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Locality: Edmonton, Alberta

Phone: +1 587-404-0412

Address: 10036 81 Avenue T6E 1W8 Edmonton, AB, Canada


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City Fit Shop 14.01.2021

This season might be tougher than years past and while it's been a tough 2020, we celebrate the small things that bring us joy. Our Family, Our Community, Our Health.... Thank you for your friendship, dedication to your health and for your support. We wish you and your family all the best this Holiday Season.

City Fit Shop 26.12.2020

Working out alone is lonely... and boring . Why not bring a friend? Bring a buddy to one of our livestream workouts and enter to win a $50 LULULEMON GIFT CARD Your buddy uses code: BUDDY2020... Sign up at

City Fit Shop 12.12.2020

With all the controversy and negativity that Covid -19 has created for the fitness industry it is easy to forget the passionate, intensely hard working coaches and businesses who genuinely care about the health of their communities. Why do we care, why are we so passionate? This video is why. Life is why. What an amazing video.

City Fit Shop 24.11.2020

A Fitness Perspective: After years of stressing about my weight (Gaining, losing, quick fix diets, lifestyle changes, and exercise programs) I have one thing to say: Screw. That.... You are not starting over. Starting over implies you failed in some kind of inexcusable way. Starting over is going back to start. And you know what, even if you literally are losing and gaining the same (or more) weight time after's still all the same journey. It's still not truly "starting over" I was thinking today and I think that health and weight loss is like a highway. You're going down the highway...maybe you're in the fast lane or maybe the slow lane... either way is fine. Maybe you accidentally take the wrong exit. And maybe you stay on that side street longer than I tended. Maybe you literally backtrack or end up going north when you mean to go south. It's all ok though. You don't have to start at the very beginning again. Just find the nearest on ramp and get back on. Maybe you'll be slower than you were before. Maybe you backtracked and now you're 2 exits back (or all the way back where you started or even further away). It's ok. Once you've driven the road, you learn more about it. Where the potholes are. The spreed traps. Etc. Just keep driving. It's a journey. You'll get there when you get there. And sometimes there are good reasons to take detours. And sometimes what we think is a good reason for a detour ends up being a stupid roadside attraction and not worth it. It's ok. Give yourself permission to stay on one journey. No need to start all over. No need to get a new car. Just fill up the tank and keep going. I've stopped saying that I'm "starting over"...and it's been great for my mental health. Maybe you should try it too. Instead of starting over this week maybe just get back on the road and enjoy the journey.

City Fit Shop 09.11.2020

Canadian Ninja League Race week! It won't be as busy as last year, but it will be just as fun! Cohort classes will be participating in our CNL sanctioned races this upcoming week! All safety precautions are the same as classes and for those parents that don't want to miss out, we will be live streaming it in our FB group! Keep posted!

City Fit Shop 07.11.2020

Thank you all for your support with the changes towards individual Fitness programs and Kids Open Gyms. The first few days went by without any major hiccups and we thank you for your patience! We all want to see the COVID numbers go down. We'll do our part so we don't overwhelm frontline workers like Doctors, Nurses, Teachers to the unsung people that go to work to service everyday needs in the service industry. We're glad that we can still be there for you even though it's n...ot exactly the same, but it's better than not seeing you at all! Stay safe everyone, we've got this!

City Fit Shop 07.11.2020

True or False: Do great athletes need coaches? Can they still be world class athletes without a coach? Even the Great ones need great coaches, and even great players don't make great coaches. (Remember Gretzky coaching the Coyotes? He had a .473 win percentage.)... Here's what a good coach will do: - Push you to go beyond your comfort zone because that's when you see improvement - Hold you accountable so that your excuses don't dominate your mindset - Continue to learn, so they can pass on their knowledge and you can always evolve -Listen to you, so they know what your goals are and how to best support you - Motivate you when you feel like slowing down or quitting. They are there help you keep your eye on the prize. - Track your progress, so you know your strengths and focus areas and work on what's needed -Keep it so you keep grounded and focused Am I right

