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Beatrice Girleanu Designs 18.02.2021

Do you shout your dreams from the rooftops or do you keep them to yourself? Turns out there are a few repercussions to being too loud about your goals too soon. When you proclaim your goals out loud to all your friends your brain actually starts acting like you took a step towards your goal, when actually, you really didn’t do anything. And, to make matters worse, because of your brain’s reaction, you can become complacent in your real, measurable, progress towards your ...goal. It’s like self-sabotage! Your dream, is yours, no one else’s, however, that doesn’t stop awful dream crushers from stomping all over your dream. So if your dream is new, and you’re still trying to find your way to it, having neigh-sayers attack it can really be discouraging and may get you to stop your journey. Your goals may change, life throws us curve balls (hello Covid ) and so it’s natural and beneficial to pivot and flow with the changes instead of trying to fight them. That being said, when we’ve announced our goals to the world, or even just a few people, we can feel like we’re disappointing everyone if we feel we need to change direction, and because we don’t like to disappoint others we stay stuck trying to go a way which doesn’t work anymore. So then, what should you do? Never say your goal out loud? Of course not. Say your goal out loud and proud, but only to yourself first. It’s your precious dream. Write it out in a journal, build a vision board for it, read to learn more about how you can achieve it. Keep it safe, nurture it, make a plan on how to grow it. Start the steps towards it, then, when you’re ready tell someone you trust. By then you’ll be ready with your next steps, you’ll know how to block out neigh-sayers, and confident enough to know when to change things up. So what do you think? Should you stay quiet about your goals in the beginning? Or do you practice a different tactic? Comment below #sheconquers #womenownedbusiness #femalehustler #bestadvice #yyccreatives #businesscoachingforwomen #hersuccess #brandingcoach #beagdesigns #creativechics #goalgetters #dreamitbelieveitachieveit #womanwithaplan #gritandvirtue #creativedesign

Beatrice Girleanu Designs 03.02.2021

November’s been quite a month, hasn’t it? And, it’s not even over yet! I don’t know about you, but I’m counting the days until my Christmas break, where I can just sit and enjoy time with my family around my tree and in front of my fireplace. Hence, why I’ve hardly been around on Social Media this month. It’s super hard to force posts. Plus, I don’t like posting just to make sure I get something out, I’d rather take my time and hopefully share something that will resonate w...ith someone in my audience. I think there are too many social media gurus that push this whole idea of post, post, story, story, story...must do it allmultiple times a day or you’re doomed! I just don’t agree. The last item I posted was Nov 5, over 2 weeks ago! And yet, my follower count hasn’t really changed. You see, if you’re posting relevant information, something that clicks with your ideal audience, then they won’t abandon you just because you’re not killing social media everyday. If you’re sharing worthwhile content, then your ideal audience will wait for you until you get your next piece out. Remember, it’s not just about how many followers you have, it’s about if those followers are connecting with you, learning from you or finding solutions to their problems through you. That’s what makes them stick around. The other thing to remember is, just because you don’t have it in you to share a new post, doesn’t mean you can’t go and comment and engage with others. Those hearts, comments and shares are little boosts of encouragement for your fellow social friends. And social media is about giving, not taking. So if you need a break from your social media, then go ahead and hit pause on your posting life. It’s okay to take a breather, your account won’t fall apart. When you’re ready, come back, and show us all what amazing things you have to offer. Have you taken a break from social media before? What happened? Share with me below! #socialmediabreak #takingabreakfromsocialmedia ##sheconquers #womenownedbusiness #femalehustler #yyccreatives #businesscoachingforwomen #hersuccess #brandingcoach #beagdesigns #creativechics #hertrueworth #womanwithaplan #creativeagency

Beatrice Girleanu Designs 26.01.2021

So imagine this. You just finished your project for a client and when collecting payment they give you a bonus! That’s the best thing right? WRONG!!!! Do you realize that if your clients feel the need to give you a bonus that means you didn’t charge enough to begin with! My mom taught me this lesson. In her wise way, right after I proudly declared my client gave me a bonus for designing their website, she told me: Beatrice, a bonus is a slap to you, it’s not a good thing. I...t just means that you didn’t charge enough and now your client feels sorry for you that you put in all that hard work and so they are trying to make you feel better with a bonus. What you should strive for is to be that person that when a client thinks of you they say ‘well they are a bit more pricey, but worth every penny’. That’s when you should feel proud So, while I still struggle with pricing my projects, I’m learning to put the true value of my time, my knowledge, and my hardworking attitude into the cost of my projects. Because I want to be that girl that everyone says ya, she’s a bit more expensive, but totally worth every single penny! What are your pricing woes? Let’s talk about it below #sheconquers #womenownedbusiness #femalehustler #bestadvice #yyccreatives #businesscoachingforwomen #hersuccess #brandingcoach #beagdesigns #creativechics #hertrueworth #graphicdesigner #graphicdesignerslife #yyccreatives #yyccreators #smallbizyyc #womanentrepreneur #gritandvirtue #femmepreneur #creativeentrepreneur

