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Locality: Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Phone: +1 902-735-3355

Address: 68B St. Andrews Street B2G2H1 Antigonish, NS, Canada

Website: www.overzetwellness.ca

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Overzet Wellness Center 10.12.2020

You might want to read this exerpt from the article: Covid-19: Pursuing Truth to Protect our Liberties by Kendall Nelson before opting to take the vaccine. FAST...-TRACKING UNSAFE VACCINES The race is on to create a fast-tracked Covid-19 vaccine despite the fact that previous attempts to produce coronavirus vaccines have been abject failures. Two decades of research into SARS and one decade of research into MERSboth of them coronaviruseshave yet to yield a vaccine. In fact, no vaccine has ever come to fruition for any of the six other coronaviruses identified in humans. Although previous coronavirus vaccine candidates have produced the kind of robust antibodies that make vaccinologists happy, they have also shown a propensity for pathogenic priming, meaning that the vaccine makes the illness worsenot betterwhen the recipient is later exposed to the wild virus or, potentially, another dose of vaccine.50 This is precisely what happened with animals in previous SARS vaccine trials; instead of receiving protection from the vaccine, they experienced more severe illness after exposure to wild coronavirus.51 Side effects included full body inflammation, lung inflammation, lung infections and death.52 In humans, researchers observed this same exacerbation of disease during human testing of a failed vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the 1960s53and, much more recently, in children given a vaccine for dengue fever.54Specifically, dengue-vaccinated children who had never been exposed to dengue fever prior to vaccination were more likely to die when exposed to dengue post-vaccination.55 Despite this terrible track record, there were one hundred fifteen coronavirus vaccine candidates in the pipeline as of April 9.56 Health authorities and manufacturers claim they could have a vaccine ready in a matter of months, even though traditional vaccines take a minimum of five to ten years to develop, test and license. In a strange turn of events, biomedical ethicists and othersincluding leading vaccine proponents Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (inventor of a rotavirus vaccine) and Dr. Peter Hotez of Baylor University (one of the scientists who worked on SARS vaccines)are issuing serious warnings about the risks of experimental coronavirus vaccines. Speaking before a U.S. Congressional Committee on March 5, Hotez explicitly described the dangers of immune enhancement (pathogenic priming) with coronavirus vaccines. Offit, meanwhile, directed his warning (on March 10) to the general public, characterizing the rush to develop a vaccine as ill-advised.53 THE RINGLEADERS Two of the leading voices in the push to accelerate coronavirus vaccine development are NIAID’s Anthony Fauci and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Each of these men has made it clearspinning almost identical narrativesthat they view a vaccine as the sole solution for the Covid-19 crisis. Fauci said that the pandemic is not going to be over. . . until we have a scientifically sound, safe and effective vaccine,57 while Gates has written that we will be able to go back to the way things were. . . before the coronavirus pandemic. . . when we have an almost perfect drug to treat Covid-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.56 Gates then helpfully added, the former is unlikely to happen anytime soon. Dismissing the known benefits of natural herd immunity, Fauci also has been quoted as saying, I hope we do not have so many people infected that we actually have herd immunity,58 a talking point again echoed by Gates: Now we do not want to have a lot of recovered people, you know. To be clear, we are trying through the shutdown in the United States, to not get to one percent of the population infected.59 Gates is the biggest funder of vaccines in the world. When Gates committed ten billion dollars to the WHO a decade ago (January 2010), he accompanied his announcement with the statement, We must make this the decade of vaccines.60 A month later, Gates publicly discussed how vaccines could reduce population.61 Until recently, Gates was the second largest donor to the WHO but became the top donor after the Trump administration halted the U.S. government’s funding to the organization (accusing WHO of bungling the SARS-CoV-2 response and failing to communicate the disease’s threat).62 Internationally, Gates and BMGF also collaborate withand fundvaccine-related efforts carried out by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi (the Vaccine Alliance) and various governments. Domestically, Gates has provided substantial research monies to Fauci’s agency, NIAID, and to other NIH divisions.63 Fauci, in turn, sits on the Leadership Council for the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), a BMGF project that works in concert with the United Nations to deliver vaccines to the poorest people and countries.64 Gates’ reputation as an altruistic philanthropist deserves close scrutiny, and his foundation’s funding patterns raise questions about the long-term influence of billionaire philanthropy on American science and politics. Although Gates has given away tens of billions of dollars, his assets continue to grow. In the last five years, the foundation’s endowment generated more income than it gave away. BMGF also awards millions of dollars in grants to companies in which it holds stocks or bonds, including pharmaceutical giants like Merck, Sanofi, Eli Lilly and Pfizer. As a report in The Nation recently observed, A foundation giving a charitable grant to a company that it partly ownsand stands to benefit from financiallywould seem like an obvious conflict of interest.65 GENETICALLY ENGINEERING HUMANS Currently, Gates’ lavishly funded mission is to vaccinate over seven billion people with a new coronavirus vaccine as soon as possible. In his GatesNotes blog, he boasts about compressing vaccine trial timelines and writes that financing is not an issue. The pharma and biotech companies that Gates and others are financing are mobilizing a wide variety of vaccine technologies and processes to create Covid-19 vaccines, including live attenuated viral vaccines; inactivated, non-replicating viral vectors; replicating viral vectors; recombinant