred where I wasnt able to remember parts an event AT ALL because I wasnt present even though I was IN. THE. ROOM. Unfortunately I have found that many can relate to that experience As a Holistic Living Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, I work with professional women who want to live holistically and include luxury in their lives. In short, my clients are driven, type As that are used to putting in the work to achieve success . They often can and DO accomplish everything on their ever expanding to do list including pulling off successful events. My work is ALWAYS customized so that each client is EMPOWERED to live holistically so they are able to succeed personally and professionally. That includes supporting clients emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally so that they are in optimal health and can effectively plan and EXECUTE an amazing event without sacrificing in other areas of their lives.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 18.07.2020

There is truly nothing more exciting that walking a new path! I do my best to remember that every time I am afraid of the unknown. I have to remind myself that excitement is a sister to fear. What is the exciting new path (big or small) you are on at the moment?

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 07.07.2020

Do you feel exhausted ALL THE TIME? What do you link your exhaustion to lack of sleep? stress? ... The truth is, exhaustion is often much more complicated than just not being able to sleep or having too much stress in your life. After working with 100s of clients as a Holistic Living Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, I know that ALL symptoms are interconnected holistically. So the key is to ALWAYS review your negative health symptoms with a bigger picture purpose. With this in mind, ask yourself how your exhaustion might be linked to the following: Are your sleeping patterns contributing to your exhaustion? Do you sleep well or for long periods but never feel rested? OR more commonly fall asleep fast but wake up multiple times in the night? Do you sleep well when you feel dehydrated? More importantly, do you know if and when you are dehydrated? When was the last time you ACTUALLY felt tired - physically? Are all the lines blurred - do you know the difference anymore between exhaustion and lack of energy? Is your digestive system strong or weak? Do you know how your digestive system links to your sleeping patterns? If these questions are difficult to answer clearly OR you dont understand the link , then reach out so that you can learn how to improve your exhaustion without focusing ONLY on your sleeping habits. This is my specialty! I help my clients untangle the patterns that they see and DONT see so that they are empowered to make holistic changes that improve their health. DM me so we can explore how working together can help you on your healing journey to more energy naturally...

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 30.06.2020

How remarkable is nature!? There is always a rhythm and flow where everything is connected - a balanced fluctuation. It makes perfect sense to me when things seem senseless. There will always be a special place in my heart for wetlands - marshes, swamps, and bogs. ... What natural places do you love?

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 27.06.2020

Are you one of these people who overthink and over analyze A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y everything? Maybe BUT maybe not! It is possible that you are not an over-thinker but that you are hormonally out of balance. That your body is in a constant fight or flight state which can cause all kinds of effects including runaway thoughts. ... As a Holistic Living Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, professional women come to me all the time to find a herb or natural supplement to help them stop overthinking so they can sleep or make quicker decisions. What I have found is 60% of the time, their issue is not psychological but chemical. Ask yourself these questions: Have you always been over analytical or is this something that has come up in the last few years? What have your environmental circumstances looked like over the last couple of years? Have you switched jobs? Moved houses? Gone through a break up? When you do have those rare moments when you have NO thoughts running around in your brain, where are you?? What are you doing? How often does this occur? As you get honest about the answers to these questions, you may realize that the root of your overthinking is actually hormonal and NOT your natural tendency If this idea blows your mind or if this CONFIRMS something you already were suspicious about and want to heal holistically, DM me so I can empower you to re-balance your system naturally.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 21.06.2020

Long vistas change EVERYTHING! It is amazing how our perspectives change when broaden our horizons. When was the last time you stepped back to look at an issue? ... Like a painting everything changes when you step back to look at the larger view. Clarity emerges and things seem less daunting. For anyone who needs it today - step back and look at what your focusing on so intently. You might just find a new solution.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 19.06.2020

Want tips on how to pull off a successful event while staying sane and healthy? Join me Live on FB... Friday, August 28 at 1 pm mst.... I will be talking with Lisa Gareau about how you can reduce stress, expand your mind, and pull off a great event during times of uncertainty. https://www.facebook.com/183466578336014/posts/3845902855425683/

