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Facebook Blog 09.12.2020

This one is for Northern Canada At last year's Summit, you called out the lack of mental health knowledge, conversation, and access in your communities, and you called out the lack of cultural competence in existing support systems. This year we saw the added barrier of going digital, a privilege that many don't realize is just that. So in 2021, let's get together at Northern Jack Summit and push back against those barriers, the way that you do every. single. day. For our ...part, we'll do everything we can to remove any barriers, digital or otherwise, to accessing Northern Summit 2021. If you're between the age of 15-24 and live in Northern Canada, apply at the link below. ___________ Le Sommet sera en anglais. 06.12.2020

Hey there Prairies and Northern Ontario! You deserve the platform to discuss the unique barriers facing your communities, and the tools to BREAK. THEM. DOWN. That's why we aren't letting this year's added barriers get in the way. Breaking Barriers 2021 is on. And we're preparing in the background to address any accessibility issues that might come up. Because while digital resources can open a lot of doors, it isn't always acknowledged that those doors can be closed to some c...ommunities, especially in rural, remote, and Northern areas, that have limited internet access and support resources. So let's do this thing. If you're living in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or Northern Ontario and are between the age of 15-24, apply at the link below. We'll be here waiting patiently for February 6, 2021. __________ Ami.e.s des Prairies et du Nord de l'Ontario, ce message est pour vous! Vous méritez un espace où échanger sur les barrières auxquelles sont confrontées vos communautés, et où vous pouvez discuter d'un but commun: Démanteler ces barrières UNE PAR UNE. Et ce ne sont pas les nouveaux obstacles érigés cette année qui vous nous décourager! Nous nous affairons déjà en coulisses pour assurer que l'événement Breaking Barriers 2021 (événement en anglais) soit accessible au plus grand nombre. Les ressources numériques ne sont pas aussi accessibles qu'on le pense. La majorité d'entre nous les prenons pour acquises, mais certaines collectivités, en particulier dans les régions rurales et nordiques ont un accès limité à internet et aux services de soutien. On passe à l'action? Si tu vis en #Alberta, en #Saskatchewan, au #Manitoba ou dans le Nord de l'#Ontario et que tu as entre 15 et 24 ans, postule via le lien plus bas. Tu as jusqu'au 6 février 2021. On compte sur toi! #faisdequoi #santémentale 25.11.2020

This year Giving Tuesday looks and feels a bit different. In fact, giving in general has seen a lot of change this holiday season. People are rallying together to support local businesses and their own friends and family, as well as the causes closest to their hearts. If you’re interested and in a position to make a donation, consider contributing to youth mental health today at And if you’re looking for non-monetary ways to show your support, you can post on s...ocial media, talk to someone you love about the importance of mental health, or share important mental health resources. No matter what you choose, this Giving Tuesday give yourself a moment, too. You deserve it. ___________ 2020 promet d’être une année particulière pour le mouvement #GivingTuesday. Cette année marquante a exacerbé les causes qui nous tiennent à cœur. Qu’il s’agisse de soutenir nos commerces locaux ou d’atténuer les difficultés rencontrées par des personnes de notre entourage, les façons de venir en aide à nos communautés ne manquent pas. Si tu songes à faire un don pour soutenir la #SantéMentale des jeunes, nous t’invitons à le faire à Ta contribution pourrait prendre d’autres formes, bien sûr. Tu pourrais profiter de cette journée pour parler de la #SantéMentale à ton entourage ou encore attirer l’attention de tes abonné.e.s sur les importantes ressources disponibles. Que tu choisisses de poser un geste, de donner ton temps ou de faire un don, prends le temps de te féliciter. Tu le mérites! #FaisDeQuoi 11.11.2020

We want to say a huge thank you to our friends at Surf the Greats who hosted not one, but two, incredible events this weekend in place of our annual Brainfreeze event. Dedicated to youth mental health, these warriors raised funds and spread joy through music and movement with their Jack Friday concert and Sunday's Tidal Flow session. Here's to hopefully braving icy waters together again in 2021.... To donate to their fundraiser in support of check out the link below: 24.10.2020

