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Locality: Regina, Saskatchewan

Phone: +1 306-352-4673

Address: 3800 Green Falls Drive S4N7L2 Regina, SK, Canada


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Hope Youth 01.05.2021

Hello Hope Youth! This is a reminder that we will not be meeting this week! Have a great time with your family, enjoy the nice weather and we will see you back April 14 on zoom!

Hope Youth 12.04.2021

We will be exclusively on Zoom for the next three weeks as we stay safe at home. We are finishing up our Everyday Rhythms series. Email [email protected] for the zoom link!

Hope Youth 26.03.2021

Parenting With Hope has had an upgrade! We are now releasing episodes in a podcast format rather than videos for convenient listening! Follow the link In our first episode release, we talk with Tammy Richter about lamenting as a family.

Hope Youth 12.03.2021

We have a Parenting With Hope podcast! This is where Shauna, Daniel and Chandra help parents disciple their youth at home! Check it out here: In our first episode release, we talk with Tammy Richter about lamenting as a family.

Hope Youth 25.02.2021

We are on our final S for our Everyday Rhythms series. This week we are learning how to share our stories! Come and learn how sharing our stories will bless others. Don't forget your bless journals! WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-8:30 PM

Hope Youth 15.09.2020

PARENTS // Did you know we have a video podcast for parents? Every month, Daniel, Shauna, and Chandra chat about ways you can nurture the faith of your kids right where they grow the most - at home! You can check it out by heading to under the "Parenting with Hope" tab. It is also available on the Living Hope App

Hope Youth 27.08.2020

We have loved gathering in-person with you for the last few weeks! Thank you for abiding to provincial guidelines by wearing masks and hand sanitizing so that we can continue meeting together!

Hope Youth 25.08.2020

MEMORY VERSE // We are in a series called "The Way" and we are learning how Jesus shows us a better way of living. At Hope Youth, we want to memorize scripture together so we can let the word get into us. Here is this past weekend's memory verse! Have you memorized it yet?

Hope Youth 22.08.2020

Hey Hope Youth, We are excited to see you tonight! Don't forget to have your parents register online! Wear a mask and we hope to reconnect again in person after such a long time apart. Doors open at 6:00 PM!

Hope Youth 18.08.2020

Sunday is family fun day at Cedar Creek Gardens! Drop in between 5pm and 7pm on Sept 13 to enjoy the outdoors together. Cedar Creek is located 2 miles south of Regina on Highway 6, and there's lots of cool things to check out. See you there!

Hope Youth 16.08.2020

SEPTEMBER 16 For those who are comfortable joining us, youth will be meeting in-person starting September 16. We will have COVID-19 policies in place to ensure everyone is safe. Please read up on our policies and register for our program on the website at

Hope Youth 31.07.2020

We challenge Hope Kids & Hope Youth to lean the Church Clap dance! Learn the dance // check out our video to see if you’re better at it than we are! Film it // Find some family or friends to join you and dance together! Send it // Email [email protected] with your post but make sure we have permission to use your video... Watch it // Tune into Sunday services during our preservice countdown at 10:25am to catch your videos Have fun! Can’t wait to see your moves! -Daniel and Chandra

Hope Youth 24.07.2020

Hey Hope Youth, here is the tik tok video of the youth leaders sharing their favourite moments from this year at youth! Thanks for an awesome year! You will have to ask the leaders for their dance moves!

Hope Youth 06.07.2020

Here is a short devotional on the big idea from this Sunday Sermon! Check it out! "A divided heart is not a devoted heart"

Hope Youth 17.06.2020

PRAY // The way Jesus teaches us to love, serve, and prioritize others is totally different than what the world typically says we should do. And although following Jesus causes our lives to look different than what’s normal, we don’t have to be embarrassed about what we believe. When you choose to boldly follow Jesus, He can use your example in powerful ways to change the lives of other people. Today, ask God to help you be confident in the ways the gospel has changed your life. Your example might just lead someone else toward experiencing the life-changing power of the Gospel.

Hope Youth 28.05.2020

PRAY // God can change the lives of people in your schools, on your teams, and in your family. Daily, you’re surrounded by people who need to hear the good news of God’s grace and love for them. This is why Jesus said, the harvest is plentiful. He wanted us to know that the message we have is one that people are longing to hear. Today, ask God to give you a heart for those around you that are searching for Him. Then ask yourself this: What can I do to join in on the work of spreading the message of Jesus?

