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Locality: New Westminster, British Columbia

Phone: +1 604-522-2425

Address: 233 Nelson's Crescent #508 V3L 0E4 New Westminster, BC, Canada

Website: www.brewerydistrictdental.com

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Brewery District Dental 18.12.2020

Knocked out teeth What is an avulsed tooth? An avulsed tooth is one that has been knocked out....Continue reading

Brewery District Dental 08.12.2020

3 Month old teething: How Do I Know If My Baby Is Teething Determining what's wrong with a fussy baby is a tough part of parenting. When your baby is fed, changed and otherwise healthy, but still fussing, you may find yourself wondering, how do I know if my baby is teething? Look for these signs and symptoms to help you find out. Rubbing Their Gums and Drooling... Babies generally love to put things in their mouths, but when the teething process begins the process of rubbing things on their gums may become excessive. Putting something in their mouth, from a teething ring to rubbing the site of the gum tissue, is a definite sign that your baby could be cutting a tooth. Make sure to keep any unsafe items that pose a choking hazard out of your baby's reach and offer soft teething toys to chew on. Along with this process, you may find that your little one has turned into a fountain of drool. Some babies will drool so much that they may soak their clothes and develop a rash on their cheeks and chin. To keep your baby comfortable, and rash-free, gently dry his chin and change wet clothes throughout the day. Crankiness Some babies cut their teeth with no fussiness, but for others the teething process can be difficult and painful. If your baby seems cranky or is crying, despite otherwise being healthy, it may be a sign that a tooth will be pushing its way through the gums soon. Wakefulness If your once great sleeper has begun waking up at night or is refusing to take naps, it may be a sign of teething. Even adults have a difficult time sleeping when they are experiencing discomfort, and the same is true for your baby. You may both lose a little rest, but be assured that your little one will likely get back to him old sleep patterns once his tooth has erupted. Loss of Appetite If your baby is on a nursing strike, it may be a teething symptom. Sucking on a bottle or nursing can irritate sore gums. Just keep trying to feed him until the pain subsides. If you are concerned that your baby isn't eating enough be sure to consult with your pediatrician. Serious Symptoms Symptoms like fever and diarrhea may also have you asking, how do I know if my baby is teething? Although some parents believe these signs are linked to teething, there is no scientific evidence to back it up. If your baby experiences a high fever or diarrhea, it's important to consult your doctor.

Brewery District Dental 29.11.2020

How To Straighten Teeth: Three Proven Methods A beautiful smile not only boosts self confidence, but it can impact the overall quality of life an individual has. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with a perfect smile, but that doesn't mean that it is out of reach. Everyone knows how to straighten teeth at the most basic level: metal braces. But now there are more options than ever when considering cosmetic dentistry. Invisalign... Invisalign is one the newest and most popular methods available on the market for straightening teeth. A set of custom designed aligners are manufactured specifically for the patient. Over time, the trays will slowly shift the patient's teeth in the direction prescribed by the dentist or orthodontist. Although they are intended to deliver the same benefit as traditional braces, the look and feel of Invisalign has a remarkable difference. The aligner trays are made of clear plastic that comfortably fit around your teeth. About twice a month, the patient discards their old aligner trays for a set of new trays, repeating this step until their teeth have aligned. Cosmetic contouring If your teeth are misshapen, but not necessarily crooked, cosmetic contouring, or reshaping, might be the best option for you. The procedure is generally completed in a single visit and takes less than 30 minutes to complete. During this procedure a dentist will alter the shape and length of the bothersome teeth. In some instances, the position of the teeth being treated are also altered to provide a more cosmetically appealing look. Using a sanding drill or laser, the dentist gently sculpts the teeth by carefully removing the enamel. As the enamel is removed, the shape of the treated tooth is altered. Once the desired shape has been achieved, the teeth are smoothed and polished. Metal braces And, of course, there are metal braces. Braces are the most popular answer received when asked how to straighten teeth. They typically consist of four parts: brackets, bonding material, arch wire and ligature elastic. These units work together to exert pressure on the teeth in a specific direction. Over time, the teeth shift into their proper positions. Unlike the Invisalign option, metal braces have a series of metal brackets and wires that are clearly visible on the teeth. They are a less cosmetically appealing option, but are often times considerably cheaper than other methods of teeth straightening. Patients can expect to wear braces an average of two years, but this number will differ depending on the recommendations prescribed by the dentist.

