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Oil In The Family 28.06.2021

Back in the day when I had those Snuffleupagus eyelashes So let's talk eyelashes and eyebrows: I know that in the world today you don't have to wait to grow your own there are great mascaras and then the paste on or magnetic lashes, not to slam anyone who utilizes those but I personally couldn't adopt those practices. I have a clean mascara that I use occasionally but the fakes made me look ridiculous and I felt so unnatural. ... How do you accentuate and create long healthy lashes and full brows? Castor oil of course. Did you know that the Egyptians were zealots about their looks and their anti-aging techniques? Cleopatra was revered for her beauty and one of the most effective regimes she incorporated was the utilization of castor oil. She used it to help her grow more pronounced brows and longer, thicker lashes. How does it do that you might ask? Castor oil improves circulation via nitric oxide production, nourishes skin, and reduces inflammation. I highly recommend if you are not already trying this little miracle oil then give it a go and let me know your results. Just makes sure again that it is a good quality organic oil that is bottled in glass. I also recommend checking out @palma_christigold (Canadian company) or @queenofthethrones/ @medical.mystic (USA company) who provide a plethora of information on the subject of castor oil. #castoroil #castoroilpacks #benefitsofcastoroil #castoroilbenefits #palmachristi #palmachristigold #thepalmo #thehandofchrist #excellentcarrieroil #carrieroil #hotliver #liverdetoxifier #castoroiluses #longerlashes #beautifulbrows #queenofthethrones #palmachristigold

Oil In The Family 26.06.2021

I recently reconnected with an oil that I have known about for a while but wasn't using on the regular, castor oil. There are so many great benefits to using castor oil. It's been around for thousands of years and comes from the seed of the castor plant. AKA Palma Christi - the Palm of Christ. Some might know of a grandmother who utilized it for its powerful laxative benefits when someone was constipated. I've heard that some used it as an antiparasitic (can't imagine tha...t and probably wouldn't recommend it) It is a great carrier oil for essential oils and as everyone knows I love my essential oils . (side note: Young Living has a great sale on right now with their starter kit so feel free to reach out in a DM and I'll get ya hooked up! ) I am using it topically in a method known as a castor oil pack. I have struggled with digestive problems for many moons and can probably directly link it to the health of my liver. I have something, known in Chinese medicine, as a "hot liver" . Castor oil is anti-inflammatory, detoxifies, and is known to improve digestive health, so every evening before bed I relax with my castor oil pack for about an hour or I put it on before I go to sleep. It has a very thick consistency and might seem a bit messy for some but it also penetrates quickly and is not sticky. I am very selective in what I put on my body especially since, in this case, it's purpose is to detoxify and revitalize. I am using the Palma Christi Gold (@palma_christigold). It is organic, cold-pressed, hexane-free, and bottled in glass and the company is a Canadian company so I like to support our Canadian economy. Let me know if you have ever used castor oil before and the benefits and if you want more information on the castor oil packs and how to do it, please let me know. More to come on castor oil #castoroil #castoroilpacks #benefitsofcastoroil #castoroilbenefits #palmachristi #palmachristigold #thepalmo #thehandofchrist #excellentcarrieroil #carrieroil #hotliver #liverdetoxifier

Oil In The Family 24.06.2021

Feeling all the feels of the full moon these days and I have decided to put into practice something called a Full Moon Release If you are starting to tap into the intuitive energy that is created by understanding your feminine cycle then I challenge you to implement this practice too: Write down all that does not serve you anymore on a piece of paper (attitudes, emotions, relationships, people, illness, pain, habits, addictions, judgments, mistakes, trauma, etc.) Whatever... it is that you want to release. Go outside and burn the paper (practice safety with this so as not to burn anything or anyone ) Thank God (the universe or whatever is suitable to you.) Release the weight and let it all go #fullmoonphase #firstfullmoon2021 #cyclesyncing #fullmoonrelease #womenshormonehealth #knowyourbody #empoweringthoughts #lettinggowhatdoesnotserveyou #startyearwithintention #fullmoon #innerwisdom #thankfulandgrateful #wildwomanheart #wildwomanmindset #wildwomanschool

