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INVIBE.CA 24.05.2021

I am a writer. I am a light worker. I am a healer. I am a student I am a teacher. ... I am many other things too. I get to decide what those are. Ultimately I am the witness to my being and doing. It has taken decades to get to this space. Decades of waiting for the nod to be myself. Decades of being just good enough to be accepted, while not too much so that anyone else feels lesser than. THAT. IS. EXHAUSTING. And in all honesty, evident of self-abandonment. I could look back and say it was a whole lot of time wasted, but truly it has not been. It took all of those experiences wrapped up into the five decades on this physical plane to get me to this knowing. What I know for sure NOW, is that I cannot go back to that space. [unworthiness] I no longer fit in that box. The door is now closed; the space outgrown. In honouring that, I offer gratitude for those tiny spaces I allowed myself to shrink into, and the part they had in shaping who I’ve become, and the commitment moving forward to being who I truly am. That, in all honesty, is evidence of self-love. I carry with me this idea, and share with you, that whatever you desire to be, you already are. We just need to show up; Let go of all that has habitually held us back; Stop letting the world decide who we are, and be who we know, deep down, WE ARE. It’s a vulnerable and naked place to be at times. We get so comfortable shaping and sculpting ourselves with each stroke of societal acceptance. Societal acceptance fuels our ego, which ego then fuels our beliefs and the behaviour upon which they are based. When instead we were intended to live life from our HEART and SOUL! Why is that so hard for us to embrace? The only approval we should need is internal, from our soul; our personal inner guidance; our own intuition. Yet we are so conditioned to look externally for permission to do everything and anything. We are so attached to ego. It’s woven in EVERYTHING we say and do or don’t. What would happen if instead, we were guided by our love for ourselves and our own soul calibrated well-being? ~ soul calibration T. M. CAMPBELL 2021 Excerpt from LOVE ME, Spring 2021

INVIBE.CA 20.05.2021

As within, so without. As above, so below. Our soul is the intersection of these. This ancient wisdom speaks to all that we have going on internally reflects outwardly in our lives. What is hidden beneath the surface is expressed above it as well. Like roots from a tree underground replicate it’s beautiful trunk and branches visible to us above the ground. We are the same spirit. Our soul knows when something feels good, when something lights us up, or when something is off.... It’s sends signals - those little nudges of communication I mentioned in my last post. They can be momentary or ongoing sensations and feelings inside. IS there anywhere you have been feeling out of alignment? WHAT is your soul nudging that you are either answering that call or rejecting it? Maybe it’s a simple question of IS THERE MORE THAN THIS? That is what it was for me. I started listening to that internal question... and eventually began to explore and understand what I was doing to either continue that misalignment with my soul and it’s desires for my life, or to move me closer to alignment with it, and my purpose here. An ongoing chain of transformation is the result of that self-exploration and inner work. Which brings me to the work I do now. Specifically for my individual clients, I help them explore their own feelings and areas of misalignment and we co-create steps towards living more aligned with what their soul desires for them. We already have all of the answers inside of us. Sometimes we simply need help in uncovering them. If you want to learn more about INVIBE’s unique process of healing and transformational support let’s talk! You can book a free intro session with me (linked on the main page ) and let’s explore this together more deeply!

INVIBE.CA 02.05.2021

And we begin again... We are always beginning again. Sometimes we don’t want to. Start over. Again. Sometimes we chase it... We want a fresh start. ... Regardless, it is constant. Whether we ignore or recognize the moment of beginning again. One way or the other, we ultimately surrender to or consciously create the beginning again. And here we are. We will always have to begin again. Some Monday vibes sparking deep contemplations... offering a reminder we are in constant motion and we don’t have to wait for life circumstances to happen in order to begin again, we can begin again whenever we want to. This is an invitation for you to contemplate too! Comment or share your thoughts on how this resonates! . . . #new #beginning #newbeginnings #wecanbeginagain #wewillbeginagain #change #growth #transformation #healing #mondayvibes #reiki #selfawareness #distancereiki #selfreflection #lovingkindness

INVIBE.CA 29.04.2021

Sending you love, some Reiki love too, going into this weekend... whenever it finds you, it was meant to. I’m feeling a random-acts-of-kindness vibe going into the weekend ahead. Let’s look after ourselves, look after each other... and maybe connect with nature (offer a gift to her), find gratitude in life’s simplicities, speak out against hate and racism when you see it, let go of something energetically weighing you down, read something new, try something new, step ou...t of our comfort zone even if just a little... reverberating love in it all. much love . . . #love #selflove #loveeachother #connection #together #randomactsofkindness #reiki #healing #energywork #mindbodyspirithealth #mindbodysoul #innerwork #stopthehate #growth #transformation #friday #fridaythoughts #invibe

