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Locality: Niagara Falls, Ontario

Phone: +1 905-354-7836

Address: 3900 Dorchester Road L2J 4J1 Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

Website: www.vaxxine.com/fbaptist

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First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 24.01.2021

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden ~ Matthew 5:14 There is nothing that can compare to light. When the sun shines brightly in the day’s sky, our spirits just seem to rise up in joy. The sun radiates both our outer body and our inner soul, and we rejoice in the day. Our mood seems brighter and lighter, and we seem more able to tackle any trials which come our way. In the city, it is more difficult to see the stars and moon light up the n...ight, but in the country, wow, just look at the sky and you are overwhelmed by its light. I lived out east in the very heart of Nova Scotia where there were no cities, no streetlights, no other competition for the nighttime sky. The stars and the moon seemed within reach of the hand, and a full moon would light up the woodlands with remarkable clearness and beauty. There was no need for a flashlight on those nights. We are compared in the words of Jesus’ to this type of light. We are called to be so different, so outstanding, and remarkable, that we shine in the world around us with a different beam. And because of this, we are different and we make a difference. Our light shines then into the whole world, for those of us who call ourselves Christians, Christ-followers, carry the light of Christ within our heart, no matter what country we live in. We are also called to let that light shine out from within us. Sometimes, I think we find that a difficult thing to do, for we live in a world which feels there are other ways to illuminate the world, or, at least imagine there are. Our Christian faith claims only one way to God through Jesus Christ. That is always our message, for his is the brightest Light of the world. He is the only way to God. His light is the Light we are to proclaim and share, not to hide it in a dark world which opposes him and our faith in him. There is no better doctrine to preach, no better religion to cast out into the waters, no better bread to eat. Jesus is the Light of the world. We cannot, nor should not, hide his Light, for with it we have been brought into salvation and hope. Pastor Julia image by pixabay See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 06.01.2021

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life ~ Galatians 6:7, 8 Discernment is a gift often taken for granted, but it is a worthwhile gift to have when it comes to deceivers. Never do they come as they really are, but always hidden beneath a cloak of disguise. Like the wolf in the sheep pen wearing the sheep...’s wool coat to blend in, so come the deceivers. We must always be ready to search the scriptures for those who proclaim the gospel message, for their charge is one of truth and honesty. To neglect this duty and reap what is not of God’s truth is deception. In this, God will not be mocked, for he knows our heart, and though we may deceive ourselves and others, God knows the difference. God will not let it go on for long, for if a deceiver has set up a palace in a pig pen, the dirt will soon apply itself. It will come back upon that person in all good time. We, none of us, can expect to reap what we do not sow. If we sow sparingly, we will reap sparingly; if we sow nothing, we will reap the same. If we sow to the flesh and its desires, all will vanish, for earthly things rust and wear out. However, if we sow in generosity, we will receive blessings. Our fruit will flourish and grow into a ripe and beautiful life. Those who sow in the Spirit walk in the Spirit, value their life in the spiritual things, supports the spread of the Gospel of Christ, and look forward to the eternal enjoyment he will have. When one sows by God’s Spirit, in whose grace and strength he sows, he will inherit eternal life, the purest gift of Jesus Christ. Pastor Julia image by pixabay See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 04.01.2021

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance ~ James 1:2, 3 In the Beatitudes, Jesus declared, Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven (Matthew 5:11, 12a). This is the thought of James here when he tells us to consider it pure joy.... He does not mean that we should pretend we get joy out those things in life which are disagreeable, but that we are to look upward and forward and count it joy in the heavenly realm, for there awaits a crown for us. But also, it is pure joy because it is an opportunity to gain a new strength through our overcoming. Whenever we face opposition and we learn new things, grow in our stature as a Christian, and overcome through the power of Christ, our trials shrink in comparison. When a child is born, a new mother does not remember the labour, but thinks only of the babe in her arms. The pain and agony is passed, and over with. She rejoices in her labour that it brought her child into the world. So, we learn through the experience of our trials that our faith is tried and strengthened and that we gain greater patience to endure. We learn that God has our good in mind, and no matter the trial, we will come through it with him by our side. As a result, we are sanctified to a greater degree. This in itself is desirable, for this brings us more into the likeness of Jesus Christ. If and where possible, when we are going through trouble, remember the outcome will show itself in the long range scope of our issues, and joy will be ours in the new day. Pastor Julia image by pixabay See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 23.12.2020

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets ~ Matthew 7:12 It really is all about love love for God, love for others, and love for self. If we do not love God first and foremost, and if we do not have God’s love within us, we cannot really know what love is. We live in a superficial world which states love easily and carelessly. I love my home, I love ice cream, I love movie nights, or whatever. The term love ...has become a commonplace word used to give meaning to the meaningless. Real love means devotion, commitment, and sacrifice. Love is not just another adjective for a materialistic pleasure. Next to loving God and having God’s love within us, we love others. Loving others requires that we know what it is to have God’s grace applied to our lives. Grace is to receive the free and unmerited favour of God, though we did not earn it, or do anything for it. God loves us because we are. We are to love others because we were created in God’s image, and so were they. As we received God’s grace in the midst of our failures, so others deserve our grace recognizing they may fail too. Grace and mercy are the two most important factors of God’s love. Both go together as we are loved by God and love others as God loves them. This type of love is bigger than we are. Loving others means that we see them with God’s eyes, and not with our eyes. Our eyes may be judgmental and critical. God’s eyes are just and holy. Which leads us to loving self. If we do not love our self, we put aside the love God has for us and we in fact reject it. God created us and has a purpose for us. We cannot justify the words and meaning of for God so loved the world that he sent his only Son if we hate our self. God’s Son came in love, to love and show love. True love is the summation of the law and the Prophets. Love makes it easy to do good for others, just as you would have them do for you. Pastor Julia image by pixabay See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 05.12.2020

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it ~ 1 Corinthians 10:13 I understood this verse as the temptations of the human flesh. If this were so, why do Christians fall when it comes to the flesh and not find a way out, but are in fact found out. I think of some televangelists who have been found... in precarious situations of the flesh which then ruined their ministry and brought shame to Christianity. It was always an oxymoron for me. If a way was provided out, why did they, or we, not find it before falling into temptation headfirst. Most commentators state the temptations spoken of here relate to the temptation which would have the tendency to forsake their allegiance to their Lord and to lead them into idolatry and sin. This might appear as open persecutions, or afflictions on account of their faith. They might be open attacks by their enemies. Paul wants to show them, and us, if we are faithful, they would have nothing to fear from any of those forms of temptation. God would bring them through them all. There will be a way of escape, for he knows the best time to deliver his people, and he will open a way that they may escape so that they will not be destroyed by them. Our escape may not happen overnight, though we earnestly pray for its removal, but we will be given the grace to endure and stand up under it, and eventually be more than conquerors and triumph over it in the end! Thank you, Jesus! Pastor Julia image by pixabay See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 23.11.2020

