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Connected Flow 09.01.2021

Card Reveal! First off, if you're feeling sluggish or like you're being stirred up, we have new moon and eclipse energy to start the week so be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to release what's coming up and set the tone for what you will no longer carry with you into the new moon cycle. Now is the time to set your boundaries and be firm in what you will and will not accept in your life moving forward. 1. Two cards:...Continue reading

Connected Flow 07.01.2021

Card selection for the weekend. Select the card(s) that resonates. Card reveal Sunday!

Connected Flow 18.12.2020

Card Reveal! There is some serious goddess energy this week! Tap into your divine feminine in whatever way resonates with you. Remember that feminine energy does not mean being a pushover. As Brené Brown says "strong back, soft front." Hold your boundaries with compassion and an open heart. This is the time where others' expectations start to creep in and we need to hold true to ourselves and act in alignment with our divine truth. And, very importantly, take time for yoursel...Continue reading

Connected Flow 01.12.2020

Card selection for the weekend. Select the card(s) that resonates. Card reveal Sunday night! ...

Connected Flow 19.11.2020

Be grateful for all that is, and believe in what’s to come.

Connected Flow 08.11.2020

Card reveal! 1. Loved one in Heaven - Thank you loved ones in Heaven for drawing close at this time. This card is here to let you know that you have the love, support and guidance of your loved ones in heaven. No matter how long they spent with you on the earth-plane, they are now part of your divine support team. Even if they weren't alive at the same time as you, they walk this journey with you as the knowledge and wisdom of your ancestors that you are able to tap into alo...Continue reading

Connected Flow 24.10.2020

Card selection for the weekend. Select the card(s) that resonates. Card reveal Sunday night! Have a wonderful weekend!

Connected Flow 15.10.2020

Card reveal! 1. Paul the Venetian - Experiencing Grace - Share your gifts with grace. Waves of inspiration and love are coming to you. It's time to open your heart - not to the world around you but to yourself. It is time you approach yourself, your past choices and your life with compassion, grace and understanding. ... You are not meant to treat yourself poorly for decisions and choices you made when you were another version of yourself. Be open to re-evaluating your perspective and making the necessary changes required to shift that perspective into a more productive and kind view of yourself. When you open your heart to grace and compassion not only with others but with yourself as well, you will begin to receive and even greater abundance of guidance and visions from the universe. Be sure to act on the inspiration you receive so that you may continue moving forward into your best life. 2. Kali-Ma - Facing Fear - Major spiritual changes are unfolding. This is your chance to soar. You have been going through an energetic upheaval of late. You may have been wondering what the heck was going on; why everything seemed to set you off. You are transition to a higher version of yourself. Sometimes, this process is messy and brings emotions to the fore. Fire energies are high and conflicts may be common as you go through this process. Take that fire and recognize it for what it is - the flame of a phoenix about to be reborn. You are becoming a newer version of yourself; shedding the old skin and ways of being that no longer serve you. Allow yourself this transition, even if you find it uncomfortable and raw. This is natural. Allow the shifts to occur and you will see greater gifts coming to you as you move into your new way of being and walking in the world. You are not meant to shy away from the flame - allow it to consume you and bring forth your new being! 3. Radha - Soul Flame - Rediscover a lost part of yourself. Experience relationship harmony and healing. It is time to nurture your connection within. Rediscover your true self - what drives you and brings you joy and happiness in life. It is time to go within and reconnect with that place inside you that reminds you of who you truly are and the gifts that you are meant to bring to the world. Once you have nurtured that connection, the path forward will become more clear. It is ok to have lost your way for a bit. This is your invitation to step back on your path and live from a place of light, love and authentic alignment. Going within and reconnecting may make you nervous. However, in so doing, you will find the gifts you truly seek to help you on your journey forward. Have a wonderful week! Many blessings to you and yours, Hélène

Connected Flow 01.10.2020

Card selection for the weekend! Select the card(s) that resonates. Card reveal Sunday night!

Connected Flow 24.09.2020

Hi all - My apologies, I forgot to get the card selection done before I left for my night shift tonight. I will do my best to remember first thing in the morning!

Connected Flow 17.09.2020

Card Reveal! Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today. We reap what we sow. In Canada, Thanksgiving celebrates the end of the harvest and the bounty we receive from the labour we have put in through the growing season. It also recognizes the transition towards the dormancy of winter. Remember, seeds planted now will bloom come spring. What are you planting? 1. Focus Your Mind - Thank you Angels for helping me to focus on my priorities....Continue reading

Connected Flow 15.09.2020

Card selection for the weekend. Select the card(s) that resonates. Card reveal Monday due to Canadian Thanksgiving. ... Have a wonderful weekend!

Connected Flow 30.08.2020

For those who don’t always understand what I mean by cutting cords...and why it’s important. Card selection coming later today for the Canadian Thanksgiving week-end read!

Connected Flow 17.08.2020

Card reveal! 1. Odin - Psychic Insight - Your third eye is open. See truth for what it is. Follow your intuition. You know what is right in this situation - at least what is right for you. Stop second-guessing yourself and your innate knowing and do what you know needs to happen in this situation for your best and highest good. It is time to be true to yourself and cease acting to please others if those actions are out of alignment with who you truly are. Trust yourself. Tru...Continue reading

Connected Flow 28.07.2020

Card selection for the weekend. Select the card(s) that resonates. Card reveal Sunday night.

Connected Flow 10.07.2020

Card reveal! 1. Mary Magdalene - Teacher Awakens - "You have something important to share. Follow the inner call. Don't let anything stop you." You have felt that inner pull to something greater than where you are currently. Yet, for some reason, you have repeatedly rationalized yourself away from it. It is not meant to be there as an indicator to abandon your current reality and delve into this new without proper planning. It is there to nudge you in the direction you are m...Continue reading

Connected Flow 06.06.2020

Card Reveal! 1. Mahavatar Babaji - Soul Expansion. "Your consciousness is expanding. You understand the connections between all things." Everything is interconnected. You are beginning to recognize the patterns and rhythms at play in your life. You are meant to be able to see these as a way of viewing the connection between who you were and who you are becoming. Don't doubt that what you see is real. Trust that the patterns you believe you are recognizing are, in fact, truth....Continue reading