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Dream It Real 21.03.2021

5 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO PROTECT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH ONLINE Ever feel unhappy without being able to pinpoint why? How about disconnected from your goals and plans? Or just generally unlike yourself? Yeah, me too. ... Lately I’ve realized more and more that as soon as I consume social media excessively (which is a point reached quickly) I begin to lose sight of my own drive and passion. It took me a while to make the connection between this feeling that would overtake me and the action that was causing it. But as often as I’ve taught others that a supportive environment is a critical key to your mental state, I managed to overlook (at least temporarily) the material I was consuming as part of that environment. You can fall into the comparison trap so easily it’s a little scary. You can bring yourself down from a high of happiness to a low of how come I’m not good enough? and it happens fast. What can you do to protect yourself? 1. SCHEDULE SOCIAL MEDIA TIME - Don’t allow screen time to hijack all of your time. Schedule check-ins into your day. 2. LIMIT SCROLLING - When I open facebook, I quite often wont scroll down more than 5 posts deep. I go that far and then get out. Doesn’t mean that’s your magic number, but be aware of what works for you. 3. SPEND TIME AWAY FROM YOUR PHONE - It’s okay to not have the phone within arms reach at all times. Leave it behind once in a while. I find my energy immediately changes. 4. MANAGE NOTIFICATIONS - Turn off notifications that have you unnecessarily opening apps that distract you. 5. GO DO AWESOME STUFF - Nature is the antidote to getting lost in the digital world. Spend time outside, be active, create something with your hands, go for coffee with a friend. Free your mind. @ Myra-Bellevue Provincial Park See more

Dream It Real 02.03.2021

REPEAT AFTER ME: I’M A WINNER AND I’M HERE TO STAY Because you are both of those things. Life tries to make us believe otherwise when things get messy and hard. The more we try to hide our TOUGH STUFF though, the more it pushes back and says ‘hey hey, pay attention to me!’... Our subconscious mind tends to gloss over hard memories in order to protect us. While it may feel better for now, the stuff we haven’t emotionally processed is still there. It’s still heavy. And it will be until we decide that it’s time to heal it, put it down, and walk away. Through my coaching and nutrition work with my clients, I always wanted to go deeper into resistance, why we hold ourselves back, and how and why the subconscious mind drives performance. Why do we resist what’s good/healthy for us? Why do we make excuses for not giving our best? What keeps us in a resistance pattern instead of showing up as our whole selves? And most importantly... How we turn these patterns around? How do we learn to unlearn our past past and embrace a future that’s totally aligned and uninhibited? [Enter the specialization I’m currently taking in Behavior Change Psychology ] I believe that each and every one of us can learn how to show up fully in our own lives and feel proud of who we are. To stand tall and be comfortable in our own skin. My mission is to bring as many people home to themselves as I can in this lifetime. We aren’t here to live and die, we’re here to work through our tough stuff and come out on the other side saying Yes, I fucking did it. I’m a winner and here to stay. HAPPY FRIDAY ALL!! See more

Dream It Real 11.02.2021

BATTLING A QUARANTINE NIGHTMARE? Then this is for YOU. YOU who is stuck at home and struggling with lack of human contact. My CONCUSSION FAM who KNOWS how tough a mental dance this is.... It’s okay that you’re hurting. You don’t have to hide it, it’s a normal and healthy expression of what you’re going through. It doesn’t make you any less of an awesome human. Know that you’re still powerful. For many of you, this is your moment. This situation is meant to break you open, not break you down. If it’s in your path, you’re built to handle it. You need to start to believe that this is true. Start by taking ownership of your thoughts, actions and decisions. Empower yourself to take responsibility for where you’re at and the direction you’re going. How can you use this time? What decisions are you making that you’re proud of? Which decisions are working against you? Audit your day. If you need more human contact, reach out and get that, wether it’s online or otherwise. If you want to stop a sabotage pattern, identify exactly what it is so you look the beast in the eye. Take control. This is serving you. It’s helping to grow that part of yourself that doesn’t believe in itself right now; and you are growing, wether you realize it or not. In the future, you’re going to look back on this time and stand taller because you know it served you well. Don’t be afraid of the darker parts of yourself. You can allow this growth to happen at its own pace, or you can get a jump on it and really direct it to the areas you want more growth. If you’re struggling, send me a DM... I’m constantly hanging out there and here to help, whether you want to be a client or not. I’m here for you. Concussion friends, I’d love to hear your support and advice in the comments below See more

Dream It Real 24.01.2021

WHAT DOES IT ALL COME DOWN TO? We can fret, worry, deny, force, stress, fear, explode, implode, resist, and feel awful for what’s happening around us. We can lose ourselves in chaos. But all of this stuff doesn’t matter more than the energy we give it. ... What does matter? That we enjoy the process Find the gratitude. Reach for love. Look for abundance. Find peace of mind and calm of heart where nobody else can find those things because that’s up to you, that’s your power. Enjoy life. That is all. See more