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Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 20.09.2020

GOODBYE SEPTEMBER HELLO OCTOBER! So, what did you accomplish in the month of September? For me it was getting used to the colder weather and preparing for a time of reading and sowing for future growth. Have a fantastic October!

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 15.09.2020

Happy #Sonday. So proud of my boys!

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 05.09.2020

Fall is here. New YouthMax workshops are open! #youthleaders #communicationskills #character #YouthMax #publicspeaking

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 29.08.2020

Here is a prayer of protection you can pray in faith for your kids going back to school: Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You for the gift of education. I thank You that our children have the privilege and right to develop their minds and grow in knowledge for the good and strength of the Kingdom on this earth and to do so safely. Lord, we know it is NEVER Your Will that bullying, shootings or outbreaks take place in a school or anywhere else. ... I thank You that Your Word in Psalm 91 promises divine protection for my children, and I declare that no evil will come near my children or their schools in the Name of Jesus. I declare that no weapon formed against our schools will prosper. I thank You that Your angels surround my children, taking charge over them and protecting them from danger of any kind. I speak life, truth, safety and protection over every child at this school. I plead the blood of Jesus over my children and their schoolsevery building they walk into, and every vehicle they ride in. I declare that no evil will come near them. I thank You, Father, that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER. I rebuke the spirit of fear in Jesus’ Name and loose a spirit of power over this school. I thank You and praise You for Your goodness, Your mercy and Your grace. Thank You that as I have applied the blood of Jesus on the doorposts of this school, nothing shall be able to harm it. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 17.08.2020

And...that's a wrap! Our last session of #YouthMax today. Took 4 kids through my Summer Course in #PublicSpeaking and #Leadership. We spoke about their feelings returning back to school, seeing their friends, the new normal. They have mixed feelings, but are more than thrilled to see their friends again. Two of them are going to Grade 8 and they're a bit sad at the prospect they may not go on field trips or have graduation ceremonies. However, we talked of the analogy betwe...en back to school and going on a roller coaster. The first time is always scary, but if you open your mind, you just might get addicted and want to keep riding them again and again! Today's speech title was "What I'm passionate about." Other topics they presented on in past sessions were "Back to school" and "My elevator pitch" which was an icebreaker. It was so fulfilling to see them really blossom from shyness to #confidence over the 8 weeks they spent together, learning by doing in a smaller setting. How to develop a positive self image, how to overcome their fear of public speaking, how to organize their speech, deliver it with gestures, vocal variety and expression, and how to give proper feedback were some of the topics we covered. Each of them gave a heartfelt testimony and most said they would be back for the Fall classes. Each of them got a graduation certificate at a zoom ceremony. I am so proud of them and how they stretched out of their comfort zone. Our Fall courses start October 1st. It might most probably be on Zoom again. These classes develop #lifeskills in youth and are most needed especially during these times! #youthleaders #communicationskills #positiveselfimage #jmtdna

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 05.08.2020

August is always a rambunctious month. Lots of activity in nature, vacations, hustle and bustle. A most energetic time of year. As we wind down to the last quarter with cooler temps and months ending in "ember,' its a more reflective time of year, where we hurry to accomplish our goals and make the year count!

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 03.08.2020

Read Acts 17. A powerful chapter that addresses the issue of Seeking God and Finding Him. Paul and his companions Timothy and Silas were in Greece, ministering to the Athenian and Thessalonian people. This portion of the world has always been very philosophical and judging by the number of gods they worshipped, seems like they were always #searchingforGod. They conducted various forms of #idolworship, including creating sculptures of gold and silver, in different shapes and a...rtistic forms, in order to give their gods some image for them to relate to. Paul was able to masterfully communicate with them that while he could relate to their searching for God, idol worship would not be tolerated and needed to stop. He told them of the Supreme God, the creator of the Universe, who created man to worship Him, and sent His Son to die for man's sins. God is merciful and compassionate if man performs idol worship because of sheer ignorance and bit knowing any better, but it is up to those of us who know, to communicate to them that God simply abhors man worshipping idols. We see this in so many religions, even in Christianity, where devotees make clay statues and carry them around in processions. The God of the universe can never be reduced to a sculpture of gold and silver or contained in a box created by human hands. #Seek the Lord, search and question, and He will be found, because just like a child comes from his mother, and once lived "in her" so also, In Him do we live and move and have our being! #2020NewTestamentstudy #Bible

