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Locality: Vancouver, British Columbia

Website: www.brazensoulrebellion.com/

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Brazen Soul Rebellion 04.11.2021

If you are feeling the heaviness of the world right now, feeling low, unmotivated and in need of a healing, The Ritual is a Full Moon Healing event that will be sure to cleanse and balance your energy and leave you feeling amazing! 2 hrs of healing focused all on you!

Brazen Soul Rebellion 11.11.2020

Join us TONIGHT for a LIVE HEALING Your weekly does of magic, healing and beautiful reiki healing energy! Tune in to Instagram live at 5:30pm PST for magical tools, major clearing, and an amazing connected community. We focus on body acceptance and how to boost your confidence in every area of your life! ... ANDDD... I have a very SPECIAL GIFT for everyone who joins! You won't want to miss this one! Leave a comment below and let me know if you'll be joining & what you are hoping to heal! See more

Brazen Soul Rebellion 11.11.2020

TIME FOR A REALITY CHECK! Don't believe everything you see/read/see/hear! There are SO many ideas floating around about how to be our best, "healthiest" selves. From diet trends to exercise fads, to unrealistic ideals about how our bodies should look.... This 70 BILLION dollar industry is all about catching us with our insecurities so we can fall into the trap of believing we need yet another "fad diet" or product to make us feel worthy again. LET'S GET REAL. What we actually need is SO much more simple than we think, and ALWAYS more simple than whatever the internet and the 70 billion dollar industry is telling you that you need. Here are some of our hot tips that have changed the game in our lives! What are some of the things YOU believe we actually need vs what we're told we need See more

Brazen Soul Rebellion 24.10.2020

Ask yourself, then ask yourself again. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO SUPPORT YOURSELF RIGHT NOW? How are you feeling? What do you need? How do you WANT to feel? Supporting yourself could be as simple as taking a bath, or putting on your favourite song and dancing it out! Taking the time to connect with yourself and what YOU need is where we start to bloom! Share one thing that helps you feel your best and support yourself in the comments below!

Brazen Soul Rebellion 22.10.2020

MONDAY CHECK-IN What do you need today? Have you taken the time to check in with yourself? ... If not, let's do it together! Mondays are a tough day for a lot of us getting back into the swing of the week. I always love to create an extra long morning practice for myself before I get back into the chaos of the week so that I feel extra grounded. I used to feel guilty for not getting RIGHT into work at 8am but now I just know what I need to show up powerfully for myself and others. Leave a comment with what you most need for yourself today to start the week off with a See more

Brazen Soul Rebellion 14.10.2020

TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART This Month at the Ritual we got some MAJOR MAGIC coming your way! Get READY for this incredible LUNAR ECLIPSE!... Lunar eclipses are RARE and they are times of incredible TRANSFORMATION! Eclipses represent emotional cycles that have run their course, and support us to let go of emotions and attachments that we are SO done with! The lunar eclipse is an extremely powerful time for cleansing our emotions, and setting intention for renewal and rejuvenation in the coming months! The energetic cycles of the lunar eclipse tend to last through up to three months after! (Major major energy cleanse and reboot) GET READY TO: Shed stories and narratives that no longer serve our greatest potential! Check in and recognize and rewrite narratives that run our lives and how they get in the way of us manifesting our future! Experience a HUGE energetic healing and release that will allow you Tune into what you are shedding, celebrate what you've learned over these past months and feel into your highest vision! Most importantly!!!! is the last Lunar Eclipse of 2020. This is an incredibly powerful time for us to use it to release energies that have accumulated over the past year in our energetic field and allow us open up and receive all the brand new energy and light as we welcome 2021. OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW Prepare for some major growth and healing as we step into this incredible transformation cycle! Can't wait to celebrate this magic with you at our Eclipse Healing Circle, Monday November 30th 6-8pm PST Grab your tickets before they're gone! Link in bio!! See more

Brazen Soul Rebellion 08.10.2020

Let's talk ENERGY. Do you have questions about reiki? So you've heard of energy healing, but maybe you want to know more?! Now is you chance! Ask me anything about reiki and the power of energy. Leave your questions in the comments below and let get talking about the beautiful healing practice that has helped me to...... See more

