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Self-Healing Space 27.02.2021

Moving around debris, isn’t the same as removing it. You know those messes we sometimes throw in a drawer quickly before a guest stops by? ... It’s unseen, maybe even forgotten about for a little while; but the mess is still in there. Tucked away until we’re willing to work though it, organize it, possibly donate it. Well - the same goes with the junk we store in our energetic fields, or auras. These unseen tensions and situations are imprinted and stored until we choose to deal with them. As challenging as it often, and almost always is. It could be a clearing conversation we’re avoiding, a grudge we’re gripping onto so tightly, an emotion we refuse to acknowledge and feel. Put it this way; if feels heavy, draining, or like it’s taking up too much personal space - Well, it probably is. This is a major part of the work I do with my life coaching clients. And why Clearing Debris is an entire module of my mentorship program. They often come to me desiring very similar things: an elevated confidence, creative spark, intuitive connection... And I always explore with them - What messes do you need to clean up? Maybe there’s a few, but what’s the most prominent, which one had the strongest emotional charge? And I support them with that one first and foremost. And sometimes I’ve had people look at me like ok - how is this related? Can we please get to what I’m actually after lol? But to me, there is actually nothing more related to creating that radiance you’re after. A while back a client of mine experienced just what it felt like to fix up what a like to call an energy leakage for the first time. She messages me after simply writing out the clearing letter to a loved one. I feel a shift already. My response - Hello Freedom!! And as she elaborated later, what I heard within her language was also a heightened confidence, self-love, personal power. (Everything she’s been seeking.) With every decision we take to remove a piece of clutter that taking up our spiritual space, we in turn find ourselves left back in our essence. Operating from a deeper love, truth, and presence. #keytofreedom #clearingdebris See Less

Self-Healing Space 16.02.2021

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children d...o. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ~ Marianne Williamson This will always be one of my favourites quotes, and it’s also one that is so apparent these days. Recently I had a past life coaching client appear in my inbox. Her voice so vulnerable... Janet I’m so sorry I ghosted on you back then, I have never had anyone hold me accountable before in my life. And I was scared of that. Wow! What a breakthrough to be this honest, take responsibility, and clean up an old mess. That shows great awareness and growth. And I was SO proud of her from bringing herself back to integrity not just our work together, but in our relationship. AND How many of us have experienced this too at some point in our lives? Avoiding or pushing someone away who comes along and truly sees our potential. Someone who doesn’t allow us to stay stuck in sabotaging behaviour. I’m gentle and compassionate, but I still refuse be enrolled into what I can see is keeping a person small. And even if I can seem a little tough sometimes lol, often it’s needed to move certain individuals into congruent action. How ironic that this particular woman wanted me back for that very reason! That I was a truth teller and didn’t feed her fluff that coddled her, or kept her in unhealthy cycles as others did. I was, and still am a stand for her highest good and the light inside that so desperately wants to be seen. I’m so grateful and excited that she choose to be back in the power seat, and has asked me to be here for the ride!

Self-Healing Space 06.02.2021

To me, forgiveness is one of the most admirable human virtues. And I’m not perfect here by any means, but I’m devoted to being better practiced. Even it it often feels like a two steps forward, two steps back kind of practice - It’s essential. A couple weeks ago someone I considered a best friend (family even), reached out to me offering an explanation for abandoning our friendship years ago. And his honest request for this reconnection and forgiveness felt like a gentle knoc...k at an old dusty door. My initial reaction wasn’t one of festering old emotions, I actually felt nothing but a spacious opening; yet still I spent time reflecting on what I’m committed to from the core of my being. A pause is powerful. What I’m committed to is cutting any rusty cords that keep me or anyone else feeling tied down, disconnected, or defined by a mistake. I’m committed to giving myself grace around my own moments of operating in my survival mechanisms, or choices I’m not necessarily proud of. And as I release me, I release you too. Holding grudges against people for their mistakes doesn’t only prevent us from being hurt or disappointed again; it closes the door to our hearts and shuts out the possibility of a relationship worth fighting for. (It also pretty much asks the universe to give us scenario in reverse - so we experience the opposite end of the exchange. I often wonder why we guard ourselves from opportunities for a bond to unfold again? When we know deep inside, that carrying around resentment is far less enjoyable than cultivating more care for another. If we can’t allow each other to imperfect, messy human beings navigating life (which we ALL are), then we need to open up a can of humility to sprinkle on top of our heads lol. I believe we can all become stronger at seeing others in their highest good once again; without the barriers of past pain blocking our ability to see the full picture, without the scales of bitterness clouding our spiritual sight. A fortress of forgiveness doesn’t hold people hostage for their humanness. She sees the depth of their soul, and welcomes them back into the warmth of her heart. That’s who I want to be.

