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Locality: Kincardine, Ontario

Phone: +1 519-396-4018

Address: 281 Durham Street N2Z 2X9 Kincardine, ON, Canada

Website: www.kincardineholistic.com/colette.php

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Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 01.02.2021

"The US federal government on Tuesday issued new dietary guidelines that keep current allowances for sugar and alcohol consumption unchanged, rejecting recommendations by its scientific advisory committee to make significant cuts." I guess this is why Americans are the unhealthiest population in the Western world.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 18.01.2021

This is why I recommend just about everyone take a multi vitamin-mineral supplement because there’s no guarantee that even the healthiest diet will supply you with adequate nutrients.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 05.01.2021

Physicians for Informed Consent recently released their evidence-based document exposing the lack of science supporting flu shots and flu shot campaigns. Download your copy here: https://realimmunity.org/pic-flu-shot

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 21.12.2020

Yesterday my friend Mark Rose asked me a question about how different 2020 has been vs previous years as far as mortality. I had not really looked too much at ...that from an overall perspective but spent a bit of time over my lunch hour today to poke around Stats Canada for information. These charts are what I found. 1) Canada Mortality - Jan 2017 - Aug 2020. (Note Aug 2020 is the most recent data available): This chart shows the weekly number of deaths nationally. There are clear seasonal peaks - driven mostly from the Flu. I have played with the scale a bit to show the peaks a bit more clearly. There are 4 clear peaks, you can see that the 2018 flu season has a higher peak than 2020 COVID. Disregard the steep drop off at the end of the chart - this is likely due to reporting lags. That said, reported deaths from COVID during the June - Aug in Canada were low enough that they would not have moved the trend much if at all. 2) Ontario Mortality by Age Group - what is clear in this chart is that there has been little to no impact on mortality for people under 65. There is a slight ripple for the 45-65 group this past spring, but it is very minor. For the 0-44 age group there is no change at all. Very steady results for the past 2 1/2 years. 3) Ontario Mortality - for all age groups - similar patterns to the Canadian National patterns. Again it shows how bad the 2018 Flue Season was. What do these charts suggest? Unless the data is not up to date or is incorrect, it suggests that the impact of COVID on mortality in the country has been minimal. To date 2020 looks like a pretty normal year for Mortality in Canada. Data Source - Statistics Canada Weekly Death Counts by Age Group and Sex. Table: 13-10-0768-01

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 16.09.2020

I know this will be hugely controversial but Dr Denis Rancourt, PhD, retired professor from University of Ottawa and current scientific advisor to the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, makes three interesting points regarding CV19 based on his deeply, thorough research. Food for thought.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 11.09.2020

This is how it should be reported

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 08.09.2020


Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 04.09.2020

Some suggestions for supplements to keep your immune system robust during the cold and flu season.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 27.08.2020

I did a video on the importance of nasal breathing to protect your lungs back in April. The nitric oxide thats is produced with nasal breathing actually destroys all pathogens that you may inhale. Mouth breathing bypasses that protection. The Buteyko Breathing technique teaches you how to breathe safely and effectively.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 21.08.2020


Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 09.08.2020

If masks don't work, then why do surgeons wear them? Dr. Jim Meehan explains I'm a surgeon that has performed over 10,000 surgical procedures wearing a surgi...cal mask. However, that fact alone doesn't really qualify me as an expert on the matter. More importantly, I am a former editor of a medical journal. I know how to read the medical literature, distinguish good science from bad, and fact from fiction. Believe me, the medical literature is filled with bad fiction masquerading as medical science. It is very easy to be deceived by bad science. Since the beginning of the pandemic I've read hundreds of studies on the science of medical masks. Based on extensive review and analysis, there is no question in my mind that healthy people should not be wearing surgical or cloth masks. Nor should we be recommending universal masking of all members of the population. That recommendation is not supported by the highest level scientific evidence. First, let's be clear. The premise that surgeon's wearing masks serves as evidence that "masks must work to prevent viral transmission" is a logical fallacy that I would classify as an argument of false equivalence, or comparing "apples to oranges." Although surgeons do wear masks to prevent their respiratory droplets from contaminating the surgical field and the exposed internal tissues of our surgical patients, that is about as far as the analogy extends. Obviously, surgeons cannot "socially distance" from their surgical patients (unless we use robotic surgical devices, in which case, I would definitely not wear a mask). The CoVID-29 pandemic is about viral transmission. Surgical and cloth masks do nothing to prevent viral transmission. We should all realize by now that face masks have never been shown to prevent or protect against viral transmission. Which is exactly why they have never been recommended for use during the seasonal flu outbreak, epidemics, or previous pandemics. The failure of the scientific literature to support medical masks for influenza and all other viruses, is also why Fauci, the US Surgeon General, the CDC, WHO, and pretty much every infectious disease expert on the planet stated that wearing masks won't prevent transmission of SARS CoV-2. Although the public health "authorities" flipped, flopped, and later changed their recommendations, the science did not change, nor did new science appear that supported the wearing of masks in public. In fact, the most recent systemic analysis once again confirms that masks are ineffective in preventing the transmission of viruses like CoVID-19: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article If a surgeon were sick, especially with a viral infection, they would not perform surgery as they know the virus would NOT be stopped by their surgical mask. Another area of "false equivalence" has to do with the environment in which the masks are worn. The environments in which surgeon's wear masks minimize the adverse effects surgical masks on their wearers. Unlike the public wearing masks in the community, surgeon's work in sterile surgical suites equipped with heavy duty air exchange systems that maintain positive pressures, exchange and filter the room air at a very high level, and increase the oxygen content of the room air. These conditions limit the negative effects of masks on the surgeon and operating room staff. And yet despite these extreme climate control conditions, clinically studies demonstrate the negative effects (lowering arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide re-breathing) of surgical masks on surgeon physiology and performance. Surgeon's and operating room personnel are well trained, experienced, and meticulous about maintaining sterility. We only wear fresh sterile masks. We don the mask in a sterile fashion. We wear the mask for short periods of time and change it out at the first signs of the excessive moisture build up that we know degrades mask effectiveness and increases their negative effects. Surgeon's NEVER re-use surgical masks, nor do we ever wear cloth masks. The public is being told to wear masks for which they have not been trained in the proper techniques. As a result, they are mishandling, frequently touching, and constantly reusing masks in a way that increase contamination and are more likely than not to increase transmission of disease. Jim Meehan, MD 7/22/2020 See more

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 23.07.2020

Here is the FULL INTERVIEW I did with Dr. @joseph mercola, which was just released.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 16.06.2020

Even amongst medical doctors theres a divide between the pro-maskers and the anti-maskers. Theres good research to support both sides of the issue. How is the... general public to know what to do when the professionals cant decide? Heres an interesting article preceded by a preamble both by medical doctors. I suppose the take home is you do what feels right to you and ignore those who dont do as you do. Re-post from Joshua Griffin Very well said by my friend Cammy Benton MD A call for a truce between the maskers and anti maskers. It is super stressful these days and the bullying tactics ("Wear your damn mask" and the virtue signaling and shaming) are not likely to bring people to your side. For the anti maskers, getting mad at 16 year olds at restaurants just doing their jobs is not going to get you anywhere. Everyone is angry but also everyone is doing the best they know how with the info they see. Legit CDC, WHO, and national leaders ( whether you agree they are good or bad) have been saying to wear a face mask if you are sick or caring for someone who is sick but otherwise to not recommend universal masking so the anger against those who are not for universal masking seems excessive to me. There is literally legit science on both sides and both sides give good arguments. The pro mask shares their science and say if it prevents big droplets from leaving your face or if there is a slight decrease risk of preventing spread then it is worth it. Great! That is good reason to wear a mask. The maskers want to do it for respect even if it doesn't work. Well that is generous. Not sure a reason to chastise the anti maskers since that is so subjective but super sweet. For the anti maskers, there is good scientific evidence that it doesn't work too. They typically believe in social distancing but not always. They often are spiritual and they simply don't live in fear and will respect other's spaces and they want to be left alone. Most "anti maskers" I know will wear their mask if in the presence of high risk people or situations out of respect and safety but their idea of high risk is different than just breathing the air in your car or alone in a park like some maskers. There seems to be a spectrum of concern between the two groups. There are idiots out there on both sides like the masked lady spitting in a kids face since they were too close and unmasked sick people coughing all over the place. We aren't talking about idiots we have no control over. There have been heated discussions in doctors groups about this meaning that all doctors are not in agreement. I will share an article from an anesthesiologist who does not support widespread masking but there are many other doctors posting similar articles. I think they are smart. I think the doctors who are pro mask are smart too. I see in doctors groups that most of us don't really understand how masks work. Doctors are still learning this so why do you expect the average public to know this? There seems to be growing evidence for wearing face masks and maybe we could open up sooner if we all wore facemasks? Maybe this will be full consensus soon enough that everyone agrees that we should? There is room for debate IMO so let's keep it respectful. This issue is just one of many in this country that has fallen victim to the polarization that leads to everyone digging in their heels. As usual one side thinks they have the right to tell the other side what to do and that anything they say is anti science or anti people or ignorant etc ( again, none of this will win them over). The other side says screw you, I don't have to do what you say. They will say they have science too that is good science ( in this situation backed by the WHO). Our government has a history of being corrupt and there are worrisome patterns noticed by many in this group that is based on fact so they have reason to question things. The other side sees it as conspiracy but calling it conspiracy can be seen as a lazy way of shutting down the conversation or maybe it is conspiracy. Being belligerent or condescending either way wont win points on either side. I have my mask and will wear it in appropriate settings ( and now more with the mandates in settings that may or may not make sense to me) and I am taking all kinds of measures in my clinic including super expensive filters with UV lights to kill viruses, but ultimately, the social distancing measures seem more important in my reading and certain masks in certain situations. I think it is important we avoid contact with people who are high risk. I think high risk people have a responsibility to protect themselves. I know people who have lost loved ones to coronavirus. I know doctors who are traumatized by their experiences dealing with the scary levels of coronavirus and they naturally seem to be pro mask. I know many doctors who are against universal masking. I know people people who were raped and forcibly held down and masks bring it all back and they don't want to explain that to the kid in the grocery store why they can't handle a facemask. I know people with lung conditions who cannot breath with anything over their mouths. I know people with lung conditions who do just fine with a face mask. If you see someone unmasked and you are a masker, just stay away from the unmasked person and it is quite frankly none of your business why they can't or choose to not wear a mask. If you are an anti-masker, stay away from the masker to respect them and their need to protect themselves. It can all be this simple. Again, we can't control people who are reckless and uneducated. I stay away from them. We are seeing jurisdictions everywhere imposing mask bans at a rate that approaches the number of bars being threatened with liquor license revocation for failing to enforce social distancing.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 31.05.2020