City Fit Shop 06.11.2020

Ever hear "If you're cheating at golf, then you're only cheating yourself"? We’ve all done it, so let’s be real, If the goal is to be the best that you can be, then you should only compare yourself to you. Most of us have done it before perhaps too many times to count. We work overtime and sacrifice an evening workout, or we "too busy" to achieve our fitness goals because of work, family, new relationship, laziness, or procrastination. ... Do you remember how hard it was to finally decide you were going to get focused on your health? Why squander the progress you’ve made by cheating on your workout or skipping out on it altogether? They don’t call it a ‘workout’ for nothingand that’s because it takes work to push through the physical pain, and the temporary moments of doubt. Keep going because you’ve come so far already. Compare yourself to before you started and not to anyone else because we all have different journey's and goals.

City Fit Shop 03.11.2020

Which is the most effective exercise? It's the one that you'll keep doing. Workouts are subjective, so while you can argue which one is the best, the only way you'll get stronger is with the workout that you enjoy the most and come back to.... So whether it's the treadmill, rower, spinning, OCR training, strength training, running, mobility, crossfit, HIIT, kickboxing, basketball, tennis, etc... the question isn't which one is the best, it's which one is the best for YOU? And mix it up too! There's no reason why you can't try different things and even different coaches until you find one that clicks for you. Find something you enjoy so that you can keep going, get results and won't seem like such a chore.

City Fit Shop 28.10.2020

I can totally relate to the fitness fails! Can you? Ever see someone do an exercise and think, "I can do that", wait for them to leave and then try it on your own? Set your goals so high with good intentions only to realise that you shot too high and gave up immediately?... The worst is when I couldn't move the day after a weight intensive workout after a long break just because I wanted to try to show that I was still just as strong. I couldn't even laugh it hurt so much... Damn Ego!

City Fit Shop 21.10.2020

We honour our veteran's who fought for our way of life on this Remembrance Day. Don't take for granted the freedom's we have, show how grateful we are for the people have had to sacrifice for it, even with a moment of silence and pass it along to the future generations.

City Fit Shop 14.10.2020

HOME WORKOUT FUN! We are doing deck of cards at the gym today and wanted to share the fun with you at home! Grab a deck of cards and get started. Each face card is the number you do of the exercise. For example an Ace of Clubs is one flight of stairs.... Sleeping Crabs Demo Lunge Press Demo Dumbbell Step-Up Demo If you have any questions let us know.

City Fit Shop 11.10.2020

Reminder that we are closed tomorrow for Remembrance Day. We honour the day to remember what veterans, from all walks of life, have done for Canada and for the World. Those who fought and died for freedom have our gratitude and respect.

City Fit Shop 26.09.2020

Lets not forget, even in this challenging time, we have each other. We will be there to lift each other up, encourage each other when we're down, and celebrate each other when we win.

City Fit Shop 22.09.2020

Cardio is like being young and being told to invest in RRSP's, you know there's a positive pay off but you really don't want to deal with it right now. When you're at the gym with a community that motivates and inspires you, you'll get through it. Then you can all complain about it afterwards but at least you're not alone! What's your relationship with Cardio?

City Fit Shop 20.09.2020

True or False? Sometimes I hit a plateau and find it hard to motivate myself to exercise. I'm sure we've all felt that way before and then I remember that it's not always about going that extra mile every time. Sometimes, I can just get in a good workout, get a good sweat and feel like I did something good.... I don't have to break a personal record every time and it's great to just release stress and endorphins while doing it with people that make it fun with no judgement. It's been a tough year and for a lot of us and my goal is to keep it up this last month so I have the momentum going into the New Year! Who's with me?

City Fit Shop 06.09.2020

I always loved Pitch Perfect, but never liked the name "Fat Amy". When I saw her post today of her fitness journey, I was so happy for her and I love how she talks about the mental challenge she had to overcome. She could have continued to make a living being the stereotype, but she made a commitment to change.... Way to go Rebel and thanks for the inspiration!