proteins; peptide-based, virus-like particles; and other unknown technology platforms.66 However, Gates is particularly excited by two experimental approaches: messenger RNA (mRNA) and DNA vaccines.56 No vaccine using these unproven nucleic acid techniques has ever proceeded to licensure.67 Traditional vaccines use a weakened or killed antigen to stimulate the production of antibodies in the recipient, based on the assumption that the antibodies will protect against subsequent infection, but the premise of mRNA vaccines is entirely different. Rather than inject a pathogen’s antigen into our bodies, an mRNA vaccine would give our bodies the genetic code (RNA fragments) needed to produce the antigen itself, in essence turning us into vaccine factories. Once incorporated into our DNA, these fragments would literally rewrite our genetic codewith entirely unknown consequences.68 DNA vaccines are similar, containing DNA that codes for specific proteins (antigens) from a pathogen.69 Earlier efforts to develop experimental SARS, MERS and HIV vaccines also introduced foreign RNA or DNA into the cellsbut none were deemed safe and effective enough to license.70 Companies are quite enthusiastic about nucleic acid vaccines, however, because they can be made far more cheaply and quickly. FOLLOW THE MONEY On January 11, Chinese authorities shared the genetic sequence of the new coronavirus. Just two days later, scientists from NIAID and a biopharma company called Moderna finalized the sequence for a partially-Gates-funded mRNA-1273 coronavirus vaccine. By March 16, the NIH announced that it had injected the vaccine into the first participant in a Phase 1 trial of mRNA-1273amounting to only sixty-three days from sequence selection to first human dosing. Moderna has never tested RNA vaccines in humans before and opted to forgo preliminary animal testing of mRNA-1273. What Moderna and the mainstream media have not readily disclosed to the public is that the Phase 1 trial was a catastrophe. Twenty percent of volunteers in the high dose cohort suffered a serious adverse event within forty-three days of receiving the experimental vaccine. Those injured developed Grade 3 systemic events defined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as Preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention. These adverse reactions occurred even though Moderna only allowed healthy volunteers to participate in the study.71 The company now hopes to recruit thirty thousand people for its Phase 3 trial scheduled to begin in July. While a commercially available vaccine is unlikely to be forthcoming prior to 2021, its vaccine might be made available on an emergency basis to health care professionals and other selected groups by fall 2020. On April 16, Moderna announced an award from the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) for up to four hundred eighty-three million dollars to accelerate mRNA-1273’s development.72 Making a vaccine the precondition for ending the Covid-19 health crisis paves the way for tremendous profits. Between 2010 and 2018, the global vaccine market had already doubled, from twenty billion to forty-two billion dollars, and it is predicted to double again by 2026to over ninety-three billion dollars.73 Modernaa company formerly on the verge of bankruptcysaw a 78 percent increase in its stock price in early April after announcing that its mRNA vaccine was ready for clinical trials in humans in February.74 The company’s controversial CEO became a billionaire overnight.75 On March 27, Congress passed the CARES Act, an economic relief package that will cost American taxpayers over two trillion dollars. The federal legislation includes twenty-seven billion dollars for development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, drug therapies and purchase of pandemic medical supplies. Unbelievably, the legislation did not put a cap on the amount of money drug companies can charge or the profits they can make from sales of vaccines, drugs or medical supplies.73 Gates knows that the coronavirus vaccines he is funding will injure and kill some people, so he has made it clear that he will not provide the vaccines to any country that does not first guarantee complete legal immunity from liability.53 At home, Gates need not worry because on January 31, HHS Secretary Alex Azar’s declaration of a public health emergency placed Covid-19 medical countermeasures (including vaccines, medications, medical devices and other products) under the umbrella of the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act.76 The PREP Act, quietly approved by Congress back in 2005, protects manufacturers from the risk of damages in situations of declared public health emergencies. Effective February 4when only eleven Covid-19 cases were active in the U.S.HHS followed up with a formal declaration published in the Federal Register confirming that coronavirus vaccine manufacturers will benefit from full immunity from liability.53 As a result, no American will be able to sue for coronavirus vaccine-related injuries or deaths unless they are able to achieve the nearly impossible task of showing that the government or a manufacturer engaged in willful misconduct. WAIT, THERE’S MORE Bill Gates is not only just pushing for vaccines but also has been open about promoting digital tracking for all people. In an Ask Me Anything Reddit session, Gates said, Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.77 Gates is working with ID2020, Gavi, Microsoft, the United Nations and many others to research and create these digital certificates, which would use biometrics, blockchain technology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. The certificates would include a person’s medical records (including vaccination status), with the potential to also store credit scores, other financial information and all forms of personal identification (including driver’s licenses and passports). One of the technologies in development is a quantum dot tattoo, delivered through vaccination, stored under the skin and read by smartphones.78 Gates’ desired rollout of digital certificates has a number of sobering implications. Such technology would likely be used to prevent those who choose not to vaccinate from participating in many aspects of society, including travel, work and school. Such individuals might also be denied health insurance and participation in government programs like Social Security. Germany has already implemented immunity certificates,79 and the UK and Italy are considering similar measures. See more