INVIBE.CA 19.04.2021

Those infinite points of light, energetic pulses surround me... The scent of Spring permeates each breath. In it, reminders of the single golden thread of light that flows through all life.... One energy source fills the space to create each form. It is in all of us. Nature’s heart beating in symphonic melody ( if you stop and listen). Natures messages coming through in constant flow... Tweeting, whistling, and buzzing like phone notifications, in haste. Do we jolt or snap our heads at those sounds like we do our phone’s? Or can we not hear them anymore, our brains fine tuned to synthetic waves over organic ones? Nature is always speaking. Millions of conversations buzzing simultaneously... Spontaneous, theatrical plays on Mother Earth’s stage. Not dressed up perfectly in costumes or curated packages... but naked and raw - in its purest form. We only need to tune into to witness, to see and feel that connection. To remember who we are; To remember we are that light too. To remember we need not control all the parts and steps or try to perfect.... anything. To remember we need not worry, either... only trust. And to listen, and to watch in awe, the simplistic beauty before us. The theatrical and poetic displays at every turn. To Find meaning in it all or not... Perhaps we can start with finding gratitude for the evidence before us, that tells us we are an essential part of it, nonetheless. - / / - au naturel [in the natural state]

INVIBE.CA 11.12.2020

Happy Winter Solstice! And its powerful alignment with Great Conjunction in Aquarius Thank you to all the beautiful souls who shared their light and energy for our Winter Solstice Meditation & Reiki yesterday. ... I’ve posted the meditation portion on ‘s new YouTube channel. Nature constantly reminds us of the cycle of life and brings us an awareness of its connection to our own cycles of growth. Winter is a time of the natural intelligence within all living things to go within, including us. During this part of the cycle, we are gifted an opportunity to be in our silence and darkness to listen for our soul to speak its divine wisdom and offer new inspiration. The energy of this time might bring to the forefront old losses and grief; grief for people, experiences, relationships, things that didn’t work out the way you had hoped or things that ended abruptly... all that we have experienced over the past year. If it’s rising to the surface, it is doing so in order to be released. What have you lost? What has changed? Contemplate what you want to carry forward and that which is lingering that you can now let go of to make space for newness; for a new time of rebirth... to this next level towards your higher self. Darkness is a catalyst for transformation... as the seasons change, and we walk into the darkness of Winter, we too can make the most of this opportunity to reconnect with the light within us, to allow new insight, new direction and new energy to emerge into our lives. Link in bio to the guided meditation [and please give us a like and subscribe.] #guidedmeditation #meditation #wintersolstice #change #cycles #thegreatconjunction #energy #everythingisenergy #nature #winter #silience #grief #healing #rebirth #reiki #reikipractitioner #reikimasterteacher #divinefemininerising See more

INVIBE.CA 26.11.2020

The wave always knows where you are meant to go. The question is will you allow it to take you there? ~ Matt Kahn : @ryanpernofski ... #waves #ebbsandflows #life #journey #spiritualjourney #mindbodyspirit #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirithealth #connection #surrender #trust #trusttheprocess #mattkahn See more

INVIBE.CA 25.11.2020

New blog post up!

INVIBE.CA 13.11.2020

11.11.2020 Our ancestors had the courage to stand up to fascism and authoritarians because they knew the consequences for us if they didn't. It is so important that we remember their valour and the sacrifices they made for us - to prevent history from repeating. In this post-truth reality that we are faced with today, I’m reminded a quote by George Orwell, If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.... Truth is often painful to reckon with. Thank you to the many that sacrificed and to those who’s lives were lost so that freedom is known by many more. #lestweforget #gratitude #thankyouforyourservice #repost image/caption @meanwhileincanada1 See more

INVIBE.CA 11.11.2020

Inner peace doesn’t come from knowing, it comes from trusting; trusting you are always Universally supported for your highest benefit; trusting you are always being intuitively guided towards your true self (are you paying attention?). We don’t need to understand ANYTHING, only trust that ultimately it will work out in our favour. Even when all things give the appearance of not working out, they always are. Give up the notion that you first have to see evidence. Besides, ...if we already know it all, then what is there left for us to learn? If we wait to know everything (which we never will), to have all the evidence before we take action, before we let ourselves be intuitively guided to create our path, we not only risk remaining stuck where we are, but time is passing us by. Life is passing us by. The gift of wisdom is revealed in the infinite lessons we learn through our letting go of having to know everything right now - - - and simply trusting the process. The wave always knows where you are meant to go, the question is will you allow it to take you there? -Matt Kahn #trusttheprocess #lessonsinlife #trustyouaresupported #intuitiveguidance #letgoandflow #trustthewave See more