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain ~ Philippians 2:14-16 Do all things good is the meaning here. If God would not go there, then we must not either. And keep a happy heart, no m...atter whether your burden is heavy or light. Remember the Israelite’s in the wilderness and how they murmured against Moses and Aaron to give them bread and water. They murmured against God himself when they did this. God know our needs and he will meet them; our wants may be another matter. An attitude of a complaining person pushes us away from them, for their negativity can be passed on to others. By Paul’s words here, we are to strive to be blameless in our attitude, in the sight of God and of mankind. It is active in that we do not blame others. Some people cannot accept responsibility for their situations, and so find fault with the people they are concerned with. Most often it is without just reason, and this should not be. Instead, Paul says, hold firmly to the word of life. Jesus is the word of life, he is the divine Mediator, the living God, and he is the author of life. His teachings are life, if we follow them and adhere to them with a firm hold. When we strive to live our life in the ways of Christ, and live doing good without grumbling and arguing, the day will come when we stand before Christ and will rejoice. A crown awaits us in heaven when we run the race ahead of us with the joy of Christ in our heart. Pastor Julia image by pixabay

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 15.11.2020

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night ~ Psalm 1:1, 2 This is a verse of warning for the unblessed it is the opposite of what I talked about yesterday. To not heed the warning is a backward sanctification, which is incorrect to say, for actually it is a person backsliding and reversing their jou...rney of life and purification. The progression takes place in the one whom was at first walking, I would like to label that as a growing believer. They were going in the right direction. They are blessed at this point. However, counter to the blessed one, is the one whom allows something to catch their eye and their walk slows as they join company with the world. Here it is said they step in stride with a wicked person. Beware now, my friend, for no sooner are you walking in an upward way when you find your step begins slowing, and soon you are planted in one place. You are now standing and listening, taking in all that is not god-like but in fact is the world with its lures and lusts. Standing becomes uncomfortable, but there is a bench nearby, and soon you are sitting in the company of mockers of God. Do you see how it progresses? It is not an abrupt change, a quick transformation from growing in Christ-likeness, but a slow progression downward. It is easy to fall away from the Lord if our heart is not truly committed to Him in obedience. But see what happens to the one who takes the Lord seriously and gains delight from the Lord and His word? They are blessed. It does not mean they will never encounter trouble, for trouble is everywhere. What it does mean is that as they meditate on the law day and night, their heart is encouraged, their faith is strengthened, their walk continues in growth. They do not trip over the mockers seat, but march on, following the call of God. Take heed, my friend. Do not let your walk become a comfortable, but tragic, seat. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 07.11.2020

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him ~ Colossians 3:17 Everything we do should begin with the Lord and end with the Lord. If we begin by asking for his guidance, his direction and support before we begin a work, we will be blessed with success from him. All we do should be done for the glory of the Lord, and not for our own glory. We do this because for one, God asks it of us, and f...or another, we do this so to honour him. It matters not the job we have, be it small and insignificant, or one of great importance, if we do our best as though we are doing it for the Lord, we will do all we can to make our work not mediocre, but magnificent. Our faithfulness in working for God will then be displayed for others to see. We are to recognize Christ in all we do, in all our duties. We should not be found sitting and reading our Bible when we are to be working at a job site, or neglect our family by being over pious and ignore caring for them. We are instead to depend upon Christ for the strength to do what He asks of us, and to do it with all our heart and devotion because we love him. For all he has done for us, we owe him. Those who do all things in Christ’s name will not neglect being grateful, even in the midst of trials and suffering. When we live with a thankful spirit, we receive a blessedness and power we will cherish. It is through Jesus Christ we receive whatever good the Father bestows upon us, for He alone is our Mediator. For this we give thanks to the Father through the Son. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 29.10.2020

Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth ~ John 17:17 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me (Ps. 51:10). This is what sanctification means. John is asking for others what King David asked for himself. David asked for a heart cleansing after he had sinned with Bathsheba. John asks for the follower of Jesus so they may become more like Jesus and less like the world. Sanctification is a process we go through, a daily step-by-step in the... direction of being Christ-like. Some call it growth. Paul talked to some who were still like babies and needed their milk, for they were not ready for solid food (1 Cor. 3:2). This is how we all begin learning truth and about the word of God, as beginners, as babies, feeding on God’s word from baby bottles, but we must grow and become adults in the word; we must be sanctified by the truth of God. If we are not growing in Christ-likeness we have to wonder if we are truly Christ followers. Truth is not subjective as this world believes. Truth in 2020 says what my experiences have been, what I believe from those experiences, that is truth. God’s Truth is not subjective. God’s Truth is based on His character. All his commands, promises, etc. are representations of that character of mission, the death of His Son, of the grave, the resurrection, judgment and eternity. All that God has spoken is True, all that is written is God inspired. The Christ follower rejoices in the word of God; the sinner should tremble. I pray for those who are still young in Christ, the babies amongst us, and I pray for those whose lives have stalled in the baby stage, that they may grow in the Word, in Truth, in Christ-likeness through sanctification. Create in us all a pure heart, O God! Pastor Julia

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 27.10.2020

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Godthis is your true and proper worship ~ Romans 12:1 The Jewish service had four kinds of sacrifice, which might be reduced to two, writes Barnes. The first were sacrifices offered before reconciliation and to receive it, in other words, sacrifices for sins and trespasses; the other sacrifice was offered after reconciliation and served to cel...ebrate it. Paul writes of God’s mercy, which was to receive the reconciliation from Him because of His love and mercy through the life, death, resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was the sacred lamb put to death for our sin; He was the sacrifice necessary for us to receive God’s reconciliation. Paul then tells us we are to be a living sacrifice. Because we have received forgiveness for our sin, we are to live our life in celebration every day as we give thanks for our new life in Jesus. What this means is that every thought, every deed, should be consecrated to the service of God. We were all born into the carnal world, and some of us lived there much longer than others. If you were blessed to know the love of God and to return that love from an early age, the carnal world may have had less a pull on your senses. Granted, there are some born into a family of faith and they wander great distances, some never to return to the faith of their childhood, so it is not so for all. Others, like me, travelled far into the world of carnality, but returned to find the forgiveness that had been offered and held out to me. What matters is not from where you came, but that you left the carnal world and became a part of God’s family, filled with His mercy and grace and love. All that is required from any of us is that we love God with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind, and that we love others as ourselves. This is how we live, offering ourselves as a living sacrifice in worshipping God through LOVE! Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 21.10.2020