Overzet Wellness Center 29.11.2020

Hoover power scrub carpet cleaner for sale $100. Only used a few times

Overzet Wellness Center 11.11.2020

Starting January 2021, our office will be located at Unit 3, 227 Main St., Antigonish, B2G 2C1 (same entrance as Vogue Optical).

Overzet Wellness Center 09.11.2020

It's been 8 months since the pandemic started....and winter is looming. Mental health issues related to our lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for pe...ople with depression and other mental concerns. The Canadian Mental Health Association, has a 24-hour helpline: 1-833 456-4566 or Klinic Crisis Line 1-888-322-3019 Toll Free. I am asking my small corner of FB to follow suit. It would be great to have at least two of my Facebook friends just copy and repost to share the helpline far and wide? Just two. Any two. Say done. Thanks. It may save a life.

Overzet Wellness Center 01.11.2020

Imagine the world as one...

Overzet Wellness Center 21.10.2020

Wonderful advice

Overzet Wellness Center 30.09.2020

The dance of life. A weaving in and out of a beautiful tapestry. Death. Rebirth. Inhaling. Exhaling Falling apart and coming back together in a new way, with mo...re strength, even better than before. Emptying the cup in order to allow space to become full again. What are you dancing with in your life today? Are you doing it with joy? Are you doing it with gratitude? Art by @Amandasageart

Overzet Wellness Center 20.09.2020

Just ordered for the first time. Looking forward to avoiding the big plastic bottles.