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 12.06.2020

Im always stressed out." I cant relax." I have no time. These are the statements I hear regularly from my new clients who are just starting to work with me.... They ALL are wanting LESS STRESS in their lives. My response (sometimes only to myself) is... How much time do you need to de-stress? Because the truth is you dont always need a ton of BUT you do NEED to know what your customized de-stressing and calming tools are so you can implement them during high stress times. The natural de-stressing tools people use depend on the level of stress and the time you have. I break the time periods up into 3 categories: No time & high stress: requires immediate attention and quick solutions Run your hands under warm water. Smell an essential oil you love. Wiggle your toes. Take 3 deep breaths. Only have 10 minutes & medium/high stress: requires a short time out... Make a cup of tea. Go for a walk around the block. Play some upbeat or soothing music. 30 minutes or more & all levels of stress: requires 30 minutes or more Connect with a member of your support team. Learn some great massage techniques that you can do yourself on your hands, neck or feet. Exercise. Read a book or watch something you enjoy. [CAUTION: Dont binge watch you want to relax, not check out. All of my suggested de-stressing tools work on multiple levels of your system. This is how you truly embody holistic living so that your whole life can be transformed from stressed out to chilled and at peace! I would love to hear what helps you release stress right away? Drop an emoji or a comment below!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 29.05.2020

Fireweed! A personal favorite. What a beautiful reminder or growth & rebirth after destruction. Not to mention what a fabulous herb for your skin. What are some of your favorite "weeds"? ... Comment so that we can share how each of us finds luxury in the "ordinary".

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 10.05.2020

Do you walk in the world wearing different hats? boss hat... family hat... work hat... self development/self care hat healthy hat... friends hat I can tell you from experience that wearing all of these hats only creates extra work when it comes to trying to heal naturally and live holistically. AND I am not alone in KNOWING this! I work with people EVERY DAY that are fed up and exhausted by juggling all the many hats they wear. Over the past 5 years working as a Holistic Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, what I see AND know is that when you live a compartmentalized life, optimal health is unachievable in the long run. Not sure Lets just on the self development/self care hat Ask yourself if have... Skipped or postponed a bathroom, lunch, tea, or mental health break to finish up that work task or meeting. Read a great self-help and found a moment where you could apply the principles you learned at work or in a social setting BUT stayed quiet for fear of being judged or looking crazy. A completely SEPARATE group of friends where you can talk openly about all the alternative and hippie things you believe in and apply to your life. Changed your plans from a relaxing, well needed self care day to a chaotic filled event that supported someone else but did ABSOLUTELY nothing to improve your physical, emotional, or mental well being. These are just the everyday examples that show how compartmentalizing self development/self care prevents you from achieving optimal holistic health long term. So imagine what it would be like if EVERY decision you make is based on one alone, is this getting me closer or further away from my optimal holistic health intention? Now ask yourself, do you have the knowledge and support to ACTIVELY choose optimal holistic health when you are wearing your many hats? More importantly, are you tired of wearing SO-MANY-HATS and want help to integrate all your hats into one that focuses on EMPOWER Holistic Living? This is what I do! I help my clients not only explore how Holistic Herbal Medicine can support them, but I also co-create a CUSTOMIZED strategy for their life so they can live holistically in all areas of their life with luxury and grace! Imagine redirecting your focus from struggle and pain to luxury & grace.. DM me so we can explore how working together can help you live holistically.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 24.04.2020

Early morning or late afternoon walks are my favorite. The beauty changes with each sunbeam . I walk the same pathways near my house and they never get old to me. New smells...... Different sounds... Vegetation popping out everywhere... How do you take in nature when you are in your daily routine? Drop and emoji or comment below - I would love to know more!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 18.04.2020