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness ~ Colossians 2:6, 7 Do you remember the day you received Christ as Lord of your life? Even if you were a child, and you were brought up in a faithful home which followed Christ, and you seemed to always know Jesus was Lord, you received Him. And even though you may not quite remember... it, there was a day, perhaps when you decided to be baptized, that you knew for a surety Christ was your Saviour. Or, if you are like me, you know exactly when it was you asked Jesus into your life and heart. The point is, you and I received Christ as our Lord. What a beautiful day that was! Paul is encouraging the Colossian church to remember and to continue to pursue the prize of living a life which is founded on the faith and hope we were taught. The beginning of our life was to receive Him. I like that. It means there is an action we have to perform. Our loving Father and God of Jesus Christ is always waiting for usbut we have to receive! After that, we have to live in Him, which involves steps: we must be rooted in Him. That is, our very soul must dig deep into being a true follower of Christ, learning and growing in His likeness. We must be built up, that is in faith, love and holiness. Next we must be established. That is to know for a surety that we are His and He is ours. It is to know that nothing can take us away from Him, nothing in this world or that is other-worldly. And fourth, to overflow with thankfulness for the cross of Christ, for His shed blood which brings us into fellowship and communion with Him. We are now called children of God, co-heirs with Christ! Praise God from whom all mercies flow! Pastor Julia

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 16.10.2020

For, All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word that was preached to you ~ 1 Peter 1:24, 25 Peter is speaking to a people new to the worship of the Judaic God, for he is speaking to Gentiles and reminding them of the living hope they now have as members of God’s enlarging family. This hope is a new gift to them, for no longer are they ...destined to a death which leads nowhere, but their destiny lies with God who has redeemed them along with their Hebrew brothers and sisters. It is a new birth, Peter states, an inheritance which will never perish, unlike the grass and flowers of the field. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, Peter’s listeners are born again into an imperishable seed. This is drastically different teaching for the Gentile people of the first century who had never contemplated eternal life. We are all born frail and mortal. When we are young our whole life seems ahead of us, and death is far away. As we grow and age, we wonder where our years went as we look back through them. They seemed to fly by like withering grass and falling flowers. Strange as it sounds, I take a daily walk through a graveyard, as it sits alongside my home. I look at the names and the dates, and I wonder who remembers them, and not only that, but that every one of us has a history which will be forgotten. But there is a remembering in the heavenly realm, an everlasting life promised to those who love the Lord God. Jesus died and rose again! That is an unforgotten history, and it leaves us with the promise that though this world will forget us, God never will. Our life here on earth may be fleeting, but in heaven with God it is an ever-blooming flower garden, and a continual grassy meadow; it is an everlasting time for us to praise. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 14.10.2020

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations ~ Psalm 100:4, 5 How I long to enter the gates of church and worship God with His people! Due to covid-19 we have not publicly worshipped together since the end of March 2020. How sad this is for a church, for a people. We gain strength from each other, and from our gathered ...time of publicly worshipping and praising our God with one voice. I know when we return, we will be jubilant! Some churches have been able to open, though attendance again is being cut back due to the rising covid rates. Some churches had opened, only to find themselves again shut down if they are in a zone where covid has flared up at a rising and intolerable rate. Our courts of praise have been held within our homes, with our families, or by some, alone. But praise Him we still can do! It does not matter where we are, though we love to be with each other, we can praise God from anywhere at anytime. Look to the apostle Paul who praised and sang praises from a prison cell! The bars did not stop him from singing to the God and Father of Jesus Christ! With thanksgiving, we come before Him, as a people, united by our church name, held together by the leadership of our God and Saviour, as one body. The Lord is good to us, and my hope and faith is in the God whose faithfulness does continue into the next generation. In Hebrew it means to generation and generation. That means, forever God is faithful! He is a God of unchangeable benevolence and mercy, love and truth, and He alone is worthy to be praised! Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 12.10.2020

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart ~ Hebrews 4:12 The word of God speaks to us, though we be in different situations, and though we may be also in a different time. I may read a verse several months apart, yet each time that verse speaks into my current situation. God’s word cuts through all the busyness of my day, thr...ough all the activities which may be taking my time. I cannot sit down with God’s word and not have it speak to me in some way. Sometimes it will tell me where I need to grow in Christlikeness. Other times God’s word cuts me to the heart in how I have sinned before Him and others. God’s word highlights my deep and secret thoughts and exposes them, either for good, or for correction. I cannot hide what I think from God, for He breaks through any defense I may think I have in place. His word at times cuts through my insecurity and gives me confidence, and at other times through my grief to give me comfort. God’s word shows me Jesus and how He loved me so much that He gave His life for me. It was not until I read God’s story that I could understand that fact, and that love. Then He cut through my blindness and showed me the Light of Jesus Christ and the hope of salvation. The word of God cuts through hypocrisy and deceit to display the truth. No other Book, no other Word can do as much as the word of God, which is alive and active! Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 09.10.2020

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path ~ Psalm 119:105 In these dark days of autumn, and of covid, we need a light. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the world around us with all the unrest, the overwhelming increase of the disease and its toll on the human race, as well as the confinements and restrictions to keep it at bay. It, that is, covid, has changed this world dramatically. For a Christian, this is really nothing new. Our reliance has never been on the wor...ld, though we are in the world. Our reliance has been on the One that never changes, the One whose light never dims, the One who is the beginning and the end, and the in-between! I wish I could say my faith was always that strong, but there are days when this world creeps in and the darkness comes crashing down on me. That is my humanity, and it is ok. I accept that. But I won’t live in that. Every day is a new day in the Lord, and every day I sense His protective hand upon me and mine. I know that no matter what happens, whether someone I love becomes sick or has some other incident in their life, God is above all and in all. His word is full of His promises for me, and for you. Promises that He is good to all (Ps 145:9); that His love endures forever (Ps 100:5); that He is a sun and shield (Ps 84:11); and one of my favourites, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9). His word is a lamp and a light for the dark daysyou just have to go to the source and the darkness will be illuminated with His strength. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 03.10.2020