INVIBE.CA 11.11.2020

Wrote a little something something... the full piece is on my blog ( That said here’s a little snippet... if you do go to my blog and read the whole post, let me know what you think / if it resonates. ... there is space for ALL of us to step into who we are; to step into who we came here to be. There is more than enough room for all of us to stop playing small just so that others won’t feel less-than. Our natural state of being does not rest ...on a binary of inferiority / superiority (society created that), but instead it was intended to be an open for us all to simply just be. We all have something unique to offer - our unique gifts- that’s meant to be shared with the world. And we all benefit when we are all being ourselves... ... Giving ourselves permission to let go of the burden of those external expectations and stories of who we are, or how we show up... it’s the most liberating feeling - for me to just be ME or for you to just be YOU. Imagine how others can the be inspired to do the same. This is one of the ways we can start to re-write those old stories we have carried that might have been clouded with other people’s visions of who we should be, and in turn create a more beautiful world. #blog #bloggers #bloggersofinstagram #writer #life #goals #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #quotes #amwriting #letgoandgrow #beyou #abundancemindset #intuitiveguidance #healingquotes #healing #freedom #freedomfrom #conversationstarters See more

INVIBE.CA 09.11.2020

In fact, it’s usually in the process of finding our way through the uncertainty where we grow the most! #repost @thestorytellerco Just in case no one has told you lately: it’s okay if you don’t have it all figured out. It’s okay if you are still learning how to breathe while making it through the wilderness of things. When the days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into years, and you are wondering how long you will to have wait and make the most of life here, know that even then, Light pours through, and shines in unexpected places, and after all this time, it still worth delighting in. For just as darkness has taught you so many things, Light will reveal all the more things to you. Light will show you that even in the most shadowy, ordinary rooms, there is still space to heal. More tomorrow... Sincerely, Morgan Harper Nichols Excerpt from the Storyteller App. See more

INVIBE.CA 06.11.2020

December happenings at INVIBE Winter Solstice Meditation & Reiki Sunday December 20, 2020 11:00 am EST / 8:00 am PST... Free online event Link in bio to register (this will take place over zoom so you will need to have a zoom account set up - it’s free.) HOLIDAY PROMO 50% off Distance Reiki and Transformational Coaching sessions. Promo ends December 31, 2020. Link in bio to book at discounted rate. Sessions can be booked through January 30, 2021. It’s the perfect time to start your new year with new intentions and some help and guidance to fill in the gaps! Our Weekly Virtual Group Reiki are paused for December but resume in January 2021 on a new day : Wednesday January 6, 2021 Same time 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST It’s the PERFECT time to get your self care routine, intentions and goals for 2021 set! DM with any questions! #holiday #selfcare #invibe #healing #clarity #growth #transformation #reiki #distancereiki #transformationcoach #lifecoach #community #selflove #intentions #selfcaregoals See more

INVIBE.CA 05.11.2020

So close you can almost taste it. :itneverblindsme #dreams #action #evolution #soclose #signs... #change #intuitive #next #mindbodysoul #saturday #inspo #doitforyou #reachforit See more

INVIBE.CA 30.10.2020

New blog post up!

INVIBE.CA 28.10.2020

Transformation Together Quick talks and tips to lasting transformation. INVIBE founder Trish (@thisistrish13) shares a quick little nugget of inspiration to apply to help shift your mindset when you’re feeling stuck and low energy Today’s topic: How do you track your personal growth progress? ... . . . #transformation #transformationtuesday #threeminutes #transformationtogether #transformationguidance #transformationjourney #transformationcoaching See more

INVIBE.CA 21.10.2020

Your voice is your medicine... Your voice is your inner power communicating the expression of your soul’s dreams and desires for you. The more you speak your true voice, the more empowered in it you become, but especially when there is an opposing force attempting to mute you. Sending heart thoughts of comfort and bold energy of empowerment to my fellow Americans today especially. Please vote if you are able.... Let ALL muted voices finally be heard. #imspeaking embroidered by @haleymakesartt See more

INVIBE.CA 11.10.2020

How do you measure your personal growth? [See my previous post!] . .... . #growth #progress #change #transformation #howfaryouvecome #howmuchyouvegrown #affirmations #celebrations #vibrationalshift #ebbsandflows #journey #growthjourney #coach #support #healing #process #youdonthavetodoitalone #mindset #mindsetcoaching See more