There are times when grace is something that we need to dig for especially when we are unwell. I want to tell you about one of my clients who has had amazing success when it comes to healing naturally with grace. The story has an amazing silver lining, but it starts a little gruesome with.iron transfusions. Imagine having to have iron transfusions every 6 months for years because your iron is soooooo low! Imagine the exhaustion, confusion, annoyance, and frustra...tion of KNOWING this is your life! Now, imagine the relief that comes when someone helps you stop all that after only a few months! I dont have to imagine this because as a Holistic Living Empowerment Mentor and Clinical Herbalist, I helped my client re-balance her health and increase her iron levels so she no longer requires transfusions. Amazing, right! What is amazing is how we worked together to make this shift in her body. She was confused because the supplements and herbs I recommended were nothing new to her. So, what was new? our approach! We approached her life and health. Holistically we addressed her physical, emotional and mental state with herbs & natural remedies. Compassionately with Luxury, & Grace I never ONCE said that all the previous effort was in vain. She was doing what she was guided to do at the time. When healing, there is no place for shame and guilt and so we worked to heal the frustration that lingered for time wasted. Customized Plan This piece is huge and so important. The herbs and supplements recommended were highly effective because of the customized attention and one-on-one sessions. We were able to shift, adapt, and modify the plan quickly based on her symptoms. The results have been remarkable and a testament to my clients resolve and trust in me to try just ONE MORE THING, ONE MORE TIME. If you feel frustrated, confused, annoyed, and desperate with your current health situation but have the resolve to try to heal naturally, reach out to me. With my customized approach, I work with you to address your specific needs and health issues so that you can heal with luxury and grace. DM me so we can figure out an Empowered Holistic Healing Strategy that is right for you!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 05.04.2020

Look what happened today... https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMgaF8JcZ0/

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 30.03.2020

Summer is here!! Vacations & get-a-ways are different this year. BUT....... I am finding new ways to enjoy my stay-cations! I lay in my hammock and watch the trees & the clouds . Nature can always be a get-a-way for me. What about you? How are things different, but maybe just as good when it comes to enjoying this summer?

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 16.03.2020

Im sooo excited to announce my Luxury, Herbs & Holistic Living Mini-Course!!! Click the link to get the course. http://ed.gr/cp010 I created this course after getting feedback from many of you! So thank you for letting me know what you want and need. ... This mini-course is created to leave you feeling knowledgeable, supported, inspired, and empowered! By incorporating luxury and holistic living techniques with PRACTICAL information, you have the opportunity to learn more about yourself and the plants and herbs around you. Whats In The Course? In this 90 minute mini course you will learn: the fundamentals of herbal medicine what it means to be a clinical herbalist why and how to incorporate luxury in your healing journey remedies and uses of 8 common herbs holistic & natural techniques to re-balance your body, mind, and soul Get ready to be surprised by the ways you can use every day herbs! After addressing the importance of integrating luxury, empowerment, and herbal medicine with holistic living and healing, I provide information on why, how, and when you can use 8 common herbs. Not only will you learn useful techniques to use specific herbs, you will also learn PRACTICAL, holistic techniques that will help you reduce stress, calm your emotions, and re-balance your mental state. Receive a final touch of luxury! The course ends as I lead you through a guided visualization so you can embody all you have learned and you are able to leave the course in a state of relaxation! Want the course? Click here: http://ed.gr/cp010 This is the first of many mini-courses to come. Comment and let me know what topics you are interested in learning!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 11.03.2020

Sometimes working to heal your body issues can seem like a full time job! You might feel like youve tried everything and there is just no hope for you to ever feel any better. Have you settled or resigned yourself that this is just the way it is? You arent a healthy person or you are just going to have to live with this condition for the rest of your life. I GET IT! Ive been there. ... I was absolutely someone that was convinced that I would have migraines, strokes, and physical pain for the rest of my life. But, I am happy to tell you definitively - I was wrong I am Kristy Garnet, I am a Holistic Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist. I help people heal the root of their health issues holistically. Doesnt it feel sometimes like youve tried it ALL and yet you are still in the same situation with your health issues. With my expertise in Holistic Herbal Medicine, I can tell you that most likely you have been looking in the wrong direction for a solution. What I find is that most people look for answers through a small lens when the solution requires you to look at the bigger (HOLISTIC) - picture. Here are some you might want to ask yourself so that you can begin to dig deeper and look into the bigger picture of your overall health. What are your physical conditions and how did your body get to the state it is in currently? How did you get here? If you truly think about it, has this issue been around in one form or another for decades? How do you feel about your current health situation? What do you feel when you think about your health and your life? Have you always felt this way, or have your feelings about your health changed in the last 3, 6 or 12 months? When you think about your health what do you tell yourself? How often are your thoughts negative when it comes to your physical condition? Does your self talk have a negative flavor when it comes to your health? It isnt until you empower yourself to learn the TRUE answers to these questions that your healing journey can begin. Empowerment only happens when you have knowledge and support. This is exactly why I created my Empowered Holistic Living Program. It is fully customized to your specific needs, because we both know that each of us requires something a little different. We are all unique and it is important to honor our uniqueness especially when it comes to our health! More importantly, I know what it is like to crave change. Perhaps you are just fed up with all the cookie-cutter nonsense of just get this herb or supplement and everything will be fine! I am here to tell you that if you truly are ready to change your life and health, you need a customized STRATEGY and this is why you and I need to talk. I guarantee you havent tried THIS before! The sooner you begin, the sooner your life will transform as you heal holistically with luxury and grace. DM me and we will get started.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 20.02.2020

