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All Things Athletics 24.09.2020

Can I get real with you for a second? Sometimes I feel like a fraud. I feel like a fraud because I preach every day about loving yourself and showing up for yourself and stepping into confidence, but I struggle more than you know. The past two years working as a personal trainer has been an absolute dream and I love everything about helping people reach their goals and break through their barriers, but there’s always an unsaid pressure as a trainer.... There’s an unsaid pressure that we have to look a certain way. There’s an unsaid pressure that if we’re not fit enough, no one will hire us. There’s an unsaid pressure that if your social media isn’t spot on, no one will care about the value you’re bringing. There’s a lot of pressure. And I’m still figuring out how to cope with all of that pressure and show up every day for all of you. So here’s me being raw and vulnerable and telling you that no one has it all together all the time. Here’s me telling you that today, I’m struggling. But I will continue to fight because I KNOW that our worth doesn’t come from these things. Our worth never changes.

All Things Athletics 04.09.2020

Is it ok to love where I’m at now, but also want to make changes? YES YES X10000. I hate that our world has decided we either have to love every inch of ourselves and never change, or hate every inch of ourselves and have to change everything before we can be happy.... Everything about this is wrong. I honestly think the most pure form of loving ourselves is always working to be better every day! This doesn’t have to mean losing weight, or gaining muscle, but it speaks volumes when you show up for yourself and push to new limits every day. Tag a friend in the comments who you want to keep you accountable to being the best version of yourselves every day

All Things Athletics 27.08.2020

On October 10, I will hike the Abby Grind for 24 hours straight. Sex trafficking is a serious problem. It disgusts me in every way possible and because it’s such an extreme cause, we wanted to have an extreme challenge. The light breaking through at dawn on Sunday morning will symbolize bringing light to these victims after so much darkness. ... Please consider partnering with us! I will have a sign up sheet where you can volunteer your time in 2 hour chunks to come hike with us, raffle tickets for every $20 donated to also win an awesome prize, and pledge forms where you can donate your desired amount for every time we hike up and down the mountain. Thank you so much in advance DM me if you need the link to donate! And send this post to your friends and family to spread the word! This fight will not end on our own, we need your help.

All Things Athletics 10.08.2020

Curious, why are you following along with me? Let me know in the comments!Curious, why are you following along with me? Let me know in the comments!

All Things Athletics 06.08.2020

Tag a friend who needs to believe in themselves today It breaks my heart knowing that so many women struggle with a lack of confidence. They struggle every day to see their worth. They struggle every day to overcome the lies that tell them they don’t have a purpose. I’m begging you.... I’m on my knees. I pray so hard every day. Please. NEVER. DOUBT. YOUR. VALUE. Tag a friend in the comments that you want to encourage today and save this for when you also need that reminder

All Things Athletics 29.07.2020

ITS OFFICIAL - I WANT YOU If you meet this criteria list... You are willing and able to workout 4x/week... You are ready for and want a SUSTAINABLE transformation You are committed to becoming the best version of yourself You desire a more fulfilling health regime with mindset AND fitness You are 100% willing to achieve the results you’ve been waiting for Do NOT message me if you are.. Indecisive Not willing to put in the work Not ready to get your dream results Not coachable I PROMISE you, if you meet the above criteria that in the next 12 weeks you will be forever changed mentally, physically, and emotionally. I also promise you that not only will you be changed, but you will learn the tools and become equipped to maintain this transformation past the 12 weeks. DM me Strong and Beautiful if you’re ready to take that leap of faith

All Things Athletics 22.07.2020

Save this and drop a in the comments for when you need a reminder that progress is more important than perfection. The secret to success is overcoming the need to be perfect. Taking little steps is better than not taking any steps at all. You may have heard of ‘progressive overload’ in the training world.. which essentially is just adding little bits of weight each week. These little increases may not seem like much, but in a couple months those little increases make a BIG... difference. TAKE ACTION NOW! Perfect is overrated. Drop a if you’re with me!

All Things Athletics 12.07.2020

I gained 30 pounds and I feel better than I ever have Earlier in my stories I talked about what I wish I would have known earlier. I wish I would have known how powerful you can feel lifting heavy weights.... I wish I would have known than body weight does not equate healthy. I wish I would have known that food is fuel, not good or bad. I wish I would have known that my bodies set point is different than other people’s set point. I wish I would have known that I am so much stronger, confident, and happy being 30 pounds heavier. What’s something you wish you could tell your younger self?

