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Soul Touch Photography 01.01.2021

Found this little beauty today!!!

Soul Touch Photography 30.12.2020

Merry Christmas from my family to yours 2020 was a year of changes for me as I started my journey into the darkness of dealing with trauma! I have only begun to scratch the surface & lots of roadblocks ahead but today I face them knowing I’m moving forward even when slow! My gratitude for my life today only grows even in the tough, I feel fortunate to be alive & living & nothing will stop me from becoming the best version of me I can hope to be! With a year of counselli...ng behind me I’m looking forward to finding a normal in the vulnerability, to do so I will be taking time off to look after myself! I’ve fully come to understand that with physical pain is like post surgical ouch daily & I have to find balance & lay low to look after the mental & physical pain! My priorities are changing & I’m looking forward to actually resting & possibly doing little vacations! Before counselling I was terrified of the future with chronic pain & felt like my best days were behind me! I never could have guessed that today I’d be in a relationship with Shayne & working my dream job part time & excited for the future! Having my person beside me through all the things has been such a gift, I couldn’t do this alone! Chronic pain has been the biggest challenge even though I know it’s easier to focus on physical than emotional, it’s tough, I wish it on nobody! The last 2 months has been and continues to be the scariest & wildest journey, no matter the day I choose love to win! The recent car accident has slowed me down even with photography but I’m hoping to have answers about what’s going on in the new year & fingers crossed it’s not a pernanent slow down! I am grateful for my mom & dads support & the friends who love me on the good & not good days, weeks & months! Looking forward to catching up on the shoots booked before Xmas in the New Year & excited to get back to photography! Working within my limits means I book ahead & only a few shoots a month so please give me a heads up so I can make your dreams a reality! Looking forward to capturing memories for you in 2021! Love to all!!! Love wins See more

Soul Touch Photography 25.12.2020

I met a stunning purebred Akhal-Teke mare yesterday! One of her eyes had some blue in the brown, her muzzle was unique too! Oh how stunning this beauty is & the sweetest most sensible young horse ever! Beauty & brains

Soul Touch Photography 25.12.2020

Finished editing photos taken Thursday at Flying Changes Riding School. Cannot thank Gina enough for letting me own a unicorn for 6 years & he will be missed around the barn. Random lesson & Bentley pics <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 20.12.2020

Resting for a few days after 2 amazing action shoots, hope everyone has a safe holiday, love to all!

Soul Touch Photography 18.12.2020

Bentley got home safe to his new family last night & met his new herd this morning! He is living with an equally unique Clydesdale mare & mini mare, the mini is... the boss of both of them of course! I’m planning a visit to the barn soon so I know it’s real that he’s sold, my brains shut off switch can make things hard to process & confusing! I used to fight my brain especially after addictions for over a decade, traumas & PTSD! Weirdly today I see how amazing my brain is, it allows me to go go go no matter the physical or emotional pain! When the shut off happens I know it’s not permanent, normal today has ups & downs so long as I stay clear of escaping feelings I will continue to heal! I’d be lying if I said I won’t miss him, to be honest I don’t feel like he’s moved & that’s ok! There was a fierce connection between my heart horse Houston & Bentley in looks & all ways! Many that knew Houston have called Bentley Houston many times over the last 6 years. Bentley told me & showed me that I can in fact love again & that love going forward is going to be into others horses & that’s ok too! My heart belongs to horses no matter the pain uneven ground causes, I choose to keep walking on it for my heart & soul! Loving him was easy, saying goodbye was hard & yet all I wanted was to thank him because Bentley helped me heal deeply over these 6 years back home on the island! Draft love is the best love because they choose to love freely so long as you let them see your heart! Bentley would do anything for appreciation & nothing for an ego, drafts teach you to earn it, it’s not free but it’s more beautiful than those who are dull & have given their will for humans pleasure alone! I much prefer horses to be horses no matter how huge the character & personality is, that’s what I aim to capture with my camera as a photographer Yes I wrote him a poem because man 6 years is a long time & my heart needed to express that big big love!