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 21.07.2020

Read Acts 16. It's been a while and I must confess that picking up my phone instead of my Bible first thing in the morning has caused me to slide disastrously. This affects my mind, my attitude and my productivity. I must continue to prioritize and persevere, no matter how tempting checking social media is! This fantastic chapter has 40 verses. Yes, 40! It takes us on a beautiful journey of faith and commitment. 1) #Discernment - Listening to your inner voice. Paul, Silas and... Timothy were always attuned to the Spirit which is why they avoided traveling to certain places they were forewarned about. 2) #Openness to new ideas - Lydia was used to doing things a certain way but she was not narrow minded bit open minded that there might be a better way. I read once that "It's not the things you know that will harm you but rather the things you know that you thought were true that will" 3) Fortune telling, tarot cards, palmistry, anything that predicts the future, are all forbidden by God. When Paul and Silas cast out the evil spirit from the fortune telling woman, her masters were enraged and put them in prison. 4) #Joy! In spite of horrible circumstances in a prison cell, surrounded by rodents in pitch darkness, Paul and Silas still chose to be joyful. They started singing praise and worship songs out loud! This caused their chains to be broken and they were set free! How many of us are suffering during this pandemic? Fear, anxiety, depression and uncertainty grips us all. Will we choose to let it overwhelm us or are we going to stay joyful no matter what? Mourning is for the moment but joy comes in the morning! We finally learn that the jailer and his while family is saved and that Paul and Silas are released and set free. Lets have #discernment, be #openminded, have a #joyful heart and then wait and watch for circumstances to change! #2020NewTestamentstudy #Bible

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 14.07.2020

Today I went to the chiropractor for the first time and one of the first questions he asked me was whether I take vitamins and supplements. When I told him I take the whole gamut - multivitamins, fish oil, probiotics, anti inflammatory, he was delighted. I told him I've been taking them for 20 plus years. My blood pressure and cholesterol is perfect and at 51 I have more energy and better sleep than I've ever had. I am also a regular blood donor. Investing in your health and... being proactive before a diagnosis puts you on prescribed meds is imperative. My body is a Lamborghini. I refuse to put Costco or Walmart vitamins into it. Recently we've had to pivot and focus on our businesses because we lost a job income. My husband Royston D'souza is studying to get his investment and insurance license and I'm focusing on my health and wellness business and my leadership workshops. We've always supported small businesses, it's a well know fact. Anyone in our friends circle starting a catering business or a car garage, we're first to purchase and support. So if we call on you, there's no obligation but we would be oh so pleased if you support small business owners like ourselves instead of the big box stores. It's a win win situation. Not only will you get healthier, learn leadership and communication and learn how to make wise investments by avoiding unnecessary taxes, but you will also be supporting business owners like ourselves at these unforeseen times. Happy weekend alll!

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 28.06.2020

Folks in Mumbai... Tired of cooking and want a break? Please check out delicious home made dishes that will make your life so much easier and tickle your palate. Convenient, tasty and budget friendly meals all in one by my wonderful cousin Chris Kane and Russell Kane. Ask about delivery options too. Order today on watsapp 9820050465 and follow them on Instagram @thesinginghomechef

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 21.06.2020

Happy 74th Independence Day to India, the land of my birth. I spent the first half of my life in Mumbai, a bustling metropolis, and still get nostalgic when I think of the freedom and diversity we enjoyed as kids. The playground of our St Louis Convent School was filled with Hindus, Muslims and Christians who played together in perfect harmony. We cherished our multicultural differences and were free to eat anything we wished. Unfortunately things have changed for the worse ...now. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has employed the Divide and Conquer philosophy. His Hindutva agenda has succeeded in alienating minorities. His poor management of the Covid crisis has put India on the map for the highest number of cases. His government has made testing and isolating an impossible task. He banned the consumption of beef because of the sacred cow. While India 'celebrates' freedom today, she's certainly not free under the authoritarian rule of authoritarian and despotic leaders. We pray the people rise up and vote the right leaders into power the next time round. In the meantime, I salute the land of my birth who gave me my roots and my culture, and pray that it's morals and values come back to its original grace and glory! Jai Hind!

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 16.06.2020

Campfires are such a great way to connect over. Time to reflect on life's many blessings!

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 31.05.2020

Walked 5k today for @foodbankscanada for our Company @CapgeminiNA Cares Day event! #CapgeminiCares #4PositiveFutures

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 28.05.2020

First session of a series of 8 #YouthMax Summer workshops today! I love pouring into the youth. Today we learned the different types of speeches including an Elevator pitch, some icebreakers and breakout room introductions, as well as how to identify positive and negative self image statements. I think the kids had fun! If you're a parent and would like to enrol your kids, please contact me. We've got plenty of spots left and can discuss one on ones so your child can catch up! #selfimage, #publicspeaking #youthleadership

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 19.05.2020

Let me tell you what our #Summer #youth workshops are all about! #YouthMax2020 #publicspeaking #influence #leadership #selfesteem #confidence

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 30.04.2020

Summer workshops begin this week. With all that's going on and even otherwise, it's important to build #confidence in #youth, as well as positive ##selfesteem and a greater positive #influence!

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 10.04.2020

Started the 19th of March. Roughly around the time of isolation. Yo estudio Español en le pandemic.

Glynis Dsouza Personal Development 23.03.2020

We've had some very interesting discussions on this subject in our last 2 sessions. Today is the 3rd of 4 sessions. Please join us! #scienceandGod