All Things Athletics 04.07.2020

But does slow and steady really win the race? Short answer : yes. Like I talked about in my video earlier, when you try to fill your water bottle with the tap on full blast, it’s going to overflow and you’re going to lose half the water that was in the bottle anyways and have to restart.... If you fill your water bottle with the tap at a reasonable pressure, you can then stop the tap at however much water you need without it overflowing. In the same way, if we try to do too much all at once and lose 10 pounds in 10 days, chances are we’re going to overload our bodies with stress and end up gaining those 10 pounds right back again. Instead we need to learn what our bodies actually require and what type of training will be sustainable so we can reach our goal in the fastest AND most maintainable way. I’m not a quick fix coach. I’m a let’s make this last coach. What are your thoughts? Would you rather just reach your goal as fast as possible but risk gaining it all back? Or would you rather take your time to learn and make those results last? Let me know!

All Things Athletics 21.06.2020

DO YOU MEET THIS CRITERIA LIST? You are willing and able to workout 4x/week You are ready for and want a SUSTAINABLE transformation You are committed to becoming the best version of yourself... You desire a more fulfilling health regime with mindset AND fitness You are 100% willing to achieve the results you’ve been waiting for Do NOT message me if you are.. Indecisive Not willing to put in the work Not ready to get your dream results Not coachable I PROMISE you, if you meet the above criteria that in the next 60 days you will be forever changed mentally, physically, and emotionally. I also promise you that not only will you be changed, but you will learn the tools and become equipped to maintain this transformation past the 12 weeks. DM me Strong and Beautiful if you’re ready to take that leap of faith

All Things Athletics 10.06.2020

I wanna get skinny, not lift heavy Oh dear... I lift heavy 4-5 days per week and I’m fairly certain that you wouldn’t look at me and say she’s too big or she’s too muscular. It’s time to realize that we can be strong and beautiful at the same time. For a while I was stuck in the idea that I had to train in circuits, keep my reps high, and workout for at least an hour if not more with cardio 4-5 days per week otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get the physique I was hoping ...for I’m here to tell you that every single one of my lifting sessions this week were under an hour. I typically train with no more than 12 reps. I ran once for about 20 minutes. I eat food (including CARBS) that actually HELP make me leaner and stronger at the same time. LIFTING WILL NOT MAKE YOU BULKY. Strong is the new skinny. Send this to someone who needs the reminder

All Things Athletics 02.06.2020

Like and bookmark this post if you’re in for a challenge Create a note in your phone with three categories - water, movement, and development. Every day for the next three weeks I want you to put your favourite emoji under that category once you’ve completed it. ... Water = 1/2 your body weight in oz Movement = 30 mins every day (walking, running, stretching, weight training etc) Development = listen to a podcast, journal, read a devotional, meditate, or some sort of self care act. Creating a habit takes 21 days. And I guarantee you that these three habits will make you a happier, healthier, and fitter person. Who’s in?! Share this post to your story and tag me to let me know and for a special surprise gift or send it to a friend to challenge them as well!

All Things Athletics 18.05.2020

Wellness tip Wednesday- See The Good. This whole pandemic thing has been a bit of a bummer, we can’t deny that, BUT I promise you there’s a brighter side to everything. I’ve been spending so much time recently in my thoughts, in prayer, in podcasts, in books, and in conversations that boost my mindset instead of drain me. I firmly believe that we see what we want to see. We are not meant to live in darkness. We are meant to reach our full potential. We are meant to love. We a...re meant for kindness. We are meant to be optimistic. I challenge you today to do one thing that will improve your mood or mindset. My one single thing today was replacing music during my workout with a motivating podcast. What’s yours?