As we near the end of men’s mental health month, we urge you to keep the conversation going. It’s easy to get lost lost in a hashtag, especially with so much of our lives being virtual, but it is so important to keep things moving in whatever way you can. Talk to your family, keep checking in with yourself and your friends. Remember, small actions can have big impacts. And it’s important to back up words with action, that’s why we’ve started a list of men’s mental health reso...urces for anyone who is looking for support or further learning. You can find them at the link below. _____________ Alors que nous approchons de la fin de ce mois consacré à la #santémentale des hommes, nous vous appelons à poursuivre cette conversation dans vos cercles. L'univers virtuel dans lequel nous vivons nous bombarde de tant de distractions et d'informations qu'il est facile de perdre le fil. Mais le changement doit continuer à s'opérer. On doit continuer à faire bouger les choses. Parlez aux hommes de votre entourage. Parlez des hommes à ceux.celles qui ne comprennent pas les enjeux spécifiques de la santé mentale au masculin. N'oubliez pas que plusieurs petites actions mènent à de grands changements. Pour vous accompagner, nous avons bâti une liste de ressources pour la santé mentale des hommes. 04.10.2020

Our amazing friends at Surf the Greats are hosting a new event called Jack Friday, a live, free, online jam session in support of youth mental health. Join them here on Facebook this Friday, Nov. 27 at 7pm EST for performances by incredible local artists. And if you're looking for something to do this weekend, they'll be hosting a free online Tidal Flow movement session this Sunday, Nov. 29 at 11am EST. 21.09.2020

Annonce en français plus bas Hey, Ontario advocates! Guess what? We've got a brand new regional summit coming your way!... That's right, a new virtual summit for 15-24 year-old advocates in Ontario, whether you're located in the lush North or a skyscraper-filled city . The only thing that matters is that you're passionate about mental health, and about making it accessible for all. So, whether you're currently working virtually in your pyjamas, or safely masked at school, consider applying for the fresh-out-the-package, Ontario Jack Summit. You won't regret it! Application link: ________________ Militant.e.s, il y a du nouveau. Notre prochain Sommet Jack se tiendra dans votre quartier, que vous viviez dans le nord verdoyant de la province ou dans ses centres urbains effervescents. Le WiFi est tout ce dont vous aurez besoin pour assister à notre sommet virtuel pour les 15-25 ans de l'Ontario. Si vous êtes passionné.e.s par la santé mentale et déterminé.e.s à la rendre accessible à tous, nous vous invitons à vous inscrire, que vous soyez en cotton ouaté à la maison ou caché.e.s derrière votre masque à l'école, inscrivez-vous. Vous ne le regretterez pas! Pour postuler: 01.09.2020

Version française plus bas The kids that I work with in my community are who inspired me to become an Ambassador of Hope. I want nothing more than to make the world a better place for them. I want to help them learn proper healing and self-care, because they truly are the future. Thats why my personal mental health mission is to help more people feel comfortable talking about their mental health and knowing that they are not alone in the world. Ensuring that they know that...Continue reading 22.08.2020

Amazing work, Asante, Rachel, and team!!! 15.08.2020

Reminder to all 15-24-year-old advocates in British Columbia who are looking to collaborate with fellow change-makers: The Talk at the Top summit has gone virtual this year and applications are OPEN! Apply here: 08.08.2020

"Representation played a big role in me becoming one of We Matter's Ambassadors of Hope. I want Wolastoquiyik and Mi'kmaq youth to see me in this role, and be inspired to take action and become leaders in their communities. One of the barriers I've witnessed when it comes to better mental health in my community is stigma. Even with access to resources, I find that community members often feel embarrassed or ashamed to reach out for help. Thats where I find the intersection ...of culture and mental health so healing. I personally feel that culture gives a sense of safety and security while still allowing you to work through your emotions. I know that in my own personal experience, connecting with my culture played a big role in my journey to healing. Which is why I believe having things such as a youth and elder talking circle or retreat is so positive for Indigenous mental health. And for those looking to help, sharing culturally competent resources with the Indigenous communities (such as We Matter) helps as well, as it creates a level of awareness that may not have been present before, and helps to combat stigma." - Gage, Maliseet and Mi'kmaq Tobique First Nation, New Brunswick Learn more about - and share! - We Matters Ambassadors of Hope Program here: ___________________________ Limportance de la représentation ma motivé à devenir ambassadeur de l'espoir pour #WeMatter. Jespère quen me voyant dans ce rôle, les jeunes Wolastoquey et Micmacs seront inspiré.e.s à devenir des leaders dans leurs collectivités. Jai été témoin des enjeux que pose la stigmatisation pour la #santémentale de ma communauté. Même en ayant accès aux ressources, nous sommes souvent gêné.e.s ou de demander de l'aide. Cest là où lintersection réussie de la culture et de la santé mentale peut jouer un rôle apaisant. La culture procure un sentiment dappartenance et de sécurité tout en nous permettant de faire de tri de nos émotions. Renforcer mes liens avec ma culture a grandement contribué à ma guérison, et alimente ma conviction que les activités comme les cercles de discussions et les retraites pour les jeunes et les aîné.e.s sont très positives pour la santé mentale des #Autochtones. Et pour ceux qui cherchent à aider, partager des ressources culturellement compétentes comme celles de We Matter aide à sensibiliser les communautés autochtones sur ces sujets et à combattre la stigmatisation. - Gage, Wolastoquey et Mi'kmaq de la Première Nation de Tobique, Nouveau-Brunswick 02.08.2020

