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Sacred Energy Healing 01.05.2021

REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!!! This is what I keep hearing, and I will continue to put that energy out there. You are so much more than just a meat suit, trust your intuition and what it is saying to you. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm in a human body to have an experience on Earth. Not one being is better than you nor are you better than another being. ... A gift of time to remember, a crisis to wake you up and remember. It is time to reclaim your power!!! Love and Gratitude Picture by conscious reminder.

Sacred Energy Healing 22.04.2021

The triangle has been huge for me, in my own healing, sessions and being shown how this sacred symbol influences our life of abundance and balance. The triangle is a reconciling relationship between opposing forces. Two opposite emotions and one balance. When we find the right balance we are in Ayni. Ayni is the fundamental law of life, because without it, we live in extreme disharmony that results in suffering. Are you in the right relationship with yourself? It’s perfect...ly normal to experience emotions, negative or positive. It’s only when we stay in one or the other for too long we become unbalanced and not in the right relationship with ourselves. The triangle becomes uneven and causes disharmony. Love and Gratitude See more

Sacred Energy Healing 05.04.2021

All you need is love With a little, Dash of open mindedness, Splash of compassion, Pinch of kindness,... Smidgen of understanding And a sprinkle of intuition. See more

Sacred Energy Healing 21.03.2021

Remember this!!! Not one person has let go of their limited beliefs easily. It is a process and it all begins with recognising them and how they hold you back. So go easy on yourself and allow the process to unfold as it should. It's a rollercoaster ride, that you will unconditionally love and be repulsed by, all at the same time. It is truly amazing what we can achieve with the balance of our heart, soul and mind. With this balance, there is no room for limiting beliefs. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 20.02.2021

Trust the process, the path has already been paved, we just have to move out of the way and let our destiny guide us. It is becoming pretty clear that we are o...ut of balance in all aspects of our lives. Humanity has been gifted this time to face our fears, see the false and pretense of what we put with and how we are made to think and feel. It is time to really look at ourselves, see our limited beliefs, fears, triggers and think of what makes us feel whole and start get to know our true authentic selves. From the day we are born we are told who to listen to, who to support, what religion to follow, what culture we belong to, where we are born and that's where we should stay. We are taught that some are more fortunate than others. Some are more entitled to wealth, health, freedom and power because of who they are and where they come from. Very much ego and material based. We are made and born whole, with everything that we could ask for, unconditional love, no attachment, no separation, no judgement and an uncorrupted connection to Spirit, Source or God. The corrosion of connection only begins when we are divided by the constraints of society and we feel we have to change to fit in. After all, we have to belong to some sort of group to complete ourselves and make us feel like we are whole. This time is not about changing, we have changed far too much already. It is about going within and remembering who we truly are and the divine power we hold inside. It is a pivotal moment of where we are to begin healing and renew the connection to Spirit. We can bring in the balance by creating new thought patterns, releasing heavy energy and letting go of judgement and our limited beliefs. We choose complete forgiveness and compassion for ourselves and those around us. We begin to create new neural pathways by rewiring our brain and how we think, we update our software and our hardware will thank us. Myself and many others are living proof that this can be done. It all begins with you. Much love and gratitude to all!!

Sacred Energy Healing 14.02.2021

What if nothing is wrong with you? We are born into this world with abundance, it is only through experiences, traumas, beliefs and a lack society that we feel we are wrong and not living in the real world. Through energy healing we can release those traumas and experience the reality of abundance that we have been searching for. We replace the void of lack and separation with a clear connection to your soul. You are a sovereign being and it is time you know the real you. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 19.01.2021

What is the use of having the money, the car, the home and a top profession that makes your family proud, when there is no emotional, mental, physical or energetical health. We have been ego led for so long, we can actually see now that humanity and Mother Earth are suffering greatly. This is one the most important times to let go of our ego driven life and call in the work of our infinite soul to guide us through changing times. Love and gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 30.12.2020