I am happy to announce, after almost three months, that Ill be opening my office beginning next week. For your safety, well have screening protocols, distanci...ng, face masks and hand sanitizer in place. Im looking forward to seeing all my patients in person once again. Ill be accepting appointments through DM and you can also call the office at 519-396-4018. Till then be well and be safe. See more

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 28.05.2020

Its good to see researchers are looking at Vitamin D and its possible protective effects against CV-19. This could possibly help prevent the predicted second wave of infection in September.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 26.05.2020

From the British Medical Journal Nutrition, Prevention & Health, the role of nutrition in building your immunity in the over 65s.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 15.05.2020

My recommendation of vitamin C for Covid-19 was forcibly removed from my web site last week by Health Canada. They threatened me with prosecution unless I remo...ved my Vitality Magazine article on the top ten natural remedies for preventing and treating viral infections. The article has now been sanitized and appears in a more modest form on the Vitality Magazine newsletter web site. The censorship of scientifically validated natural therapies for Covid-19 is orchestrated by the incompetent WHO largely run by Bill Gates and the Communist Chinese Party and supported by Big Pharma and mainstream media. Health Canada monkeys have followed suit. Read this before the censorship morons remove it from here and let's all prevent Covid-20, 21 and 22. - Dr Zolton Rona, M.D. See more

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 26.04.2020

This medical doctor from Germany makes a lot of sense.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 24.04.2020

Its a long read, written by an MD who also had several of her colleagues peer review it before she published the 17 Things we Dont Know About COVID-19. An i...nteresting, informed article on what we dont know and why we need to ask questions and that we should not be vilified if we do. The truth is out there! See more

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 06.04.2020

Heres my video on how breathing properly can help protect your lungs.

Colette Harman, Naturopathic Doctor 01.04.2020

To Our Valued Patients and Clients - The Kincardine Holistic Health Centre is Open for Business! In keeping with the latest directives from Ontario Public Hea...lth we have enhanced our sanitation and disinfectant protocols in all our patient/client contact areas. Though we will have single use hand/face wipes available, we ask that all visitors to our clinic wash their hands in the washrooms in our building before entering our office. Also, in keeping with recommendations of social distancing, exposure to others will be purposely kept to a minimum and will be generally less than three people including your practitioner, much less than the six currently advised. Our patient/client safety is our primary concern and if anyone is experiencing fever, cough symptoms or has had exposure to anyone arriving from overseas we recommend staying at home. Of course Dr. Colette Harman, N.D. is available to do telephone consultations for those who can not or will not come to the office due to safety concerns. Feel free to call with your questions, comments and concerns. In the meantime keep calm, wash your hands and carry on and together well get through this challenging time. To reach our clinic for further information, please call us at 519-396-4018.