Self-Healing Space 23.01.2021

Hi friends, I wanted to let you know that I’m expanding my doTERRA team of Wellness Advocates! Well I always am lol, but I’m finally guiding my first live webinar on the biz side of things. My other classes have been more geared towards my customers (the essential oils and their impact); but this is specifically for those feeling the pull to join forces with me in the business. I’ll be transparent with you, joining a network marketing company was something I resiste...d for years. I just didn’t have the green light in my heart for any products I’d be approached about. And I also didn’t have the actual knowledge of what was possible and available here for me, until a few close friends showed me the way in doTERRA! Once I experienced the shifts in my own healing using plant medicine, felt the integrity and passion within this company, cultivated authentic relationships with other advocates, and saw the freedom that residual income can eventually create for individuals and families - everything really started to align for me! So before you decide if this is for you or not, I encourage you to consider a few things : You can make the rules in how this fits into your life and schedule. You might be a busy Mom and have 1 hr to devote to this business a day, or you might be seeking a full time gig and have far more time to commit to. It’s really malleable, in that it can be a side business, or your full time biz - that can and will flourish either way if you want it to! And maybe creating vibrant health isn’t currently a priority, but you would like it to be. Maybe you aren’t a part of a community of people who dream big, but you want to be. Maybe you have zero knowledge on how to be an entrepreneur, or start a small business, but you want to know... Either way - if you feel there is something here for you, they’re probably is! There are always leaders I have my eye on, and sometimes have even voiced the potential I see. But I’ve learned over time, that YOU have to want success just as badly as I want it for you If you feel called, sign up in my linktree above! #joinforces #doterraadvocate #expansion @capturedbykirsten

Self-Healing Space 10.01.2021

I believe it’s so important to ask for feedback from my clients. And not just to have some reaffirming words on my website either; but to truly understand what value I bring to the table. ie - What are my strengths in supporting others? What did they receive from our time together? Did my intentions land? How can I serve better? Although sometimes my clients give me far too much credit - like this rich testimonial haha! But of course I love to be acknowledged for the impact... I’m making, I mean who doesn’t? That being said: I always remind my students or clients, I maybe help guide you into some truths and new awareness, possibly even offer some specific homework; but you do ALL the heavy lifting afterwards. Your breakthroughs are yours! Sometimes that’s a slower process, and other times it happens a bit more rapidly.(re - two sessions lol) Either way, you are right where you need to be in your healing journey. Trust!#clientlove #grateful

Self-Healing Space 05.01.2021

I made a vow to myself in 2019: To be a vessel for spirit; bringing fourth messages of truth, love, and healing. And I’ve been doing my best to honour that sacred vow ever since! I believe because of that loyalty to myself; not only has my connection to self and spirit been amplified, but the friendships I’ve made with others called to this work has been such a surprising gift! @makenasherwood being one of those amazing women with a depth and curiosity I just adore. I absolutely love joining forces with her every month for our group readings. And every healing circle reaffirms that what we’re creating together is moving the hearts of many. Our next date is set friends - February 27th, 3-4:30 pm. Link to sign up is in the comments below, if you want to be a part of it!

Self-Healing Space 20.12.2020

Hello my lovely community! I’m coming to you with a quick business update. As you may notice, my availability is limited for the next month and a half. I’m currently booked up for the rest of December, and will be immersed in the rainforest for the month of January! Once we’re settled in one spot in Costa Rica and have strong wifi, I may open it up a offering few readings if it feels aligned. Who knows I may be the most tuned up and inspired to spontaneously open up some sp...ots for you! But besides my life coaching clients that I see regularly, my normal schedule and healing sessions will resume early February month. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions around this. Sending love and healing to you all during this challenging time, Janet

Self-Healing Space 11.12.2020

We’re back!! And @makenasherwood and I have decided that we want to bring this beautiful connection to you every single month! Why not make these healing circles a regular thing, am I right? Our next group reading before the holidays is on December 19th, 3-4:30 EST.... Link below to claim your spot! (9 spots open) https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mediumship-and-psychic-messages

Self-Healing Space 08.12.2020

Our last group reading was so powerful, we’ve decided to collaborate again tomorrow, November 29th! Join @makenasherwood and I, for an afternoon of messages from Spirit that bring hope, healing, and connection! This event is perfect for those who are looking to connect with a loved one who has crossed over, or those who are looking to receive clarity around an aspect of their life. Nothing is off-limits, however, we always want to be clear that Spirit is in control of what d...oes (or doesn’t) come through. This event is limited to 10 spots only, and not everyone is guaranteed a reading. But we do our absolute best to touch the hearts and souls of everyone present in the group. (Also please respect my wishes to not read for family and friends at this time in my journey, as it helps keep things objective.) Link to our Eventbrite page, and to sign up, is in event page. Hope to see you there!