City Fit Shop 23.08.2020

Looking for that coaching feeling? City Fit Shop's coach Amanda Fex and a few others would love to do some family cohort training or individual PT with you. If you are interested send us a message on Facebook and we'll get you going!

City Fit Shop 19.08.2020

Have you been more inactive with COVID? We've been there, you're not alone! Remember! Exercise is not just about a healthy body, but a healthy mind. With COVID affecting us all, we need to take good care of ourselves and our kids as the benefits of exercise go well beyond physical strength, but mental health as well. Especially the kids! The best thing we can do is to take care of ourselves and each other.

City Fit Shop 10.08.2020

We miss our little Ninjas. "Watch what I can do!" "Can we play Survivor Island?" "Let me try!"... Let's not forget the mental stress for kids during these tough times. We understand we have to be safe and we were grateful to provide some sense of fun and play for the kids and look forward when we can do that again safely. We get so much joy from giving them a positive, safe and fun place to be. We're parents too and we're doing all that we can to keep them occupied but there's only so much kids want to do with their parents! Kids want to be kids with kids and we think about them all the time. Hug your kids for us and tell them we'll get through this together.

City Fit Shop 22.07.2020

*Big Exhale* After yesterday's announcement, City Fit Shop can continue to operate with individual workout time bookings. We absolutely want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem and will continue to operate with strict COVID protocols in place and pre-screening measures and we're grateful for your cooperation.... While we totally miss coaching the groups, pushing each other a little more and getting inspired by everyone, we're grateful to still be able to serve our community in any way! We all long for things to get back to some semblance of normalcy, so while it's easy to criticize, we're focusing on gratitude for what is a difficult situation no matter which way you look at it.

City Fit Shop 12.07.2020

Like the ups and downs of a kettlebell... Stricter measures are going to be announced today, and until we know more, all we can say is "Thank You" to our community. Thank you for the text messages of concern and support.... Thank you for your patience with us and the changes we've had to make. Thank you for your trust in each other to keep us safe. Thank you for showing up and making health a priority and doing it with us. It's with people like you that keeps us going and pushing through. You've given us faith and trust with you and your kids through these tough times and we're so grateful. Once we know what the announcement is, we'll keep you posted with our plans, but know that we're still committed to our Physical and Mental health. Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, Stay Safe

City Fit Shop 25.06.2020

Who would've thought they'd keep asking for "one more game"? We had so much fun at the Online Kids Stream! If you think that it's just an online workout, you're wrong! The coaches put together a fun way to interact with each other online playing games like:... Wheel of Fortune Hang Man Partner Chipper Scavenger hunts While incorporating exercises to keep them active and fit. We know it's not the same, but we still want the kids to have something that's their own and still be a part of our community.

City Fit Shop 13.04.2020

I'm told all the time that maybe I'll exercise at home (We have some awesome members that have the discipline who can do that!) If I could work out easily from home I would've done it a long time ago... but it's too easy, too convenient to come up with an excuse to not do it.... Kids... Work... Stress... That awesome new show... an hour on the phone... Then when I drag my feet and I say I should do it, it's too late, I gotta go to bed. Wash, Rinse, Repeat until I don't even think about it anymore. Yeah, I've been there. The best thing about going to the gym is not the equipment, the fashion show, the tote bags, it's the PEOPLE. Surrounding yourself with people who support you to want more is a key ingredient to our community. And we just want to say how grateful we are to have them and we're here to support everyone who's ready to make that commitment.

City Fit Shop 07.04.2020

Just a couple of spots left for the Free Trial! I said yesterday that I don't get how some people say they want to get in better shape before they go to the gym... so now it's time to lead by example! (You know I'm serious when I post pictures of me!) Let's do this! Who's with me? If you're ready to get those results you want, just say "I'm in!"

City Fit Shop 21.03.2020

I’ve been hearing the craziest thing lately and want to set the record straight! We need our coaches now more than ever! I’m willing to give trials away for free to prove it!

