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Locality: Kelowna, British Columbia

Phone: +1 250-861-6151

Website: www.renasainiND.com

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Rena Saini Naturopath ND 25.09.2020

Maybe it’s about time I post ... lol, I’m enjoying The journey these days... . Life is kinda like this pic... a beautiful ride and not knowing where you are actually going. . The last time I felt this happy, aligned, and content was when I was in #naturopathicnschool. I meditated Every morning and lived in a little bubble of healing, learning things that made me light up , and 110 amazing souls who became my family of support and strength. ... . Then the dark years .... 12 years of hard growing, hard lessons, hard #truths. But it was not all bad. I met beautiful people along the way, fell in love with myself , loved others , opened my heart, gained experiences, became a healer. . Although it was challenging I wouldn’t change it for the world. . Why? . Cause it brought me to the next chapter ... and omg ...it has already exceeded my expectations . What part of your story would you not give up ? I

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 23.09.2020

This month I have learned: how to open my heart, how to be open to receiving love, how to be loving towards myself. . So many people don't love themselves. They cry when I asked them to look in the mirror and say "I love you." We have grown up to believe we are unworthy of love. That "loving others" will somehow fill the hole in us, instead of giving that love to ourselves. ... . When you don't love yourself others can see it. They treat you the way you treat yourself... in an unloving way. This usually results in you feeling, angry, sad, depressed and worthless. . It is hard to heal when there is such a deep seed of #unworthiness, progress stops. Remember, all the cells in the body respond to what you tell them. . With my intuitive coaching program @soulstrong I have shifted something in me.. and it was EASY. . The daily meditations, simple teachings, and body-mind-soul connections have allowed me to go deeper with my healing. The best part is that it was effortless! Now I understand where the block is, and HOW to shift out of patterns that do not serve me for good... by using my own intuition as the healer. It is a different kind of work, no affirmations, or talk psychology, journaling... it is changing my inner beliefs with connecting to a different part of me: my higher self/soul voice/ deeper knowing. . There are so many quotes/books/courses about "loving yourself", but why do they not work? There is a missing piece, and that takes a little bit of #introspection. . If you are not addressing the root it will not stick. Dealing with #emotions form a "mind" place doesn't yield results because emotions need to be FELT. have you FELT your body? Your inner child? Your higher self? Have you actually felt your own emotions fully? . In my practice we always connect with your body with #bodytalk, #acupucnture, and #homeopathy when you come to see me. I have guided meditations on u tube to help you do your own healing work (see link in my bio). Next month I will be a certified soulstrong coach! I will be incorporating new tools into my practice as well as a coaching platform. I am so excited to share this work ! Ready to try something different.. DM me See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 18.09.2020

Do you meditate? I have created easy to follow guided meditations. Here is my most recent one on Letting go of Fear: https://youtu.be/3hXwM-nsHFw

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 05.09.2020

6 more spots left...!! So excited :)) Click on this link for more details: https://www.renasainind.com/courses

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 18.08.2020

How do you shift out of difficult emotions/body pain? Is is just as simple as meditation, breathing, exercise ? . The answer is NO. . It’s SO much more than just doing things in your emotional tool box/ following the right diet.... . It goes much deeper... . This is what I found in my own healing journey. I use to be a self help junkie: meditation, seeing multiple practitioners, trying to change so I could be happy and put together. Unfortunately it didn’t work. . I needed to UNDERSTAND why my body was out of balance and release things I was holding onto. . Remember our brain perceives physical and emotional dis-ease the same way .... as PAIN and uncomfortableness. . It’s why I created my course Finding Ease ...Learning how to identify the Emotion and find the WHY is key to your healing. . Many people have health ailments and emotional upheaval and I had no way of helping themselves. Spending thousands of dollars on outside help doesn’t work because you are not learning who to listen to your own body and identify the root cause. So I’ve decided to teach how to muscle test and remove your own blocks along with ND and TCM principles. If you are ready for a mind, body and heart transformation, DM me for more info.

