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Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 27.04.2021

When you have a busy, active & very curious baby it’s helpful to have baby wipes stashed in most areas of the house for a quick & gentle clean up when needed! After some trial & error with baby wipes, including some other brands that have left Laila with red irritated skin (ouch!) our families favourite choice is Pampers Sensitive Wipes because they are dermatologically tested & hypoallergenic, & as mild as a washcloth & water. They’re obviously great for gentle diaper chang...es but also for a quick clean on the go in the car, or even after snack time! With multi-save at Walmart, you can save every single day on Pampers wipes! #PampersAtWalmart #PampersPartner #PampersCanada #Hypoallergenic #SensitiveWipes @pamperscanada

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 07.04.2021

What doing yoga at home with a 9 month old is like

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 23.03.2021

9 months in vs 9 months out! We woke up like this WOMEN ARE AMAZING! I look much happier in the second picture because being a mom has been much more enjoyable than my pregnancy was by the end I was so sore & tired, my skin itchy from being stretched so much! Honestly though, when your baby is born, a new version of you is too. ... Nothing has forced me to grow as much as being a mom has! Really looking at myself to see the areas I still need to work on as a human, partner, friend, mother etc. Also finding movement that is good for my overall health & mental well-being rather than focusing mostly on aesthetics. Nothing has brought me so much unbridled joy like becoming a mother has, each & every day I look into my daughters sweet little face I am flooded with so much gratitude. I’m so thankful my body was able to carry & nourish her full term, & continues to nourish her with breastfeeding! And in the words of @khloekuriatnyk she can have a tummy & still be yummy #mombod #postpartumbody #postpartumjourney #postpartumfitness #mentalhealth #postpartummentalhealth #yoga #movement #midsize #motherhood

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 28.01.2021

Everyone is always raving about golden hour but it just made me look like an Oompa Loompa lol Trying to make sure I carve out time for self care so I can be my best self for myself & my family. With a baby self care looks a little different these days! I meditate with her sleeping in my arms or in my lap. Exercise mostly consists of walks with her typically strapped to me in the carrier & the frequency is pretty sporadic!... I haven’t had a pedicure since before the pandemic started but I managed to take 10 minutes a couple days ago to scrub all the dry dead skin off myself as winter inevitably dries my skin out SO bad, along with breastfeeding, despite how much water I chug. I had a zoom call with 2 dear friends this week to talk about some heavy emotions / experiences I’ve had as of late & even though we couldn’t meet in person it made such a huge difference to be able to heard out by friends that accept me fully. 2020 has been a tough year for us all but being a Mama to my little bean has been such a bright light every day! I’ve learned to be so present & really slow down to enjoy & appreciate the little moments in day to day life. What has changed the most for you this year? #momlife #2020 #changes #selfcare #consciousparenting #meditation #getoutdoors #yeg #winter #holisticliving #hippy

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 10.12.2020

Happy to have this girl back in @pamperscanada! Pampers swaddlers were the first diaper we tried after Laila was born, & definitely what we’ve used the most! We’d been gifted boxes of some other major brands to try too but always end up going back. No one prepares you for how much poop you’ll be cleaning out of your babies clothing - especially if the diapers aren’t a good match for their little body! While pampers haven’t been completely blow out proof (I don’t think any diaper is completely) they are consistently the best for us! Mamas what brand do use for your little one? Why are they your favorite? #pamperspartner #pamperscanada #motherhood #momlife

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 03.12.2020

Love my new Mom cut! after losing a ton of hair thanks to postpartum hair loss the last 3 months & also having lots of regrowth coming it was just time to do a big chop! My hair grows like a weed, I’ll have lots of time to grow it out again once my munchkin is a little older. I feel sexy & classy with this new ‘do thank you @aralynestayhairinc #shorthairdontcare #momhair #bigchop #momstuff #motherhood #postpartum #postpartumhairloss