City Fit Shop 14.03.2020

As parents, I'm thankful for this. With this weather, what kid won't have a runny nose? Thanks to our community and parents for a successful summer with no COVID incidences. Your respect and care for the community has helped us provide a fun and safe environment for your kids in these difficult circumstances. Keep safe! Thank you!

City Fit Shop 26.02.2020

This was a FUN one! Each round is 18 minutes! For EMOM, you carry the weight for a minute and next minute your do 1 burpee for every second you don't carry the weight in the previous minute. If you don't do any burpees by the fourth or fifth round, you're not carrying enough weight!!! For the second round, if you don't have a rower at home, improvise and do stairs EMOM! Way to go Purgatorians!

City Fit Shop 06.02.2020

Accountability, Support , Structure, Motivation. These are the keys to success that people always tell us they need to get back into action. That's why we introduced Fit, Fitter, Fittest Foundations that allows YOU to choose a great workout based on your Fitness level so that you can get a great workout and still be able to move the next day surrounded by positive, like-minded people who support, inspire and motivate you to keep going.... Let Coach Amanda tell you what it's all about and check our Edmonton's Premiere Community Gym.

City Fit Shop 21.01.2020

Purgatory is off to a great start this Monday morning!! Sign up for a class today! Https://

City Fit Shop 06.01.2020

Small things make a difference! Practice good hygiene in COVID times!

City Fit Shop 03.01.2020

Small things make a difference! Practice good hygiene!

City Fit Shop 19.12.2019

What's the first word that pops into your mind when you think about working out? If it's not a good word, then maybe it's time to change your mindset and have more fun at the gym. Whether its the people, or scaling the difficulty, varying the workout or even creating an awesome workout playlist. Make it fun! And change that four letter word from a %#@& to a "Yeah"!

City Fit Shop 01.12.2019

Edmonton's river valley has some great stairs leading to amazing views! Like anything in life, you have to take it one step at a time to see the reward. Where are some of your favourite stairs and views?

City Fit Shop 14.11.2019

How much time do you spend a day scrolling through Social Media, news feeds, Candy Crushing, etc...? What if you put some of time into yourself? Whether you exercise your mind, body or spirit, what would that do for you? Save the screen time for the can!... Like if you think you can do with less screen time!

City Fit Shop 12.11.2019

Golfing season might be coming to an end, but there are some valuable lessons to keep in mind!

City Fit Shop 31.10.2019

Golfing season might be coming to an end, but there are some valuable lessons to keep in mind! Like if you want 2020 to just be over already!

City Fit Shop 23.10.2019

Ever feel intimidated to try a workout at the gym and worry about falling behind? We've even heard some say they want to be in better shape before they start going to the gym. All of our classes are scaled for different levels of fitness. ... Choose between the Fit, Fitter or Fittest workout and don't worry about keeping up with anyone. Just be surrounded by people who motivate and inspire you as they work through their struggles too!

City Fit Shop 17.10.2019

Apparently all everyone is talking about is the new Apple conference today. They are announcing the newest iPhones. Sure it's a nice to have, but we're curious, what do you need the newest and fastest phone for? Are you planning on upgrading?

City Fit Shop 04.10.2019

Ever try Monica's sandwich from Friends with the "Moistmaker"? Turkey sandwich with a gravy soaked piece of bread in the middle? Okay, that's not exactly on a nutrition guide, so do you have any better ideas?!?... What do you do with 4 lbs of leftover turkey!?

City Fit Shop 26.09.2019

The Long Weekend blues It's easy to get caught in the procrastination trap. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and lead by example to get that extra boost of motivation. We're so grateful to our community and love seeing the banter and support before, during and after class!... Who is your fitness inspiration?

City Fit Shop 10.09.2019

Who thinks that the turkey is the side dish not the main attraction? We love the sides, the gravy, the pies and the desserts. The turkey is just an accoutrement. So look at your workout like this: You can do it so you're more hungrier than the Rock on cheat day... or You burn off extra calories so you don't have to feel guilty about that extra serving of stuffing or pie! What's your Thanksgiving Tradition?