Pick one: Sunrises Sunsets Sunbeams... ... I cant choose. I them all!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 11.02.2020

Challenge Accepted! This was one of the best days of my life! One of my life long dreams was to see in a conservation setting - no rides or tricks... Just watching them.... Honouring then. Being in there presence. I believe this is the most undefended photo Ive ever taken. Its even better in colour.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 08.02.2020

I'm sooo excited to announce my Luxury, Herbs & Holistic Living Mini-Course!!! Click the link to get the course. http://ed.gr/cp010 I created this course after getting feedback from many of you! So thank you for letting me know what you want and need. ... This mini-course is created to leave you feeling knowledgeable, supported, inspired, and empowered! By incorporating luxury and holistic living techniques with PRACTICAL information, you have the opportunity to learn more about yourself and the plants and herbs around you. Whats In The Course? In this 90 minute mini course you will learn: the fundamentals of herbal medicine what it means to be a clinical herbalist why and how to incorporate luxury in your healing journey remedies and uses of 8 common herbs holistic & natural techniques to re-balance your body, mind, and soul Get ready to be surprised by the ways you can use every day herbs! After addressing the importance of integrating luxury, empowerment, and herbal medicine with holistic living and healing, I provide information on why, how, and when you can use 8 common herbs. Not only will you learn useful techniques to use specific herbs, you will also learn PRACTICAL, holistic techniques that will help you reduce stress, calm your emotions, and re-balance your mental state. Receive a final touch of luxury! The course ends as I lead you through a guided visualization so you can embody all you have learned and you are able to leave the course in a state of relaxation! Want the course? Click here: http://ed.gr/cp010 This is the first of many mini-courses to come. Comment and let me know what topics you are interested in learning!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 28.01.2020

Pick one: Sunrises Sunsets Sunbeams... ... I can't choose. I them all!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 25.01.2020

Do you feel like there isnt enough time in the day to care for yourself? Are you unsure what it is you need to do to feel better? Does the idea of changing your life feel daunting and overwhelming? Do you want to heal naturally and live holistically? ... It can be difficult to sift through all the information out there related to herbs and supplements. It is also lonely to make these changes alone. Whats worse is sometimes it is nearly impossible to see your own positive progress. So, what is the answer? Get the RIGHT support! My name is Kristy Garnet and as a Holistic Empowerment Mentor and a Clinical Herbalist, I have the knowledge and training to identify the appropriate herbal and supplemental recommendations to help you heal holistically. Equally important is the fact that I incorporate luxury, grace, honesty and compassion within each Holistic Healing Strategy I recommend. There are so many holistic health practitioners out there but, I BELIEVE, what sets me apart is my compassion, expertise, focused customization, and life experience. As someone who uses and works with people to heal naturally using herbal remedies and supplements daily, I can tell you that nothing works holistically unless it is: Customized to your body and overall system. Delivered in the appropriate form and dose. Recommended with knowledge, compassion, and support. That is what makes my Empowered Holistic Living Program so unique. I created a customized one-on-one program that empowers you to live and heal the root of your health issues naturally. Whats even better, I developed each area of the Program to include luxury & grace. DM me so we can set up a free chat to see how I can specifically help empower you to heal holistically. There is no time like the present and no reason to wait any longer - I am here to help!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 12.01.2020

Hot or cold - tea always tastes better when it is served in a beautiful way. How do you take your tea?

