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Navamsa 10.07.2021

One of 36 case studies from the book KALA SARPA, by Alan Annand: Charles Baudelaire (9 April 1821, 15h00, Paris, France), whose chart features a Class 2 Kala Sarpa with Rahu in the 7th house. CHARLES BAUDELAIRE was a French poet who also produced notable work as an essayist, art critic, and pioneering translator of Edgar Allan Poe. He is best known for a single collection of poetry, Les Fleurs du Mal (Flowers of Evil) which was widely admired by fellow artists while simultane...Continue reading

Navamsa 04.07.2021

One of 66 case studies from PARIVARTANA YOGA, by Alan Annand: Warren Beatty (30 March 1937, 17h30, Richmond, Virginia), whose chart features an exchange between the 5th and 7th lords WARREN BEATTY is an American actor, producer, screenwriter and director. Strikingly handsome with a style that is self-consciously cool and opaque, he was the classic screen idol of his day. He has been nominated for 14 Oscars, including his performance in 1967 for Bonnie and Clyde. He won the O...scar as Best Director in 1981 for Reds. Although known more for his acting than his writing, Beatty was nominated four times for Best Screenplay, which he received three times. He is the only person to have been nominated for best producer, director, writer and actor in the same film, both for Heaven Can Wait and Reds. Aside from his movie career, Beatty has achieved the dubious reputation of having been a notorious womanizer and lover to a large number of Hollywood and society women. A partial list includes Cher, Brigitte Bardot, Elle Macpherson, Goldie Hawn, Jackie Onassis, Joan Collins, Joni Mitchell, Madonna and Mary Tyler Moore. Jupiter in 5th house Capricorn exchanges with Saturn in 7th house Pisces. Jupiter is debilitated and forms no other yoga. Saturn is associated with lagnesh Mercury to form two Dharma Karma Adhipati Yogas. The 5th/7th exchange played out in an extremely active sex life, wherein this notion of sex-on-the-brain (5th house mind, 7th house sex) is pretty much epitomized in Warren Beatty’s pre-marital lifestyle. The logic for this highly potent exchange goes thus: the 5th lord in the 7th means that the mind dwells on sex, while the 7th lord in the 5th means that the person romanticizes the sexual act. Wash, rinse, repeat The same exchange can also be used to explain his highly creative role in the course of his movie career, whether as a writer involved in multiple projects (many of which fell by the wayside), as a director marshaling creative talent, or more generically, in his sometimes-spotty record as producer in collaboration with many of Hollywood’s luminaries of the day, in front of or behind the camera. Jupiter is debilitated but Saturn has dig bala, thus qualifying it as the control planet for this exchange. Certainly, its placement in the 7th house highlights his infamous love life prior to marriage. Read more about Warren Beatty and 65 other famous case studies with PARIVARTANA YOGA, a common but powerful pattern found in 43% of all charts:

Navamsa 23.06.2021

One of 66 case studies from PARIVARTANA YOGA, by Alan Annand: Oprah Winfrey (29 January 1954, 04h30, Kosciusko, Mississippi), whose chart features an exchange between the 2nd and 11th lords OPRAH WINFREY, talk show host, has been dubbed the Queen of all Media and is, according to some, the most influential woman in the world. Ranked the richest African-American of the 20th century, America’s only black billionaire was born into poverty to a single teenage mother. She exper...ienced considerable hardship in her childhood, getting raped at age nine, becoming pregnant at 14, and losing her only son in infancy. During high school she landed a job in radio, went on at age 19 to co-anchor local news, and subsequently graduated to daytime talk shows. The rest is history. Oprah had three half-siblings, one of whom died of cocaine abuse, another put up for adoption, and a third dead of AIDS. Nicknamed the Preacher because of her ability as a child to recite Bible verses, she won an oratory contest in high school that earned her a full university scholarship. She has co-authored five books and played in more than a dozen movies. She is an active philanthropist and a major social influence, with the power to turn books into bestsellers and political endorsements into presidential candidates. Venus in 2nd house Capricorn exchanges with Saturn in 11th house Libra. The two planets are mutual friends in money houses. The 2nd lord Saturn is dignified by sign both before and after exchange. Venus forms a Dhana Yoga with the Sun. Before and after exchange, both Venus and Saturn are totally combust, which has the effect of harming family and/or friends. Aside from the obvious wealth-generating aspects of this combination, we should note the various themes of the 2nd house that have come to the fore in her life: eating and weight loss, confessions of substance abuse, family problems, oratorical skills, authorship, love of books and education. Equally well, the 11th house themes are observed through social networking and influence, political activism, gay rights advocacy, high-profile friendships (Maria Shriver and Maya Angelou) and public honors honorary Harvard doctorate, and a Presidential Medal of Freedom. While Venus is totally combust, Saturn is exalted, thus making it the obvious control planet in this exchange. Its placement in the 11th house gives testimony to Oprah’s income, her political influence and her status as the Queen of all Media. Read more about Oprah Winfrey and 65 other famous case studies with PARIVARTANA YOGA, a common but powerful pattern found in 43% of all charts:

Navamsa 13.06.2021

INVITATION TO ENROL: GRAHA VICHARA SERIES Over the past few years of monitoring Facebook group discussions, I’ve noted a lack of clarity and process regarding horoscope analysis via the lens of Jyotish. Some of this I attribute to people learning on their own, from books in lieu of a teacher (been there, done that), while other issues undoubtedly arise from too much exposure to YouTube pundits who themselves are uneducated. As an antidote, I’m offering a series of short onli...Continue reading

Navamsa 08.06.2021

One of 66 case studies from PARIVARTANA YOGA, by Alan Annand: Richard Nixon (9 January 1913, 21h35, Yorba Linda, California), whose chart features an exchange between the 7th and 10th lords. RICHARD NIXON was the 37th President of the USA (1968-1974), and the only one to resign office, following the Watergate scandal. Named after Richard the Lion-Hearted, he was raised in a Quaker household and overcame his innate shyness only later in life. He worked in the family business t...Continue reading