Soul Touch Photography 16.12.2020

Snowfall can be beautiful, what I would give to walk in it without thinking about breaking a new bone... My boy Rebel thinks even WET snow is AWESOME!!!!!!

Soul Touch Photography 06.12.2020

Trauma counselling saved my life, I knew this time last year it was a piece of the puzzle I needed no matter what it required! I had been clean & sober years but knew daily I hadn’t even begun to dig into the why! Knowing the risk of relapse & the countless friends I lost to fentanyl, knowing I chose harming self to cope & knowing I hadn’t dealt with the things underneath I sent an email to a therapist a friend recommended! It was 10 months before I actually felt things chang...e, the biggest change was my own awareness & ability to live again! I spent months walking into sessions feeling bad & wrong on a level that prevented me from feeling safe enough to get honest with self! Life this year was filled with unexpected things that became a perfect storm in my ability to see light at the end of the tunnel, especially my close friends! I will forever live & love one day at a time because my inner critic & my own expectations were barriers that kept me alone! No one could ever judge me like I did & do if I’m not constantly challenging the tape written for me without me knowing it! Self like is a journey, I won’t lie & say I love me because that journey has just started & my journey with self hatred spans decades! Today I understand that the trauma responses & memories were my brain trying to protect me & I can appreciate that so long as it’s coupled with moving forward! Today I know I am not perfect, I’ve learned perfection isn’t the goal & when my own expectations or control is too big it becomes a barrier! Today & everyday I get up with pain that wants me to stay down & I try to be a better version of me knowing tomorrow is a new day! Today I know that my darkness is what gave me the deep capacity for love & why I so easily connect with animals but can struggle to trust people! Today I know that nothing worth fighting for comes from my comfort zone & this fight will continue for my whole life! Today my worth can’t be taken away by words spoken because words are what got me stuck in my body, in an old trauma, trapped till just a few weeks ago! The key to me staying moving forward is kindness & surrounding myself with love, I am aiming to be my own friend, not worst enemy! Today more than ever I am grateful I survived the OD’s, the traumas & the suicidal behaviour because life after darkness was worth the wait! I never have to be trapped again, one day at a time so long as clean & sober remain & I continue moving into deeper awarenesses! See more

Soul Touch Photography 05.12.2020

I have the hugest gift in my life today, when Covid began I was asked if I’d be part of something to help seniors feel less lonely! I knew going in that it was going to help me, I don’t underestimate the incredible knowledge & love of the elderly because I was raised by an RN & spent hours in facilities! I wasn’t sure if not being able to visit face to face would make connecting tougher & neither was the program coordinator! In my first phone conversation we both cried, sad &... happy tears, within 10 minutes we were kindred spirits like the stuff of story books, I feel blessed! I also feel a huge responsibility to keep people safe knowing how vulnerable my beautiful soul is at 91 & pray she will stay safe! I was saddened to realize how isolated many feel right now, it can be as bad as a prison cell for lonely & it’s affecting everyone! I also feel grateful when I can be a part of something bigger than myself & the gift here is bigger than words can express! In a matter of an hour I met a stranger at heart & soul level, I feel we need to use the easy access of phones & social media for the power of good! See more

Soul Touch Photography 23.11.2020

I never thought I’d use the word soulmate with a human but my reality is Shayne is a unicorn! I am counting my blessings in a whole new light after connecting with a lonely senior through an amazing program over the last 2 weeks! This week also was full of fear in regards to the health of someone I love dearly, all life circumstances & trauma journey included I am grateful for life in full colour without drugs or alcohol! The last month has been the first time after a year in... trauma counselling that I started to physically & emotionally see the work paying off, I was existing in life full of fear & today I am living life one day at a time & being in love through this vulnerability has been the most beautiful double edged sword in 37 years of life! I couldn’t be and do the things that got me to today without Shayne A Bear beside me, going from friends to in love in a matter of weeks with my person, my soulmate the one who sees all the flaws, struggles & resilience & loves me through it all! See more

