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Locality: Saint Albert, Alberta

Phone: +1 780-459-6684

Address: #270 16 Renault Crescent T8N 4B8 Saint Albert, AB, Canada

Website: www.movimentofitness.ca

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Movimento Fitness Inc. 12.01.2021

One of the major things we see with people who are able to consistently maintain their fitness is that they have developed daily and weekly healthy habits that have become ingrained in their life. They have typically developed enough discipline over time to make the choices that best serve them and their goals regularly, which is what allows them to stay fit. For example, they choose water over soda with lunch without thinking about it. ... They can drive by fast food restaurants and not be tempted to pull over. They can say no to dessert without a second thought. Are these habits easy to develop? Well, honestly, no. But they absolutely can be developed with consistent commitment over time. The easiest way to start is to create rules and parameters to slowly change your current habits. It could be: Limiting soda to 1x/day if you normally drink 3 Eating out only 2x/week instead of 4 times Going to the gym 2x/week consistently rather than not at all There are no hard and fast rules around how to develop these healthy habits, it’s simply about doing what works for you. So, how will you start to develop your habits? And, if you need some help we are still offering virtual personal training until we can be back in the studio!

Movimento Fitness Inc. 08.01.2021

With the government announcement yesterday we continue to be closed for in-person training until Jan 21st. However we are still open for our virtual person training sessions! We are hopeful as we look forward to a much better 2021 and we cannot wait to get back into the studio with you. In the meantime we are happy to be able to keep you on track and continuing your workouts.... Looking to get started with an at home personal training program? Get started now https://30dayonlinechallenge.info/

Movimento Fitness Inc. 06.01.2021

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together That’s true for all kind of goals including health & fitness! If you’re starting your health & fitness journey, you don’t have to go it alone. In fact, research shows you’ll benefit from building a support team around you. ... Friends to lend a shoulder when the going gets tough. A significant other to be supportive. Colleagues for lunchtime walks An organized support group of others with similar struggles one you find or create on your own You can even hire a coach to help with some or all of what you’re trying to manage The reasons make sense. In addition to support, your team can provide accountability, fun, confidence and even a fun bit of competition, if you like. Remember that communication is key, and depends on the type of relationship you have with the members of your group. Is it someone you see regularly anyway? A professional? Casual acquaintances? All of those can play a role, but it’s on you to be clear about your needs and expectations. Even with a team and a coach, you’re still the quarterback of your own health. Only you can do the work but having people in your corner makes a huge difference!

Movimento Fitness Inc. 27.12.2020

Poor January. It has such a sad, predictable story. You know the tale already. Everybody always looks forward to seeing January. Too much, in fact. Our excitement creates too much pressure for our January, and every year we believe things will work out this time. But then, inevitably, January lets us down. ... No. That’s not quite right, is it? January doesn’t let us down. Within a few days or weeks, we let it downabandoning the goals and hopes we had set for a new healthy lifestyle. We revert to our old ways, get caught up in daily life, and move on, leaving poor January in the scrap heap with the wrapping paper and pine needles. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s write a new story for January! First, let’s not make January the hero. It’s just not fair to build one month into This Big Thing and give it so many expectations. In the story of a year, January is a mere ensemble player, not the star. So, don’t hype it up too much. Second, give January an appropriate role. You can use it to set some new goals if you like. But what if you put all that resolutions nonsense aside and focused instead on living your best life on January 1? And then again on January 2? And the 3rd, and the 4th, and on and on doing your best to enjoy a healthy lifestyle as best you can, one day at a time. Before you know it, January will depart the stage, and by the time February takes its place, you might be in the right frame of mind to continue with consistent behavior to support realistic expectations. So, give poor January a break after all these years... Especially this year with everything going on. . You both deserve it! . P.S. We are still rocking our VIRTUAL Semi-Private Training Sessions until we are able to get back in-person, so if you need help staying active from home we are here for you! Simply send us a private message and we will go from there!

Movimento Fitness Inc. 20.12.2020

Yay! You’ve decided to jump-start your exercise and eating plan for the NEW YEAR and we are so psyched for your new journey! But here’s some friendly advice: Baby steps will get you farther than setting a resolution to be racing off the couch to the gym five times a week. Healthy habits take time to build, just like those bad ones did. And you don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment by taking on too much too soon.... Think about it. You’re more likely to develop lasting success slowly, each win adding to the last. Make gradual changes to your diet, trimming some amounts and items first instead of cutting out all the bad stuff right away. Reduce consumption of sodas and alcohol gradually in favor of water or other calorie-free beverages. If you can’t run, walk until you can. (This one works literally and figuratively!) If you have trouble sleeping, lower the thermostat in your bedroom until you get to the right temperature, and gradually put more time between using devices and hitting the sheets each evening. This is how you avoid crashing and burning by succeeding one step at a time. And we are here to provide coaching, support and guidance when you need us! Happy New Year!