Brazen Soul Rebellion 18.09.2020

5 ways to LOVE and APPRECIATE your body TODAY. Like...RIGHT NOW. Are you sick and tired of hating on your body, believing that changing it is the only way to be happy and confident?... More importantly, are you ready for your CONFIDENCE BREAKTHROUGH? Let's start now. 5 simple ways to love your body IN THIS MOMENT. 1Notice the more negative thoughts that come up around your body. Show gratitude for them because they show you where to heal. 2Interrupt that thought pattern by taking a loving and calming breath and choosing to redirect to love 3Ask yourself, what can I love and appreciate about my body today. Maybe somedays "love" is a bit of a stretch and that's ok. Appreciation leads to love 4Something a gentle moment of kindly touching your body with a hug is all we need to draw more awareness, gentleness and kindness with ourselves. Trust me it works. Sometimes I pet my arms like I would a dog or cat and it brings so much softness towards my body and myself. 5Ask yourself "what rituals make me feel more worthy and loving towards myself" and how can I add more of those into my week / every day? BONUS 6Throw on your favourite song and dance around your home! PS: If you are ready for that extra level of support I'm here for you Work with me 1:1 to ditch the negative self-talk and step into your true authentic and unstoppable! confidence. Link in bio! What's your favourite way to love and appreciate your body See more

Brazen Soul Rebellion 02.09.2020

Have we met yet? Hi, I'm Giulia! If we already know each other - I'm SO grateful you're here! If we haven't had the chance to meet yet, let me introduce myself! I am a Body Image & Confidence Expert, EFT Practitioner and Master Energy Healer.... My obsession? Showing you what's possible when you ditch your inner critic, end the battle with your body & leap into INSANE confidence. I grew up in an alcoholic home and always believed that I wasn't good enough to receive love as I was. I became a serial perfectionist and overachiever and this lead me into a lot of straight A's but also competitive sports, extreme anxiety and eventually an eating disorder. As I recovered from anorexia, my heart and my mind never recovered. I became a fitness instructor years later and still battled with extreme comparison, orthorexia and overexercising. I struggled with my body image my whole life, believing that if I could only "perfect" my body then I would finally feel worthy in the world and attract the relationship and dreams I held in my heart. After a lot of unhealthy relationships, a LOT of pain, chronic insomnia, fearing food and being suicidal from my struggles with my body image I finally turned it all around. I've never been more confident, loved my body more or had a more healthy relationship with exercise and food. I knew that my pain would always lead me to my passion and that's why I'm here today helping my clients leap from insecurity and pain to freedom and unstoppable confidence. It's time to take your power back and unlock BOLD CONFIDENCE to go after your dream relationship, career and life! The only question is...ARE YOU READY FOR IT! I would love to know more about you! Say HI in the comments below! Have you struggled with your body/food/exercise? See more

Brazen Soul Rebellion 22.08.2020

I didn't always believe this. For years I feared food. Thought it would make me gain weight. Thought it was the enemy. Thought that if I indulged and didn't exercise that my body would go to shit and I would be alone forever. No one would want to be with me. My life was consumed with anxiety around food and exercise. If I drank alcohol or ate something that didn't come off the "list of my approved foods" I would double or triple my ex...ercise the next day because I felt like I had to earn food. It fucking sucked. I avoided and missed out on so many opportunities in my life because of this abusive relationship with food and exercise. I missed out on weekends away with friends, relationships, being present and actually enjoying myself because of all the anxiety and mental capacity taken up by food and exercise. And then one day... after many years of trying to figure this out I had my breakthrough where I felt the freedom of not giving a shit anymore. It's insane how much energy and LIFE I've gotten back from healing these toxic triangle I had around food - exercise and my body. If you're even REMOTELY struggling with the same thing,( first of all - how could you not with the content that's been constantly thrown at us around diet culture and overexercising) you are so not alone and you deserve to experience life on the other size. Pasta is delicious and will not make you fat - your thoughts will ice cream can be eaten and enjoyed without guilt eating chocolate doesn't mean you have to starve yourself tomorrow carbs aren't something to villainize, the fear that we train our brains to have around food is. there's more to life than eating salads You can break free of this bullshit. Let's make it happen! Check out my free resources link in bio! See more