Beatrice Girleanu Designs 25.11.2020

Okay, so I struggle with this! I had to share this post from @marieforleo, which is really showing that I do have a problem of consuming first because I found this at 7am, and that is my struggle. In the morning, while I drink my coffee, guess what I’m doing...scrolling through Instagram! And while I see all the wonderful thoughts, ideas, and stories of so many amazing people, that’s the problem! I see all THEIR thoughts and ideas and my own get drowned out! ... One of the biggest creative sucks of the endless scroll is that, with so much mental stimulation, it’s now hard to settle in on your own creativity. Your brain is jumping from idea to idea and you can’t focus in and get your own light out. It can also be so easy to get discouraged because so-and-so said that brilliantly or designed a beautiful post, or made a hilarious reel, and you don’t think your own ideas measure up! And big bonus, or pitfall, of the endless scroll, is that it’s a huge time suck! Be honest, how many times have you gotten stuck on the endless scroll and almost been late for work? Now, don’t get me wrong, by all means, engage with your followers, find new inspirational people, but do it after you give yourself a chance to connect with your own creative soul. Make sure your own light is bright and shining out to the world so you don’t get blinded by everyone else’s. From Your Creative Like and save this post, so you can have a reminder to create before you consume! #marieforleo #brandingstrategy #sheconquers #womenownedbusiness #femalehustler #bestadvice #yyccreatives #businesscoachingforwomen #hersuccess #brandingcoach #beagdesigns #creativechics #hertrueworth #brandingstrategist #womenownedwednesday

Beatrice Girleanu Designs 09.11.2020

Changing a negative attitude is hard work. Lately I've been finding myself with a worry-wort, negative mindset. I'm always preparing for what can go wrong instead of what can go right. I don't like it, so I'm working on catching myself and turning my negative thoughts into positive ones. I find that if I look really hard, I can find something good in any situation, even if it's something tiny, holding onto that can help push away the negativity. If I can find something t...o be grateful for, I can change the momentum of my thoughts from something depressing to something uplifting, and the more I do it, the happier and upbeat I feel. How do you turn around a negative mindset? #sheconquers #womenownedbusiness #femalehustler #bestadvice #yyccreatives #businesscoachingforwomen #hersuccess #brandingcoach #beagdesigns #creativechics #hertrueworth #savybusinessowner #creativeprenuer #girlprenuer #creativityfound #mycreativebusiness #freelancingfemales #womanwithaplan #womeninmarketing #creativeagency

Beatrice Girleanu Designs 27.10.2020

You are as unique as a snow flake, with your own beautiful and perfect design. Don’t try to take on someone else’s style be it in the way you write, speak or in the business services you offer. You’ll end up attracting clients fit for those whom you are imitating, instead of the ones who are a perfect match for you. So share your true self to the world, I know it’s not always easy, believe me I’m terrified too, but we can encourage each other and help each other shine. Tag someone to whom you want to say bravo for being true to themselves! #sheconquers #womenownedbusiness #femalehustler #bestadvice #yyccreatives #businesscoachingforwomen #hersuccess #brandingcoach #beagdesigns #creativechics #hertrueworth #brandingstrategy #brandinginspiration #graphicmarketing

Beatrice Girleanu Designs 14.10.2020

Stop failure in it's tracks with these 4 'Failure Killers' Have you ever considered why you fail? While there may be a myriad of reasons, everyone's situation is different after all, there are 4 things you can control to reverse the situation and to help you succeed. 1- Have a Vision... You need to have a vision, a goal, a dream that you are working towards -AND- you must be clear on it. Make a vision board, write it down, refine it. Be clear on what you want. 2- Plan, Plan, Plan Just like you use your GPS to help you find your way, you need to make a map of how you're going to get to your goal. What steps are you going to take? What smaller achievements do you need to make first? Do you need to adjust your schedule? What about further education? Whatever it is, plan it out and then do it. 3- Define Your Purpose Getting rich quick, isn't a purpose. A purpose is your reason for why you want to get rich quick, if that's your thing. Are you doing this to help your family thrive? Are you doing this because you want to share your talents with the world? Figure that out! 4- Develop Good Habits You can do small things everyday that will help you become a better person, a more disciplined person. Get a jump on your day by waking up earlier; pack a lunch so you can focus on your side gig in your lunch hour; write in your planner and check-in with yourself on how your day went; by doing the little things every day you can become disciplined in your life. Try these 4 "failure killers", and work your way to success! Tag a friend who needs to see this! #sheconquers #womenownedbusiness #femalehustler #bestadvice #yyccreatives #businesscoachingforwomen #hersuccess #brandingcoach #beagdesigns #creativechics #hertrueworth #savybusinessowner #creativeprenuer #girlprenuer #creativityfound #mycreativebusiness #freelancingfemales #womanwithaplan #womeninmarketing #creativeagency

Beatrice Girleanu Designs 02.10.2020

Today I’m celebrating you guys-my followers-my community! I’ve made it over 200 followers, and while it’s not near the thousands of others, I’m still extremely proud, because these 200 represent my new connections, my new cheerleading section and the new people I can serve. I’m excited to see where this journey takes me and my new friends! #graphicdesigner #graphicdesignerslife #beagdesigns #yyccreatives #yyccreators #womenownedbusiness #smallbizyyc #womanentrepreneur #gritandvirtue #femmepreneur #creativeentrepreneur #sheconquers #femalehustler #hersuccess #brandingcoach #creativechics #hertrueworth #girlpreneur