Oil In The Family 13.06.2021

Not only do women's hormones fluctuate within their monthly cycles (if that weren't enough!), but we also endure different, major hormonal changes throughout our lifetime: 1. Adolescents - the time in which our ovaries kick in and menses commences. For some, it takes a couple of years for there to be a consistent and predictable rhythm to their cycle. 2. Reproductive Years - Regardless of how you feel about pregnancy, children, or starting a family your physiology is specifi...cally designed for that purpose. Hormones can fluctuate after pregnancy sometimes causing similar symptoms as you would find in perimenopause. (FYI - not my baby. Whilst others my age were in the midst of procreating I chose to have fur babies. Couldn't really fathom raising little humans at that time. Dogs were responsibility enough!) 3. Perimenopause - When the ovaries begin to slow down and monthly cycles begin to change. Women can be perimenopausal, for some, up to 10 to 12 years. I started in my mid-30s although I had absolutely no freaking clue what was happening! 4. Menopause - When the ovaries completely shut down and no longer are producing hormones. You are considered in menopause when you go twelve straight months without a period. I went into menopause in my early 40s. How well do/did you know and understand the different hormonal stages of your life? The way I figure it, you can't truly understand or comprehend where you are going until you understand where you started from. #perimenopause #menopause #knowyourbody #learningtonavigate #healthylifestlye #healthadvocate #hormonehealth #hormonebalance #feminepower #hormonalimbalance #naturalhealthrevolution #healyourself #healyourbody #knowledgeispower #importantconversations #beyourbodysadvocate #playsmarternotharder #nevertooold #nevertoolate #trustyourintuition #periodwisdom #youoweittoyourself #womenslifestages #adolescents #teen #reproductiveyears #bodyliteracy

Oil In The Family 25.05.2021

Back in 2005 Laura Wershler, veteran sexual and reproductive health advocate, developed the ideology of "Body Literacy". The concept was developed in order to provide women with education on how to read and understand their own bodies by learning to observe, chart, and interpret their own menstrual cycle. This literacy enables a woman to understand how her health and wellness are intricately connected to her menstrual cycle.... Without this knowledge, we tend to hand over our sexual and reproductive health to our medical care providers thinking that they must know better than us. I know that this was of course the case for me. I was not provided with this education, not by my mother (who by the way learned how to track her cycle from me ), general practitioner, or even my gynecologist. It wasn't until I was in my mid-30s when I started to go through peri-menopause then I began to learn about my cycle via functional medicine. This was only because my GP could not effectively answer the questions I had regarding the state of my health or unhealth, as it were. Most young women only learn one part of their cycle and that's the period part. Yet when you start to really pay attention and learn about the other phases of the cycle you soon learn that the real key to longstanding health is the ovulation phase. Fact is it doesn't matter when your body literacy begins, although I now know the earlier the better! #ovulation #ovulationtracking #ovulatorycycle #ovulatoryphase #sexualhealth #reproductivehealth #knowyourbody #cyclesyncing #fullmoonphase #bodyliteracy #hormonehealth #womenshealthadvocate #fourphasecycle #cyclesyncing #beinformed #hormonalhealth #womenshealthmovement #healthadvocate #beyourownhealthadvocate #lifeskills #informedwomen #knowledgeispower #healthyhormones #fourphasesofthecycle #takebackyourhormones #innerwisdom