City Fit Shop 21.08.2019

Get out there my friends while the weather is still warm! BUT... Winter Is Coming... What are your fitness plans for the coming months? How can we help?

City Fit Shop 10.08.2019

Guess what Monday is?! Tabata day! We get to DJ all the craziest Tabata songs out there! We still have a noon class to get in on the fun!!

City Fit Shop 21.07.2019

We want to do a FREAKY FUN RUNon Halloween? Let us know if your interested by filling in this Survey: >we will only run it with enough interest! Complete this by Friday Oct 9! Link also in Bio!... #cityfitshop #freakyfunrun

City Fit Shop 11.07.2019

Flip the script! Have you ever not done something because we knew it was hard and we didn't want anyone to see us try and fail? First time we tried the warped wall!

City Fit Shop 05.07.2019

#everychildmatters @sophzinium

City Fit Shop 02.07.2019

Ever beat yourself for procrastinating? You're not alone, we all have! Thats something we can CHANGE though. Don't let it become a habit!

City Fit Shop 26.06.2019

Alright City Fit Runners! Tomorrow, September 30th at 6:30pm, will be our last outdoor "Your Run" class. Starting October 7th, the class will move indoors and w...hile the focus on running will remain, the class will include other cross-training activities such as cycling, strength training and core movements. We are going to have some fun tomorrow with a scavenger hunt to all our favourite run class locations ;) You won't want to miss it! JanisSherriGraemeDaveCatherineCodyKristinAmandaRianAlanAlexSASophiaCarolyn *Please invite anyone I missed! See more

City Fit Shop 17.06.2019

Week 2 is done 30 day challengers! Be proud and don't let up. Keep your eyes on the prize!

City Fit Shop 08.06.2019

Your support and feedback is important to us! Take a number and we'll be right with you, after say... 5 seconds!

City Fit Shop 02.06.2019

Hey guys, want to build some pretty cool relationships, have fun, and start your week off right! Get yer butt to our 6 am classes! Tomorrow is our own COACH AMANDA! She's a ray of sunshine in a dark morning! Sign up now as spots are limited!

City Fit Shop 30.05.2019

Fitness is funner with friends! We've always got your back and our members are the best!

City Fit Shop 23.05.2019

Good to see some positive trends!

City Fit Shop 11.05.2019

Fun Fridays! Don't know who did this, but they deserve designer of the year! What do you think of 2020?

City Fit Shop 01.05.2019

Feels like Indiana Jones under the truck! Just another way functional strength comes in handy!

City Fit Shop 19.04.2019

We don't just work out together, we hang out together. Community over Competition

City Fit Shop 11.04.2019

Out side classes were fun while they lasted but it's time to move inside! Starting Tuesday October 13 we are excited to be renting space from City Fit Shop! Com...e join us, cohort protocols in place. Register here for your free Trial:

City Fit Shop 02.04.2019

Shout out to the 30 day challengers! First week is done! Keep up the great work, we can't wait to hear about what results your commitment will bring!

City Fit Shop 31.03.2019

What a great way to start a Monday! There’s still room in our 9:30 am and 12:00 pm classes. Sign up now!

City Fit Shop 16.03.2019

Birthday parades are so April 2020! We take safety seriously so we're offering party bookings for EXCLUSIVE use of our facility restricted to small groups. Book your Birthday, TeamBuilding or General party now and enjoy our obstacles, challenges, games and even nerf battles without having to worry about anyone else!... Contact us for details of check out our website! Stay Strong, Stay Healthy, Stay Safe.

City Fit Shop 07.03.2019

There's a little chill in the air starting this week but it's going to warm up! What's your threshold temperature for working out outside?

City Fit Shop 17.02.2019

Quit holding on to your past like an Al Bundy! Have you ever used that line? If you have, what can you do about it?

City Fit Shop 04.02.2019

Set your intention, set your goals. Be specific. Don't make it easy to quit, make it easy to succeed. #fitgoals