Our friends at We Matter are looking for someone to join their team full-time as an Outreach and Programs Administrator. As an Indigenous youth focused organization, they will be prioritizing youth and Indigenous candidates. Deadline to apply is September 13th, with an anticipated October 1st start date.... More info here: 13.07.2020

We are so excited to see music and mental health come together to create...well...beautiful music with Skullcandy's Mood Boost campaign. Every month since April, a new mood has been featured around a unique pair of headphones, and a portion of each sale helps fund the work of's young leaders across the country. We're also excited to announce an official partnership with Skullcandy that means even more support for our programs and events. Increased mental health adv...ocacy and awareness? Music to our ears! (Okay, we'll stop now). It's a vibe over at @skullcandy, and join the journey at 11.07.2020

Over 50% of students we've polled don't feel supported when it comes to their mental health as they enter the new, virtual school year. Network Rep, Sadia Fazelyar discusses with Global Toronto. 09.07.2020

Reminder! Today is the final day to apply to be a member of the Prime Minister's Youth Council. Applications are open for youth between the ages of 16-24 years old.... For more info: 02.07.2020

La campagne de recrutement du Conseil jeunesse du premier ministre prend fin aujourdhui. Les candidatures sont ouvertes aux jeunes âgés de 16 à 24 ans. Si vous souhaitez postuler, cest maintenant!... Pour information: 30.06.2020

Join us for the LAST session in our Jack Music summer series this Thursday at 7:30pm ET! Network Rep, Taylor McKee will be joined by JUNO-nominated singer-songwriter STORRY. You won't want to miss it! 20.06.2020

Hi there, West Coasters! Our regional summits are going virtual this year, and theres one coming to a screen near you. Talk at the Top: Virtual Edition... While we continue to physically distance, were connecting online to keep mental health moving forward. So, if youre a 15-24-year-old advocate in British Columbia looking to collaborate with fellow change-makers, then download your fun backgrounds, prep your pets for their cameos, and get your favourite sweatpants out of the closet. October 16, 2020. See you there. 01.06.2020

Youth mental health needs to be a top priority this back to school season. Heres why: 15.05.2020

Each and every one of you makes waves for mental health daily. We see you and we appreciate you. For twin brothers, Jake and Josh Burella, those waves were literal on Saturday. With a goal to raise awareness and money for and youth mental health, they swam 32km STRAIGHT. 32km, starting at sunrise and swimming for hours into darkness across Georgian Bay. Let that sink in! Thank you to Jake and Josh and to the Primitive Patterns team for your incredible commitment to... youth mental health. Woof. If you want to start your own fundraiser, go to and our team will help you get started. 02.05.2020

Hey you! How are you doing? How are you REALLY doing? Emotions are complex, and somedays we feel them all at once or not at all. Thats okay. What matters is that you know how to tend to them and where to channel them in a way that is best for you. Here are some suggestions:... 1. Sit with them. You dont always have to be DOING. Especially right now. Its okay to let yourself feel, and have that be your action for the day. 2. Learn to talk through them with someone. Maybe that's a therapist, maybe it's a friend. Confidential support is always available through Kid's Help Phone. Just text 686868. 3. Let them fuel you to make change. Tweet, do an educational Instagram Live, get in touch with a community leader, whatever you prefer. Start a constructive conversation, and watch the ripples happen. Conversations build community, and communities are powerful. What are some ways that you process and channel your emotions? Let us know in the comments. You never know who your words might help. See more 30.04.2020

On August 15, twin brothers, Jake and Josh Burella will begin a 32km swim through Georgian Bay to raise money and awareness for and youth mental health. Cheer them on, and consider donating as they make waves for youth across the country For more information, or to donate check out the following link: 17.04.2020

"In the journey to self-love, you do not have to look in the mirror everyday and say 'YOU'RE HOT'. Some days you might not feel that way, and that is okay." - Begonia In early July, Winnipeg singer-songwriter, Begonia went live on Jack Music with Network Rep Sadia Fazelyar where they bonded over their similar mental health journeys and the reality of self-love. Join us tonight, August 6 at 7:30pm ET on Instagram Live, for a new Jack Music session with singer-songwriter, Russell Louder as they discuss navigating trans healthcare in PEI, and mental health in the music industry. 06.04.2020