The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare ~ Psalm 25:14, 15 When you read The Lord confides, what image comes to your mind? One commentator, writing from the KJV says it is the secret of the Lord, which I find so intriguing. Do you share secrets with anyone? I know I do, and I do so because I know I can trust the one that I am sharing my most intimate thoughts... with. I have faith they will not betray me, and let my secret out where they should not. Here, it is the Lord God who is sharing His secrets with those who come to Him in awe. It is like one sitting on a couch in a living room, and talking of deep concerns over a cup of coffee or tea. Of course, we don’t share a coffee with the Lord per say, but we are able to come into His throne room with our worship and sit at His feet and listen. The writer looks only to the Lord, because of his trust in Him, knowing that no matter what may come in this life, his God is there and will release him from the snares he may encounter. This is a very intimate verse, for our confidence is only confident when our trust is in Him. We have no other in which our confidence should be so attached, for God alone will never let us down. The only way to know the thoughts of God are to worship, to revere, to spend time in prayer with the One who loves and saves all who come to Him. He will show us the way to go through the daily reading of His word and through His covenant promises in the Word. Do you want to know a secret today? Then come, sit at the feet of Jesus, and you will learn from Him. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 26.09.2020

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work ~ 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 Every word and thought in our Bible was inspired by God. All scripture does not mean some, or that I can pick and choose what I want to live by, but that every single word, every single dot and every single crossed t was inspired by the God of the heavens. God used h...uman hands to write those words, yes, but the words came not from a human mind, but from the mind of God into the hands of man who wrote in his own style. Each writer had God’s truths imparted to them, thoughts they would never have arrived at unaided by the Spirit of God. So it is that God’s word teaches the principles which lead us into a full and healthy life. God’s word guides us in our daily life, in how to make decisions of what is godly and good and what will lead us into despair. God’s word also rebukes us, for if we do not read and recognize our sinfulness, we are left separated from God through our sin. Repentance is the key to Christ’s redemption, which is the purpose of God’s word. We read, we learn, we repent, we receive the Saviour of our soul, and we are guided into heaven. Jesus himself believed in the word of God, for when He was tempted by Satan in the desert, He turned every temptation into the word which said that It was written therein. In John 10:34-36 Jesus remarked that the word or Scripture (meaning here the Old Testament) cannot be set aside. If Jesus could not set it aside, how can we? God’s word gives us the directions, as well as the strength to do every good work in His name. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 24.09.2020

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer ~ Psalm 19:14 Every morning I sit at my computer, and the first thing I always do is write my daily devotional. Some scriptures come with a ready meditation, and others come after some deep thought and research, but always before I write, I ask the Lord what He wants me to say. I pray always that the words put down on paper, on the internet, on social media bri...ng the Word of God to life in someone’s heart so they can reflect on the God we believe in. My greatest hope is that others may see Jesus and Him alone. Like the psalmist, may my words be pleasing to my Saviour. It is what we all hope, that when we sit and meditate, our thoughts, our words, our time with Him pleases Him. There is no other we ought to be so concerned about in pleasing. We all come to God from different stages of life. Some come from places of great distress and worry, and they find the peace of God transpire in their heart. Others come from a place of great joy and their hearts burst with praise to the God who provides. Some may come for the first time and find that Jesus really is alive and speaks words that have providential meaning for their life right at that moment. Some come in times of great weakness, or ill health, and they find a God who comforts with the healing balm of His Holy Spirit. How we come, and whoever we are, we come to the God who is our Saviour and Redeemer, and it is Him we desire to please and to serve. He is our solid Rock on which we always can depend. It is His strength which is our strength. Take time today and worship Him, and may your words, thoughts, and prayers be acceptable to Him. Amen. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 24.09.2020

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful ~ Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule your heart in other words let Christ be the judge of your heart. Without Christ in our heart we are not right, our heart is not right. Christ does not desire that we lose our peace found in Him. Our emotions can take control and preside over our heart, and our thoughts can lead us into sinning with each other. Chr...ist’s peace is meant to preserve our soul, to keep everything in its proper place and order. His peace is meant to save us from disorder, from rising to passions and excitements. All relationships take work and effort at times. If our passions and excitements take control we will speak words we should not speak, we will harm our brother or sister. We are, as it says, members of one body. We ought to be thankful for each other, for the gifts, the ideas, even the discrepancies with each other. We were all created uniquely, but we do have to abide together in love, in faith, in trust, and in the hope of Christ. Without harmony with Christ Himself, we cannot have harmony with each other. When we live with the peace of Christ we live with love, for it is the highest blessing to love each other without doubt, anxiety, or fear. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 22.09.2020

Sunday Service October 25, 2020 https://youtu.be/lDi46kwED84

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 21.09.2020

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law ~ Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes to what is beautiful in your word, Lord, reveal to my naked eye all that I may take away from your word. Minister to me in the deepest part of my soul, for I am hungry for your word to speak to my heart. I want to sense all that is wondrous and amazing, and all that is hidden from the view of the common person. The law the psalmist refers to is Torah. The wonders that God can and will teach... will change him in a profound way, and empower within him holiness, love and mission. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says to us, And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. Without God’s help, we cannot see. The reason we cannot is because we are a fallen and corrupt beings without the work of His saving grace. Ephesians 4:18 explains it this way: they are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Without God, that is our plight. We are guilty, corrupt, hard of heart, and ignorant. We are blind without the awakening, humbling, purifying, and enlightening work of God in our heart. We need to pray to God for help, to save us from the desperate situation we are in. Prayer is essential for it is the key to unlocking the power of God’s word in our lives. If we are not changed, we cannot claim to be Christians. In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prays this way. He says, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you will know what is the hope of His calling . . . Will you pray this way today, for yourself as the psalmist prayed for himself, and as Paul did as he prayed for others? Open our eyes, Lord. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 19.09.2020

Sunday Service, November 22, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGcmM5_SdVs

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 16.09.2020

How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears ~ 2 Samuel 7:22 I am reminded of the seraphs in Revelation, praising the Lord before the throne, crying, Holy, Holy, Holy. There is no God like our God! It is a simple but plain fact. He is the God Creator, He is the God Redeemer, He is the God who heals, the God who is my banner, He is the Living God, Lord, Master, Jehovah, Saviour. There is no God like Him or that can stand beside Him for He alone brought life to our lifeless bodies so that we could be in communion with Him. He calls us His children and makes us a part of His family. What more can be said than what this scripture relates to us! Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him! He is the Lord God Almighty! Pastor Julia