Soul Touch Photography 16.11.2020

Today was a difficult & beautiful day... Bentley is off to his new home <3 <3 <3 <3 Huge thanks to Gina Kararrigas for making it possible for me to own this un...icorn nearly 6 years. Huge thanks to Sienna for having a blast keeping him going on these rainy & windy days. Huge thanks to Shayne for being with me through all the emotions over the last few days and Joy Rudd too, I'm ok because of the love & support I have! Also to everyone touching base these last few days thanks for being there to listen or chat anytime I've needed it! I've known I was ready to sell him a long time & I know its the best thing for him and yet I LOVE him more than words can even say. Going to be offline a couple days to let my brain process saying goodbye, my heart is happy if he's happy but it doesn't mean I wont miss him. See more

Soul Touch Photography 03.11.2020

Chronic pain isn’t something I ever feel like a master, it’s a daily journey of ouch & anxiety. That said, it’s also the reason I see beautiful things where some might not and the reason I hold gratitude high daily! My goal is to find balance ongoing & that only happens if I go against my brain! I swear anxiety is the good & dark of me because it’s a huge part of why I keep moving on days my body clearly wants a break! This week it really sank in that if I don’t choose time to rest my body chooses it for me so I am actively trying! One day at a time I got this because of the amazing people beside & behind me! Today resting including baby goats & doing laundry...

Soul Touch Photography 01.11.2020

A few snaps I took in the last 5 minutes of a lesson this morning at Flying Changes. I was out to say goodbye to my Clyde Bentley, it was a welcome distraction!!!

Soul Touch Photography 15.10.2020

Even therapy ponies & horses get to be horses some days! Had a blast seeing these adult amateurs in a lesson together yesterday! There is something so beautiful when the horses health & happiness comes first & these exercise riders love & appreciate them oodles & oodles! I am biased to drafty types & there are many at the VTRA, my person Shayne owns his bay pony Java who is on his 4th year of being a therapy pony! I was surrounded by like minded horse friends & got to squish many noses, I even got many nickers for my home made horse cookies I live for the love & appreciation whether it’s a darkly lit indoor shooting action or a beautiful portrait session on a beach! My heart is filled by the journey of love & the hard work that goes into these journeys being the stuff dreams are made of!

Soul Touch Photography 14.10.2020

Soul Touch Photography meets With Love Photography All the love, all the time! I love that Bayley & Holly’s TB boys know me for my love & cookies! Had a blast today photographing this duo doing what they love & thanks to my Joy friend got the photos to prove it! Are there days I wish I was in the saddle yes for sure though I wouldn’t trade my life today for anything! It’s amazing the love I can feel & the depths of the love I can see & photograph. When timing a horses movement & jump I can do it by listening to them canter around me & seriously this is how I ride today! I’m blessed that my years in the saddle give me a unique compassion from the ground & pain and all I wouldn’t trade my journey for the world.

Soul Touch Photography 10.10.2020

My journey with Houston gives me a unique compassion for others journeys with their heart horses! This 17.1hh Clyde/TB are apple sauce off a baby spoon & gave the best kisses!

Soul Touch Photography 04.10.2020

Grateful every moment of every day for the friends in my corner

Soul Touch Photography 26.09.2020

I am truly living the dream when anyone messages, texts or calls wanting to book a shoot. My connection to animals & amazing humans is the pulling force in why I never give up! Pain can be all consuming, I will NOT let chronic pain take my joy!!!