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 26.12.2019

This precious little buttercup is so delicate YET so strong... What I love even more is how the water droplets combined with the sun make magic. For me, this photo embodies natures luxury & grace.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 08.12.2019

Whether you can or cant meditate is NOT the problem. The real question is .. can you sit still?? ... As a Holistic Empowerment Mentor and a Clinic Herbalist I hear all the time, I just cant mediate. I am frustrated when I mediate. I cant stop my thoughts. I dont get meditation I dont feel any different when I meditate. Sound familiar? The truth is, no one is stepping back and saying wait a second mediation is an end goal, not a first step. Meditation comes after learning how to be still. So, if you have jumped from never sitting down and being still to trying to meditate.you are AUTOMATICALLY going to FAIL. And, THAT is the REAL issue. There are three critical steps that have to happen before you get to a place where mediation can occur. You have to learn to be STILL. You have to be COMFORTABLE in silence. You have to PRACTICE. Practice Guided Visualizations & Meditations This is a process and a practice! So instead of being frustrated and so INSISTENT that you CANT do something, it is important that you empower yourself to KNOW that you can be supported in your meditation practice and that you ARE receiving healing benefits within each step of process. Meditating can be very vague and sometimes you arent even clear WHY it is good for you, you just know it is. I get it! Meditation is meant to be a component of a holistic approach that you incorporate in your life! I help my clients integrate meditation into their health regimen as an empowerment technique so they can live HOLISTICALLY with joy, luxury and grace. This is my passion and Id love to help you create an empowered holistic life. DM me so we can set up a free chat and see how I can help you SPECIFICALLY.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 27.11.2019

When you think about your health, do you focus on your physical pain, ONLY? If you answer yes or even most of the time.there is a STRONG possibility you are... overlooking very REAL aspects of your life that are standing in your way to great health! As a Holistic Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, clients come to me all the time wanting help for a physical condition that they cant seem to beat or manage. What I have found is that the only way to help my clients in the long run with the physical issues they are suffering with, is to also address their emotional patterns. This one aspect ALONE can contribute greatly to the ones physical dis-ease. From a holistic perspective, ask yourself these : Does your weight fluctuate during times of emotional stress? Do you use food as fuel or as an emotional crutch? During times of grief, anger, or despair are you physically more or less tired? What happens to your concentration and energy levels? When you feel happy, content, loved and appreciated, what does your physical body feel like? How long does that physical sensation last? As you reflect on the answers to these questions, you may realize that the root of your physical pain is HIGHLY influenced by your emotional patterns. That you have linked your knee or back pain is worse every time you have a stressful deadline at your job OR That you are exhausted EVERY TIME you host a dinner party for your one family member but no one else... OR That the last time you couldnt lose weight, even though you were trying, was when you felt helpless to change your living arrangement... OR That you dont know the last time you felt anything other than blah... If these questions stir up answers that SURPRISE and overwhelm you, you are not alone. When healing naturally, identifying your emotional patterns and how they fit into your holistic living journey is an important first step. The next step is to EMPOWER yourself to find the right strategy that is CUSTOMIZED to meet YOUR needs. DM me so I can help you shift your emotional patterns to positively influence your physical health. There is no time like the present to begin to address the emotional piece so you can heal the root of your pain.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 20.11.2019

Let's strive to grow like plants.... always reaching for nourishment, comfort, growth, and grace.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 09.11.2019

Lets strive to grow like plants.... always reaching for nourishment, comfort, growth, and grace.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 24.10.2019

Have you ever felt FANTASTIC. Physically Emotionally ... Mentally Hopefully the answer is YES, YES, YES. If yes to ANY of the above questions, the next question is do you feel FANTASTIC now? If yes, congratulations. If no, please know you are NOT alone. I regularly hear from my new clients that they cannot remember the last time they felt good, let alone FANTASTIC. We discuss all the areas in their health that need changed, but I often stump them when I ask the following questions: How do you want to feel... Physically? Emotionally? Mentally? Whatever the answer may be, have you EVER felt the way you want to feel? If yes, when was that occurring and what was going on in your life? If no, do you know why? What have you tried in the past to change how you feel from bad to good? As my clients reflect on the answers to these questions, they often realize they have NEVER been asked how they WANT to feel. Not only are they surprised by the fact that I ask such questions, for the first time they can see there is a connection. I LOVE THIS as connections are the cornerstones of holistic living to RECOGNIZE, CONNECT, and KNOW how you want to FEEL. I would love for you to share how you want to feel - physically, emotionally, and mentally - so that you are better able to make the holistic healing connections that are specific to you. Drop an emoji or comment below so we can connect as well!