Movimento Fitness Inc. 03.12.2020

Are you psyched for the new year? Ready to make some changes once the calendar flips? Here’s a hot secret: You don’t have to wait! The choices you make today will determine where you are on January 1. Instead of letting these weeks go by unproductively (or worse), wouldn’t you rather kick off 2021 with a few weeks of healthy living behind you?... Commit today to make the right choices and take the healthy steps FOR TODAY ONLY. To eat well, exercise, and manage your stress. To wake up tomorrow feeling better than if you did the opposite. Then do it again tomorrow and repeat your best efforts every day as we head into January. Those kinds of daily commitments are what will help you succeed all year, and for your whole lifetime. So, what are you waiting for?

Movimento Fitness Inc. 24.11.2020

We would like to wish all of our community members a very Merry Christmas! We are so proud of everything our members have accomplished this year! Despite the challenges 2020 has brought us, our community has continued to show their strength, both in and outside of the gym! Thank you for your continued support! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season! ... We will be closed from December 24 - January 1. Happy Holidays! ~ The Movimento Team

Movimento Fitness Inc. 21.11.2020

As a whole, traditions are great, right? They’re a big part of the holidays and human life in general, helping us feel connected to previous generations and nice memories. But individually, well, they can be a bit restrictive, can’t they? And many aren’t at all healthy, are they? Eating too much every year because everyone seems to prioritize it at the holidays? ... Or drinking too much because you always did before and then spending all day after the big meal in front of the TV Just because your family might’ve done something every year, that doesn’t mean you can’t discard it, amend it, or create something to replace it. And since this year’s going to be different anyway, given the pandemic, why not look for ways to build new, healthy traditions of your own? It’ll be fun, and a great way to help friends and family get creative, too. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking! 1 Try a healthier recipe for a family favorite. 2 Make an ornament that’s unique to each year. 3 Get everyone outside for some kind of outdoor movement, even if it’s cold out. A nice walk, building a snowman, or sledding will get you moving and create way more fun memories than sitting in front of the tv. 4 Add a board game to the after-dinner mix. You can even do it virtually if you’re separated this year. 5 Give the kids a task of their own choosing something creative that helps create healthy habits. 6 Build on a standing tradition or give it a twist. Again, this year, that should be pretty easy, since necessity is the mother of invention and we’ve all had to make so many changes already! Keep an open mind and allow for spontaneity and even error, since the best ideas are often happy accidents. Hold the past gently with one hand while reaching out to the future with a loving touch. That’s a tradition we can all start every day.

Movimento Fitness Inc. 07.11.2020

It’s coming - Christmas is just a month away! It’s hard to not be affected by the holidays.... In fact, between work, kids, your spouse, the holidays and everything going on in the world right now, you just don’t have time to exercise and eat right. We get it. So, go ahead and just let it slide. By the New Year, you’ll have one long list of resolutions! Just kidding Look, if you’re looking for excuses, you can find them any time of year. But if you’re really committed to healthy habits, then you’ve got to incorporate them into your daily life every day of every month just like, say BRUSHING YOUR TEETH. Do you stop BRUSHING YOUR TEETH because you’re stressed out with the holidays? Or because making holiday plans this year is harder than ever? Or because the kids are still in at-home school or will be released on break soon? No. You do not stop BRUSHING YOUR TEETH. At all. Ever. That’s why it’s called a daily habit. You need to be THAT COMMITTED to staying healthy, especially during these coming weeks. Follow your diet and exercise plan. Manage Stress. Get enough rest. Hydrate. EVERY DAY. All that other stuff can wait. Your health simply can’t. If you want a shorter list of resolutions as we move into 2021, we’ve got you!

Movimento Fitness Inc. 01.11.2020

We are still training, just 100% online! We are super excited to be able to help our members get their workout in during our live, virtual sessions. Rest assured, even through the screen, our trainers will make sure you get your sweat on! We sure miss seeing everyone in the studio, but we're so happy we can connect with our community this way!

Movimento Fitness Inc. 27.10.2020

We are so happy to have many couples that workout together here at Movimento Fitness. It is great to see them supporting one another and enjoying time being active together! But what if that is not you? What if your spouse doesn’t support you in your commitment to improving your health? ... Making positive changes in your life is so empowering and exciting that you want to encourage people you love to do the same thing. Of course, it can also be challenging to eat better and stick to an exercise plan, so you need support from others, too. And both these statements apply to no one more than your spouse, right? You want him or her to feel as good as you do now that you’re exercising and eating right. And you need encouragement from your partner, too. So, what do you do if your spouse isn’t supportive of your desire to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Communicate. Ask for what you want instead of assuming your spouse is intentionally ignoring your efforts. Then, talk it out and really listen without applying pressure. Maybe your spouse has worries or insecurities of their own. Maybe they feel too stressed with work and the kids to commit to anything else. Maybe they’re jealous about your new hobbies. You can’t know until you ask. Share But Don’t Pressure. You can tell your spouse about your activities and nutritional needs without twisting their arm or being passive-aggressive about it. Respect their choices. Be an example. Find other ways to share quality time together. Do Your Thing. It would be nice to have your partner there to cheer you on. But if that’s not part of the mix right now, you have to double-down on the commitment you’ve made to yourself. Make your intentions clear about grocery shopping, preparing family meals, and when you will schedule time for workouts. And find supportive friends from others at the gym and your coaches. And always remember, you NEVER have to go it alone. We’re here for you!