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 12.09.2020

Sunday Service November 15, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Ny-JtFXaA

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 10.09.2020

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will ~ Romans 12:2 I think the key word here is transformed. We live in a herd society. Whatever is in fashion, everyone wants. Whoever is popular, we imitate them. If you can get a crowd in a frenzy, they will follow you. I used to hear the statement, If someone jumped off a bridge, would ...you do it too? as a way of getting the person to think about what and who they were following. The statement was to be a way of testing the objectives of another. In the Christian world, we are called sheep for a reason, for we follow the Good Shepherd, Jesus. It is Him we wish to emulate and it is Him who is our guide. If we do not have a good foundation on which to stand, we are led by every fad out there and will conform to the present patterns of the world. Jesus’ Spirit is our transforming agent. Without His power and presence in our lives, the world pulls easily on our strings. We follow because we are followers. A discernment is necessary to know if we are following for right and good reasons; are they godly reasons, or selfish. This we must judge in every person, and every cause, for even those in church leadership may be led astray and cause us to follow. When we are transformed by the Holy Spirit, our minds lead us to new habits, we appear as new persons, we become radically different and our tastes reflect that change. It is only when we follow the example of Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit, judging through His lens, that we can prove truly the will and purpose of God in our life. When our transformation is complete and the whole of our life changed, then the will of God is perfectly fulfilled in us. Pastor Julia image: Chris Lawton See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 07.09.2020

Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight ~ Psalm 119:143 The psalmist is declaring that all has fallen apart in his world and life. How many of us find ourselves in this place? We are in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, which is increasing in infections no matter where you live, and what country you make as your home place. We are all suffering from covid fatigue, and some days are worse than others in how we deal with this affliction which h...as come upon us all. On top of covid, many people deal with other afflictions: cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, depression, and the list goes on. How we deal with our trouble and distress as Christ followers may lead us through a journey. We may fall into our own distress, we may question God and ask why? We may feel that our doubts outweigh our faith, but I think that usually our journey comes around the way a psalm eventually endsin faith and hope in a God which has us and our life in control. We pour into the Book of God and we find His commands to love Him and others, to know that He has us in the palm of His hand, and that we are the clay as He is the potter as He molds us into a better us because all things work together for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28). Our trouble and distress could be the best thing that happens to us for cleansing, purification, and in building trust in the Lord’s provision. We do and will delight in the Lord’s commands for His word tells us that we cannot trust in our understanding, for he will show us the way forward (Proverbs 3:5, 6). Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 05.09.2020

Children's Object Lesson for October 25, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CIYbBjTMD8

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 01.09.2020

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every waywith all kinds of speech and with all knowledge ~ 1 Corinthians 1:4, 5 The Corinthian Church had a series of issues, yet Paul opens with thanksgiving for them and for blessings upon them as a church. No church is perfect, right? But the welfare of the church is what lay at the heart of Paul as he thought and prayed for them. So it is that Paul begins wi...th the virtues of the people who make up this church. The causes for praise and hope are placed in the foreground so as to encourage them and appeal to their trust in him, and to bolster them and not discourage them by the reproof that will follow. Paul wants them to know they have already reached goals in divine knowledge. His following reproof will not be done so as to knock them down so to speak, but to let them know that where commendation is due, he will share it, just as he will share how they can and should grow as Christ followers. He wants them to know the enrichment they have been graced with by Jesus Christ’s Spirit: they have been justified, pardoned, regenerated; they have grown in faith, repentance, hope, love, humility and self-denial. All these are the gifts of grace we all receive from Christ when we turn to Him in acknowledgement that He is the Son of God, and Lord of lords. Paul, we know has a pastor’s heart, and each one of his planted churches becomes in a sense, a child of his. Paul prays for them all, for their growth as followers, not of himself, but as followers of Jesus Christ. The Corinthian Church had received divine favour and knowledge of the truth in the divinity of Jesus. His comments would tend to appease their minds, and ensure they would listen attentively, even to the words of discipline which would later come. The Corinthian church would grow and mature in Christ, much in part to the words of Paul which helped them to see truth in a much wider spectrum. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 23.08.2020

speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ~ Ephesians 5:19, 20 I miss the singing of the church family and the togetherness of worshipping the God who is our Redeemer and Saviour! Covid-19 has kept our church closed for the safety of the vulnerable ones who are a part of our family. Our worship and praise is... held within our home, surrounded by our family, if we have a family still at home. Otherwise, we worship alone. Still, we find ways to reach out, to pass the peace of Christ with each other, to uplift and pray for each other. Music speaks to the soul, and it uplifts the heart, so singing by oneself is not as enjoyable as singing in a group, but praise God, we still can sing! And praise God, music is still a part of our worship service! Our world has changed for now, for sure, but we can and should look around and be thankful for the health of those we know, we can pray for those who are sick or grieving, we can encourage those who are in despair. We are a voice in another’s life in the moments of a day. How will we use our voice? Every day, no matter whether covid-19 is with us or not, we have the ability to sing, to praise, to encourage, to pray, to bring the healing balm of Jesus to another. I walk my dog several times a day, and in the summer, as we pass homes along the street, voices echo out into my hearing. There are many times I think I would not like to live in that home. How the family members are speaking to each other is destructive, hurtful, and vulgar. How much better it is to speak with love, with thankful hearts for our family! We are blessed to have our families, whether they are our natural family, or our church family. Let us always live with praise on our lips to the God who has given both to us and blessed us in so many ways! Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 22.08.2020

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future ~ Jeremiah 29:11 Sometimes, when we follow the Lord’s will for our lives, it does not seem as though His plans were good plans for us. We may encounter what seem to be insurmountable problems, or we may feel that perhaps we made a mistake in following His leading, though we were sure that He was doing the leading. I have been there. But with... time, I was always proved wrong, for eventually, I could see why God had led me somewhere, or why He had called me to do some thing. The purposes of God’s heart are always for our welfare, for our good. Here, the prophet is reminding the people they would be restored to their own land. No longer would they be exiled in a foreign country; they would return home. Thoughts of His heart are to all generations, and so what the Lord promises will not fall; they will be performed for He is faithful. His thoughts also do not lead us into evil, or warfare, or destruction, but His plans lead to the fullness of our life here on earth, and through Jesus Christ, the fullness of life in the hereafter. We do have a hope and a future when we follow the Lord God. Without Him we live a fateful life, a lost life, sometimes a tragic life. God’s plans for those who follow Him arrive at a desirable end, much as what they had wished and hoped to have. If you feel that your life is futile, perhaps you are then at the point where searching God for answers will bring you to the same conclusion I have made, and of which Jeremiah spoke. God has a plan for you, for your life! And His plan is the best, the richest, the most glorious plan for you. It will not free you from hardship, but it will purify you into a better you, a more whole you, a fulfilled and Godly you. Give Him a chance to show you the plans He has in mindyou will not be disappointed! Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 14.08.2020

