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Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 28.01.2021

To heal the wounds of our soul is to remember the parts that were forgotten, lost, and taken away. That is true healing! It's not about just letting go. You see, wounds block us from connecting fully with our emotions, body, and spirit, and over time we lose ourselves in the process. The bottom-line; wounds are blockers to our true essence of love, peace, and joy. They stop us from being the best version of ourselves. Five years ago, I thought I had done most of my healing ...until Sharona ( a 5lb rescue dog) came into my life. Her love helped to pull out hidden daggers of unhealed trauma that were still piercing my heart. Who would have thought that a little chihuahua found in the hood in Oakland California would be a healer? 'Those who teach the most about humanity aren't always human." ~Anonymous Today, I believe that all dogs are sentient beings. Their free-spirited energy is pure and divine. They love and accept unconditionally, and, because of this, they have a direct connection to spirit and can teach us many truths. My healing and recovery have taught me many things like; I am stronger than I could have ever imagined - to accept my vulnerability and focus on what matters. And what matters the most is right NOW. Maybe it’s time you begin to listen more closely to the calling of your soul for healing? "Within your own self is a treasury an ocean of pure bliss, consciousness, intelligence, creativity, and love." ~ David Lynch One final comment, research has shown that movement modalities of exercise are a great way to help heal trauma. Yoga and other somatic movement exercise are great examples. All exercise - makes one focus on their breath to do the exercise and the mind natural quiets down. I call all intense exercise action meditations. Daily meditation and a variety of exercises have helped me the most in moving bad energy. Have a peace-filled Thursday! Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery - I help anyone who wants to live their life with more freedom. paulnoiles.com #PaulNoiles #awakening #coaching

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 19.01.2021

I am very excited to share another 'Advanced Copy Review' that I received. "I’ve read several books about addiction, but this one is much much more than that! Although Paul tells his story of recovery beautifully, the book’s greatest gift is how it leads us to discover the light of our own true being. Noiles believes that addiction is caused by deep emotional pain that creates an unlovable mistaken identity. I highly recommend it!"... Gigi Langer, Ph.D. Psychology Studies Stanford University, author of 50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection. It will be available for purchase soon! Comment HOPE if you are excited to read Mistake Identity. Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery - I help anyone who wants to live their life with more freedom. paulnoiles.com #PaulNoiles #awakening #coaching #mistakenidentity

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 03.01.2021

What time is It? It's now, it's always mofo now! The present moment is where life happens. There is little to no recovery, awakening, or life unless we access the NOW. Because if we are not in the now we are stuck in our heads in the past or future.... If there was ever a time when we needed to stay focused on the present moment (The Now), with COVID-19 and all the conspiracy theories, this is it. Enjoy the video. Paul and Sharona Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery - I help anyone who wants to live their life with more freedom. paulnoiles.com #PaulNoiles #awakening #coaching"

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 18.12.2020

"Silent Power is a learned practice that allows us not to react when we sense criticism, attack, false accusation, or judgment. Instead, we practice silence and do nothing, even if it requires biting our lip."- Paul Noiles Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery - I help anyone who wants to live their life with more freedom. paulnoiles.com... #PaulNoiles #awakening #coaching

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 13.12.2020

I had a wonderful interview on the Butterfly Effect Show by Gail Jones about addiction and codependency. It was a lot of fun and here is the interview: I also want to mention I am now open to doing other podcasts especially with my book Mistaken Identity at the publisher. https://pod.link//ZjNhYzVhZjYtNTVkOC00ODY0LTk3NTItZWRiMWI2