Oil In The Family 05.01.2021

So this is the time of year that all the fabulous young women in my life let me in on their Christmaswishlist items. Every list seems to have some sort of specific name brand of fragrance, cosmetic or beauty product. This is when I have to put my foot down and say NO! Nope (Dancing Ferret, Tia, Rosey) will not be purchasing products that are unhealthy for your body. I will instead get you healthier alternatives 1) because I love you too much... 2) we vote with our dollars and I want my vote to count towards the betterment of health for women. I understand that you might be thinking, "Rosey stop your worrying about all the chemicals in products. They are in safe amounts otherwise Health Canada or the FDA wouldn't allow them to be on shelves", right? Not really, when it comes to beauty products there isn't a true regulatory body that monitors ingredients. Truth is, for the most part, governments trust the judgment and guidance of the industry and industry provides guidance based on profit margins and not what is good for human health. Add in the fact that most conventional product companies are now exploiting people by utilizing labeling with words such as "organic", "chemical-free", "clean", "natural", etc. which are not regulated terms and are used very liberally. Most conventional products use ingredients that allow for an item to be mass-produced and preserved for a longer shelf time. Many of these chemicals are carcinogenic, endocrine disruptors, and/ or obesogens. Take into consideration that the skin is your largest organ and 60-80% of what is applied is absorbed into the bloodstream. That literally means that your skin is "eating" absolutely everything that it comes into contact with. So before you go out and buy that beauty product that your daughter, niece, Goddaughter, sister, asked for, do a little research. Read the labels and ensure that what you are buying your loved one is actually going to do what it was intended to do which is nourish and naturally enhance. #nontoxicbeauty #endocrinedisruptors #educateyourself #hormonedisruptors #onlyonebody #smallchanges #smallchangesbigimpact #readingredients #womenshealthmatters #cleanproducts

Oil In The Family 22.12.2020

Let's talk matcha tea... Recently we incorporated matcha into our daily regime for the health benefits that it offers: Matcha is rich in catechins, a class of plant compounds that act as natural antioxidants (antioxidants help stabilize harmful free radicals that damage cells and cause chronic disease). The two that we honed in on were:... EGCG & quercetin both are contained in green tea and have an anticarcinogenic effect on estrogen receptors. It has one of the highest ORAC values (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) of 138,400 per 100g compare that to wild blueberries (9,621) and spinach (1,513) Matcha is rich in chlorophyll which binds to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium for detoxing. Although it does have caffeine, it also has the amino acid L-theanine which helps to provide a serene, focused, and grounded energy. This can be helpful to those who suffer from anxiety as it induces calmness without drowsiness. What I have also learned is that not all matchas are created equal and sourcing is important. Some things to be aware of: If your matcha comes from India or China it may be laden with pesticides & heavy metals which reduces the cognitive function that it is known to provide If it is sourced from Japan be wary of radioisotopes. Yes, I'm talking radiation Very small portion of Japan's agricultural lands are verified for organic use and are still affected by the fallout of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Be wary of added fillers such as sugar, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners Matcha that has been shaded longer, such as ceremonial grade, offers more of the amino acid L-theanine. Quality can be recognized in the colour of your matcha. It should be a vibrant green colour, if it is a dull green or has a yellowy tinge then it will be lesser grade. I have never been a real tea person myself but suffice to say that we have quickly become matcha latte lovers knowing the added benefits it provides. #matchatea #matchaelixirs #matchagreentea #matchaantioxidants #mentalclarity #cancerfighting #anticarcinogenic #ceremonial #coffeealternative #sourcingiskey #matchalover

Oil In The Family 13.12.2020

Yep, these are my new blue blockers and I'm so excited to have them to transition into. These ones are progressive, multi-focus reading glasses because as you can see in the next photo I was forced to wear my blue blockers and reading glasses together in order to work (my husband called me six eyes) Why am I so vigilant in wearing these suckers despite making a vow fifteen years ago to NEVER wear glasses again after undergoing PRK corrective eye surgery? Here are some of the... reasons : First and foremost for me, it has revitalized the quality of my sleep. I believe that I am getting deeper sleep and I am again able to dream which for years has evaded me. I am preserving the health of my eyes. Digital screens strain the eyes and can lead to blurred vision, headaches, dry eye, and difficulty focusing. Improves our circadian rhythms. Artificial blue light at night tricks the brain into believing it's still daytime and should be awake, not asleep. Confusion in circadian rhythm will thus result in a lack of production of melatonin which is the sleep hormone. Without it, we have difficulty sleeping. Raises cortisol levels which in turn means that our stress response is elevated. Supports the health of my mitochondria which are the powerhouses of the cells. Too much blue light does not allow our mitochondria to properly recharge and repair. The health benefits are vast and I believe that everyone should be incorporating blue blockers in their daily lives even children. Blue light exposure is important but healthy submissions come from being in the outdoors