Soul Touch Photography 25.09.2020

Everything is better with a copilot including driving in the wet coast 100% precipitation with enough water on the roads to water ski! Went with Shayne A Bear t...o his lesson today & snapped a few photos of all the cute drafty types, it was so good for the heart! Started off the new year with an adventure amidst a lot of rest Videos between 1 & 2 pm man it was dark See more

Soul Touch Photography 19.09.2020

It’s less about the likes for me & more about the memories created & shared, more than 50% of what I shoot isn’t posted on Facebook or Instagram! I truly shoot as a labour of love & watching & being a part of others horsey journeys! I will continue to post images as I learn new things outside my comfort zone, the more I photograph the bigger my love of photography grows! Cheers to ALL the real life moments to come in 2021 The global pandemic has proven challenging across... the world & I feel very grateful to live where I do & do what I can to keep others safe so I can continue to help look after my mom! Shoots will be outdoors & social distanced ongoing until it’s safe to change that! I sure can’t wait to hug people again, there is nothing harder than not being able to hug someone you love when they are hurting! I truly hope the pandemic can change lives & show us we are in this together & we can be kind & supportive ongoing! 2020 for me was proof I was long ready for big change & am excited to continue working through the traumas that held me captive. The gratitude in my heart only grows and I have those to thank who stood beside my on my journey to now! One thing I know without a doubt every year clean & sober I see more full spectrum & feel deeper both the good & bad, I never have to be stuck in trauma again & choose life even on the toughest day! Love to all! Stay safe See more

Soul Touch Photography 14.09.2020

I know all to well that one joint in the body has a ripple effect, today I got casted for an amazing brace for my good ankle! The left brace has improved my quality of life huge & lately the only mobility issues come from an unstable right aka good ankle! The hope is this brace will give me the ability to be safe walking on uneven ground & also prevent further splaying which has been caused from a decade of compensation! Today I take my life & health seriously because I kno...w how permanent issues can become if I don’t! When I got my ankle fused I was told it was my key to a pain free life, ya NOT so much NOT when you get injured young! I’m excited to have not one but 2 bionic legs & to continue to keep my mental sanity with my photography hobby! When I’m feeling up to it I’ll start booking shoots again, for now I will continue to look after #1 so I can shoot for decades to come! I’m in this for the long haul & will never let chronic pain take my joy! Finding balance is the key & im still figuring that out, some days a victory is doing laundry others it’s taking goat pics for 10 minutes! Today my #1 is to be the best daughter & friend I can because I am so grateful to be here & aiming to be my best self! See more

Soul Touch Photography 14.09.2020

How do you know Amanda made the cookies, the rainbow bags of course Between my body ouch & tendinitis lasting a year this might be the last till the new year! So many unicorns love them & it’s a labour of love

Soul Touch Photography 05.09.2020

Do you know it was in 2016 that B.C. declared a public emergency on opiate related overdoses, it’s 2020 & the numbers are mind blowing! I’ve lost amazing people to the disease of addiction & carried guilt for surviving until I embraced my life & lived it! How lucky was I that I got clean before Fentanyl & with support was able to find a new life & cope one day at a time! I’m not a recovering addict that feels safe on the front lines of addiction, why?! because with chronic pa...in I feel the need to keep myself away from it & safe! No matter the time that passes because of chronic pain I feel more at risk in some ways! I’ve realized that though there is no difference between myself & addicts on the street my story seems to be easier to hear because I didn’t make a choice to try drugs! I broke bones & was handed my problem from a doctor & that problem became my solution to everything! Here’s the truth, most addictions don’t start with a choice.... I hope to one day write a book about my journey from addict to photographer, right now I feel I’m still in the middle of that beautiful journey! I have no words for the gratitude for the helpers in my life today, these people allow me to be me & hold me up one day at a time! It’s only really in the last 2 years I have found & held onto joy in my daily life, drugs changed my brain chemistry forever & I am just as aware of that today as I was detoxing in 2012! I know addiction can be a hopeless topic, the cause & effect spans decades & often surpasses death! I also know that no one is alone, and no one needs to die alone, if I can do it anyone can do it! See more

Soul Touch Photography 30.08.2020

I’m not about New Years resolutions because change can happen anytime! I rang in the new year in 2012 in Detox, had many relapses afterwards but I knew what I had to do! In 2020 I entered trauma counselling & I couldn’t have imagined what was waiting around the corner! It’s been a challenging year with the global pandemic & all I feel is gratitude to live where I do & get to do what I love! Wishing everyone a safe & happy New Year’s Eve

