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BC Branch of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada 12.11.2020

Here are all the candidates for the upcoming IWCC election. Please make sure you look at all the options. Please email the IWCC Secretary, Kathie Upton at [email protected] if you have questions or comments.

BC Branch of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada 10.11.2020

Wonderful day yesterday,heart testing for 23 hounds,ranging in age from 8 months to 8 yrs. All except one ( minor)tested clear.Such a great feeling. Our good fr...iend,Dr.Susan Calverly,very longtime friend of all the IW folk here,donated her time and all proceeds are going to IWCC Rescue.Dr. Philip Barker, also donated his time, an ex trauma surgeon in Afghanistan and South Africa,now an animal therapist here. And Katy and Fran for their help too. A beautiful day to hold it outside under a tent in the sunshine,followed by a SD potluck and campfire.Thanks to all who helped make this happen. See more

BC Branch of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada 25.10.2020

Chcete psa? Tak by ste mali nieo vedie. Chcie psa neznamená len vybra si toho, ktorý sa vám najviac pái pre jeho výzor, alebo vlastnosti plemena. Chcie ps...a znamená tiež uvedomi si, že ho pozvete, aby ste sa podelili o svoj život, svoj dom, svoj priestor a že má tiež potreby a mnohokrát nesplní vaše oakávania. Chcie psa znamená by ochotní ho milova v dobrých asoch aj zlých, ako štea, ako dospelého, ale aj ako starého. Milova ho, ke šteká, a by trpezliví, pretože vám chce nieo poveda. Milova ho, ke hryzie topánky a stoliky, ke behá a ignoruje vás, pretože vyjadruje svoju slobodnú a hravú povahu. Vzia ho k lekárovi, pretože je chorý, alebo zranený. Chcie psa, znamená da mu vhodné jedlo a nie to, o zostalo, ale to, o mu môžete skutone ponúknu. Pochopte, že aj pes má svoje chute, má nieo rád a nemá rád a že to, o ste od neho oakávali, nemusí by to isté, o on skutone chce. Milova psa nie je vecou túžby, prianí, alebo snov. Chcie psa znamená pochopi, že budete ma nielen psa, ktorý nie je vecou alebo majetkom, ale aj jedineného spoloníka, ktorý s vami spoluexistuje a delí sa o život s jeho vlastným poslaním. Milova psa znamená presta hovori o tom, že sa chcete naozaj naui milova ... Milova psa znamená pozorova ho, bra do úvahy, necha ho rozhodova sa, necha rás, necha ho vyjadri sa, dovoli mu zanecha jeho psiu stopu v tomto svete. Milova psa znamená uvedomi si, že patrí k živoíšnemu druhu odlišnému od vášho a ako taký má odlišné a špecifické potreby: ako beha vonku, ovoa všetko, o mu stojí v ceste, objavova svet, hra sa a stretáva sa s inými psami. Budete ma strach, cíti neistotu, hnev, frustrácie, rados, priatestvo, smútok, stratu, boles, nedostatok spánku, hlad, rados, vzrušenie, ke sa zobudí veda vás každý de, vaku a lásku ... vea lásky. Milova psa je záväzok po všetky dni vášho života, pretože on bude závisie od vás a vy ste jediní, koho bude ma. Milova psa je ochota objavi a prija lekcie, ktoré vás nauí, pretože ak milujete psa, už viete, že on bol ten, kto vás oslovil, aby vám pomohol znovu sa spoji so životom, cez neho .... Cit.web See more

BC Branch of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada 13.10.2020

The announcement we didn't want to make - The 2020 IWCC Combined Specialties have been cancelled for this September. Plans are underway to move everything to September 2021, so please watch this space for news and updates as we get them!

BC Branch of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada 07.10.2020

Dear Members & Friends The Irish Wolfhound Club of Ireland was founded to preserve and protect our ancient and noble breed and the integrity of our breed standa...rd, it is the premier reason for our existence. As a people we look on the Irish Wolfhound as an integral part of our heritage and culture, part of who we are. Our breed is an official symbol of Ireland and held in such high regard that it was granted protected Heritage Status by the Government of Ireland. It therefore saddens and greatly upsets us to see any form of deviation from our breed standard, especially when this is done for financial gain. Regardless of current fashion trends and perceived consumer demand, when you mate an Irish Wolfhound with another non Irish Wolfhound canine you produce a litter of mongrels. No matter what fabricated breed name is attached to them so as to market them to the uninformed they are cross bred mongrels, pure and simple. By spending you hard earned cash on these pups you are encouraging more breeding so as to meet consumer demand and in turn make more profit. If you really want an Irish Wolfhound Puppy please contact IWCI or the breed club in the country you live in, clubs will be happy to put you in contact with members who may have puppies for sale or you may have to wait until a member within the club decides to breed. There may even be Wolfhounds looking for new homes through the clubs re-homing/rescue activities. Please do not pay Pedigree prices for mongrel dogs, our Pounds, Animal Shelters and Dog Rescue centres are full of these type of dogs, all fully vaccinated, health checked, microchipped and looking for loving forever homes, they will also make sure that you take home the right dog for your circumstances. All this will cost you is a little bit of your time and a small donation to the organisation, nothing like the high hundreds or thousands of Euro being asked for these mongrel puppies being marketed under fabricated breed names. To put it bluntly, two phases come to mind regarding this situation Caveat emptor Let the buyer beware or Fools and their money are easily parted please do not fall into this trap. Sincerely The Patrons, Officers and Committee of the IWCI The Irish Wolfhound Community The Irish Wolfhound Club of Scotland on Facebook Irish Wolfhound Club of America FB Group Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada, Rescue Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada BC Branch of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada fiwc.club / eiwc.eu IW World

BC Branch of the Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada 16.09.2020

This is an awesome local raw pet food company.