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 20.11.2020

From the view of essence, we don't need to get Love; we are Love. So why do so many people only feel Love in a relationship? For me, "I could only be myself with specific others and only under certain conditions." I made Love conditional. My wounded personality restricted Love and kept me a prisoner, to the fear of rejection and never in alignment to know LOVE as my true state of being. I tried for years to understand the great Love. I read book after book, watched video afte...r video on spirituality and awakening without any success. Eventually, I figured out Love can only be known through a direct experience, not the intellect. I had to stop seeking outside myself for Love. I had to deal with past trauma and ego-mind that kept me blocked. I had to learn to be present. I had to face my pain that kept me from my true self. But all of this was still not enough. It was not until I decided to spend quality time with myself in silence that I began to experience the Holy. I needed no distractions, and so I begin each day with the daily practice of meditation, pray, and gratitude. Probably the most challenging and life-saving change I ever made in my life. I also began to silently talk to this presence of Love within me. I would seek guidance and insights throughout the day. And before I went to bed, I would say thank you. Guess what? I begin to experience this great LOVE as my state of BEING, and today it's everything to me. No one can take this experience of who I am away from me. That is true power and now I help others discover their true essence. Love is not an idea or a concept. If you've never seen a coconut, never tasted a coconut, someone could explain to you the taste of a coconut forever, but you would never really know what coconut tastes like. If we taste essence, we know it. If we don't taste it, we don't know it. Everything is like that. When people say essence or Being or Love is something mysterious, it means they have never tasted it. It isn't any more bizarre than anything else. ~A. H. Almaas Stop being a beggar for love my friends and spend time getting to know your true essence.

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 10.11.2020

Spiritual awakening is not for the light of heart because everything must fall apart. Old patterns, perceptions, beliefs, fears, thoughts, emotions, and ideas need to collapse because they are the real reason we are not living our highest good. It's a crisis of Consciousness, an identity crisis of the soul whereby we can no longer accept our old self as true. We must stand our ground and allow the old self (mistaken identity) to perish so that our True Nature (LOVE) can liv...e. Scream, cry, stomp, do whatever, but please don't try to keep it all together because it must crumble. Of course, our old stories will desperately want to live, but we must be willing to sit with the pain because it's the only way through. We must be willing to let go of that which does not serve us anymore. There is nothing to fix because fixing is the ego-mind, and that never works out well. Instead, we begin the painful work of peeling the layers of our mistaken identity with great compassion so that we start to get in touch and remember our sacred self. It's how I discovered " The One Power of Love" that resides through all life as my true nature. We are pioneers of a massive global shift in Consciousness. We are the fore-bearers of a NEW EARTH. Paul Noiles

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 21.10.2020

Our best way to understand trauma is by knowing what it's NOT. Trauma is not what happens to you, but what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you, says Dr. Gabor Mate. In other words: sexual abuse, the suicide of a loved one, a soldier shot in the war, a child being beaten or humiliated by a parent, absent caretakers, and stressed out babies is NOT the actual trauma. The trauma is how the individual processes the painful event internally and why the healing o...Continue reading

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 01.10.2020

Fail Spectacularly is how greatness is born. I woke-up and found recovery because I failed spectacularly. I fell on my face so many times that I stopped counting. But I adjusted with each failure not to make the same mistake, and when I did fail again, I readjusted and took more action. I didn't make mistakes; mistakes made me. Mistakes made me wiser, healthier, stronger, less fearful, and almost cost my life, but I never stopped believing I deserved better. ... I reached out to those who had what I wanted and needed. I asked for help and even discovered that my so-called mistakes sometimes ended up being the best decision for my spiritual evolution and recovery. Failure was never my option, even when I didn't believe it for myself because I had friends who believed it - for me. Today I have the wisdom to understand there is no life without risk, failure, and living without regret. I rose out of the ashes like a phoenix. The old me died, and I woke up to my true innate self. I leave you with some of my favorites quotes on overcoming failure. What is your favorite? "It's not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who is in the arena. Whose face is marred with dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly ... who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly ..." ~ Theodore Roosevelt What matters most is how well you walk through the fire." ~ Charles Bukowski Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena where I believed I truly belonged." ~ JK Rowling "I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." ~ Michael Jordan "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill. "I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work." ~ Thomas Edison "Failure is success in progress." Albert Einstein. Satnam (which means - truth is my identity) Paul Noiles