Overzet Wellness Center 10.09.2020

Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation From the Center for Action and Contemplation Image credit: The Swan (No. 17) (detail), Hima af Klimt, 1915, Moderna Museet, Stoc...kholm, Sweden. Week Seventeen Liminal Space Between Two Worlds Liminal space is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where we can begin to think and act in new ways. It is where we are betwixt and between, having left one room or stage of life but not yet entered the next. We usually enter liminal space when our former way of being is challenged or changedperhaps when we lose a job or a loved one, during illness, at the birth of a child, or a major relocation. It is a graced time, but often does not feel graced in any way. In such space, we are not certain or in control. This global pandemic we now face is an example of an immense, collective liminal space. The very vulnerability and openness of liminal space allows room for something genuinely new to happen. We are empty and receptiveerased tablets waiting for new words. Liminal space is where we are most teachable, often because we are most humbled. Liminality keeps us in an ongoing state of shadowboxing instead of ego-confirmation, struggling with the hidden side of things, and calling so-called normalcy into creative question. It’s no surprise then that we generally avoid liminal space. Much of the work of authentic spirituality and human development is to get people into liminal space and to keep them there long enough that they can learn something essential and new. Many spiritual giants like St. Francis, Julian of Norwich, Dorothy Day, and Mohandas Gandhi tried to live their entire lives in permanent liminality, on the edge or periphery of the dominant culture. This in-between place is free of illusions and false payoffs. It invites us to discover and live from broader perspectives and with much deeper seeing. In liminal space we sometimes need to not-do and not-perform according to our usual successful patterns. We actually need to fail abruptly and deliberately falter to understand other dimensions of life. We need to be silent instead of speaking, experience emptiness instead of fullness, anonymity instead of persona, and pennilessness instead of plenty. In liminal space, we descend and intentionally do not come back out or up immediately. It takes time but this experience can help us reenter the world with freedom and new, creative approaches to life. I imagine that even if you’ve never heard the word liminal before, you likely have a sense of what I’m talking about. It would be difficult to exist in this time of global crisis and not feel caught between at least two worldsthe one we knew and the one to come. Our consciousness and that of future generations has been changed. We cannot put the genie back in the bottle.

Overzet Wellness Center 29.08.2020

Don’t forget tomorrow starts the new Facebook rule where they can use your photos. Don't forget the Deadline is today!!! It can be used in court cases in litiga...tion against you. Everything you've ever posted becomes public from today - even messages that have been deleted. It costs nothing for a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry. I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the profile status updates. DO NOT SHARE. Copy and paste. Therefore: Hold your finger down anywhere in this post and "copy" will pop up. Click "copy". Then go to your page, start a new post and put your finger anywhere in the blank field. "Paste" will pop up and click paste This will bypass the system. I DO NOT GIVE FACEBOOK PERMISSION TO SHARE ANYTHING OF MINE., THAT I HAVE PUT ON THEIR SITE, . PICTURES, CURRENT OR PAST POSTS, PHONE NUMBEiRS OR EMAILS.. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING CAN BE USED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT MY WRITTEN PERMISSION OR VERBAL CONSENT.