You may have heard of the great awakening, Age of Aquarius, new energy shift, etc. Each year we experience The Winter Solstice on December 21st, the birth of the new SUN. This year is different, with the Saturn Jupiter conjunction from December 21st to the 25th. This will be a great shift in energy and an opportune time to find the true saviour within yourself. There is no great rescue from the outside, only the rescuing of your true authentic self. Also during this time of a...lignment there will be a great number of us entering our very own Saturn Return. The Saturn Return signifies a time for us to recognise our true potential and who we truly are. The Saturn Return can create a crisis that puts us face to face with our fears. Our Saturn Return occurs at the age of 29 through our midlife and peaks at 42 years, right through to our Uranus Return at 84 years. This great awakening will be the largest we have ever known in our lifetime. This is not a time to be afraid of change or what is going on in the world. This new age will be led by truth, our hearts and souls. It is time to wake up your true power and leave the mundane behind. The last cycle occurred in the Middle Ages which was ironically characterised by a plague, economic, political, social and religious upheaval. There is no such thing as a coincidence!! I am no Astrologist, but I was given this information to pass along and hopefully shed a little light in the shadows. highly recommend researching The Saturn Return, Saturn and Jupiter conjunction if you haven't already, fascinating findings. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 21.09.2020

Hello to all my brothers and sisters! It’s a great time to shed our past/stories and face our fears. We are in a new energy now that helps us to see who we truly are, our old ways of self destruction are struggling to survive. What is it that holds you back? What takes up so much of your energy? ... What is it you are choosing to let go of? Have a think, soul connection on those questions and see what you come up with. Recognizing them is the first step to letting go and healing. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 19.09.2020

Hi everyone!! Here I am again!! If you haven’t already noticed from my previous videos and today, I am uncomfortable doing videos and going live, so here I am being uncomfortable sharing a message to you. It is time for you to be uncomfortable and release that fear and get out there and begin your healing journey. Please comment, share, like if you feel led to and keep vibrating high!! Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 08.09.2020

We are programmed to always look to the outside of ourselves, when in reality, all the answers are already within us. When we hold on to this belief system we begin fall and are unable to get back up. Remember it’s okay to fall down, this is how we learn. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 21.08.2020

"Heal the fear and compassion bursts forth." Alberto Villoldo. Regardless of why we are fearful, virus, freedoms being taken, for our children's safety. Holding onto and projecting our fears onto others. Does this really serve and help us? Your fears appear in all that you do and say, your energy becomes consumed by it. When you let the fear over power you, you are no longer coming from a place of compassion. ... Sharing and responding to information in a compassionate, (humorous) way and caring for your fellow humans is a great opportunity to come together as a collective, because this is who we are! Remember where you come from and why you are here. Everything we feel, think about ourselves and others has an impact on the energy around us, all living creations!! Love and compassion for all my fellow social beings!! I am you, as you are me, without each other we are nothing! Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 04.08.2020

Let’s be honest 2020 has been pretty shitty so far!! As with every crisis (personal or collective) the shit really does have to come to the surface to be released. It is our way of learning to experience these emotions and we should be able to feel anger, hurt, sadness and pain, etc without feeling guilty, however it is when we hold onto those energies we begin to cause damage to ourselves and those around us. I urge you not to hold on too long as our energy will become toxic... and we will invite jealousy, self entitlement, hate and fear, and we will become so self absorbed that we are unable to truly love ourselves and others. We have lived under a Patriarchal society for thousands of years, this year the Matriarch is calling to us, she knows it’s time for balance. This is why we feel the suffering, we are reprogramming for the Male and Female energies to come together in union, to help create a more balanced world for all our children and for many generations to come. For my brothers and sisters all over Mother Earth, feel her, the divine feminine energy flowing through you. A healing woman is force to behold and she is there for us all. Love and Gratitude See more