Soul Touch Photography 27.08.2020

You know the saying if you don’t choose a day to rest your body will choose it for you? Well, that is something I know all too well, shooting once a week & chiro twice has been awesome & yet the days I’m home resting I’m not off my feet! I think there’s a balance & one day soon I hope to find it! I’m booked till the end of November & taking December & January to do photo projects for myself & others as well as spend time with amazing friends over the holiday season! #sograteful

Soul Touch Photography 23.08.2020

Winston & Schmidt Resident goat brothers that call the amazing farm I live on home <3 <3 <3 <3 They have the twinning down pat & are besties & brothers <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 21.08.2020

Bentley is looking for his person, sometimes love is knowing it’s time to let go! Edited to add video of Bentley getting lightly started at 3-1/2, emphasis on l...ightly, all the first including him deciding to lead on his first trail ride.. View my video at https://amandastraughan.smugmug.com/Backing-wild//i-332njTd

Soul Touch Photography 09.08.2020

As I walk my journey through trauma counselling especially with Covid I’m constantly reminded of the vital importance of human connection! Some days the circus in my brain is terrifying & I feel alone though I know I’m far from alone! I currently feel like daily I’m choosing to walk into the lions den knowing one day things will get a little easier! Photography is the driving force that keeps me passionate about living on the good & tough days! It took till 2020 to live within my physical limits & I still need to find balance on the days the pain kills the joy but one day at a time I’m choosing life in its entirety! My unreal friends are standing by me in such a gentle & beautiful way, I am forever grateful!!!!

Soul Touch Photography 05.08.2020

Spent a few minutes tonight capturing the moon hand held, it's unreal how far camera's have come & I will ALWAYS be learning! Happy Halloween friends hope you & your fur babies stay safe!! Feel free to share

Soul Touch Photography 24.07.2020

My whole world!!!! To the moon & back or maybe Infinity, nothing comes close enough to describe my love for this man.... He supports my dreams and has never once given up on me..... I LOVE you daddy-o My HERO... My best friend My biggest cheer leader See more

Soul Touch Photography 21.07.2020

I was so sure this beauty died when it hid my window this morning! Nope just wanted to rest a while before flying away

Soul Touch Photography 19.07.2020

It’s only when I slow down that I notice the moon & see a shooting star or 3! It reminds me of my friends no longer beside me both 2 & 4 legged! # gratitudewins #alive&livingIt’s only when I slow down that I notice the moon & see a shooting star or 3! It reminds me of my friends no longer beside me both 2 & 4 legged! # gratitudewins #alive&living

Soul Touch Photography 11.07.2020

Ok friends that use local businesses to get hoodies & T-shirts with their logo on, please send me who you’d recommend! Right now I’m looking at just getting maybe 5 made ( depending on cost)! Money is tight right now but want to start somewhere & would like good quality that also comes in plus sizes!

Soul Touch Photography 03.07.2020

Journey through trauma continues....

Soul Touch Photography 03.07.2020

In the film days it was much easier to time the jump on a horse that jumped big or over bigger jumps! With a 3 second delay often I would press and hold a stride 1/2 out, with Babe I knew she would give me lots of time by using herself beautifully! This is how I learned, one click at a time & waiting for prints for 2-7 days! Trust me not all images were on point because a lot can happen in 3 seconds for example if the horse stopped I’d get that or the rider falling off! Her...e’s Jessica Mullen & her mare Babe a Tennessee Walker/Arab that thought bounces were one strides & puddles should be cleared high & wide! This mares athleticism & bond with Jess was unreal, just point & shoot! I did once try to jump babe & I went flying lol & we got a video somewhere to prove it These were the good ole days of going to the barn right after school .... mucking paddocks, filling waters & riding!! See more

Soul Touch Photography 01.07.2020

Why do I love animals so darn much????? Because they are awesome, loving, loyal & full of unconditional love! Due to a recent car accident I am posting old photos, here's Dotty a rescue pup owned by a friend!!!