Overzet Wellness Center 21.08.2020

We are re-opening Overzet Wellness Center on Tue., June 9th at 9 am. Our hours of operation will be Tuesday to Thursday from 9 am to 6 pm. Johan's treatments ha...ve been extended to 45 min. for $100 ($95 for students and seniors). He will be booking his appointments on the hour. Please be advised that we all must follow a new set of protocols and procedures as outlined by our respective associations and the NS Department of Health. These the following: **OVERZET WELLNESS CENTER: COVID-19 CLINIC PROTOCOL/ETIQUETTE** When you come to the clinic, please: 1. Limit the number of personal items you bring with youjust necessities. If you anticipate needing a pen to write a check, please try to remember to bring your own. 2. If receiving osteopathic manual therapy, change into your treatment clothes before entering the clinic 3. Complete the pre-screening/consent form within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment, sign it and bring it to your appointment. If you do not have a printer, you will have to complete it on arrival. 4. Do not enter until 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment. 5. Come alone unless you absolutely require assistance or need a legal guardian to accompany you. In this case, bring no more than one other person with you and make sure they successfully complete the pre-screening questions (on your pre-screening/consent form) before they enter the clinic. 6. Provide the name, address and contact information of anyone who accompanies you into the clinic (for contact tracing purposes). 7. Have anyone who accompanies you wear a mask the entire time they are in the clinic. 8. Maintain social distancing (2 metres/6 feet), except when not possible, i.e., during treatments. 9. If receiving osteopathic manual therapy or reflexology, wear a clean mask during the entire time of your visit. 10. If receiving massage therapy, wear a clean mask while in the waiting room. Though it is recommended, you do not have to wear a mask while on the massage table. The massage therapist will wear a mask during treatment. 11. If you don’t have a mask you may purchase one at the clinic for $1.50. 12. Wash or sanitize your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds: On arrival at the clinic Immediately before getting on the treatment table (after disrobing and/or placing your personal items in the assigned bins in each treatment room) Before leaving 13. Follow posted cough/sneeze etiquette, i.e., Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Immediately dispose of the tissue and then wash or sanitize your hands. If you don’t have a tissue, cough and sneeze into your elbow, not your hand. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and front of face mask. If you need to touch your face, wash your hands before and after. 14. Use e-transfer for payments if possible. 15. Wash or sanitize your hands after transferring payments or any other paper documents. We look forward to seeing you again.

Overzet Wellness Center 23.06.2020

Corona’s Letter To Humanity The earth whispered but you did not hear. The earth spoke but you did not listen The earth screamed but you turned her off.... And so I was born... I was not born to punish you.. I was born to awaken you.. The earth cried out for help... Massive flooding. But you didn't listen. Burning fires. But you didn't listen. Strong hurricanes. But you didn't listen. Terrifying Tornadoes. But you didn't listen. You still don't listen to the earth when.... Ocean animals are dying due to pollutants in the waters. Glaciers melting at an alarming rate. Severe drought. You didn't listen to how much negativity the earth is receiving. Non-stop wars. Non-stop greed. You just kept going on with your life.. No matter how much hate there was.. No matter how many killings daily.. It was more important to get that latest iPhone than worry about what the earth was trying to tell you.. But now I am here. And I've made the world stop on its tracks. I've made YOU finally listen. I've made you take refuge. I've made you stop thinking about materialistic things.. Now you are like the earth... You are only worried about YOUR survival. How does that feel? I give you fever.. as the fires burn on earth. I give you respiratory issues.. as your pollution filled the earth air. I gave you weakness as the earth weakens every day. I took away your comforts.. Your outings. The things you would use to forget about the planet and its pain. And I made the world stop... And now... China has better air quality.. Skys are clear blue because factories are not spewing pollution unto the earth's air. The water in Venice is clean and dolphins are being seen. Because the gondola boats that pollute the water are not being used. YOU are having to take time to reflect on what is important in your life. Again I am not here to punish you.. I am here to Awaken you... When all this is over and I am gone... Please remember these moments.. Listen to the earth. Listen to your soul. Stop Polluting the earth. Stop Fighting among each other. Stop caring about materialistic things. And start loving your neighbors. Start caring about the earth and all its creatures. Start believing in a Creator. Because next time, I may come back even stronger.... Signed, Corona - The Virus A thought provoking poem. I don’t know who wrote it and I need to find out who the artist is but I’ll do some research and find out.