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Justine Dowd, Phd 05.06.2021

MOTIVATION// Invest in yourself! Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour each day, you NEED to take time for YOU. Period. Someone once told me that if you don't fill your own cup first, you will have nothing left to give or share with others. Truer words could not have been said. So many of us spend our days juggling more balls than our hands can manage - work, family life, a To Do list a mile long of "priorities", and countless commitments - and in turn, we ignore making t...ime for the things WE need. We put ourselves last, and after a while, we find ourselves running on empty, we burnout, our emotions run wild, and it starts to negatively impact our health. I truly believe that the intentional practice of self-care is one of the single most valuable steps in leading a healthy and happy life. When we dedicate time to listen to our bodies and invest time for the things we need, everything improves. EAT well - fuel your body with healthy, nutrient-rich foods. But also, allow yourself to indulge without feeling guilt or shame. MOVE daily - walk, run, bike, bend...your body and your mind will thank you for the endorphins! HYDRATE often - staying hydrated is one of the simplest ways to help maintain good, overall health. SLEEP well - getting enough sleep is essential to your overall health and wellbeing because sleep plays a critical role in literally every single one of the body's vital functions. LOVE your body - YOU are beautiful. Be comfortable and confident in the skin that you are in, and take care of it. Embrace it, nurture it, accept your imperfections, appreciate your uniqueness, and celebrate all the incredible things that your body is capable of. REPEAT FOR LIFE...because you are worth it.

Justine Dowd, Phd 19.05.2021

MOTIVATION// If you struggle, and have been struggling with digestive health for a while, you probably feel like you have been on a thousand mile journey FOREVER! But life is full of journeys - it doesn't stop at one. When you consider where you have been and where you would like to go moving forward, just remember that YOU have the power to change your path, turn the page, and start a new journey. It all starts with a single step and the desire to keep going. You CAN lea...rn how to cope with your digestive struggles. You CAN learn how to listen to your body and harness your mind-gut connection so that it begins to serve you, rather than inhibit you. You CAN take charge of your gut health, emotional health and overall well-being. Maybe, recognizing that the power is in you, is the beginning of one of the best journeys of your life. Ready to take the first step in your journey to digestive wellness? Sign up for my newsletter and be among the first to know about an exciting new 8 week program I have coming up to help those, just like you, start a new journey! Link in comments below

Justine Dowd, Phd 12.05.2021

GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION PART 3// How is your gut-brain connection treating you? Feeling great or are you struggling with ongoing digestive issues and feeling FRUSTRATED? Building on GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION series from last 2 weeks (check out my posts from the last 2 Wednesdays if you missed them!), I will be going LIVE today to share 3 more strategies that can help you to re-train your brain to help you to cope with your short-term symptoms and ultimately, reduce (or eliminate) yo...ur digestive symptoms related to your ongoing struggles with digestive health. Join me @justinedowd.phd on Insta at 12pm MST. See you soon!

Justine Dowd, Phd 08.05.2021

SELF-CARE// What do YOU need? When you take the time to slow down and listen to your body, you may be surprised by what you learn is missing in your life. So many of my clients are used to being in go-go-go mode and find it tough to slow down, and listen to what their body is telling them. BUT when they do, it is incredibly powerful for them. They start to take the time for:... Self-care - disconnecting and enjoying a bubble bath, a cup of tea, or making time for regular yoga or stretching Connecting with friends - fulfilling their social needs Exercise - they MOVE their bodies! Mindfulness - simply set an intention for the day. This practice can truly change the course of YOUR entire day. Not sure where to start in taking care of YOU? I have some exciting programs designed JUST FOR YOU coming up - sign up for my newsletter so you are the FIRST to know when enrolment opens up! Link in comments below.

Justine Dowd, Phd 22.04.2021

GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION PART 2// Is a hypersensitive gut-brain connection contributing to your ongoing digestive symptoms? Not sure? Check out my live video on Instagram from last week (@justinedowd.phd). Fortunately there are ways to help you feel better, to re-train your brain. Here are three things you can try TODAY to help you feel better!... Listen to your body When you are feeling digestive symptoms - instead of powering through and continuing on with your day like so many of us do, take the time to slow down and listen to what your body is telling you. It is often surprising what we learn simply by taking the time to listen. Practice Mindfulness - Mindfulness can help improve your health in numerous ways - from improving the function of your immune system to reducing hypersensitivity to bodily sensations and GI symptoms - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by practicing mindfulness on a daily basis. Stress + anxiety management - Feeling overwhelmed? Take time to figure out what you need to help you to effectively manage stress + anxiety. Are there boundaries in your life that need to be set or re-defined? Are you missing self-care from your day? As you engage in strategies that help you to manage stress + anxiety, you will start to re-train your brain so that you don't immediately go into ‘fight or flight’ mode (aka worst case scenario) with every trigger. Do you feel like hypersensitivity is playing a role in your ongoing symptoms, but aren’t sure how to use these strategies and want to get clear with a plan for digestive relief? Schedule your FREE 30 minute consult with me and I’d be happy to help you figure that out. Link in comments below to book your consult this week!

Justine Dowd, Phd 14.04.2021

TRUST// So often we can get caught up in why me? Why now? Or when will this end? I love this quote. I wholeheartedly believe in the timing of the universe and that everything has a divine purpose. ... If things aren’t going exactly how you would like them to right now, take a deep breath, and try to relax into the discomfort that you are feeling. Trust that you are on the right journey. This - whatever it is - is meant to be part your journey. Trust that the right next step will come to you at exactly the right time for you. Who is with me in trusting the timing of your life? Leave a HEART below!

Justine Dowd, Phd 31.03.2021

GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION PART 1// The most common question I have been getting from people is why this connection plays such an important role in ongoing digestive struggles. I'm going to dive into answering this question LIVE today at 10:30am MST. I hope you will join me @justinedowd.phd on Insta!