Soul Touch Photography 25.06.2020

Heads up I’m offline for a couple days, Dental sedation early tomorrow so no answering messages or making decisionsI can’t be held accountable anyways jkHeads up I’m offline for a couple days, Dental sedation early tomorrow so no answering messages or making decisionsI can’t be held accountable anyways jk

Soul Touch Photography 23.06.2020

As if I didn’t already live on my dream farm here in Chemainus yesterday my landlords welcomed home Winston & Schmidt, Nigerian Dwarf Goat brothers! Welcome home cuties Thanks Jenna Brownlee for making the goat dream come true!

Soul Touch Photography 22.06.2020

There are no more long days ahead for me as a photographer but luckily I was busy this past summer shooting once a week max! I have a few shoots on hold & a couple waiting to book action in the new year & feel blessed to be busy! Until Covid numbers go drastically down I’m staying safe to help look after my mom! I know I talk a lot about resting but I realized recently I just don’t, it’s a battle between my brain & body I can’t seem to win! My goal is to shoot for decades t...o come ....to capture horses, dogs & family related photography once a week! With the recent car accident keeping things together(my body) feels like a full time job but the kicker is photography is the fuel that gives me purpose! Shoot price for 2021 is $250 from Victoria to Courtenay & anywhere between,this includes gas, my time & an online gallery to high resolution images! I already have riders wanting a group of them at clinics or shows & as long as it’s a max of 2 hours I’m game on! I felt very sad thinking about not shooting shows but have realized the only failure here is If I stop shooting & that will never happen! Being a part of riders journeys & family moments of love is my ultimate fave & I’m grateful to all the helpers in my life that keep me going mentally & physically on the tough days! Here’s some random old & recent action type photos, luckily for me I have friends that keep me close to horses every day of the week! See more

Soul Touch Photography 16.06.2020

Cats & dogs come closely linked with horses, and over the last 6 years I am now doing as many pet shoots as I was only horses when I started in 2014! I LOVE it because I LOVE animals, here's some oldies...

Soul Touch Photography 10.06.2020

Like a dream knowing this boy loved me, Houston was & will always be the soul in Soul Touch Photography!

Soul Touch Photography 10.06.2020

It’s been a journey through trauma, injuries, mental health issues, addictions & life on life’s terms! I am alive today because people cared & were there to love me in the darkness! I’m not sure when life went full circle but I do know I don’t take a second of it for granted & will always remain grateful! The battle continues daily for many of us & together we can do this journey one day at a time!

Soul Touch Photography 04.06.2020

Did you know we are able to do online gift card codes for presents? message us for details! Soul Touch Photography

Soul Touch Photography 28.05.2020

Grateful for friendships

Soul Touch Photography 23.05.2020

With awareness & new found freedom comes a video to share for those who want updates on my journey!

Soul Touch Photography 22.05.2020

As I rest I’m finding inspiration in quotes!

Soul Touch Photography 21.05.2020

Seriously friends go check out Crashing Cadence by Kara Dee Harrison, this artist is amazing & I cannot even begin to say how much I enjoyed getting my cover up...s done! Decided to do a revamp of my old sunflower tattoo today when Kara did touch ups on Rainbow Bright & Rainbow Dash!Getting scars covered was not like a normal tattoo & Dash in typical pony form was more difficult to deal with than Rainbow Bright! This art means so much to me, it’s literally transforming brokenness or darkness into the rainbows & light! My story is not something I’m ashamed of, I choose to share it in hopes of helping others! Self harm was how I coped from a young age, today that part is behind me & it’s turned into something beautiful! I’ll get photos in a few weeks with my machine once they heal up If you’re looking for a place to get piercings or tattoos check out Good Form Piercing & Tattoos in Nanaimo, amazing place with amazing humans See more

Soul Touch Photography 16.05.2020

Feeling a little low with Fall coming sooo quickly & being reminded to slow down which I suck at! For me I stay moving to keep the osteoarthritis in my fused ankle moving & also have chiro’s help to keep the rest of my body happy with compensating! Anxiety for me can be great & it also can mean laying low & resting is not my go to plan! Today I’m looking at old photos & thinking how much more I’d love to broaden my experience as a photographer! Limiting shoots to 2-4/month might give me time to learn new things, I love that I only get more excited about photography! Sunrise at Pipers Lagoon from a few years ago, my first sunrise & full of gratitude to live in such a beautiful place! I am hopeful by resting now I’ll be able to do more come summer 2021!

