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Image__marketing 13.09.2020

SUNDAY Using Sundays to prepare for your week sets you up for success. *Plan your content *Look at the upcoming meetings you have ... *Take your pictures that you need to be able to post consistently. * write your to do tasks Whatever it is you need to do to plan for an amazing week, do it! You will feel more organized and accomplished. To me that is a pretty amazing feeling.

Image__marketing 05.09.2020

Where is your happy place? Share with me. We all have a place that allows us to escape, feel calm, refreshed, and at peace. Perhaps it is a room in your house... The top of a mountain ( mine too) Driving in a car to an unknown destination, listening to your favorite songs. Mine is in the mountains and near water. 110%.

Image__marketing 21.08.2020

Creating stories is an important aspect of IG more so, but FB as well, that I hope you are using! There are 500 million people interacting on stories daily, so that is reason alone to use them. It also gives you the opportunity to post things perhaps more personal, fun and pictures that are not necessarily right for your feed. ... Play around with the features and watch people start to interact with your stories more. **Biggest tip, dont story dump once a day, spread the stories out throughout your day! **

Image__marketing 04.08.2020

WHAT TO POST NOW....? My biggest tip for anyone struggling to post consistently on a weekly basis ( more then 3 times a week needs to happen) is this. 1. Figure out 6 general topics to cover each week. Ie behind the scenes, whats new, tip tuesdays etc. ... 2. Get more specific under each heading. Ie behind the scenes: making soap, working on the computer, a day in the life of, knowledge sharing, etc Make sure its specific to you and your brand and it makes sense. 3. Each day is a different topic so you will have done that 6 times, and now you have two weeks of content to post about. ( if posting three times a week or one week if doing 6 times a week) 4. Put it on a content calander to help keep you organized m, on schedule and posting regularly. Boom, posting regularly doesnt have to be such a challenge! How do you keep on track with posting?

Image__marketing 17.07.2020

TIME MANAGMENT For myself, I am most productive when I plan, write down exactly what I need to do and put a time on each task. Its funny to say...that when I finish a task early, I then take that time to clean or do something around my house before moving to the next task. . #momlife... #mompreneur How do you set up your days to be successful and productive?

Image__marketing 05.07.2020

HOW DO YOU TAKE CARE OF YOU? *Laugh at yourself. *Screw up, learn and try again *Do shit that scares you... *Be kind even to those who are miserable and unkind *Spread joy to those who need it *Walk away from things that dont make you happy or light your fire. * Move daily These are statements and actions I follow daily and do. Share yours with me

Image__marketing 25.06.2020

Do you agree? Three key factors in building your business is: Networking with like minded people Providing value to your followers... Building relationships even if your followers are all over the world. If you can do these three things you are headed in the right direction!

Image__marketing 20.06.2020

Do you have a clear plan on where you want to be by the end of the year? How will you implement those goals or changes you want to see happen? Here are some ways to help you to follow through and implement. ... 1. Establish your goals 2. Anticipate obstacles 3. Develop a plan- be very specific 4. Break the plan into small manageable tasks 5. Write those tasks in a day timer so you know what needs to be done when. 6. Tell someone your plan for change and the goals you have, as this holds you accountable and you are more likely to follow through. 7. Pick a day to start the process 8. Get ready for the ride!

Image__marketing 08.06.2020

SAVEit is that time of month where we look at what hilarious and cool holidays we can use. Holidays we can create content around. As always, there are HUNDREDS of national holidays to choose from, so use these or find ones that allign or are specific to your brand.... Have fun!

Image__marketing 22.05.2020

How often do you get that heart rate up? Its proven fact, you feel better physically and mentally when you move that body. Even for 30 minutes to an hr every day makes a world of difference. ... Invest in yourself and you can invest even more of yourself into your work, life, and business.

Image__marketing 20.05.2020

SAVEBranding questions to answer Starting from scratch? Lets take a look at 4 foundational questions that will start you off on the right track and help you build your brand. ... Now if you have owned and operated a business for a while, is your branding on point or does it need work?

Image__marketing 15.05.2020

We have all set goals and then stopped carrying them out for one reason or another. Which one has stopped you? We all know why setting goals is so important, but what stops you from either settling goals or carrying them out. Lets take a look. ... Lack of belief in themselves /Scepticism Setting the wrong goals Previous disappointment Fear Laziness Comfort zone And a common one I see is I WANT IT NOW. So if it doesnt happen right away people give up and move on too quickly.

Image__marketing 07.05.2020

National Ice cream day!! What is your favorite kind? *Ohhh and today is the day where ice cream has no calories. *... Days like these are fun and a great excuse ( for me anyways) to have a break from your daily grind. To go and enjoy a moment to yourself or with the kids. Go enjoy an ice cream either from the store or your favorite ice cream shop. You deserve it :)

Image__marketing 26.04.2020

Thumbs up, thumbs down, frustration, excitment... What feelings do you have when it comes to managing social media for your business. Tell me!!