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 29.11.2020

If you’ve known me for a long time, or just take a minute to peruse my Instagram, you’d notice I mostly only take photos of one side of my face, the left side. For some reason I’ve always felt like this side of my face is more conventionally beautiful & that the right side is just too asymmetrical & even ugly (the side I’m showing in the above photo). In fact, the reason I got my nose pierced in my right nostril originally in highschool & again 2 years ago was to beautify t...his side of my face. I won’t even allow people I’m taking selfie’s with to take my photo from that angle I always stand on their left side so I can show my good side. You guys, this shit is ridiculous. I can’t just show one side of my face in real life. And one side isn’t more worthy of being seen or photographed than the other. I’ve become hyper aware of these silly things since having a daughter. I don’t want to have to explain to her some day about how I felt only one side of my face was beautiful so I’m learning to take photos from different angles & share them so I can get over this insecurity. My new @helloashto earrings inspired this post as I thought about how beauty is abstract, & is different to each eye that views it. My t-shirt that I try to wear every other week or so from @dearmamacandleco is a good reminder too that every part of me is beautiful. Because sometimes we all just need a reminder! Do you do anything like this? I view using filters as a similar misrepresentation of ourselves as we can’t filter our real faces & our kids shouldn’t have to look back at our photos decades from now wondering why we look so unlike our actual selves or feel that they also can’t live up to the unrealistic standards photos represent. As women we begged magazines etc to stop photoshopping the shit out of models & show us real bodies & skin yet we can’t do this ourselves. Why? Personally I’d love to see filters banned. #beauty #impossiblestandards #imperfections #abstract #bodyimage #getmygoodside #insecurities #stopthemadness #nofilter #yeg #yegmama #motherhood #mama #daughter

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 22.11.2020

4 months postpartum! (well almost, tomorrow I will be ) This is not a progress picture, not a before, nor an after. This is simply my current physical form. I’m going for walks 5-6 days a week, doing body weight workouts 3x a week. Doing movements that feel good & eating nourishing foods that also make me feel good! I’m 27lbs heavier than I was when I got pregnant, and that’s ok! Some days that bothers me, yes, because I’m still trying to learn how to be comfortable in... my current form. My body has done SO much for me in my 34 years! From learning to walk, then run, to building my muscles to be strong with weight training, and most recently stretching to accommodate, nourish & support my daughter, which it still does! This body is AMAZING! It is worthy & deserving of my love & respect. It has given me the most incredible gift in my daughter. It carries me everywhere I need to go, everyday. It holds my sweet daughter & comforts her everyday too. Every cell experiences the thoughts I have about my body, I’m regretful of the negative things I’ve said to it over the last year or so, and in many years prior. My appearance has nothing to do with these amazing feats my body has accomplished, and the only thing that remains constant with my body is change. This is not my permanent physical form. It will continue to change, as all bodies do. One thing I can’t do is wait until it changes form again to love it. She deserves my love & kindness now, and always #postpartumbody #bodypositivity #selflove #kindness #compassion #health #wellness #curvy #holistichealth #healing #recovery

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 14.11.2020

Every now & then I have intense cravings for a completely plant based meal, the last couple of weeks I keep thinking about power bowls! Buddha bowls, nourish bowls, whatever you want to call them! Essentially they’re just a bowl of (typically) plant based goodness with some kind of grain. I made these tonight with quinoa as a base, topped with honey rosemary slow cooker beets, sautéed cauliflower rice with onions & kale, crunchy oven roasted chickpeas, turmeric seasoned bak...ed tofu & a dollop of garlicky hummus! This is only the second time I’ve ever purchased tofu lol but for some reason I was craving it too! I didn’t follow a recipe for the bowl I just threw together stuff I had in the pantry & fridge. This bowl is of course packed with all kinds of veggie goodness along with tons of fiber & protein from the tofu, chickpeas, quinoa & hummus! I think my body just wanted a nice flood of nutrients as I’ve been upping my activity a bit lately & I think my babe is also going through a growth spurt as she’s been nursing more often! I have another actual recipe teed up for Fall Harvest power bowls with sweet potatoes & apples and I’m so excited to try it too! Do you like power bowls? Have any tried & true recipes you could share with me? . #powerbowl #buddhabowl #nourishbowl #postpartumnutrition #motherhood #plantbasedeats #whatnutritionistseat #holistichealth #holisticnutrition

Harmony Nutrition & Wellness 03.11.2020

As a new Mama, something I really don’t have a lot of time or energy for (or desire to do let’s be honest) is keeping our whole house spotless, especially when it comes to bathroom cleaning, floor washing & scrubbing down & or dusting every surface. Since my baby was a few weeks old I decided to invest in a once a month professional clean & boy let me tell you, it is money WELL SPENT! I look forward to our cleaner coming, they’re always so friendly & professional, & take the... hardest housework tasks off my hands. For a few dollars over $100 a month, to me, this is completely worth it & just a few less items on my constant to-do list. It almost feels like a guilty pleasure though. Is that wrong? I think this is almost a necessity as a new mom, especially as my partner runs 2 businesses & is extremely busy. What do you think, would you book a once monthly clean to ease your stress & workload at home? #guiltypleasure #clean #housecleaner #kitchen #momlife #motherhood #happywifehappylife