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding ~ Proverbs 9:10 When a child is very young, they are generally taught what mommy and daddy will allow, and what they won’t allow. A child is taught no, for whatever they are doing could be a danger to themselves, or they are taught yes, which means mommy and daddy say that is ok. The child gradually learns what is acceptable behaviour, and what is not. The fear of the Lord is t...o have a knowledge of Him in what He is; that He is God, Creator, Father, and that He has a will for us to follow and obey Him. When we come to know Him thus, as a God who loves us, our eyes are opened to know what is acceptable to Him, just as a child. We seek then to follow His will and we also learn that there are rewards here on earth as well as eternal rewards for our obedience. We do not follow out of the fear of being afraid of Him, and yet there is a reverence to Him and the knowledge that those who choose not to follow will have to face His Majesty and Judgment one day, and in that we will be either justified in His presence, or removed from His presence. We can begin then to set the right value on things which are temporal and those things which are eternal. We listen to Jesus and His words, we emulate His love and grace, we repent and share the gospel message, we seek to follow His holy will, and we walk in the path of peace and safety. We do all this because the wisdom of God is imparted into our heart through the power of the Holy Spirit, which lives within us and guides us on our journey. Without God’s knowledge we live a lost life, unsure of where we are going or what we are doing to make an impact in this world. We live for the self and for the temporal things which will fade away. There are many good people in our world, however goodness alone will not bring us into the eternal state of being with our God and Father forever. Only by accepting Jesus as our Saviour can we be taught a wisdom and understanding beyond our carnal nature. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 11.08.2020

Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck ~ Proverbs 1: 8, 9 Apparently, an Israelite thought a garland placed around the head, and a gold chain around the neck were the highest signs of glory. Today we give medals and ribbons when someone has won the victory in a race, or on a project, but I have never heard of our sons or daughters thinking our instruction as p...arents equaled such a prize. In fact, as I wrote the other day, it is most often that our young people think they have all the answers and can figure life out without our advice. I am thankful that my children, though they have made mistakes sometimes with high learning costs, have grown to be remarkable young people. But how much easier life would have been for us all if we had always heeded the words of our parents and elders. Perhaps we should begin the process of adorning the necks of our young people when they make wise choices and listen to good advice. Most certainly, our mistakes could help them avoid some of their own problems, would they not? What happens though, when a parent or an elder cannot give good advice because their life is so broken apart? Perhaps that is what is afflicting our world so much now. Broken parents bring broken children into a broken world because they have forsaken the God of the Bible. Many children today do not have a father figure in the home to give them advice. This is a sad state for all. I love the fact that when that situation occurs within a family, God is available as the Father. But, only if the family looks to Him for advice. Jesus came to heal our broken lives, our broken hearts, our broken soul. He is the only Father that loves us so much that He died for us. Luke 11:13 reminds us of this as he writes, If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? God is our parent, our Father and Mother, our brother, our family. If I am to be crowned for listening to advice, it is His crown I desire to receive. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 09.08.2020

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ ~ Galatians 6:2 We all know the story of the person whose burden was too heavy for him, and he found others in the same predicament. They then decided to put all their burdens in a pile in the midst of them, and they would pick up what looked like a lighter burden, only to find that carrying someone else’s burden was in fact heavier than what their own burden had been. They of course, returned the ...burden which was not theirs in favour of carrying their own. We are each responsible to carry our own burden, that is true, but the principle of carrying another’s burden is not opposed to the first. It is actually impossible to carry our own burden without sharing the burden that others carry. You see, the paradox is, that only by bearing another’s burden can we really bear our own. We were born alone, we are lonely in our great achievements, but we must rise to a life which is no longer our own. Our true life is found not in isolation, but in giving up our individual will in living for others. If I am to be human in the fullness of that word, I will care for others, and in my caring, find relief for my own burden. Helping you with your burden makes mine seem light, for I will then say to myself, my life could be much worse than what it is. It is in the sharing that our burdens become lighter, not in the keeping to oneself. Jesus daily carried the burdens of the people He met along the road, and He carries our burdens for us now. The law of Christ is to love others as ourself. We cannot do that when we live as an island, but only as we join ourselves with the bridge of sharing burdens. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 06.08.2020

Sunday Service, October 11, 2020 https://youtu.be/TdoxyTcGrsg

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 24.07.2020

A person finds joy in giving an apt reply and how good is a timely word! ~ Proverbs 15:23 It makes one feel good if our advice helps someone else, and we can see the results which brings success to another. Our words have great ability to crush a person, or build them up, so it is a choice in how we do speak to others. In this case, where it has to do with counseling one, when we can assist a brother or sister and do good for them, not only are they edified, but we are as we...ll. Our speech has to be true: we do have to be able to speak with grace though. The apostle Paul and the apostle Peter assure us we must answer in a way that is acceptable, and that we must use meekness and fear when we speak (Ephesians 4:29; 1 Peter 3:15). We are living in a world where free speech has taken a step in the wrong direction. We have the ability on social media to say what we want when we want, and it does not matter how it may hurt people on the other end. Because we do not see them face to face, there is no restraint. We are to instead work at building others up, encouraging them, instructing those who are wanting it, and comforting those who are distressed. We live in an angry world, and a sick world that is full of fear as well as full of cynicism. We can change the world, but it must begin with us. Jesus brought us a gospel of peace and love. He ministered to weary and wounded men and women, and His words were full of expressions of empathy and love. If He is our model, we can do no less. One person at a time can be changed when we speak with His words of love. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 22.07.2020