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 04.08.2020

More sneak peaks ... . #FindingEase is a ten week program is broken down into 3 parts. . The first 3 weeks(see last pic) is where we will learn how our body speaks to us, learn a new tool that will give you answers EVERY TIME, identify what’s blocked and create a support system that work specifically for YOU.... . When you know what to fix and they the body is out of balance, there is no more guessing or relying on multiple healers to fix you. . DM me if you would like to learn more . P.S: I only have 13 spots left ! See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 29.07.2020

This week I scared myself with the launch of my course. What if no one signs up? What if it’s a dumb idea, what if I FAIL? . Why is going after what you desire so scary? . We are hard wired to survive, plan for the future, be safe. Stepping into the unknown is very risky because we could die... literally, emotionally, financially, or socially.... . However every self help book and successful entrepreneur talks about stepping into the unknown ... why? . Risks and leaps of faith means you are creating something new, learning new skills QUICKLY and efficiently, and ADAPTING to whatever comes at you. . This quality is unique, and truthfully only some people have the courage to be comfortable in a place of uncomfortableness. One thing you can do is take baby steps... . Sit in the uncomfortable space for even 30 seconds and you have already EXPANDED your comfort zone ! . I know for me I get scared when I’m not scared. When Im comfortable it means I’m being complacent and not pushing my limits. . When we grow we expand, feel more powerful, gain self confidence and create beauty around us (whether it’s affecting your family/ friends or creating a new idea). . How will you expand today ? See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 10.07.2020

A sneak peak ... . DM me for more info :) @ Kelowna, British Columbia

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 28.06.2020

What have I been up to in the last 3 months? . I’ve been working on an interactive platform to connect with all of you! . 1. I’ve also been creating a 10-week online course with my business coach @danascouglund (Finding Ease ... link to be up soon in bio!!) I Found over break many people had health ailments and emotional upheaval and I had no way of helping them with the distancing (as much of my practice is hands-on) . So I’ve decided to teach how to muscle test and remove... your own blocks along with Nd and TCM principles. It is going to be a revolutionary course and I’m only excepting 15 people fr my beta. If you would like to learn more please DM me :) . 2. If you haven’t already joined my FREE Facebook group everyday power - link in the bio, where I interact daily and give naturopathic and mind-body tips . 3. I took another course on how to teach opening your intuition and connect with your body @soulstronglife. I will be coaching in one month :) . I have learned so much about myself in this time off, and I have felt a huge opening. I have felt excited, overwhelmed, and nervous as I am committing to myself, my dream and stepping into being big. It has been my dream since I was a little girl to make a big impact in this world. . As it’s written in #thealchemist And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it #paulocoelo . See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 21.06.2020

I have been craaaaving acupuncture! . Yes even I get treatment! For the last couple years I didn’t do regular acupuncture, and just needled myself. A couple problems with this approach I am bias with my treatment (emotionally invested in the outcome), and also its really difficult to needles yourself! Most importantly irregular cleaning of the body leads to stuckness and illness. . Why is acupuncture so important?... . It is a fast track way to balance the body and REMOVE emotion . I can’t tell you how many countless times a patient has been anxious/ angry / upset coming into my office with some physical complaint. After a 20 minute acupuncture session they leave feeling calmer, happier, insightful version of themselves It like a new person! The physical pain is significantly less or gone all together. . The best thing is the more acupuncture you do the longer it lasts! See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 10.06.2020

Free Zoom talk on Wednesday ...

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 27.05.2020

What does it mean to fix yourself ? . Most think its about being hard, restrictions, discipline, deprivation. . I’ve tried that approach myself....as have my patients. It never really sticks. Why?... . The hard approach is HARD. It’s rarely attainable, yields minimal results, and most of all not fun. . Instead what works better is being soft. And not soft as in weak, afraid or timid....But soft so you can let your body unwind, you can let emotions flow, and you can listen to what the body really needs. Softness yields easy and sustainable change. Think about a new plant, if you restrict the way and direction it grows, it won’t survive. . This undoing is simple, easy, and requires you to JUST LET GO. Listening and releasing control is a way to be kind to your inner child, and create self love. The softness allows things to unwind and release. It allowed things to change and transform. . With this practice you will find is you have this energy to attain your goals, things come to you easy, your body is your friend and most of all you learn to love yourself and stop fixing something that is not broken. . PS: Want to learn how to do this ? DM me to learn more about my new course I’m offering called Finding Ease. Want to be more involved? Check out my link in the Bio to be a part of my new FB group. See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 24.05.2020

Why do we sabotage and what can you do right now to figure out your blocks!