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 16.09.2020

At its core, addiction is the shutting down of the heart chakra which usually begins in childhood from emotional loss or trauma. And we end up forgetting our true nature and oneness with Love. According to experts, children between one and three years old need to be seen; it's a developmental necessity. And when not seen, we conclude that who we are is not good enough. I am talking about really being seen, not just physically. The voice of not good enough was my protection b...Continue reading

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 01.09.2020

My addiction stayed alive because my inner mantra was please, someone - love me, and my outside mantra was I am awesome. - the voice of the imposter. I wore many masks to hide my insecurity and to present what I believed to be an acceptable version of myself. Pretending I was easygoing and self-assured was the first mask I’d wear when meeting new people. If I felt I wasn’t receiving the respect I was looking for, I would switch to my charmer mask. If that failed, I wou...ld wear a passive mask of belligerence to reject people before they could do the same to me. But there was no way, I was letting anyone in. I consciously or unconsciously create masks to protect myself from some perceived dangerespecially the threat of rejection. But the reality, these masks were destroying my life by keeping me from my true essence. The solution to my addiction began when I surrendered and released my deep reservoirs of sadness and toxic shame and started the journey of unconditional self-acceptance. I remember saying to myself, there will never be another like you, Paul and so stop trying to be someone else. I had to remind myself regularly: No one is good at everything. We all have shortcomings and issues that need healing. It’s all part of being human. Recognizing this took away a lot of the shame, self-judgment, and comparison with others. It allowed me to begin the vital work of unconditional self-acceptance even if I screwed up and felt like a failure. Love began to blossom in this fertile soil, as I stopped blaming and criticizing myself. To accept ourselves, we must be willing to share all of our dark secrets about ourselves with another compassionate soul to be free of it. One of my biggest secrets was that I feared my father and pretend to love him my entire childhood. It was here that I forgot who I was. By the way, my relationship with my father has been healed and I love my father today. Without the practice of unconditional self-acceptance, I wouldn’t have been able to look at myself objectively, reparent, and forgive myself and others, and become my best friend. I also committed to having relationships with people who knew and fully accepted the real me even when I still had no idea who that was. Over years of hard work, the imposter turned to ash in the flames of compassion, and my true innate self - Love, surfaced. I was finally able to silence the voice of self-judgment and begin to live authentically. Eventually, the desire to self-medicate left me, through a spiritual awakening. There will never be another like you, so don’t give up my friends, we do recover! Paul Noiles paulnoiles.com

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 12.08.2020

Building a deeply connected relationship with the One Power that resides through ourselves and all life, changes who we are. It is the reason I woke up and reco...vered from my addiction and it's the reason for my joy peace and happiness within. Enjoy the video and Happy Thanksgiving in Canada.

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 04.08.2020

The belief of being inferior acts within the subconscious, despite our conscious mind telling us we are enough, meaning the subconscious is our steadfast belief of ourselves. Even if our friends say we are enough, we will still think otherwise. I suspect some of these old thoughts of 'not enough' may stay with me until I die because of forty years of programming that began as a little boy and continued into an addiction as an adult. Dad's way to parent was to criticize and s...ometimes humiliated. I am sure he had good intentions and thought it would make me want to do better. It did the opposite, and the false belief became embedded in my nervous system, wired in my brain, embedded in my cells, and part of my Mistaken Identity. It's no wonder I used to react terribly to anyone criticizing me. However, today, I am not enough doesn't affect me as it used to because I did years of acceptance, reprogramming, woke-up and recovered from addiction. Through self-awareness, I can recognize the old lies quickly and even laugh at the old voices by saying, "It's just past programming, not who I am." Today, I do not give "I am not enough" much attention because it would only wire "I am not enough" stronger by trying to convince others of my worthiness, which is exhausting, painful, and insane. I also had to bravely face "I am not enough" through vulnerability by re-experiencing the emotions of wanting my father to affirm that I was worthy and enough as a little boy. Why? Because I could never express these painful emotions in a safe environment, they became stuck in my body, and I became defensive. I carried this pain body right into adulthood. It was the most critical part of my healing. I was able to cry for Little Paul, and when that happened, I was better equipped to let go of the pain body and my past. I took full responsibility by embracing and being kind to myself; after all, it was my past belief, not someone else's or my father's, and playing the victim serves no one. I learned how to hold the "I am not enough" part of me and not be ashamed; it was not going to drive my bus anymore. It has taken me a ton of work to get this fantastic place where I can now observe the voice of "I am not enough" without reacting much and witness the voice as just thoughts in my head, not who I am. Affirmation: I am enough - I am more than enough and I will always be enough and so it IS!! The bottom line is to spend most of our time on peeling the layers of our mistaken identity so that we can reconnect to our true essence of Love Peace and Joy. Creating another story is just more identity and as Buddha said, suffering is attachment to identity specifically attachment to the mind. Satnam (truth is my identity) Paul Noiles