Hope Youth 10.05.2020

TALK // All of your talent, money, passion, and creativity is supposed to be used for the good of others. If God has gifted you with a passion for those in need, serve them. If He’s gifted you with athletic ability, serve those you compete with and compete against. If He’s gifted you with influence, use it to make some else’s life better. All of us have gifts that can positively impact those around us. Today, ask a parent or Small Group Leader what they think your gifts are. Then ask for advice about how you can use your gifts to help others.

Hope Youth 20.04.2020

HEAR // Do you ever feel like serving others doesn’t have much of an effect on the world? Sometimes serving others feels about as effective as using a phone flashlight to light a dark forest. Thankfully, this verse reminds us that when we serve others, the effect we’re having is more like that of a star than a flashlight. When we serve people in need, we’re shining a bright light on the darkness in the world around us. Today, let this verse be a reminder that God is using you to change the world when you help those in need.

Hope Youth 13.04.2020

LIVE // Today, look for an opportunity to do something good for someone else. When you begin to keep an eye out for the chance to help others, it begins to shape the way you live and think. If we go about our daily lives searching for opportunities to do good for other people, this mindset will quickly become a part of who we are. Don’t miss the chances you have to help others in a way that points them to Jesus. No matter how big or how small, every good deed makes a difference!

Hope Youth 11.04.2020

HEAR // When we help people in need, God says it’s as though we are helping Him personally. We don’t have to wonder if giving of our time, money, or energy to help means anything to God. To Him, serving the needs of other people is always worth the effort. In fact, He will even repay us for the help we lend to those in need. Whether it’s now or in heaven someday, God promises to bless us for all that we invest in other people. Let these words motivate you to find ways that you can help others this week.

Hope Youth 24.03.2020

HEAR // This is such a challenging question. The point this verse makes is that we can’t really claim to love God and ignore other people. Yet, we all know that sometimes our schedule or our priorities can get in the way of us caring for the needs of others. The good news is that we can start to change this. Today, sit for a few minutes and think about the implications of this question. Does your lifeline up with your love for God? If not, ask yourself this question: What would it look like for me to start using what I havemy things, my money, and my timeto help those in need around me?

Hope Youth 07.03.2020

LIVE // Have you ever seen a box labeled two-person lift? This warning is meant to keep someone from getting hurt by trying to carry the heavy weight alone. Well, sometimes the weight of life’s burdens shouldn’t be carried alone either. This is why Jesus wants us to help others by carrying their burdens with them. If we want to live in obedience to Jesus, we have to choose to help people in need. Today, write down the names of people you know who are carrying the weight of something difficult. Next to their names, list a few ways that you can help them this week.

Hope Youth 25.02.2020

PRAY // We’ve all seen how great love stories play out in the movies. You know the ones: a guy runs through an airport to get to the girl before she leaves, or a girl leaves everything behind to be with the man of her dreams. These kinds of stories usually end with one person doing something crazy for the other. Believe it or not, this is what makes the story of Jesus the greatest love story ever. God loved everyone so much that He gave everything to save them. And now God is asking us to share this kind of love with everyone we can. Today, spend some time asking God to help you love everyone around you the way He does: unconditionally

Hope Youth 13.02.2020

LIVE // We often miss opportunities to help other people because we’re too focused on ourselves. To make a real difference in the world, we need to shift our focus. This week, find some ways to intentionally show interest in the needs of others. Maybe you could research information about some of the big humanitarian needs in the world. Or maybe you could learn about the most pressing needs in your local community. You could even learn about the needs of individuals and families in your church! No matter what direction you turn, this week, find a way to take an interest in the needs of others. Taking an interest is often the first step toward making a real difference in the world around you.

Hope Youth 25.01.2020

LIVE // How would you treat Jesus if He was right in front of you? And what if the way you treat those in need reveals how you would treat Him? This is either an encouraging or frightening question depending on how you treat the people around you. Either way, Jesus wants us to understand that when we serve those in need, it’s like He’s the one we’re actually caring for. Why? Because His heart is deeply connected to those in need. Today, choose to treat someone you know the same way you would treat Jesus. Serve them, love them, and go out of your way to do something that helps them

Hope Youth 11.01.2020

LIVE // These words almost feel like a challenge. It’s as though Jesus is saying, Hey, talk is cheap. Don’t just say you love me, show me! When you think about it, His words totally make sense. After all, true love requires action. If we truly love Jesus then we can’t just say it, we have to show it. And the way we do this is by obeying His commands. This means doing things like loving others, caring for those in need, and telling people about Him. Today, look for opportunities to express your love to God by being obedient to every situation.