Sacred Energy Healing 17.07.2020

Our 7 main chakras are the energy centres of our body and luminous energy field, feeding energy through to the Central Nervous System. If one or more of our chakras becomes clogged with heavy energy due to past traumas we haven't managed to heal from, we become out of balance and will suffer energetically, physically, emotionally and mentally. The main 7 charkas begin from our root/1st (red), sacral/2nd (orange), solar plexus/3rd (yellow), heart/4th (green or pink). throat/5...th (blue), third eye/6th (indigo) and the crown/7th chakra (purple or white).There are many meanings and emotions that our chakras represent, so it is no wonder we will feel out of balance and sometimes we won't even know why. Here are a few meanings of us being in full energetic flow and a few indications that your chakras may be clogged with Houcha (negative/heavy energy). Root or first chakra - Location, base of the spine. Gives us the gifts of safety, survival, independence, grounding and finding balance through your physical and material world. Unbalanced leaves us feeling stressed, anxious, fearful, chronically fatigued and having abandonment issues. Sacral or second chakra - Location, just below the navel. Gives us the gifts of creativity, pleasures and desires, sexuality and emotions. Unbalanced leaves us feeling fearful, lack of creativity, fighting, self esteem and control issues. Solar Plexus or third chakra - Location, solar plexus. Gives us the gifts of courage, personal power, radiance and concentration. Unbalanced leaves us feeling angry, shameful, low energy, victim mentality, lack of compassion and empathy. Heart or fourth chakra - Location, heart. Gives us the gifts of compassion, love, empathy, gentleness and wholeness. Unbalanced leaves us feeling selfish, grieving, lonely, jealous, bitter and resentful. Throat or fifth chakra - Location, throat. Gives us the gifts of communication, harmony, balance, truthfulness and sincerity. Unbalanced leaves us feeling fearful of silence, gossip, lies and fear of speaking out. Third eye or sixth chakra - Location, forehead. Gives us the gifts of insight, wisdom, logic, foresight, and empathy. Unbalanced leaves us feeling depressed, in denial, stressed and confused. Crown or seventh chakra - Location, Top of the head. Gives us the gifts of confidence, selflessness, wisdom and devotion. Unbalanced leaves us cynical, depressed, hopeless, and regressing in our path. I will leave you with these meanings and insights to look through and think about. I will also explain at a later date how we can help ourselves to release some of this negative energy from our own chakras. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 09.07.2020

We know the mind can create psychosomatic disease, can it also create psychosomatic health. Alberto Villoldo. YES!!!! See how powerful your mindset can be. Our body and mind are one, with spirit flowing through all of us. Spirit is our life source of energy that keeps every single living being connected. ... Love and Gratitude See more

Sacred Energy Healing 04.07.2020

Remember to connect with your soul, it will never lie to you or hold you back. Your soul is the true wisdom that continues to be ignored. Help your infinite self to grow and learn from your human experience. Love and Gratitude Book an appointment today and see where your destiny takes you.

Sacred Energy Healing 22.06.2020

We are not our past, we are who we are becoming!! It’s time to update your software. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 12.06.2020

Before you love or seek love from others, learn to love yourself first. Before you wish for others to heal, heal yourself first. Before you wish to know others, know your true self first. Before you give your power away, have a greater understanding of how powerful you truly are. Before you judge or dismiss other people’s beliefs, you must release your own limiting beliefs first. ... You must always begin with yourself, you are your greatest teacher and judge. Nobody else can hurt or love yourself as much as you do. Your true self is waiting for you. Love and Gratitude See more

Sacred Energy Healing 31.05.2020

Are we going to live in fear or are we going to grow and stand in our fearlessness. This doesn’t mean we aren’t afraid, but it does stop us from being too afraid of trying/being.

Sacred Energy Healing 14.05.2020

Hi all!! I’m putting this out there in knowing that it will find someone who may feel the same. Please comment below and let me know your thoughts. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 25.04.2020

What kind of weed are you? When we look at the environment weeds can grow in, it’s everywhere. Some weeds are here to help us, some are here to teach us a lesson. Your own environment is just like that of weeds. The toxic helps us to learn and dig the root of the problem out, the non toxic provides space to heal. Take care of your environment and thoughts, you can learn and grow from them or the poison can spread, destroying your natural growth. ... When you see all weeds as the same, they will not help you. When you see all weeds as toxic, you will not heal. When you see all weeds as safe, you will not learn. What kind of weed are you? See more

Sacred Energy Healing 15.04.2020

Until we heal the hate and fear within ourselves, how can we expect others to heal their own hate and fear. So many suffering souls living with self loathing, no self worth and no self love. This shows in our behaviour, our beliefs and a narrow mindset. There are people that can help you, but the true saviour will always come from inside of you. I AM worthy, I AM free, I AM enough!!