Movimento Fitness Inc. 20.10.2020

Imagine if a friend said this to you. I have a great idea, but I know it won’t work. The time just isn’t right. I’m already too busy with the family, my job, the holidays And this pandemic isn’t making anything easier, am I right?! How would you respond? ... I hope you’d still ask to hear the great idea and tell your friend none of that is an excuse to give up on the idea. Look, it’s so easy to shoot ourselves down, isn’t it? And if we don’t have enough legitimate reasons, we’ll invent some, like these: I would love to exercise, but I need to lose 20 pounds first. I don’t want to invest time and energy into something that might not be perfect. I can eat whatever I want since I’m using this awesome new cleanse tea! It just doesn’t make sense for me to start until January. So, tell your friend (and yourself) the truth: If you’re looking for excuses why you can’t do something or why it won’t work, then you will always find them. Instead, look for reasons why this is the perfect time. Look for reasons why you will succeed. Choose to believe the evidence that supports you, rather than the negativity that holds you back. This is true for anything including healthy living, exercising, and eating right.

Movimento Fitness Inc. 09.10.2020

Do you consider yourself a dreamer or a doer? Do your words match your actions? People say they want to get healthy, to exercise regularly, to eat right and then they literally behave in every way possible that’s the opposite.... Partly it’s because of the stories they tell themselves. I’m too busy. I can’t afford it. I’m not fit enough to exercise. People will laugh at me. We usually call these excuses, and you can believe them IF YOU WANT TO. But if you want to be a real doer instead of just a dreamer, then here’s what I suggest: Get clear on what you want and how to get it. Take the first step, without worrying about the second. (Call it a leap of faith.) Feel the fear and work through it anyway. Feel the power and the pleasure and the SHEER JOY of growth. Love yourself enough to do what you say you’re going to do.

Movimento Fitness Inc. 19.09.2020

Natasha found her energy levels were so low after having her first son. Even simple movements such as bending down to unload the dishwasher were difficult and uncomfortable! She wanted to be stronger not just for herself, but for her family as well. She knew it was time for a change.... When she joined us at Movimento, she saw success on the scale right away! She lost almost 80 pounds in her first 6 months But it’s not always about the numbers. After her second child, she found the weight came off a bit slower, but the mental health benefits far outweighed the importance of any number on the scale. She learned that fitness is a lifestyle and what she did in the gym gave her more energy for her life outside the gym. It gave her more energy for her family. She was reminded just how strong she truly is. Check out Natasha's story:

Movimento Fitness Inc. 16.09.2020

Lest We Forget. We are closed today, so we can take the time to reflect on the sacrifice our military members have made for us and continue to make for us every day.

Movimento Fitness Inc. 15.09.2020

We’ve always been told that success is about having a goal and reaching it. But here’s the deal about goals. It’s good to have them. And it’s good to pursue them.... But merely reaching the goals isn’t really the point. It’s the steps we take along the way that matter in the long term. We’ve gotta enjoy those parts of the process in order to make lasting change. Here’s an example. Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds by your sister’s wedding day. Well, you can starve yourself and do ridiculous amounts of cardio and, sure, you’ll probably shed the weight. But after the photos are taken, will it have been worth all the torture? What if, instead, you set the same goal but decided to follow a reasonable plan that would encourage happy, healthy exercise and eating habits? And what if you lost, say, 18 pounds by the wedding? Could you be happy with that? Of course! In fact, you would have enjoyed your daily life more, including the establishment of those good habits. You’d have been a better friend to your sister leading up to her big day. And you could enjoy a slice of cake and still be on your way to losing those remaining 2 pounds, if you wanted. Because, most importantly, you’d love your new habits and feel encouraged to continue them. Change is good! Embrace the process in a truly positive way.

Movimento Fitness Inc. 12.09.2020

You probably know that living a healthy lifestyle is about long-term consistency, not workout trends or miracle diets. But do you realize how each choice you make related to your health contributes to outcomes you’ll experience a week, month or year from now? It’s the snowball effect of healthy living, and it can give you momentum to keep rolling toward your goals and beyond. Remember what the reverse was like. Drinks after work on Friday led to a heavy dinner, then ...sleeping too late to work out on Saturday, getting behind on your errands all weekend so you’re stressed out going back to work Monday And on and on. But when you make one good choice, and then another, and then another, they build on each other to get you to where you want to go. Follow your eating and exercise plan today Sleep well tonight Feel more organized throughout the week Progress through your work projects Reach your monthly weight goal or activity marker Feel good about what you’ve done so far And on and on. You can see that snowball rolling and growing, can’t you?! One good thing really does lead to another. And it’s ALL your CHOICE.