Image__marketing 24.04.2020

EXERCISE = POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH I wake up early as it is to start work, but the thought of waking up a bit earlier ( 5:45 to be exact) so I could start doing something for myself again was a bit hard to grasp. BUT, I did it and I am hooked! I used to be gym obsessed before kids and was there 6 days a week, so to get back into something feels so good!... Having other people to be motivated with, is also helpful. Keep the friends around who wake up early and work out with you! They are keepers! Do you exercise on a regular basis even if it is a walk? It is a great way to start your day.

Image__marketing 09.04.2020

Had the most beautiful 6am drove this morning to see a potential client. I really enjoy early mornings. It is quiet, no traffic, did I mention it is quiet... . The key is to be awake before the kids wake up and start screaming lol... Are you a morning person?

Image__marketing 21.03.2020

A Sunday morming fun tip for you. I can not stress enough the importance of utilizing stories. It is a quick and easy way for people to see what you and your brand are all about. ... Today I am sharing how to pull colours out of your pictures to add to your background. Share a pic from your feed Pull colours from that pic using the paint tool, and add some fun shapes and designs Add a banner to create suspense! Tag me if you try this or any other IG tip you have learned from me! @chelseavogel_image_marketing

Image__marketing 02.03.2020

SAVE THIS POST A present from me to you. Here are my top tips for you when it comes to your platforms.... These can work on a few different platforms, not just instagram!

Image__marketing 15.02.2020

SAVE THIS POST Some prompts to help with content ideas What are some other ideas for content?

Image__marketing 29.01.2020

First, this isnt a political debate, and a debate about who likes who. That is besides the point. Its about coming together to support a business who is expanding and bringing great things to Turner Valley. I was invited to an event yesterday in town that had the Premier, MLA, counsillors and other business people there. ... We came together to Support David, at Eau Claire and discuss Economic Development. To bring awareness to our amazing communities and the potential we have here. I attended the event, missed the photoshoot, so I took matters into my own hands and photoshopped myself in . Yup I did...

Image__marketing 09.01.2020

MONDAYS I love Mondays. Do you love Mondays??!!... It means a brand new week to accomplish new goal and complete tasks. It is a brand new week to do my best for my clients, work hard, try to do better as a mom ( yeah work tends to take over) and stay organized. To say I have always loved Mondays... yeah I cant. But I can now!!

Image__marketing 29.12.2019

SAVE THIS POST July is almost here and that means it is time to plan your content. Have fun with them, stay on brand, and enjoy!

Image__marketing 09.12.2019

I chuckle as I post this picture. I laugh because when you meet someone for the first time and they say "oh youre the girl that likes to lay in the middle of the road" You just have go do it again to laugh about it. YOU know who you are G. ... Anyways! This week is full of challenges, big decision making and risk taking. Risks and challenges that are a bit stressful but I know will only create growth. Are you one to shy away from change/challenges or hit it straight on?

Image__marketing 19.11.2019

Do you just coast through when it comes to your business, or do you set out very clear goals for yourself, then work towards them daily? Having goals of course will allow your business to grow, but I see all too often owners that do not have a plan or a goal. Without those one will stay stagnant. Some are okay with that, others are not.... I am one that will never stay stagnant.

Image__marketing 14.11.2019

During Covid I have watched people use that time as an opportunity. An opportunity to grow An opportunity to slow down their fast paced life An opportunity to get online ... And even used it as an opportunity to look within to see exactly what they wanted to do with their life, like start a new business! However that time was used, know it was right and it was exactly what you needed. As things start to go back ( I wont say " to normal" as it wont be) how did you use that time?

Image__marketing 27.10.2019

ANIMALS// Animals relax me. I didnt realize it until my dog went to the rainbow bridge this year. They are so good for making me slow down, relax and just take a break because they need lovin too! This Girl isnt ours nor are we ready for another one, but she comes for visits multiple times a day when her owner is at work for 12+ hours a day. ... Its the perfect arrangement for us! Do you find animals have that relaxing affect on you?

Image__marketing 24.10.2019

What is something you have done that was scarey at first? Embarking on something new can be scarey as shit. The thoughts of not being good enough, smart enough or comparing yourself to others. The worry that you will be judged. ... I have learned to do the shit that scares me because you know why...because that is how we grow. Because people are going to judge you no matter what. So we may as well shine like a rock stars bling. The sense of accomplishment, the feeling of being proud you did it and the growth that occurs when you do it is AMAZING. So do the things that scare the SHIT out of you. It is worth it. See more

Image__marketing 17.10.2019

This week Lashes by Emma Jayne is participating! She lives and operates her business in Turner Valley and is a fabulous person! The clue is hidden in BD, TV or anywhere in between.... NOTE AGAIN EVERYONE, IF YOU HAVE FOUND THE PACKAGE A FEW TIMES LEAVE IT FOR OTHERS TO GET.

Image__marketing 27.09.2019

We are #heretohelp Join us on the Diamond Valley Chamber FB or IG page for updates, benefits and resources.