All Things Athletics 12.05.2020

The ONE single thing that will set you apart and take you beyond is not what you may think. There’s no magic trick. There’s no secret recipe.... There’s no one else who will get you to where you want to be. The one single thing that will get you to where you want to be is you not giving up on yourself. Yes, it sounds cliche and I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, but the only reason you’re not where you want to be is because you gave up on yourself and on your dreams. Drop me a comment below if you’re done giving up on yourself and you’re ready to make some moves

All Things Athletics 04.05.2020

Do you wanna know a secret? I get lazy too. I don’t always make a healthy dinner. I don’t always finish those last few reps. I don’t always run that extra kilometre. I don’t always wake up at my alarm. I think it’s important to realize that there is not a single perfect person in this giant world. Just a bunch of imperfect beings, trying their best to show up in an imperfect world.... Give yourself some grace. Today’s workout was one of those imperfect workouts - a workout that I didn’t feel like doing, but buckled down and got it done anyways Dumb bell front squats Dumb bell floor press Bentover row Romanian deadlift Plank shoulder taps Start with 10 reps each, down to 9, 8, 7, 6... etc till 1! Then make your way back up to 10! This one was hard to finish

All Things Athletics 02.05.2020

The question is not what if I fail?, the question is what if I succeed? I think a lot of people live in this middle zone.. we’re doing alright, we’re comfortable, we’re making enough money to get by, we’re okay with being happy about our bodies and health most of the time... so that’s all just good enough I guess there’s nothing wrong with that, but I want to live in the zone that pushes me to the higher limits. I want to live in the zone where I know I’m reaching t...owards my FULL potential, not just 80%. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to make some serious changes and reach some new heights. These thoughts are what pushed me through this workout today

All Things Athletics 20.04.2020

If you don’t have a workout face do you even actually workout? HAH but honestly. The face I make, the sweat that drips down my forehead, the baby hairs that curl and go frizzy and go wild, the way my tummy rolls when I bend over to pick up the weights, the way my sweat shows through my shorts or through my leggings... these are all things that could stop me from working my hardest because I’m scared of what other people are gonna think. But you know what I think? I think it’s... freaking admirable when I see people in the gym dripping sweat and looking like they just won a war. So the next time you think someone is gonna judge you for working hard, tell yourself that you will rise above the opinions of others and work dang hard to be the best version of yourself

All Things Athletics 14.04.2020

Fitness has many faces comment your fav way to fitness I’ve been through many forms of fitness - competitive dancer, soccer player, runner, triathlete, hiker, weight lifter, even a short semi cross fit phase At this point I don’t even know which I like the most, but I do know that I’m so grateful for all the things I’ve tried and learned.... Everybody is different. We have different likes, dislikes, injuries, history, and goals and that is the BEAUTIFUL thing about all of us and the BEAUTIFUL thing about fitness. There is no right or wrong way to exercise and move need help figuring out what works best for you? Shoot me a DM for a free consultation to chat about what might be your best path! Let me know in the comments what your fav way to fitness is

All Things Athletics 03.04.2020

If you hear one thing today, let it be this - You Are Loved. I’m in the business of building relationships. I want to know who you are. I want to know your kids names. I want to know your favourite foods. I want to know your goals. I want to know what’s holding you back. I want to know what you like and don’t like. I don’t want to be just another trainer in your life who tells you to do 10 push ups, 10 squats, and run a mile. I want to be the one that’s with you the rest of... your 23 hours a day and not just that 1 hour of your day a couple times a week. I want so badly for you to know that I care about every one of you reading this, and I want so badly to be able to make an impact in your lives If you hear one thing today, let it be this - You Are Loved. Tag someone you love in the comments and tell them why

All Things Athletics 29.03.2020

Find what you love and do more of it The past day and a half unplugged, in a mountain, with a big ol pack on my back, two of the most admirable women by my side, and nothing but fresh air to breathe and glacier water to wash off with was nothing short of perfect Being able to push myself through different challenges and courses and goals and heights will always be why I love fitness so much.... What’s one thing you’ve been wanting to try recently that’s a big push? For me - it was overnight backpack hiking! Believe it or not, but this was my first trip and it will definitely not be my last Ft. The killer horse flies @ Wedgemount Lake

All Things Athletics 18.03.2020

3 Simple Steps to a Healthier You 1. Choose one meal a day to master - breakfast, lunch or dinner. In that meal focus on creating a well balanced plate with 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs, 1/2 plate veggies, and a thumb size of healthy fats 2. Set a regular sleep schedule. As much as possible, try to stick to that sleep schedule even on the weekends so your body gets into a natural rhythm and your hormones can level out.... 3. Move for at least 30 minutes every day. Walk, run, lift, bike, hike, stretch, Pilates, rock climb, play with your kids, etc. I don’t care what it is - JUST MOVE. These are not mind blowing tips.. they’re not ground breaking, exciting, or new, but they are crucial. If you can master these three steps, you’re ready to take on more Any more staple tips that you have/follow that help build the foundations? Let me know in the comments!