Self-Healing Space 29.11.2020

Group experiences have a way of reminding us that we are never a lone wolf in feeling the longing for a loved one who passed, or the debilitating pain that can come with grief, or the joys of having a mystical moment of unexplainable connection with a soul on the other side. That’s why Makena and I decided to, and are super excited to collaborate again in this capacity! We’ve both been on that roller coaster before, and have chosen to be ambassadors for spirit in this way. We... love painting a person back to life who once walked this earth, for someone still here missing them deeply. I know for myself, for many years the holidays used to be one of the absolute worst times. One my best friends Katy, passed away in November, and her birthday is actually the day after Christmas - Boxing Day. So everything to do with celebrating, or the blankets of snow coming down, I had always connected to her. I tell you this, because I personally know that certain times of year, or specific days especially, can trigger a new heavy wave of grief. And no matter how long it’s been since the death of our loved one, we can still seem to feel as if we’re back at square one. Our hope is that bringing human beings together in this way allows for a rediscovery or reinvention of what this winter or the holidays, can be and feel like. Our intention is that you leave the experience feeling elevated in some shape or form, around anything you may be struggling with. Even if that looks like more discomfort coming to the surface for healing. It’s all part of the continuous journey we are all on together. And nothing leaves us in more awe than delivering a heartfelt message from the other side. Nothing leaves us so lit up, than offering psychic insights and intuitive guidance into how you can navigate your emotions and experiences on this planet, right here and right now. Our next group reading is this Sunday, November 29th, 3-4:30 pm EST. We hope you can make it. Link below to join us! https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mediumship-and-psychic-messages #griefandloss #griefjourney #griefawareness #griefrecovery #healingcircle #communitysupport

Self-Healing Space 11.11.2020

Hi friends! I'm super pumped to guide my online oil class on how to integrate the planet's most pure and potent oils into your spiritual practices. Whether that’s during your own personal meditation rituals, or for getting prepared to serve your clients in the wellness space. In this time together we will go beyond your everyday human senses, and come to understand how plant medicine can interact and heighten your own intuition and psychic faculties. We will explore e...ach of you Clairs (or Psychic Senses). And dive deeper into how each Clair correlates to your Chakra System. Your energetic wheels of life force! In this 1 hr class, I will teach you simple ways to use these oils first and foremost safely; but also use them with intention and honour, for all the love and intention that goes into the process and creation of each tiny drop. I will share with you, my own unique daily rituals with them - both topically, aromatically, and internally. And share what shifts I have noticed in my personal healing and service work. For example: Just one of many powerhouses that I personally use pre giving readings, is Frankincense specifically for my Crown Chakra - ( which is our direct connection to the divine, and higher states of consciousness.) I place 1 drop right on top of my head, to elevate my link to source. Which has become a tiny ritual that gets me in a space of clarity, surrender, and trust. Symbolically: "Frankincense assists in pulling the scales of darkness from the eyes, the barriers from the mind, and the walls from the heart. Through connecting the soul with its inner light, this oil reveals the truth. dTERRA’s Frankincense is ethically sourced from the resin of Boswellia trees in Somalia. And the moment you open the bottle and sniff, it’s like no other Frankincense you’ve experienced. The chemistry and frequencies of these therapeutic grade oils, can effect our mood, right down to our cells. The effects of the earth’s gifts are undeniable; and especially once you build your own unique relationship to these oils. Now, do you need these tools to be intuitive or powerful? Of course not! Just as we don’t need music playing, or a comfy massage table, oracle cards, or candles burning etc... However these tools can 100% ACTIVATE and ENHANCE what’s already inside you. I know it, I believe it, because I experience it first hand. And this is only when I teach, share, and get excited about what’s possible for you too! If you've been following me for a while you know this is my jam! And I always love to share whats most present, and what I'm moved by most. If this particular topic speaks to your heart, sign up now at the Eventbrite link below! A couple spots are still open. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/plant-medicine-psychic-senses-t Check out my website for more beautiful classes and offerings. www.JanetParsons.ca