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 08.10.2019

Poppies!!! What luxury & grace in every flower..... I love every variety and every color, but red and orange are my favorites. ... What about you?

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 18.09.2019

Have you heard... you arent as young as you used to be slowing down is just what happens when you age? Is there something in you that revolts when you hear statements like this? ... Do you know in your heart of hearts that you shouldnt feel THIS exhausted all the time NO MATTER how old you are? Yes, age can be a factor in your overall health but it isnt the only factor AND it certainly shouldnt be the only explanation for your suffering. If you have been told NOTHING is wrong or that your blood work is normal and you still feel something is wrong, TRUST YOURSELF! As a Holistic Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, clients often come to me when they have explored many options and were told nothing is wrong. What I have found is that clients who have been sent away from other health care professionals but KNOW something is off are ALWAYS right. You know yourself better than anyone else and if you arent feeling heard it is time that you find someone who will actively listen and address your health concerns in meaningful ways. Ask yourself these questions: Do you believe that there is something wrong with your health, but you dont know what? Do you feel unheard and dismissed by the medical profession? Do you feel that health care practitioners look at you as a case and not an individual? If you can say yes to any of these questions, it is time to do something different. Find the person that is RIGHT for YOU that has the time, interest, compassion, and knowledge to empower you to make holistic healing and living attainable. DM me so we can see if I am the RIGHT person to help you with YOUR specific health issues.

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 02.09.2019

When are you most focused on your health during the year? Is it linked to the New Year or the summer season? Do you set goals when it comes to your health like you would a New Years resolution? Are you successful when you set your goals or does your commitment fizzle out within a few weeks? ... The truth is, setting lofty health goals is a recipe for FAILURE. Until a few years ago, I felt like a complete goal-setting failure. Each goal I set to improve my health holistically seemed doable - exercise daily, be more patient, stay in touch with friends and family, etc. Yet I failed at every goal I set because my daily self-imposed expectations werent realistic. I know this is true for others too because as a Holistic Empowerment Mentor and Clinical Herbalist, I work with clients that are very critical of their achievements when it comes to their health. Because I can relate to this self-imposed pressure, I am also able to guide and EMPOWER them to include luxury and grace while they are on their healing journeys. Here are some of the common ways in which I incorporate luxury and grace into daily life for myself and my clients: Set intentions, NOT goals! Mindfully CHOOSE a new thought pattern when it comes to how you view your dedication to your health. Commit to taking DELIBERATE action toward your intention. Need an example? How about. I intend to maintain myself in optimal health and wellness! If this intention seems too lofty or overwhelming, it might be because you dont have the appropriate level of holistic living knowledge and support in your life. This is where my intention comes into play. I intend to EMPOWER my clients on their holistic healing journey. I promise to remain honest and compassionate and incorporate luxury and grace within each Holistic Healing Strategy I recommend. Furthermore, I intend to listen to YOU and customize a program that is practical for YOU and your lifestyle. If this inspires and excites you, share the intention you are setting for your healing journey as there is POWER in intention! Kristy Email [email protected]

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 26.08.2019

Emotional Stress & Anxiety There is a philosophy that some stress is good for you - do you believe that this is true? Whether you believe that or not, one thing we know for sure is that stress is a huge component in making people unwell.... So its important to know how stress affects your body. How much stress do you have in your life? Almandine Wellness Kristy Garnet Phone 403-663-9008 Email [email protected] Location 102 - 2531 Hochwald Ave SW #health #wellness #medicine #meditation #holistichealth #healing #healthy #stress #natural #anxiety #wellbeing #healthyliving #selfcare #healthcoach #essentialoils #herbalmedicine #plantmedicine #selfcarematters #detoxification #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #emotionalintellegence #meditate #support #womenshealth #ottawa #myottawa #ottcity #ottawalife #613 See more