Grateful for this partnership and the support of the networks. Remember to always #BeKindBeThere and if you or someone you know is struggling, go to to learn how you can offer support. 20.03.2020

Jack Music is a platform for conversation and creativity, featuring candid talks on mental health and live music. A bi-weekly Instagram Live event, each session features an artist connecting with a young mental health leader. Tomorrow, Russell Louder hosted by Network Rep Rachel Adams. 08.03.2020

"How do I offer support without sounding condescending?" If you're asking yourself this question...then someone is lucky to have you! Hannah Rosen, Jack Talks Speaker, shares her experience. When I was in high school, my best friend had a lot of anxiety about getting into university. She confided in me about how she was feeling, and I responded by giving her advice: work on your application, volunteer more, focus even more on academics.... Though my intentions were good, my friend pulled away. I realized my response wasnt helpful for her. I apologized for the extra pressure I placed on her. She was brave enough to open up to me and, instead of listening to what she needed, I jumped right to fixing. My job was to hear what she was saying and ask what I could do to help. Its really easy to feel like you know exactly what someone needs, but you really dont unless you ask. Realizing that has changed the way that I approach supporting people in my life. If you, or someone you know is in need of support, go to See more 20.02.2020

Bell Let's Talk has started a Diversity Fund, a commitment of $5 million to support the mental health of BIPOC communities across Canada through organizations such as the Black Youth Helpline and the National Association of Friendship Centres. 03.02.2020

Read about them. Listen to them. Amplify their voices. 20.01.2020

*POST UPDATED* Hey, Alberta! Network Alumni, Alex San Diego is making progress for youth mental health in your province. And YOU can be a part of it. ... Alex is now working with the team at the AB-IYSI (Alberta Integrated Youth Services Initiative) to build a network of hubs for young people to increase access to mental health support and wellness. And they need your input! If you're a young person, or caregiver to someone with a mental illness in Alberta, email [email protected] to take their survey to help inform this important work. It takes 10-15 mins and comes with a $10 honorarium for eligible participants. 16.01.2020

Calling all young change-makers! Now is your chance to apply to be a member of the Prime Ministers Youth Council. Applications will be open until August 17 for youth between the ages of 16-24 years old. Check out the link below for more info.... See more 04.01.2020

Long before the pandemic, waitlists were overflowing and access to mental health supports were dangerously limited or difficult to navigate. Now, as COVID-19 continues to take a toll on the mental health of Canada's young people, we need to step up with real, inclusive, solutions. 21.12.2019

We were so excited to see you at CAMP this coming August, but due to COVID precautions, we're going to put a pin in CAMP 2020 and save up that excitement for an unforgettable CAMP 2021! So save the date for an August 2021 filled with great friends, food, and music under the stars, all in support of youth mental health. In the meantime, stay in touch and stay safe. 16.12.2019

I think for all of us, regardless of our age, we need to get over this idea that we dont have enough to make an impact. We need to get over this idea that we arent enough to turn someones day around. And it can be something so minimal. There are so many ways that we can and need to get involved right now. And the way that you are right now, you would not have to add a single ingredient, you have enough, you ARE enough. - Liz Lokre A few weeks ago, singer and advocate, LI...Z LOKRE went live on Jack Music with Network Rep Taylor McKee where they connected on topics like exploring your ancestry, mental health, and believing that you are enough. Join us tomorrow, July 23 at 7:30pm ET, for a new Jack Music session with soulful R&B singer-songwriter, Sebastian Gaskin as he performs and discusses the ever-evolving journey of taking care of your own mental health. 01.12.2019

Have you been keeping eyes on the Nipissing & Canadore Chapter? They are MAKING MOVES. Co-lead, Shannon Norris, shares just one of the initiatives that they have chosen to champion. "We plan to meet with our university's Assistance Vice-President come fall to discuss the creation of a Mental Health policy at Nipissing University. Our university does not have any kind of policy specifically regarding student mental health, however we do have a Violence Preve...ntion and Response Committee which we are hoping to model our committee after. By this I mean we are hoping to get the voices of students, staff, faculty, community members and professionals all involved in the development of this policy. My hope is from this initial meeting we will have further meetings with influential people at the university to share our ideas and develop a plan to create the committee and policy. To be realistic I do not expect for this all to occur overnight. My thoughts are that for the 2020/2021 school year we will be working mainly with the university to create a plan to create the committee and subsequently the policy. I hope however that we can get to the point near the end of the school year (keeping in mind COVID-19 barriers) where we can have some preliminary meetings with the committee to build some foundation for the 2021/2022 school year when I expect the policy to begin taking shape." Show their Chapter some support @jackorgnucc (on all socials) and consider starting your own Chapter (yes, even virtually!) at See more 23.11.2019