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him ~ Psalm 62:1 The mind of the psalmist, David, seems to have been taking account of all his resources, has been looking around at his condition of life, and has examined his mind to come to the conclusion that his total and complete trust is found in God. There is nothing within himself upon which he can rely, but in God there is an unfailing faith. His trust is where it ought to be. He has no apprehension of what ma...y occur, for his mind is at peace, at rest in God. The throne of the kingdom was promised to David when he was seventeen years old. He was but a young man. It took thirty years before he was placed on the throne, yet never did he doubt God’s promise. He waited, sometimes in caves, he ran through mountains for safety, he spent many a night alone before men began to gather around him. David’s road to the throne was a jagged line filled with many a trial, often with a death sentence hanging over his head, a price placed there by Saul. Yet, here he can say, My soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Our trials are incomparable to David’s, though I know each one of us carries our own heavy load, so under the weight of what we carry, do we also see God as our resting place, our only salvation? There is nothing in this world on which we can rely. We look around at the unrest, the anger, the deceit, the sickness, the crime in people, and know we cannot rely upon them. But I do see and know that I can rely on God, who leads me to trust in Him, and I am sure that my heart knows it can reliably believe in Him with all that I am. My faith and hope is in Him. Where do you place your trust? Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 17.07.2020

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails ~ Proverbs 19:20, 21 Sometimes when we are young, we are slow learners. I know I was! I recall my grandmother’s advice given to me, and how I ignored it. A certain piece of her advice caused me heartache later on because I did not heed her words. It is very often that way with the young. It is their comin...g of age which seems to say inwardly, I know how to do it all, yet, their inexperience does not quite get it right for them. Such as what happened to me. I often try to give advice to my granddaughter’s, and my children too, though they are grown, but I know very often they will still do their own thing. I know now how important it is to listen to those who are wiser than I am, and I know now what I have learned through my experiences which give me wisdom. Those who do listen are saved many a hard lesson, but the fact is, most of us seem to rather learn the hard way. The advice which will make us truly wise is that of the spiritual realm gleaned through the reading of the Word of God. If we would take God’s Word as our daily lesson book, and if we heeded its messages, we would be wise, for if we have Him in our heart, we would have everything we need. The wisdom of God is granted freely to those who ask. James 1:5 assures us that if we ask for wisdom God will give it generously without finding fault. Proverbs 3:13-18 tells us wisdom is more profitable than silver or gold, more precious than rubiesthat her ways are pleasant, her path is peace, and those who hold her fast will be blessed! We do not listen and instead wander about in a maze when we could walk in a straight path! Choose life, choose wisdom, choose to listen and obey the words spoken over you in grace! Then, live in the Lord’s purpose for you instead of muddling through life. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 12.07.2020

I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart. ~ Psalm 40:8 This psalm is marked as a Messianic psalm, for it relates to a high type of piety and was fulfilled only in Christ. The piety is not beyond you or I, but there is not one of us which can say we have met this requirement in every day of our life. It is most certainly one we can imitate in Christ, which makes it not unreachable. Piety is not so much us conforming to an outward life which makes us loo...k holy as it is a disposition, an inclination to always be reaching toward the divine of God. As we grow as Christ followers this will become more and more of a habit, but for a young disciple, it is likened to a student where they keep learning and growing to be like Christ. Jesus fulfilled the will of God in the most beautiful, yet the most horrific way. Following what God had in mind for Him led to the cross and crucifixion, it led to pain and shed blood, it led to death. But then, praise God, it led to life in the hereafter! Jesus followed God’s will and brought us into His saving grace, leading us into relationship with Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour! We are now the children of God because Jesus died, taking our sins and bearing them on the cross! Jesus delighted to do God’s will. How many of us at times fear doing what the Lord God calls us to do. Yet, our fear is unfounded, for it is in our obedience to God’s will that we find our life in the fullest. Following the will of God may lead us away from home, it may lead us into territory where we may not be comfortable, but ultimately, following Christ is how we live our life in service to Him. Our choice then becomes a free choice, and a willing choice, for in following Him we choose what is the noblest and the best. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 09.07.2020

It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him ~ Deuteronomy 13:4 A warning had been issued to the Israelites about following a false prophet, a dreamer of dreams he is called, which speaks to them about serving other gods. You are to follow God only, they are told, it is Him you are to love with all your heart and with all your soul. I am sure to many, the words of the false prophet would... be readily heard and believed. Perhaps he was a smooth talker, or had a steady but confident air, seeming to be one with great authority. People would follow him. How to know if one is a false prophet is by their doctrine. Evil men can do wonders which deceive many people, as even Paul in the New Testament spoke of the lying miracles which were to be displayed in the Thessalonian Church (2 Thessalonians 2:9). It is said by commentators God would allow false prophets to display some signs of credibility so that He could test the true loyalty of the people. Sometimes a false prophet would predict accurately, but the real issue is not if he predicted accurately, but does he, or she, promote the teachings of Jesus Christ? Do they follow the will of the Lord, or their own will? Jesus told us there are two commandments, for all the ten could be summarized into these two: to love God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind, and to love others as yourself. That is the doctrine of God. A false prophet will not be able to preach this, or display this love, for their heart will be dark. It is the enlightening of the Holy Spirit of God that we can and do love as God loves. The Word of God tells us we shall know them by their fruit. If you are following someone, do not be fooled by falsehoods, test them and their doctrine, test them by their actions, but most of all, ask the Lord God to reveal to you His truth. He alone is God, He is above all! Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 06.07.2020

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me ~ Psalm 51:12 Yesterday I talked about a dry season before I knew the Lord as my Saviour. I also talked about how drastically my life changed when the Lord came into my heart and gave me new life. This may be the joy the psalmist is talking about here, for I do think that sometimes our joy and hope can change into a sad and cheerless living the longer we are Christians. Sometimes it is due to... our own doing. We have walked away from the Lord, or we have sinned in some way and have not repented. When sin enters our life, we are separated from God. There is another reason for the joy of our salvation to be lost to us: that we live and go through different seasons. Mark Buchanan wrote a marvelous book called Spiritual Rhythm: Being With Jesus Every Season of Your Soul. I have it in my library and though it has been awhile since I read it, it is full of insight on how we can survive the seasons of our soul. We go through winter seasons, where the fruit of our life seems to have dried up, the leaves have dropped, and it seems that all is cold. It sounds like our psalmist may be there too. He has formerly known the happiness of being God’s friend, but that joy has been taken away by a reason we do not know. Perhaps you are there too. I know I have found myself there, and I wondered why. It was not that I had sinned. I had been following what I believed the Lord had called me to, it was just that I had lost my joy. That, my friends, is a time for resting and growing. It is a time of faith building. Just as nature rests in the winter season, so if we can find rest in our time, the season will eventually change. Our psalmist prays for grace to uphold him, a willing spirit so that he would be ready to obey and serve God faithfully. It is our prayer too when winter suddenly happens upon us. Keep us in your grace, Lord, help us be at the ready when your word comes to us. Grant us spring and your joy! Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 23.06.2020