Brewery District Dental 22.11.2020

What to do following an extraction I’ve had my tooth out what should I do now? Take it easy for the rest of the day. Take as little exercise as you can, and rest as much as you can. Keep your head up to avoid any bleeding....Continue reading

Brewery District Dental 18.11.2020

Clenching Teeth At Night Grinding and clenching teeth at night is a condition called bruxism. It occurs in many people at some point in their lifetime. The severity and the duration of the problem vary according to individual circumstances. Here's what you need to know: Symptoms that you're grinding or clenching your teeth at night... Facial pain and fatigue, especially in the jaw area, are common due to prolonged clenching of the muscles. Many people who suffer from bruxism wake up with headaches. Teeth often become painful, sensitive or loose. They may crack, chip or show wear in the enamel. Your sleeping partner may notice loud sounds when your teeth grind together, but it's also possible to do it silently. Why is it happening? Physical or emotional stress is the main culprit for bruxism. Physical factors frequently include fitness levels, nutrition, overall health and sleep habits. External emotional stressors can include money, work and relationship challenges. Treatment options Figuring out the source of the stress and addressing it can eliminate the grinding. Perform a relaxing routine before bed, such as light yoga, a warm bath or a cup of herbal tea. Some people say that placing a warm cloth over their jaw as they go to sleep helps reduce grinding and clenching. See your dentist to determine if any damage has occurred as a result of grinding your teeth. Your dentist may suggest that you wear a night guard while you sleep. This is a device worn inside the mouth to cushion teeth during grinding and clenching. In severe cases, your doctor may recommend jaw exercises to help sooth and relax overworked muscles. Grinding in children Children can have problems with clenching and grinding at night as well. Just because they are young doesn't mean that they are immune to stress. If you hear your child grinding in the night, or they complain of headaches, tooth pain or facial discomfort, visit a pediatric dentist to see about a night guard. When it isn't addressed, grinding and clenching often leads to serious damage in the teeth and jaws. It also leaves the sufferer exhausted and in pain. If you suspect grinding and clenching, contact your dentist today.

Brewery District Dental 18.11.2020

What Is Tooth Sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity is a common name for dentin hypersensitivity or root sensitivity. If hot, cold, sweet or very acidic foods and drinks, or breathing in cold air, makes your teeth or a tooth sensitive or painful then you have sensitive teeth. Is Tooth Sensitivity Common?...Continue reading

Brewery District Dental 07.11.2020

Dry mouth What is dry mouth? Your mouth needs saliva to be able to work properly. Saliva keeps your mouth moist, and it helps to break down your food and helps you to swallow. It also acts as a cleanser. It is constantly washing around your mouth and teeth, fighting tooth decay and helping to keep your teeth clean. Dry mouth or ‘xerostomia' is a condition which affects the flow of saliva, causing your mouth to feel dry....Continue reading

Brewery District Dental 02.11.2020

Why Flossing is Actually Good for You Recently became the subject of controversy based on findings published by the Associated Press. Essentially, the AP announced that there hadn’t been enough reliable research conducted on the benefits of flossing and the overall effects it has on oral health. Their conclusion? Maybe we don’t need to floss after all. However, dentists still recommend using floss on a regular basis for good reasons. Research on Flossing... The AP went over research on using floss and discovered that the studies were usually poor quality ones that did not provide reliable results. Other findings indicated that these studies only showed weak evidence that using floss helps remove plaque. This has caused some individuals to question just how effective floss is at keeping teeth and gums healthy. While more research on the benefits of using floss is needed, dentists recommend continuing to floss each day to lower the risk of dental problems. Improved Oral Health Brushing and flossing every day, as well as limiting sugary foods and drinks, can have a significant impact on your oral health. Although the research on flossing was found to be weak and unreliable in many cases, dentists notice that patients who practice good dental habits, including using floss, have teeth and gums that are in better shape than those who don’t. Those with good dental habits tend to have less plaque buildup on their teeth, which lowers the risk of cavities and gum problems. Those who don’t follow good dental habits tend to have a higher incidence of tooth decay, gum inflammation as well as other tooth and gum problems. The Problem with Plaque Plaque can combine with sugar and cause teeth to decay, leading to a higher risk of tooth loss. Plaque between teeth can also irritate the gums, resulting in inflammation and a higher risk of periodontal disease. Using floss helps remove bits of food from between teeth, which helps cut down on plaque buildup. Keep in mind that it’s also important to see a dentist for routine dental cleanings to ensure that plaque is thoroughly removed from your teeth. Good Flossing Habits Dentists recommend using floss at least once per day, especially if you have eaten foods that can cause plaque buildup between teeth, such as starchy or sugary foods. In order to remove food particles, it’s important to slide floss between all of your teeth, even the molars in the very back of your mouth. Flossing, when combined with brushing, helps reduce your risk of having plaque build up on and between your teeth, leading to fewer dental problems and improved dental health. If it’s time for your next dental exam, please contact Brewery District Dental at 604-522-2425 to set up an appointment. Our dentist, Dr. Jonathan Yeung, will help keep your teeth and gums in great condition.