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 21.08.2019

When was the last time you felt EMPOWERED when it comes to your health? Self-empowerment takes wherewithal and practice. Like many, I have spent at least half of my life feeling and believing that I was physically weak but mentally determined.... I often check in on when and where I feel empowered and then build on that everywhere I can. Here are the statements that roll around in my head when I am thinking and talking about my body. I feel strong when I exercise NOPE! I am an athlete NOPE! I have a strong body NOPE! I feel empowered and strong when I hike, kayak, take my kickboxing class, finish my 30-minute weight lifting video YEEESSS! As a Holistic Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, I know support and EMPOWERMENT matters as much, if not more than, physical condition and mental determination. I also KNOW that positive self-talk and associated emotions makes a huge difference when working on physical empowerment. So, from a physical standpoint, what empowers you? An activity you do in nature hiking, gardening, biking, climbing, boating? Common household activities scrubbing the floor, washing windows, rearranging furniture? Gym classes weights, aerobics, spin, yoga? The truth is empowerment activates when we arent always striving for it! It can be a quiet recognition that your mind didnt wander at the end of your yoga class or a loud cheer when you reach the top of a mountain at the end of your hike. Regardless of the moment, the key is to welcome the feeling with luxury and grace. I would LOVE to hear from you! Drop an emoji below or better yet, tell me when was the last time you felt physically empowered? What were you doing? Almandine Wellness Kristy Garnet Phone 403-663-9008 Email [email protected] Location 102 - 2531 Hochwald Ave SW #health #wellness #successmindset #meditation #holistichealth #healing #positivity #organic #natural #mindfulness #wellbeing #healthyliving #selfcare #happiness #essentialoils #loveyourself #herbalism #plantmedicine #strength #detoxification #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #emotionalintellegence #meditate #support #womenshealth

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 04.08.2019

Do you immediately clean up the dishes after a meal? Can you sit still? Have you been told that you make people nervous?... Do you tidy up the house every morning before you can start your day? Can you relax? Relaxation does not come easy for a lot of us. More importantly, relaxation doesnt always look the way we think it should look. As a Holistic Empowerment Mentor and Clinical Herbalist, I see that people often assume that relaxation comes in one package - sitting without a thought in your head! This isnt always true. Some of us just need a distraction for our brains so that our bodies can receive the calming benefits that come when we are relaxed. Here are some common recommendations that I give to people who cant relax: Do something with your hands do something tactile knit, run your fingers over fabric, crochet, hold a pinecone, acorn, or stone. Do something repetitive rake the yard, do the dishes, paint, or go for a slow, rhythmic walk. Distract your brain play soodku, put together a puzzle, complete a crossword puzzle, or play a word search game. Use your senses use body lotion to massage tense muscles, play music, or smell your favorite essential oil. Remember, a relaxed state doesnt have to look the same for everyone. Empowered holistic living allows us to be individuals, which also means that we can have UNIQUE ways in which we relax. Let me know the unique way in which you find relaxation. Almandine Wellness Kristy Garnet Phone 403-663-9008 Email [email protected] Location 102 - 2531 Hochwald Ave SW #health #wellness #medicine #meditation #holistichealth #healing #healthy #stress #natural #mindfulness #wellbeing #anxiety #selfcare #healthcoach #essentialoils #herbalmedicine #herbalism #plantmedicine #selfcarematters #detoxification #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #emotionalintellegence #meditate #support #womenshealth See more

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 30.07.2019

Health & Emotions Do you believe your state of health is directly linked to your emotions? Like one day you feel down in the dumps and suddenly your body follows and all the health issues you battle flare up even though you havent done anything out of the ordinary? I can tell you that I have experienced many physical problems extreme fatigue, headaches, stomach aches, etc. when I let my emotions get the best of me.... AND I work with people EVERY DAY that are negatively impacted by their emotional states. Over the past 5 years working as a Holistic Empowerment Mentor & Clinical Herbalist, what I see AND know is that when you lead with your emotions, your relationships suffer and so does your physical health. Not sure??? Lets just focus on the physical piece Ask yourself if you have ever experienced the following: Suffered from heartbreak...which lead to losing OR gaining 10-15 pounds. Vented (code for raged) over a co-workers behavior.had a headache and went to bed early from exhaustion. Worried about presenting to your boss...came down with a cold or flu the day before, of, or after the presentation was scheduled. Hurt deeply by a loved ones behaviour...your stomach was off for days. These are just the everyday examples that show there is a link between emotions and your physical health. So imagine what is going on with the rest of your system from a holistic perspective if ONE emotional moment can result in such obvious physical pain!?! This is why you need to know about how YOUR specific emotional patterns impact your overall health AND how you can heal holistically. This is what I do! I help my clients not only explore how Holistic Herbal Medicine can support them, but I also co-create a CUSTOMIZED strategy for their life so they can live with luxury and grace so they can stand in their POWER with ease! DM me so we can explore how working together can help you on your healing journey. Almandine Wellness Kristy Garnet Phone 403-663-9008 Email [email protected] Location 102 - 2531 Hochwald Ave SW #healing #health #holistic