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart ~ Psalm 37:4 Before I came to know the Lord Jesus as my Saviour, my life was a parched place. I was unhappy, lost, felt worthless and so empty that I referred to myself as a walking dead person. I felt like one of those awful zombie’s on that TV show that was popular a few years back. I went through all the motions, but there was little emotion for it had all been locked away. Then one day I walked up ...to the steps of a church and told the Lord that if He wanted me, I was His. It was the beginning of a new life. My heart belonged to Him, my soul found rest and nourishment, and my life took on a whole new freshness. I was literally born again! Everything was new and fresh, and even my vision seemed clearer as I looked around at nature. I saw the leaves, the grass, everything, in a way I had not the day before. I woke up to the world around me! Austin French as a song called Wake Up Sleeper and that is what happened to me. Now I live daily in the grace and goodness of the Lord. I depend on His wisdom, His mercy, His providence, and His power in my everyday life. He is the desire of my heart, and in desiring Him I have found a life that is full. My desires are for His will to find its completeness in my obedience, and though I sometimes fail, I know that I am forgiven and loved, and given a new day in which I can follow Him. The world offers pleasures, it offers easy ways to fulfill our carnal desires, but it cannot offer us eternal enjoyments. In fact, the world’s pleasures most often leave one empty and never feeling fully satisfied. The Lord alone fulfills and fills our desires. Life in Him is as a stream that flows after a flood in a desert, bringing forth life in all its varied ways. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 19.06.2020

I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no savior. I have revealed and saved and proclaimedYou are my witnesses, declares the Lord, that I am God ~ Isaiah 43:11, 12 Yesterday, the writer spoke the name of God twice, invoking certain characteristics about God. Today, it is God who repeats His own name declaring He is the I God. Today, this is to emphasize that there is no other being to whom the name Yahweh belongs to. He is the living God, not an idol made o...f stone or wood, and therefore there is, nor should there be, any other god set up to worship. He is the Saviour, meaning there is also no other set to deliver from oppression, or captivity. There is no one but Him who can save from sin, and from the fires of hell. He alone should be our object of worship. The Lord God declares that He has revealed this to His peoplethat He has saved them from Babylon, that He has revealed His power and might to them, and His grace in the promise of bringing them back from the captivity they had been living in to again inhabit Jerusalem. They will witness to this declaration God makes. So, we as Christ followers are witnesses to His saving grace. Jesus frees us from our old way of life, from that which Paul called our old man so that we may stand forgiven before Him. That is the power of the cross of Jesus Christ, and to that we are the witnesses! There is power, salvation, grace-making power in the shed blood of Jesus. We who were lost, as the world is lost, were found. We who believe in Jesus were once the prodigal son, the lost lamb in the thicket. God pursues you as well, to claim you as His own, to release you from your captivity, and make you a witness to His saving mercy. He is the Lord God, the Great I AM. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 14.06.2020

Sunday Service, October 18, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlb52ipWb3Q

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 12.06.2020

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water ~ Psalm 63:1 I love the nuances of the original language and here we have a beautiful Hebrew translation of the first few words, Godmy God. The first God is written as ‘Elohiym, which is the name of the plural God named in Genesis this speaks to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as my Three-in-One God, the God of unity. The second... God is written as Él, which is the name of God indicating His strength. If I was to rephrase the first few words it would say, You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are my Strength The words then move us into worshipping the God who is the strong mighty One, the source of this writer’s strength, and he was aware that his God was mighty with divine power. There was a specific attribute applied to God’s name; it was not uttered as merely God! He seeks this God with all his passions and desires. Some versions say he does so early in the morning. This is the way we are to start a day! To seek God, seek His power and strength before the problems of the day assail us, before we begin to fight the powers and principalities with which the world attacks. He is thirsty and dry, needing his life filled with the life-giving nourishment only God can fill in his parched and dry soul. Come to the fountain! This writer is in need of God’s grace, His comfort, and His refreshment! Do you share his needs today? If so, come to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the One who is the perfection of desire. Pastor Julia See more

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 24.05.2020

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal ~ Isaiah 26:4 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood,... From Thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save me from its guilt and power. (Thomas Hastings, 1784-1872). The Lord is our everlasting strength, never failing, never changing. In Him our confidence is sure. There is no calamity, adversity, poverty, trial of any kind that will separate us from His love and protection. God is like an eternal rock, such as that which Thomas Hastings wrote in this great old hymn. To trust in the Lord implies a total and complete submission to the will of God, whatever it may be and however it may take form. It is to have the assurance that what He is doing, what He will do, will always be what is right. This verse also assures us that when we go to the Lord in prayer and petition, our voice will be heard by Him. It is to know that you and I, in our advances toward the Lord God may depend and expect Him to respond. It is to say, Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide for He is the everlasting God. Pastor Julia

First Baptist Church Niagara Falls 17.05.2020

Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near ~ Isaiah 55:6 There will come a day when the Lord’s grace will be closed for those who do decide not to draw near to Him. We will all face the Lord one day, be it soon, or be it late, we will stand before His great judgment seat. We will be judged on our actions, our words, how we have loved Him and others, and our belief in Him. If we have sought the Lord while He can be found, Jesus Christ will then stand as ...our Great Advocate, releasing us from our sins which we repented of before Him in our earthly life. If we have turned our back on the Lord, the judgement seat of God will condemn us with our sins, and we will then be separated forever from Him forever and ever. This is the time to seek the Lord! This is the time to repent of our sins, to turn our lives back to the One and only One that can save us from ourselves. The Messiah, Jesus Christ, offers us salvation fully and freely. Those who die in their sins, for them it will be too late! Do not turn away from the only true God that loves and cares for you! No other god sent anyone to die for you, let alone their Son, but the God of the heavens and earth did just that! He is more than several good philosophies, more than good sayings; He is the One that will bring you into a new life, and the promised fullness of life in this life, and in the next. He will heal your soul! For those who believe that once death comes, that is it, I tell you that is not it! There is a heaven and a hell. Which will you choose? Would you desire to have a Great Advocate by your side as your stand before the Father God, or would you rather the fires of hell be reaching out for you? Pastor Julia See more