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My WholeLife 26.09.2020

Are you constantly feeling anxious, tired, stressed, and low energy? Are you turning to food to help cope with the stress? Join me, Nida, & Molly TOMORROW September 9th at 7PM for a FREE info session. What we’ll cover:... A comprehensive look at what is actually happening in the body when we experience stress. Common symptoms of stress (probably a lot of the things you’re experiencing!) Potential nutrient deficiencies resulting from chronic stress & how to address them Hidden and not-so-obvious stressors that could be lurking in your life A deep dive into the coping strategies you already use & where they’ve come from Mindset work and how your thoughts shape your experience An in depth look at how and why you use food the way you do Common lifestyle contributors to stress New & innovative ways to cope with your stress This info session is totally FREE, and will leave you with a ton of information to take with you into your life. If you’re interested in participating, DM me and I’ll save you a spot & send you a Zoom link. Hope to see you there!

My WholeLife 13.09.2020

Nida Nathani, Molly Sanders and I are hosting an info session for people who are SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED! We are interested in taking a holistic approach to address the following conditions: Sleep Lack of sleep... Exhaustion Anxiety Stress eating Irritability What working with us looks like: Between 12 & 16 weeks of participation Between 60-90 minutes of your time per week All participation delivered virtually - no in person required & no geographical restrictions Weekly one-on-one coaching with either myself or Nida. You can read more about our personal journeys overcoming our own personal struggles here: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro www.mygetrealtoheal.com/nidanathani If this is something that piques your interest, **I'M INVITING YOU** to a free information session with us NEXT Wednesday at 7:00 PM EST on Zoom!! On this Info Session, we will cover: The specifics of who this is for What the 12-16 weeks will cover What results you can expect to accomplish from participating The financial commitments A chance to get any and all of your questions answered. There is *NO COST* to attend the info session AND attending the information session is *NOT* a commitment to work with us. If you'd like to attend, please send me a DM with your name & e-mail and we'll get the info session information to you!! Space is limited to 25, so DM ASAP!!

My WholeLife 04.09.2020

In case you need the reminder

My WholeLife 19.08.2020

The third & final pillar of the signature FPF Guide at Get Real to Heal is FIBRE. Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that has SO many benefits. A few of them are bulking up stool (therefore reducing constipation & diarrhea), supporting optimal blood sugar levels, keeping our gut healthy by feeding the beneficial bacteria which boosts our immune system, supports digestion, and keeps us full. Some foods that are high in fibre include fruits, vegetables, grains, chia seeds, flax se...eds, beans, and legumes. Another added benefit of fibre? These foods generally come with serious nutritional punch as they're loaded with micronutrition. What does this mean? It means that by simply making the conscious effort to boost your intake of fibrous foods, you'll also be feeding your body on a cellular level with all the vitamins & minerals. As a general rule, aim to fill about half your plate with fibre. I find that adding a salad to every lunch & dinner is a great way to do this. Not a salad person? No problem, roast your favourite veggies, have raw veggie sticks ready to go, choose fruit as snacks, and add berries to your breakfast. Struggling to get enough fibre into your diet? Feel free to reach out! Or check out the Beyond Food Program at Get Real to Heal www.mygetrealtoheal.com/beyondfoodprogram

My WholeLife 07.08.2020

Today the spotlight is on PROTEIN. The second pillar in the signature FPF Guide by Get Real to Heal. Protein is a macronutrient that has many responsibilities in the body. It helps maintain muscle mass, makes up enzymes (the little "Pacman" type molecules that act as catalysts for all of the body's chemical reactions), strengthens our hair, gives skin its elasticity, supports the immune system, and so much more.... By eating protein with every meal, you are helping to balance blood sugar, boost satiety, and keep fuller longer. But how much protein should we eat? Isn't this the age-old question! As a general rule, calculate your weight in kg. Then multiply this number by a number between 0.8 to 1.5 (closer to 0.8 if you are relatively sedentary and closer to 1.5 if you are consistently weight training and/or very active). Of course, this is just a rough estimate to give you an idea. The intention is not to measure out portions or weigh your food, but to give you a guideline. Some examples of quality proteins are eggs, poultry, beans/legumes, fish, meats, good quality cheeses, hemp seeds, and tempeh. Not sure if you're eating enough high quality protein? Let me audit your meals! Book a call with me here, and let's chat! www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro

My WholeLife 18.07.2020

Did you know that every single cell in your body is encapsulated in fat? And for reference, we have trillions of cells in our bodies. We also need fat to manufacture hormones, to keep our hair shiny, to strengthen our nails, to keep our skin moisturized, to support our brain, to fight inflammation, to uphold cardiovascular function, and the list goes on. So why does fat get such a bad rap, then? Maybe because it shares its name with what Diet Culture has shaped to be the wors...t insult of all time? Even though, we're really ALL fat (see the first sentence of this post for reference). Or maybe because it has the most calories per gram compared to protein & carbs? What Diet Culture conveniently omits is that fat helps to balance blood sugar (which means fewer cravings), it increases satiety (meaning you'll be fuller for longer), and helps control your hunger/fullness hormones (meaning you will be in control of when & how much you eat). At Get Real to Heal, we discuss fats in the very first week. They are the first pillar of the signature FPF Guide, and for good reason! Good quality fats such as those in avocados, nuts & seeds, olives, fatty fish, butter/ghee, olive oil, and other oils are absolutely imperative in a well-balanced diet. Aim to have at least one serving of fats in every meal. Want to craft more balanced meals but not sure where to start? Check out www.mygetrealtoheal.com/beyongfoodprogram for more info!