Sacred Energy Healing 30.03.2020

Leaving the age of falseness and entering an age of truth is a huge step for us to heal, as an individual and also as a collective. Facing our truth is uncomfortable, however being uncomfortable in our truth far outweighs the pain of our fears. When we deny our truth, our mistakes become buried, it becomes easier to lie to ourselves or accept the lies of others. This has a detrimental affect on our soul, when we don't learn from the lesson our teacher will keep coming. Free your energy of fear, hate, guilt, unworthiness and deception. Break the cycle!!! The process is easy once you are able to face your truth. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 12.03.2020

The impact of old and new ages!! Realisation that we are beautiful souls within a complex multicelluar avatar formed by organisms, microbes, bacteria and viruses. What if our own systems begin to break down and attacks itself when we become so removed from who we truly are. When we no longer live in harmony with one another, Mother Earth and most importantly ourselves, we become dis-eased! The game that we are experiencing (life) throws us a curve ball and it is up to us how... we handle it, how we heal and how we live. In the words of Master Yoda, "You have to unlearn what you have already learned." When we upgrade our energy field we feel lighter, we recognise what holds us down, we learn from our mistakes. Do you notice that the lower vibrations of others seem more obivious? Can you feel that your energy no longer aligns with those that can not or will not help themselves, are not able to see their own failures or destructive behaviour? Energy is energy, whether it comes down the wires from a pole or it flows through your own wiring in your very own living avatar. "Celluar communication disrupts celluar communication." We all have this universal energy within each of us, that has unlimited power and wisdom. it is amazing how we have survived for so long on Earth surrounded by unnatural and disturbing forces. This shows us all that we have never been fully disconnected and that we have a deep rooted knowing about our true selves, even though it has been buried under a huge amount of houcha (heavy energy) for so long. Gratitude comes when we self reflect and see ourselves from the inside out. We learn to peel the layers back for growth, just like the snake who sheds her skin. Jaguar delves into our shadows, she stalks us until we learn our lesson and release our fears ready for our destiny. Hummingbird patiently awaits, he sees our map, where we are headed and guides us on our unique journey. Eagle resides within us, he is our connection to the source of infinite life and oneness. Love and Gratitude

Sacred Energy Healing 06.03.2020

It’s that Friday Feeling. Please join us for Gillian Smiths free help session.

Sacred Energy Healing 01.03.2020

Friday Feature again!!! A much needed release of negative energy and also calling in the self love and self worth into our energy field, that we all struggle with. Join me this Friday 15th of May on YouTube, link below, at 1pm AST, 12pm EST, 9am PST and 5pm GMT. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc8KEFPZBmRH1CSxee6NgCw I work with an amazing team at Ashworth Scott Life Sculpting, follow us on YouTube and reconnect with the true you. Love and Gratitude.

Sacred Energy Healing 22.02.2020

As an empath like many others it has been difficult to understand other people’s behaviour. When you realize and see this, all the pain you have endured will begin to heal. The narcissist will no longer have the power to feed from you. The energy of the empath is strong and will help guide others to healing. Love and Gratitude.

Sacred Energy Healing 14.02.2020

Just a little reminder that it is still May, the special offer is still going. $50 for an illumination, we will use distance healing and help release the negative energy that we hold onto from times of trauma and anxiety. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to know more about energy healing. Love and Gratitude.

Sacred Energy Healing 03.02.2020

Energy healing is such a beautiful way to heal. You face and release your fears that hold you back from being your true authentic self. When you experience it and realize how much heavy energy you have been carrying around with you, you will never go back to the old you, the you everyone said who you should be. Love and Gratitude!!