Hope Youth 07.01.2020

TALK // What you value says a lot about what’s going on inside of you. How you use your time, talent, and money impacts your heart more than most of us realize. In other words, what you invest yourself into the most will either be drawing your heart closer to God or pulling it further away from Him. Things like popularity, possessions, and pleasure aren’t necessarily bad, but if we place too much value on them, they can easily distract us from what God wants for us. Today, ask a close friend this question: What do you think I value most in life? Then think about what their answer means for your heart.

Hope Youth 23.12.2019

LIVE // Have you ever believed something so deeply that you did something about it? Maybe you left cookies out for Santa, left a tooth under your pillow for the tooth fairy, or you wished upon a star because you knew that’s how dreams came true. When we act on what we believe it shows how deeply we believe it. This is why faith in God requires action. Genuine faith should impact every area of our lives. Today, ask yourself these two questions: Do my actions align with what I believe? What’s one step I can take today to put my faith into action?

Hope Youth 19.12.2019

LIVE // The loudest message we send doesn’t require words. That’s because the way we live our lives is sending a message about what we believe. When we choose to obey Jesus’ commands and share His love with others, we’re showing the world around us that He is worth following. And this is a message that doesn’t require any words at all. Living in obedience to Jesus shows the people around you that He is greater and more important to you than anyone or anything else. As you go about your day today, ask yourself this question: What is my life saying to others about Jesus?

Hope Youth 04.12.2019

PRAY // Sometimes following Jesus is hard. Serving others, sharing His love, and spreading the message of Jesus can be really difficult in certain situations or with certain people. At the same time, there is something powerful about the joy these things can bring us. When we serve others, it just feels good. When we love others, we’re reminded of how much God loves us. When we share the good news about Jesus, we remember how it changed us. Today, ask God to bring you joy as you choose to follow Him. Then let that joy be the strength you need to serve Him even when it’s hard.

Hope Youth 30.11.2019

HEAR // If you’re great, people serve you . . . right? Well, according to Jesus, it’s the other way around. If we want to experience all the thrills of being great, then we must serve the people around us. See, Jesus had a different definition of greatness. He didn’t view it as power, wealth, or popularity. Greatness to Jesus is more about having a positive impact on other people. Today, allow Jesus’ perspective to shape the way you think about what it means to become great. You might even realize that His words have the power to completely change your view of greatness.

Hope Youth 25.11.2019

PRAY // Did you know that angels like to party? In fact, all of heaven celebrates when just one person turns to God. What’s even more amazing is that we can play a special part in these celebrations. When we share the love and message of Jesus, God works through us to lead people into a relationship with Him. And then, when someone chooses to begin a relationship with Jesus, heaven joyously celebrates another person receiving eternal life. Today, ask God to show you who you can share the Gospel with. Then ask Him for the right words to say when an opportunity comes.

Hope Youth 10.11.2019

LIVE // God came to Earth to serve the people He created. This is the greatest act of humility in history. Now, He asks us to follow His example and serve those around us. In order for us to do this, we have to think about ourselves less and others more. Today, choose to serve someone in a way that you typically wouldn’t. Serve with your time, energy, or talents in a way that might not benefit you at all. By doing this, you’ll be following Jesus’ example of how to others.

Hope Youth 07.11.2019

HEAR // Serving God is not the most glamorous job. When we do the work of loving other people, telling them about Jesus, and showing them how to follow Him, we aren’t always met with excitement. This is what makes Jesus’ promise so encouraging. When we choose to serve God, we can be sure that He will honor our efforts. Now, we may never receive recognition here on Earth, but we can have joy knowing that our Heavenly Father doesn’t take our service for granted. Today, let this truth encourage you to be bold in the ways you serve God.

Hope Youth 27.10.2019

God calls us to serve and share His love with the people around us. If we’re being honest though, this doesn’t always come easy. But as we’ll see in this series, the way we serve and love not only has the power to change and impact others’ lives, but our lives us as well. It can change the worldand usfrom the inside out.-

Hope Youth 17.10.2019

Tag someone who’s been generous toward you this week.

Hope Youth 01.10.2019

Money is a tool, and you can do good with it or squander it. What’s one way you can do good with money this week?

Hope Youth 27.09.2019

What are the dangers of serving money? What are the benefits of serving God?

Hope Youth 09.09.2019

What’s one simple way you can be generous toward someone else today?

Hope Youth 01.09.2019

How we respond to what we receive reveals a lot about our hearts. Tell God how grateful you are for what He’s provided today.

Hope Youth 18.08.2019

Ask God to help you keep the love of money far from your heart today. He hears your prayers.