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Almonte Community Yoga 02.01.2021

Welcome To Your Wednesday Wellness Reflection Flowers don’t open and close according to who walks by. They embrace all of what they are and show it to the world around them. The peony doesn’t try to compete with the cherry blossom, and the cherry blossom doesn’t try to compete with the tulip they own what they are and trust the timing of their true nature.... https://suryadayayoga.ca//breaking-out-of-boxes-to-be-who/

Almonte Community Yoga 24.12.2020

On this Christmas eve, I offer you this gift, from my family to yours. We hope you'll join us for our practice today, our full 12 posture sequence for the holidays! click here to join us for our special offering Thank you so much for being on this wild journey this past year, alongside me, as I offer you these teachings and hold you in my heart. ... https://suryadayayoga.ca///24/on-the-day-before-christmas/

Almonte Community Yoga 20.12.2020

Hello Beautiful YOU! Perhaps today is a good day to think about a few simple things you can do on a daily basis to nurture yourself. Keep them simple, we often think we have to carve out an hour and do grand things for our self care, but truthfully it's the consistent practice of the simple things that help us the most.... https://suryadayayoga.ca//wednesday-wellness-reflections-6/

Almonte Community Yoga 12.12.2020

Wow, 2020, this has been a year a year of passionate reflection, understanding my own guiding principles and a continuous recommitment to being and doing my best. This has been a year of accepting, doing what can be done out of service to one another and our community, as well as a year of learning, definitely unlearning and relearning in an effort to try and make sense of it all. ... https://suryadayayoga.ca//wednesday-wellness-reflections-5/

Almonte Community Yoga 10.12.2020

Join me tomorrow at 1:00 for a little pre - holiday nourishment, while helping to support an important service in our community

Almonte Community Yoga 09.12.2020

For the past 2 years, since transitioning into Surya Daya, we've held a karma class for Interval House on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. I can't imagine this year going by without holding that safe container to help support a very needed resource in our community - as well to offer you a peaceful practice of self care to nurture YOU during the holiday season.... https://suryadayayoga.ca//karma-yoga-class-for-interval-h/

Almonte Community Yoga 04.12.2020

Today I offer this to you: A reminder that you're beautiful. A reminder that you're important. A reminder that you're very loved. A reminder to laugh, and to move, and to give yourself some time to nourish your body and your soul. To join me for today's addition and see the video click here Sending you love today, tomorrow we have a very special offering planned. Amber xo https://suryadayayoga.ca//23/on-the-2nd-day-before-christ/

Almonte Community Yoga 15.11.2020

Welcome to our Wednesday Wellness Reflection, I'm so grateful you're here. Today I offer you a little food for thought. I find this a powerful reminder to enjoy the journey, and all the paths along the way. That we are where we need to be in this moment, not always "ideal" or comfortable - but the only place we can be at this precise moment in our lives. ... https://suryadayayoga.ca//wednesday-wellness-reflections-4/

Almonte Community Yoga 12.11.2020

Today I invite you to take a bit of time with your breath, not forcing or trying to control, but rather noticing your natural breath rythm with curiosity. What parts of your physical body respond to the movement of breath through your body? Does it feel easeful, or do you notice restriction? Is your breath rythm fast or slow? When we are under a lot of stress, or we’re deeply concentrating, we often hold our breath, or revert to rapid shallow breathing, which in turn creates more internal stress on the body and the mind.... https://suryadayayoga.ca//wednesday-wellness-reflections-2/

Almonte Community Yoga 06.11.2020

Daily Kundalini Yoga- Week of Dec 7th Welcome to December, often referred to as a magical month. We are entering the season of darkness, awaiting the winter solstice as a turning point when the darkness births new light. Many find that the energy of the earth draws us inward in December allowing our Yin energy to slow things down. More than ever this year, take advantage of the chance to retreat, enjoy home, go deeper but keep up!... https://suryadayayoga.ca/2020/12/07/mondays-with-mary-32/

Almonte Community Yoga 30.10.2020

We almost have our full sequence, I sincerely hope you're taking your time with the practices offered, and making light of this little gift created just for you. To see today's addition and practice along with me click here Sending you love today Amber xo https://suryadayayoga.ca//22/on-the-3rd-day-before-christ/

Almonte Community Yoga 25.10.2020

It would be oh so nice to yoga with you! A few more spots left for tomorrow night!