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 15.07.2020

For a chunk of my past life, I wanted to be someone or something other than what I am because I felt so unacceptable. It took many more years of suffering until I realized how insane that type of thinking was, and at that moment, some new ideas and questions rose from the heart of consciousness. What if I embraced all of myself - exactly as I am in the moment to moment of life? What if I stop trying to get rid of fear, doubt, sadness, toxic shame, etc. and allow them to exi...st as they are? What if I experience my thoughts, feelings, and body sensations without identity, attachment, and judgment? What if I learn how to practice unconditional self-acceptance and begin to investigate and discover the innate truth (nature) of who I am? From self-inquiry (answering the questions) and doing the work of awakening and recovery, I discovered there was nothing wrong with any of these experiences except that my perception of reality was jaded by my unhealed and subconscious past programming. So I went on a journey of acceptance and allowed these experiences to exist like birds chirping in a tree, remembering we only create problems when we want to kill the birds. Or like a visitor who visits and then leaves. Or like clouds passing in the sky. Or cars speeding past us on the highway. That life is about change, and change is the forever constant, but I AM is my eternal holy self that has always existed and always will. Self-Acceptance is the entrance to experiencing Love as our true state of BEING and Non-Acceptance is the lock that keeps us out. It’s a vital step to awakening. Be curious my friends. Paul Noiles @paulnoiles.com

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 07.07.2020

Fifteen awakening lessons that have made a big difference in my life: 1) Every single person is 100 percent spiritual being. We can't be a more spiritual being than we are. However, it is up to each one of us to awaken to this reality. It is only ourselves who block our true reality. We are the blockers to our magnificence, and fear is the biggest blocker. We will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love! 2) My life used to be controlled and dominated by identif...Continue reading

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 18.06.2020

My video today is about how to better deal with anxiety during these difficult times? Anxiety is incredibly hard for people who had or have anxiety, depression,... or addictions issues. It's like there is this 'grey invisible cloud" hanging over our planet, and we can all experience this The Collective Anxiety and we can lose ourselves ff in the process. There is nothing more debilitating, soul-sucking, miserable, and illness producing as a body living in constant anxiety and stress. You might be saying, who am I to be talking about anxiety. Well, anxiety ruled my life for the first 40 years. The constant anxiety of not liking or knowing who I was. I had mistaken my identity, and addiction was the unhealthy way I dealt with it. I went from homelessness, near-death overdoses, two suicide attempts, constant relapses to awakening, recovery, and freedom. A big part of my recovery was learning powerful ways to deal with anxiety and stress. Here are my tips for dealing with the current anxiety in the world: paulnoiles.com