Brewery District Dental 23.10.2020

Living with my brace How long will I have to wear the brace? It really depends on how much work there is to do and how far your teeth need to be moved....Continue reading

Brewery District Dental 16.10.2020

Do I Need to Replace a Missing Tooth? Having one missing tooth might not seem like a big deal, especially if it’s in the back of your mouth, out of sight. However, missing teeth can cause problems that affect your oral health. Find out why you might want to consider having a tooth replaced and what kinds of options are available. Teeth Shifting...Continue reading

Brewery District Dental 13.10.2020

What Causes Bleeding Gums? What causes bleeding gums? This usually is a sign of gum disease, also known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums and one of the most common conditions affecting the oral cavity. Bleeding gums are mainly due to plaque and/or tartar accumulation developing at the gumline. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria which will cause irritation to the gumline and will combine with food debris to form acids that may affect the teeth. When pl...Continue reading

Brewery District Dental 12.10.2020

Risk of Fake Braces for Kids Orthodontic treatment is considered a sign of financial prosperity in many countries outside the U.S. For this reason, fake braces for kids are becoming popular in several parts of the world. Real braces can cost around $1,200 in Asia, so teens who want to appear wealthy and stylish are choosing to spend just $100 for imitations. But they take on certain risks by doing so. This is particularly true in Thailand, according to CBS News and the UK's D...aily Mail, which report the government in that country has gone so far as to discuss punishing sellers, suppliers and importers with fines and prison sentences. How Fake Braces Are Made Fake braces are made from a piece of wire with brackets that are glued to the wearer's teeth. The wire is bent to fit the exterior of the teeth and then clipped around the two back molars for support. The braces support multicolored rubber bands, and the "brackets" are often small plastic or metal shapes fashioned after Hello Kitty and Mickey Mouse icons. Unlike real braces, these are fitted personally by the wearer, by local beauty salons and by unauthorized street vendors. Risks to the Wearer Investing in fake braces for kids carries a significant number of health and safety challenges, not only because of the materials used, but also because they aren't fitted by dental professionals. According to CBS News, a Thai government official listed the following as major risks: During the fitting, the braces can slip into the wearer's throat and cause choking. The metals used in the braces contain lead, which is toxic to the wearer's system. Fake braces may also lead to mouth sores that can become infected, and the glue used to attach the brackets to the teeth can cause discoloration and tooth decay. Alternatives for a Beautiful Smile Orthodontic treatment can be important for a child's oral development. If your child needs (not wants) braces, you should explore professional orthodontic treatment that you can afford and that your child can benefit from. Braces, as well as the correct oral care procedures, can help produce a clean and healthy mouth with strong teeth. A good oral hygiene routine includes twice-daily brushing and flossing, and rinsing with a mouthwash that kills germs for up to 12 hours. A dental professional will be able to advise you on alternative methods of improving the appearance of your teeth, such as: Wearing clear retainers to correct mild alignment problems. Cosmetic bonding, which uses tooth-colored material to close gaps and repair damaged teeth. This only takes one visit, so it isn't as expensive as wearing braces. Porcelain veneers, which can correct multiple problems. Ultimately, it's best to avoid fake braces for kids and other fashion fads that imitate temporary appliances. Because these can cause damage to your teeth, as well as to your health, reinforce your family's oral care routine so your child won't need hazardous accessories to look sharp.

Brewery District Dental 20.08.2020

Gum Surgery What Do I Need To Know? Your dentist has recommended that you see a periodontist, a dental specialist who treats periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection that infects the gum tissue causing inflammation, redness, swelling and loss of bone around the teeth. It can affect one tooth or many. How did I get Periodontal Disease?...Continue reading

Brewery District Dental 01.08.2020

7 Oral Health Concerns More Common in Seniors Oral health is important for patients of all ages, but there are many problems that become more pressing in older patients. Seniors are more likely to experience trouble with lost teeth, denture care, discoloration, and periodontal disease. Understanding the hazards that are unique to seniors will help you get a better idea of how to address and prevent these issues. Dry Mouth or Xerostomia...Continue reading