Almonte Community Yoga 11.10.2020

Offering you some nourishment, time to move your beautiful body, and to reconnect with your breath. I'm so grateful you're here! To join Amber click this link to view the video With so much love, 'till tomorrow Amber xo https://suryadayayoga.ca//21/on-the-4th-day-before-christ/

Almonte Community Yoga 29.09.2020

Welcome to my blog, even if you've been here a hundred times before, I welcome you now with new eyes. We are in a new world and I truly hope you can give yourself space and time to realign with how things need to shift for YOU. I have been holding safe space as a guardian of a community space for 3 years, truthfully I had only just begun and then, last March, as you all know, our doors were forcibly closed due to the state of our world. [ 917 more words ] https://suryadayayoga.ca//my-prayer-for-a-just-and-beauti/

Almonte Community Yoga 26.09.2020

Mondays with Mary: Daily Kundalini Yoga- Week of Dec. 21st Winter Solstice is upon us. the shortest day of the year when we need our inner light to be strong within. Solstice is the time to go inwards and to quiet the mind. Our practice this week will begin with a 3 part sacred Solstice meditation to realign with the rhythms of the universe and to remind us that even in the darkest days of December, our inner sun is always there. ... https://suryadayayoga.ca//honouring-winter-solstice-monda/

Almonte Community Yoga 11.09.2020

Daily Kundalini Yoga- Week of Sept. 28th The first principle of Buddhist psychology is to see the inner beauty of all human beings. Jack Kornfield, author of The Wise Heart, tells of a story from Northern Thailand about an enormous clay Buddha, revered for over 500 years. The Buddha was not the most beautiful buddha, but it survived wars, storms, invading armies and successive governments. [ 495 more words ] https://suryadayayoga.ca/2020/09/28/mondays-with-mary-27/

Almonte Community Yoga 06.09.2020

Winter Solstice Blessings to you. Today is the shortest day of light in the cycle of a full year, when we reach the darkest depths of winter. As we transtition from fall to winter, we can also celebrate the return of the light as it imperceptibly begins to grow and the days actually, in their tender own time, become longer. The light of the Sun begins a new solar cycle at solstice, and within that cycle lays the potential to nurture new beginnings as we acknowledge seed...s within each of us, and give them this time to rest. This is mirrored in our natural world, as the seeds are buried in the darkness of the Earth with the hopes of them emerging once again as we move through the winter months into the eventual spring. The wheel keeps on turning. In winter everything lies dormant in the silent earth, a sacred time of rest and reflection. As we consciously link our awareness to nature's cycles, our understanding of our own personal growth cycles begin to deepen. Why do we often spend so much time suppressing and hiding our darkness? When negative emotions come up there can be a tendancey to hide, to push the feelings away, or worse, to berate ourselves for feeling them. When we fear our own darkness, we deny ourselves an essential source of our own personal power. The key is not in letting darkness overwhelm our lives and our thoughts but in understanding that darkness can be one of the greatest catalysts for personal growth and transformation. Winter Solstice is the great stillness before the Sun's strength builds, and days grow longer. Allow yourself the opportunity today to reflect on how the darkness supports you at this juncture of your life. Taking time to honour your past, grow steady in your present and to acknowledge what can be shed as you create space for new growth. Please know I'm holding you in my heart, with deep respect for the light and the darkness inside each of us, Much love, Amber

Almonte Community Yoga 27.08.2020

Our beautiful angel, Margie, a gift for our community https://youtu.be/L6xoV5WmdmE

Almonte Community Yoga 25.08.2020

I offer you a little window of self care. Make sure to listen to your body, and follow the rythm of your breath with today's addition. To join me and see today's video click here Sending you love today, Amber xo https://suryadayayoga.ca//20/on-the-5th-day-before-christ/

Almonte Community Yoga 19.08.2020

Transitioning from season to season can be a very profound time, one which is definitely a more easeful experience if we honour the rhythms not only inside of us, but opening our senses to the rhythms in our natural world as well. Our environment can serve as a powerful reflection when we align ourselves and take time to listen. Join me in this beautiful pranayama practice, Sitali breath, to attune to the autumn equinox. [ 1,576 more word ] https://suryadayayoga.ca//09/22/honouring-the-vernal-equi/

Almonte Community Yoga 15.08.2020

Daily Kundalini Yoga- Week of Sept. 21st Welcome to fall! This is the time to take full, deep breaths. Our built-in detox system allows us to aerate the lungs on the inhale and release toxic gas on the exhale. Our lungs are the biggest organ in the body and when they are in top shape, we are full of energy. Remember that although our body can be powerful, often our breathing is not. [ 565 more words ] https://suryadayayoga.ca/2020/09/21/mondays-with-mary-26/

Almonte Community Yoga 13.08.2020

My yogi friend offered, a self care sequence to nourish me. To practice along with Amber, and view today's addition click here. I hope you're able to allow a little laughter to move through you today, even just for this minute and a half. If childs pose, or anahatasana (with hips up towards the sky) doesn't support your body, then please come laying on your back for this addition, with your knees in towards your chest in a comfortable place for a supine version. Make sure you feel at ease and supported, listening to your body wisdom. Holding you in my heart, Amber xo https://suryadayayoga.ca//19/on-the-6th-day-before-christ/

Almonte Community Yoga 04.08.2020

Think about the people you surround yourself with; do they uplift, inspire, provide a safe, supportive holding space, see and hear you? Take some time to reflect on your relationships as we shift into a more yin time of year, nurture those safe spaces and know YOU are so valued.