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 05.06.2020

An important reminder. Most people choose current, predictable pain and suffering over the unknown of change. It's like we become addicted to our suffering. We rationalize that at least we know how to "manage" pain by our drug/activity of choice, unwittingly enhancing the very feelings we are trying to crush. But no matter how we slice and dice it, that is not management; it is denial. Sogyal Rinpoche wrote in The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, "Whatever you do, do not t...ry to escape your pain. Be with it." The great Sufi mystic and poet Rumi wrote, "The cure for pain is in the pain." Believing I was not good enough and having no idea who I was; are the main reasons for most of the pain. Feeling unacceptable was why I beat the living shit out of myself and the reason I created a big ego. There is nothing as painful as living a fake life because of the constant anxiety of being caught. I found my substance of choice to cover the pain of toxic shame and unhealed trauma. Eventually, my substance use stopped working, and the pain was all I knew. Unfortunately, we cannot eliminate or lessen our suffering/pain until we stop using and begin to cradle and embrace it. Only when we stop running, numbing, and escaping from pain will our healing begin. Trust me; I tried everything to avoid pain. My best teacher of transcending pain is meditation; it's here that I was able to witness "I am not the pain" and that I could actually sit with pain, be OK and even transcend it. The more I practice being the observer, the easier I could let go. Nobody's life is entirely free of pain and suffering, and so the final key to dealing with pain was learning to share it with others. Through connection and vulnerability, I have experienced the healing LIGHT of compassion and learned to trust life again. The bottom- line: We have to stop seeking outside ourselves for relief because it's not out there. All outside answers for psychological pain are temporary and delusional; our solution is always within. It was and still is the essential life lesson I ever learned; it changed and saved my life. Today. I help others found their freedom from addiction or any other type of suffering. Paul Noiles @paulnoiles.com From book Mistaken Identity out soon.

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 03.06.2020

I am human! It is easy to cross the line of spirituality and lose our humility in the pursuit of enlightenment. Even spirituality can become dogmatic through people's pride. Spiritual pride says; my spiritual practice is not good enough; I must be more positive, and in the now. I must be doing something wrong if I am not feeling well. My spiritual practice is better than yours. And the worst I am more spiritual than you which is just another false identity. ... Thinking there is a magical formula to spiritual awakening is a bullshit story, and don't follow anyone claiming they have the best and only way. Spiritual perfectionism is about trying to impress others in a game of One-upmanship, unaware that our ego-mind has taken over. When we practice spiritual pride or perfectionism, our underlying belief is that we are failing. It usually happens when we do not practice unconditional self-acceptance by paying close enough attention to our human side with just as much respect, honor, and love as our divinity. We came here to be messy and beautiful. We must not deny our humanness and understand spiritual awakening is not linear; it's up and down, sideways, all around and all over the place. Sometimes there is even a desert period. The only difference between any two persons is that one might be more aware of their 100 percent spiritual being at that current moment than the other. I make mistakes every day. Knowing this helps me stay humble and not judge others' recovery or spiritual practice. Zen teaches us to stay in the center of Yin and Yang but both are vital. Balance is a key, and effortless effort is the way. Real transformation for me began once I recognized that Light exists within all darkness. Darkness then became my vehicle for awakening and not for destruction. It's my great hope that you also go mining for your blessings that are waiting for you in the darkness and discover your true essence of love peace and joy. I wrote the following to celebrate my humanity, recovery, and vulnerability in 2015. I am human I break down I can fall apart I am human I can feel less or more than I can think undesirable thoughts I am human I can disappoint others I can be selfish I am human I can get overwhelmed I have an ego at times I am human I can feel alone and lost I can feel like giving up I am human Affirmation: I need both the Light and the Dark to experience life and be a full dynamic human being with empathy and compassion and so it IS! PS - I am a spiritual being having a human experience just for the joy of it!

Paul Noiles Awakening/Recovery Coach 26.05.2020

Our Children. While any recovery is cause for celebration, addiction prevention beats the struggle of fighting it hands down. Growing up in a loving and safe environment can be a big plus. According to the famous 'ACE - Adverse Childhood Experiences' discovered that about 2/3 of all addicts have previously experienced some type of physical or sexual trauma during childhood....Continue reading