Tomorrow at 5pm ET / 2pm PT young leaders Sukhmeet Singh Sachal and Jonathan Andrews will be going live on Instagram discussing the need for more digital mental health resources and the new partnership between and CMA. Join the conversation at and 16.11.2019

This is Iman Musani. She's been a part of the community since attending her first Summit in London, followed by two years as a Jack Talks speaker in Calgary. Now, as she continues to advocate while working on her Masters in Toronto, she's learning to adapt to the reality of virtual change-making. "Over the past few months, we've heard endless messaging about the importance of physical distancing, wearing a mask, washing our hands... but taking care of our m...ental health during these times is just as important. Pretty much everything around us has changed and we've all been forced to find new ways to cope with this new reality. Our mental health advocacy is especially important during this time so we can encourage open conversations surrounding mental health and ensure that we all have access to the resources we need. I was nervous to start doing virtual Jack talks because I thought that the online format would decrease the audience engagement that makes these talks so special. In reality, the online talk format gave people the opportunity to participate in even more ways. They could unmute themselves or type a question out after thinking it through. It ended up being a great conversation and I am super excited for more virtual talks as we navigate this new norm!" If you're interested in digital mental health education and our Virtual Jack Talk, check out See more 04.11.2019

We're hiring two new roles! 1) Web Administration & Analytics Lead! If you're a data lover with experience managing and reporting on websites and their datasets, we want to speak with you! Apply here: 2) Grant Writer! Are you an exceptional writer with experience researching and writing high-quality grants, and a passion for tracking down grammatical errors? Are you looking to help make a difference for youth mental health? You might be the person we're looking for. Apply here: 17.10.2019

As the uncertainty of Fall 2020 weighs heavily on students' minds, 15-year-old, Liv McNeil's short film "Numb" continues to hit home. The country may be reopening, but we need to be having more candid conversations about the pandemic's lasting impact on mental health. 05.10.2019

"Je crois que toute personne qui sidentifie comme queer dirait quun des plus grands impacts que la pandémie a eu sur notre communauté est limpossibilité de se réunir pour célébrer la parade de la Fierté. Pour beaucoup dentre nous, cest une opportunité de fuir son entourage homophobe ou transphobe pour être soi-même en toute liberté. En 2019, ce fut la première année où jy ai assisté et je me rappelle avoir déjà hâte dy retourner en 2020. Je me rappelle comment je me se...ntais acceptée et libre de vivre ma sexualité à ma façon. Jai toujours eu de la difficulté à accepter cette partie de moi, mais je me rappelle la montée de confiance que javais à la fin de cette journée de parade. Il est certain que je vais participer à la parade de la Fierté virtuelle cette année, mais je crois quil ny a rien qui peut remplacer lambiance de tolérance, dacceptation et damour que le rassemblement dune communauté queer peut apporter avec les costumes et maquillages aux couleurs flamboyantes et les cris dencouragement de la foule : YASS QUEEN! ." - Lorena, Conférencière 30.09.2019

We're hiring TWO Program Coordinators! If you love supporting the growth of others, have a knack for logistics, and want to make a positive difference in the mental health landscape for young people in Canada - we want to meet you. Apply or spread the word ... 18.09.2019

Pride is a year round celebration. "Its a misconception that Pride is a huge, rainbow-coloured party. Pride was born out of a riot against oppression and police brutality toward the LGBTQ2S+ community. It has evolved a lot in recent years, but the spirit that encompasses Pride is a celebration of identity, confidence, community, and resiliency in the wake of opposition and oppression. It makes me proud to see the solidarity and connectedness of the community during this time.... I have witnessed those in the LGBTQ2S+ community speak up about the Stonewall riots and the legacy of leaders including Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, the Black Lives Matter movement, racism, and how to be an ally during these times. The LGBTQ2S+ community has also shown adaptability and creativity in the wake of COVID-19, moving gatherings to online and spaces that allow for physical distancing. This has come in the form of virtual drag shows, Zoom parties like Club Quarantine, and live stream versions of our favourite Pride events.The adaptability during COVID-19 and responsibility shown to BIPOC community members has provided me great inspiration and makes me hopeful for our future. I hope to carry this attitude forward and celebrate Pride by educating myself and others further on queer history, intersectional issues, and allyship. - Clayton Barry Murphy, Network Rep for Nova Scotia Photography: Tim Lingley Photography See more