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 11.07.2019

I am reminded every day that deep, long lasting positive changes can occur when you work to heal the root of your health problems holistically. This reminder gives my work meaning and purpose. My hope is that by sharing a few client examples, you will feel empowered to continue on your own journey to heal naturally. Like many of my clients when I first begin working with them, you may feel that NO MATTER what you do nothing ever changes. ...Continue reading

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 28.06.2019

Digestion & Control. How are two seemingly unrelated topics. Digestion & Control... linked to your holistic health? Watch this video to find out! Almandine Wellness Kristy Garnet Phone 403-663-9008 Email [email protected] Location 102 - 2531 Hochwald Ave SW #health #wellness #medicine #meditation #holistichealth #healing #healthy #organic #natural #mindfulness #wellbeing #healthyliving #selfcare #healthcoach #essentialoils #herbalmedicine #herbalism #plantmedicine #digestion #detoxification #digest #stomach #meditate #support #womenshealth #explorebc #vancouver #beautifulbc #vancity #yvr

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 17.06.2019

The gift that keeps on giving! I designed the Almandine Skin Care Collection for all skin types, but paid special attention to those people with sensitive skin. All products were developed to work harmoniously, but can be used seperately if that is what is best for YOU. As always it is important to treat your skin holistically - topically using great all natural products AND internally. When I started to develop my natural product line it was crucial that they were:... 1. effective 2. safe 3. high quality Because herbs are exceptionally healing and powerful, the right knowledge and formula combination is necessary for the product to be gentle AND effective. If you have any questions about the skin care line and how it might be right for YOU, reach out. Almandine Wellness Kristy Garnet Phone 403-663-9008 Email [email protected] Location 102 - 2531 Hochwald Ave SW #health #wellness #medicine #meditation #holistichealth #healing #healthy #organic #natural #mindfulness #wellbeing #healthyliving #selfcare #healthcoach #essentialoils #herbalmedicine #herbalism #yyckids#yycliving #calgarynow #yycnow #calgaryalberta #emotionalintellegence #meditate #alberta #yyc

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 10.06.2019

#blackouttuesday #muted

Kristy Garnet Almandine Wellness Founder & Owner 27.05.2019

Herbs are unbelievably healing and P-O-W-E-R-F-U-L!!! What is more, herbal medicine is rooted in the history of medicine. Medicinal properties were discovered in nature and with plants, in particular, to alleviate health issues, improve mental alertness, and calm emotions globally for millennia. The use of individual components derived from plants is the basis for pharmaceutical drugs and have become the primary approach to plant-derived medicine in North America for th...e past 100 years. While you can research the power of herbs for specific aliments, herbal medicine is the use of any plant or plant part that is used for therapeutic purposes. This purpose can be physical, mental or emotional as prepared herbal medicines contain interrelated components that work in harmony with the human system. This is further evidenced with scientific studies that demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of multiple constituents of herbs vs. studies where individual components are investigated. By regularly enjoying herbs in all ways - fresh, dried, teas and tinctures - you get the holistic benefits of staying healthy and strong so you can fight disease. Let me know how you LOVE to use your favorite herbs!!! Almandine Wellness Kristy Garnet Phone 403-663-9008 Email [email protected] Location 102 - 2531 Hochwald Ave SW #health #wellness #medicine #meditation #holistichealth #healing #healthy #organic #natural #mindfulness #wellbeing #healthyliving #selfcare #healthcoach #essentialoils #herbalmedicine #herbalism #plantmedicine #selfcarematters #detoxification #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #emotionalintellegence #meditate #support #womenshealth #toronto #canada