Almonte Community Yoga 30.07.2020

Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I"ll try again tomorrow. - Mary Anne Radmacher

Almonte Community Yoga 24.07.2020

Join Amber for a little time to reconnect and release stress

Almonte Community Yoga 19.07.2020

Daily Kundalini Yoga- Week of September 7th Welcome to September, a month tagged by the ancient Stoic philosophers as one of fortitude and resilience. These are qualities we need to tap into and lean on during the transition from summer to fall, from carefree days to more structured ones as school gets underway. For years now I have started my day by reading something that inspires me, maybe a daily reflection, a thought for the day, a meditation on wisdom. [ 434 more words ] https://suryadayayoga.ca/2020/09/07/mondays-with-mary-24/

Almonte Community Yoga 18.07.2020

Some self care was offered to me... I sure hope you're taking a few minutes everyday to release stress, to welcome in laughter and to move your body. I know this is a challenging time, please accept this little yoga gift as a little extra support. To practice along with me, and see the new posture in the sequence created for you click here With so much love Amber xo https://suryadayayoga.ca//18/on-the-7th-day-before-christ/

Almonte Community Yoga 07.07.2020

On the 8th day before Christmas my yoga friend offered me...........oh take your time with this one......perhaps the most important! click here to join Amber for today's offering Sending you love today Amber XO https://suryadayayoga.ca//17/on-the-8th-day-before-christ/

Almonte Community Yoga 30.06.2020

Some beautiful, loving advice.

Almonte Community Yoga 20.06.2020

Welcome to our Wednesday Wellness Reflections, I hope you’re taking time to pause amidst this busy time of year. I know I often forget to savour the pause when I’m trying to get things in order before the holiday season and the transition into a New Year. Organizing everything so I can officially pause once the holidays are here. I wonder if we would feel the same need for a pause if we were able to take healthy regular breaks during our busiest times. ... https://suryadayayoga.ca//wednesday-wellness-reflections-3/

Almonte Community Yoga 20.06.2020

We have been feeling so grateful for our time spent under this most magical oak tree with YOU. Our Outdoor Yoga sessions have been a highlight for us this summer. This all-level class, from beginners to advanced students, consists of a gentler, flow combination of simple accessible poses to stretch and strengthen your body, mind & spirit as well as a soul nourishing relaxation supported by the birds, crickets and the winds softly flowing over us. [ 386 more words ] https://suryadayayoga.ca/2020/09/01/under-the-oak-yoga-2/

Almonte Community Yoga 14.06.2020

Ahhh.... strange to know the end of 2020 is almost upon us. There are still 3 spots left for a lovely Hatha class this Thursday evening at the Almonte Old Town Hall. Let’s celebrate the end of a challenging year, and nurture and honour that which 2020 provided as well. Contact me (Lindsey) at [email protected] if you’d like a spot!

Almonte Community Yoga 14.06.2020

Good morning on this beautiful Monday. We hope the weekend found you nourished and that you were able to savour sweet moments that filled you with joy. Tomorrow (Tuesday, September 1st from 8:30 - 9:30 am) is the second class in our For The Love Of Water Series. We are very blessed living where we do, with The Mississippi River running through the heart of our community. [ 498 more words ] https://suryadayayoga.ca//class-two-in-our-for-the-love-o/

Almonte Community Yoga 02.06.2020

Daily Kundalini Yoga- Week of Aug 31st If you happen to have read a book on the topic of kindness, you undoubtedly learned that being nice is not the same as being kind. Nice doesn’t require much effort. One can easily be nice without investing too much of oneself or expending too much energy. Nice can mean holding the door open for someone, being polite. [ 551 more words ] https://suryadayayoga.ca/2020/08/31/mondays-with-mary-23/

Almonte Community Yoga 23.05.2020

What an amazing afternoon yesterday, practicing yoga with the Mississippi Mills Youth Centre and a diverse group of people from our sweet community! This was such an incredible initiative, and we were so honoured to be a part of these special afternoons at Gemmill Park!