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 05.05.2020

What does self-sabotage mean ? Why would the body and mind work against each other? . This week I was faced w a self sabotage moment when after having a beautiful opening experience I had an extreme nerve irritation. Why was I punishing myself for experiencing so much joy? As I practiced mindfulness, connection with my body and meditation I realized I had the belief system that I wasn’t worthy of happiness. When or where that moment happened is irrelevant (many times people... get stuck at this point ). The WHY doesn’t change the fact that the work stillllll Has to be done! . When we are younger our experiences create belief systems whether they are right or wrong. If we go against this belief system our body or our mind will let us know this is incongruent with our values, usually in the form of an illness, injury or action. This is a form of protection. For example if you believe I’m not lovable after your father ignores you, then in the future It will be hard to accept love from your partner as it will go against the belief system of Im not lovable . Just by acknowledging the pattern, the self sabotage starts to shift. Checking in with your body and being mindful of how you feel, or noticing the choices you make are KEY to stopping self sabatage. Do you notice a pattern you keep doing over and over every though it’s incongruent with what you want ? By calling yourself out (even telling friends and healers) makes you accountable and brings about a new belief. . If you feel you are getting stuck, this is a perfect time to check out bodytalk and acupuncture to identify the belief and remove it (which is what I do in practice ). See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 18.04.2020

Finding it hard to connect with yourself? - https://mailchi.mp/f8558607be17/connecting-18625558 Check out my latest post...

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 10.04.2020

Join my free FB group 'Everyday Power': bit.ly/EverydayPowerFBgroup Website: www.reansainiND.com Instagram (@dr.renasaini_nd): https://www.instagram.com/dr.renasaini_nd/

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 03.04.2020

With slowing down recently we have more time to check in with our relationship with food. . I’ve heard 2 stories recently: 1.Some people have thrown mindfulness out the window, and are over eating, eating junk and have disconnected with themselves .... 2.Others have changed their pattern, worked on mindfulness and naming emotions and have paid attention to how thier body feels. . I’m not ok sure if I’ve share my story ... but I grew up eating a tonne of sweets! Sugar, candy, chocolate, icecream and baked goods. My parents were very healthy, but my sister and I would go to the convenience store after school and by chocolate and candy and eat it daily ! We would also do a lot of baking , as my mom refused to buy baked goods, unless we made them (which taught me how to be a wicked baker too lol) . Unfortunately I used food to make me feel loved, calm my anxiety, when I felt sad, and check out of any emotion that was overwhelming. . What helped me the most was not the severe restrictions, calorie counting, or throwing up my food. Instead I learned mindfulness, I educate my patients on naming the emotion this helped me immensely on my emotional eating journey. . This means I ask my body what are you feeling ? (Anger, sadness, guilt, boredom etc) and then ..,once I identify the emotion I eat the desired food (cookie, chocolate, chips etc). It is really important NOT to check out while u eat your craving. No TV, phone, distractions. Both feet on the floor and close your eyes and really savor and relish the food you are craving. . Soon (as quick as a couple of months, depending on your perseverance) you will dis-pair the emotion with the food. It will not make sense, or feel right to eat when you are feeling emotional. If you do need the food you will eat less. Eventually you will even swing the other way, as I have done, and loose your appetite when you get emotional. . Remember: eating something you crave (even if it is chocolate) is ok ... as long as you are mindful. . So much of this process is being connected with yourself, little girl/boy work and being mindful. Once you learn how to be friends with your body, you will choose not treat it badly. See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 18.03.2020

The excuse of not having enough time seems ridiculous these days. Yet you may find you still are repeating the same patterns. Why? . Our brain runs on automatic loops, and it takes a lot of energy and time to change patterns. . Time is not the problem. It’s the constancy to change. It is the courage to dive into the uncomfortable place and dig deep. It is the compassion and care you have for your inner child. ... . It takes consistency, courage, and compassion for change to be permanent. . Do the work now. . When this is all over you will be closer to the version of yourself you have always dreamed of. . You choose... See more

Rena Saini Naturopath ND 28.02.2020

Do you have enough ? Selenium is a trace mineral that is usually deficient in our soil. . Se is necessary for making thyroid hormone, and it is also important for protecting the thyroid against damage by removing oxygen free radicals generated during the production of thyroid hormone. Very good for Hashimotos autoimmune as well. . Low selenium intake is associated with a greater incidence of mood disorders and depression. The turnover rate of some neurotransmitters is alt...ered in Se deficiency, . As a homeopathic sone if the main indications are : Marked mental and physical weakness following prolonged fevers, from secret vice, from exposure to the heat of the sun in summer. Great fatigue from which he seems unable to recuperate from rest. Slight exertion brings great fatigue and weakness and especially in hot weather. Sudden weakness in hot weather. The hair falls out all over the body, head, eyebrows. Extreme sadness. . Take 200mcg daily. Most of the selenium in the body comes from the diet: Brazil nuts, Crab, liver, fish, poultry, are generally all good sources of selenium. See more