My WholeLife 28.06.2020

BREAKING NEWS! Fruit & ice cream are both perfectly acceptable desserts. Some days you'll want berries for dessert - cool! Some days you'll want cotton candy ice cream for dessert - cool!... The best part of Intuitive Eating & Food Freedom is having unconditional permission to eat. That means eating any foods when you're "feeling like it" without consequence. No extra time on the treadmill, no cutting calories the following day, no skipping breakfast to make up for it. It means eating, and then moving on. Crazy concept, isn't it?! If you struggle with eating all types of food, or experience guilt & shame after eating certain foods, read the condensed version of my 7-year struggle with food & eating. www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro If liberating yourself from restrictive food rules and reclaiming your life is something you're ready to commit to, send me a message and let's chat!

My WholeLife 14.06.2020

Studies show that skipping breakfast despite feeling hungry puts you at a higher likelihood of over-eating later in the day. This is due to your hormones being out of whack and your body SCREAMING to be fed. You become so over-hungry and next thing you know, you're elbow deep in a jar of peanut butter or reaching for a fourth cookie. At Get Real to Heal, one of the first things we work on with clients is building a better breakfast.... Do your best to include a fat, protein, and fibre into your breakfast. Some options: - oatmeal with berries, hemp hearts, flax seeds, berries, and tablespoon of almond butter. - Greek yogurt with bananas, walnuts, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds. - scrambled eggs with zucchini & mushrooms, cooked in coconut oil & topped with hemp hearts. - avocado mashed on whole grain toast with a boiled egg. Not sure if your breakfast is setting you up for success for the rest of your day? Send me a pic of your breakfast, and I'll give you suggestions on how to optimize what you're already eating so you can feel AMAZING for the whole day.

My WholeLife 26.05.2020

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: If everything Diet Culture told you was true, and you succeeded at dieting - they would be losing a WHOLEEEE ton of money. Diet Culture is an $80 billion industry! And they want you as a life-long customer. That means, in order for them to profit, you've gotta fail.... A bit corrupt, no? Let me tell you some TRUTHS. 1. All foods can happily & easily (and HEALTHFULLY) fit on your plate. Yes, that includes burgers & pizza. 2. Following strict food rules (keto, no refined sugar, low-carb, low-fat) creates an INTENSE desire to rebel. Meaning you "fail" at the diet, feel immense shame/guilt, "fall off the wagon", decide to try another diet, rinse & repeat. Oh, and the diet industry makes more money off you. 3. Listening to your body & eating intuitively is the only "rule" you need to follow. Your body will effortlessly settle into its Set Point Weight (a weight that's healthy for your body and easily maintainable without much thought required). If you feel personally affected by Diet Culture - if it's lied to you, robbed you of joy, sucked your energy from you, stolen your money, or manipulated you - I'm here to tell you that there is another option. I've been in your shoes. You can read a very shortened Coles notes version of my story here. Spoiler alert: It has a happy ending that includes me REJECTING Diet Culture, stepping into my power, and claiming my life back. www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro

My WholeLife 20.05.2020

Let me guess: you've tried *everything* when it comes to weight loss? Keto... when all you could think about was bread. Weight Watchers... when you had to calculate points and portions. Atkins Diet... when you were deprived of a slice of your own birthday cake.... Restrictive low-cal diets... when you would just obsess about calories all day. Bernstein... when you had to swap your rice for cauliflower rice (like, why?). Juice cleanses... when you just wanted to CHEW SOMETHING. The Master Cleanse... when all your meals were cayenne maple syrup water (bad idea). And all the other unsustainable fad diets that are out there. BUT! Have you tried educating yourself on how your body works? Have you tried eating the foods you love in a more strategic way? Have you tried working with a Nutrition Coach who DOESN'T stop you from eating a slice of pizza and a glass of wine? Well... maybe you haven't tried *everything* yet. The Beyond Food Program at Get Real to Heal is an online 12-week program that TEACHES you how your body works and gives you a framework for success. Weekly coaching calls with a Holistic Nutritionist, daily accountability, videos lessons, worksheets, and lifetime access means that you are set up for SUCCESS. To get more information, click here: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro

My WholeLife 05.05.2020

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? The Beyond Food Program at Get Real to Heal is a 12-week online program where you get to work with a coach to get to the root of your underlying health concerns. THIS IS NOT A BANDAID FIX. This program yields lifelong results that LAST.... Become educated. Become empowered. Be able to show up to your life fully. Interested? Get more info here: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro

My WholeLife 16.04.2020

The goal of Get Real to Heal's Beyond Food Program is for you to never have to enrol in another program (or follow another diet) ever again. That means setting you up for success. The BFP has built in accountability, education, and homework. This means FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. The skills you learn through the BFP and from your coach can be easily implemented in your life. So when the 12 weeks are over, you have everything you need to keep your success going.... You can read more here: https://mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro Complete your FREE health assessment here: https://mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119/

My WholeLife 03.04.2020

The Beyond Food Program digs deep in order to get to the true underlying health issues, but also to change your mindset about health & wellness. This is what makes this program unlike anything else out there - it changes your mind about health. At Get Real to Heal, our mission is to empower you to understand and be in control of your health. 12 WEEKS. That’s all you need.... More info here: https://mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro FREE health assessment here: https://mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119/

My WholeLife 24.03.2020

THIS COULD BE YOU. Working with a Holistic Nutritionist means getting to the source of your health issues. We don’t pacify symptoms with short-term fixes. We find long-lasting solutions that remedy the issue at the root. If you feel like your health is out of your control, let’s put the power back in your hands.... Become EMPOWERED. The Beyond Food Program by Get Real to Heal is a 12-week online program with weekly coaching calls with your nutritionist, weekly educational videos, and tons of worksheets, resources, and templates. The best part is, it will transform your life. Read more about the program here: https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/beyondfoodprogram Book your free health assessment here: https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119/

My WholeLife 05.03.2020

The Beyond Food Program by Get Real to Heal will change your life without taking over your life. Using a holistic approach means we get to the ROOT of the issue (we don’t just put a bandaid on the symptoms). It goes WAY deeper than food. Your whole outlook on your health & life will shift.... Read more about the program here: https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro Book your free health assessment here: https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119/

My WholeLife 17.02.2020

The Beyond Food Program by Get Real to Heal is designed for you to win. The results you see in these 12 weeks will spill over into the rest of your life. We provide you the education and skills you need to make a lifestyle transformation. Expert coaching, weekly videos, worksheets, & resources. Your success is our only goal.... Read more about the program here: https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro

My WholeLife 05.02.2020

The Beyond Food Program is literally designed for your optimal success. Here’s what you get: Weekly video lessons Expert coaching... Weekly homework Daily accountability Weekly coaching calls Live monthly call with Molly (CEO of the company) The signature FPF guide Meal planners Pantry audit Custom shopping list & more! As your coach, I am here with you every step of the way to ensure that you reach all your wellness goals. As a Holistic Nutritionist, I understand the importance of addressing health issues at the root - no band-aid fixes here! By enrolling in this program, you are setting yourself up for SUCCESS & lifelong results. To learn more: Me: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro The program: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/beyondfoodprogram

My WholeLife 02.02.2020

When you complete the Beyond Food Program, you’ll walk away with: A new awareness of your body, and what works for you. A completely new mindset about food, health, and wellness An environment that’s set up for your long-term success Lifetime access to the program (including any new updates & features)... Your results could include: Weight loss Better blood work Relief from symptoms Reduction in medication Improved sleep, mood, & energy No more cravings! If you’re ready to get going, fill out the FREE health assessment & book a call with me here: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119

My WholeLife 31.01.2020

The goal at Get Real to Heal is to transform the global state of health from sick care to health care. By cutting through the bullshit, we inspire true healing & lasting change. There is no fluff here. Get results. It’s that simple. ... 12 weeks to reclaim your health & transform your life. Me: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro The program: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/beyondfoodprogram The free health assessment: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119

My WholeLife 27.01.2020

What’s your health worth? 12 weeks to transform the rest of your life. Read more about this incredible program here: https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro... Book your free assessment & discovery call here: https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119

My WholeLife 16.01.2020

Your willpower is not the problem. Your self-discipline is not the problem. Your self-control is not the problem. YOUR DIET IS THE PROBLEM.... Diets stop working the day the diet ends. The Beyond Food Program is NOT a diet - it’s a lifestyle change. It’s an educational program with practical and actionable steps to transform your health. The BFP is specifically designed to extend into every corner of your life without taking over your life. Book your FREE health assessment here, and then schedule a FREE call with me to go through the results. https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119 To read more about going through the program with me, click here: www.mygetrealtoheal.com/angela-dipietro

My WholeLife 04.01.2020

If you’re: Sick of wasting time, money & energy Sick of setting goals and failing OR trying, succeeding, and then reverting back to old ways Sick of wondering why you can be so good in other areas - work, relationships, family - and disappointed over and over again about your health Sick of feeling overwhelmed by conflicting information, not knowing what to believe... Sick of hearing about other people "doing so well on keto" and feeling guilty about being resigned and annoyed ...then it’s time to try something that’s been proven to work THOUSANDS of times. The Beyond Food Program is a 12-week program that gives you: A clear roadmap Customization No-Nonsense mentorship An immersive experience Convenience The benefits of the BFP will extend into every corner of your life without taking over your life. Book your FREE health assessment here, and then schedule a FREE call with me to go through the results. https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/assessments/95119 For more info on the program, click here: https://www.mygetrealtoheal.com/beyondfoodprogram