Oil In The Family 05.12.2020

I don't know about you, but I currently find myself waffling with many different emotions. This at times makes me feel completely out of control and uncomfortably unsure of what is to come next. Right now, more than ever, I feel like this prayer gives me direction and strength. My deepest knowing is that there is a power greater than mine and that He has the last say on ALL things. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ...ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6 So I will just continue to trust my intuition and lean on that higher power to guide me without judgment, ego, or animosity. #higherpower #serenityprayer #followyourintuituion #staycourageous #tryingtimes #mixedemotions #unshakeablefaith

Oil In The Family 27.11.2020

This image has been posted on my bathroom mirror for a few years now but only as of recently have I really delved deep into how powerful the lymphatic system is and the role it plays in our overall health and vitality. Back in early spring, my husband was diagnosed with cancer of the mouth (Verrucous carcinoma). His days since have been filled with blood tests, imaging appointments, dental appointments, and surgeries. In his initial assessment with the surgeon, it was also di...scovered that one of the lymph nodes in his neck was slightly enlarged yet when he was sent for biopsy they said that it was too small to actually bother exploring. Never did they explain the important role that the lymph system plays or the reasoning behind why it could be slightly enlarged. Lymphatic drainage is an important detox system that plays a key role in the immune system, fluid balance, and absorption of fats and fat-soluble nutrients. Lymph nodes swell in response to infection, due to a build-up of lymph fluid, bacteria, or other organisms and immune system cells. Understanding how to learn to move and support the lymphatic drainage system, in my humble opinion, is more important than just learning how to stretch. I love to follow and learn from Dr. Perry Nickelston @stopchasing pain. He offers so much free information on this topic matter. He says "If you have a chronic pain or illness like Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, etc., you will have a lymphatic problem." Suffice to say that both Scott and I have incorporated into our health routine the practice of supporting our lymphatic drainage system daily. If you do not already dry brush or know much about this detox practice I highly recommend learning and applying this methodology. #cancerscare #detoxification #chronicpain #detoxyourbody #lymphaticdrainage #immunesystem #stopchasingpain #holistichealing #lymphnodes #lymphaticmassage #loveyourlymph #immunesupport

Oil In The Family 09.11.2020

Over the years I have become extremely vigilant in where I source our food. Example: our eggs are sourced from a local provider who allowed me to visit and see where her chickens reside. I was pleased to see that her girls are in fact free-range, roaming happy chickens. I then asked my provider what she feeds her hens because I wanted to ensure that their diets were not full of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids). I was also glad to hear that she was very aware of the... effects of PUFAs and therefore did not feed her gals a PUFA heavy diet. I want to know this because I understand that whatever my food is eating, so I am ingesting it as well. My husband has often wondered why it takes me so long to shop. I read all ingredient labels to ensure that I am in fact feeding my family real food. Food that is not overly processed or laden with sugars, soy, corn, canola, or grains, or raised in an environment that is laden with heavy metals, insecticides, hormones, or genetically modified. If it isn't grown in soil, fallen off a tree, swam in the ocean/lakes, or roamed on the earth, then chances are I'm not buying it for my family. How many of you are paying attention to your food sources? #naturallysourced #healthychickens #happychickens #pufas #polyunsaturatedfattyacids #foodsource #knowyourfood #healthadvocate #locallysourced #realfoodheals #eathealthyfood #organic #organicfood #regenerativefarming

Oil In The Family 01.11.2020

This year we will sit in our living room watching a Rememberance Day ceremony on TV. The first time in over 15 years that we are not in attendance of our community's celebration due to COVID restrictions. Weird and sad our new normal #remembranceday #wherepoppiesgrow #vetransday #fathersinservice #weremember #lestweforget #handsomefather #vietnamvetran