Soul Touch Photography 08.05.2020

I've decided to put my focus on puppies today, here's some old pics of my friend's puppies in buckets in the sunshine. It doesn't get much cuter Enjoy

Soul Touch Photography 02.05.2020

To those following my journey through trauma stuff I want to share some recent wins! I spent years stuck in freeze mode to the point where it was affecting ever...y aspect of my daily life! The key is to keep going forward & out of my comfort zone! My somatic memory was in the way, whether night terrors, waking in cold sweat or even daily interactions where touch from others wasn’t my idea! I have learned so much about myself & the #1 thing is to be kind & treat myself as a friend! As I go down layers I understand why I was stuck & also that I never have to stay there! For anyone who is struggling & people say get over it or minimize it, use your voice, silence is a prison, when we open up we help more than just us, we help others do the same! I am so lucky to have the friends & family I have on this journey, loving me till I find love for myself! To anyone that ever told me I can’t love others without loving myself, I’m grateful to say that isn’t correct, I love huge I just struggle to see the me others do! I lived in darkness for decades but only showed others the light, today my insides are closer to matching my outsides & I will continue this journey one day at a time, sometimes one moment! PC With Love Photography See more

Soul Touch Photography 25.04.2020

Last night I was blown away by the beautiful colours surrounding the 1/2 moon! As clouds came in and out the colours & galaxy light effects was worth capturing! Moments like these I think of the friends and family I've lost & miss, I hope they are free <3 <3 <3 First pic in the gallery even included a bird <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 19.04.2020

With heavy rain ahead PLEASE slow down on the roads, everyone is just trying to get somewhere safely!With heavy rain ahead PLEASE slow down on the roads, everyone is just trying to get somewhere safely!

Soul Touch Photography 15.04.2020

Covid 19 has changed so many things & I am very worried about the long term devastation! I have yet to really mention it here & thought it was about time to do so! The current statistics on opiate overdose I feel directly affected by on a daily basis & really hope that things change soon so no more people have to die alone! I know this is an issue that has varying opinions & all I really want is to raise awareness & feel hope for future addicts! I hope the system changes so t...hat when an addict wants treatment it is available, I waited 2 years & was very lucky to survive! When the pandemic started I went 2 months without a shoot & felt so lucky to be crazy busy from June till now! I’m lucky that to shoot photos I do not need to be close to my subject & this summer have only used my zoom lens to do all types of photography! I also very much enjoyed the down time I used to practice & learn all sorts of new things, photography only gets more exciting!With so many struggling financially & things changing at a rapid rate I want to remind everyone to choose kindness! Something I’ve learned in the last few years is if you appreciate someone or felt impacted by their kindness, tell them, tomorrow is not a guarantee! The power of words in the world today is huge, with one sentence someone’s life can change forever so I do my best to choose my words wisely! I’m pretty certain we can all relate on this fact, so much so that we can remember words we wish we could forget! It’s very easy to be swarmed by fear especially if you watch the news & I know for me it helps when I’m surrounded by people who care even when it’s by text or phone & not face to face! I hold gratitude above all else lately & it helps me to keep going on days where physical pain or my mood are not good! I really do hope that you’re finding ways to keep busy, keep learning & most of all look after yourself first! Lately I’m trying to get used to all the changes in day to day life & keeping myself safe so I can help look after my mom & continue shooting! I’m embracing wearing masks in public places & where they are required even though I’ve had a few panic attacks along the way! Life is difficult for everyone at times & especially now with Covid let’s focus on the similarities & support others ongoing! Love to all!! See more

Soul Touch Photography 11.04.2020

If I hadn’t had injuries likely RCMP or in health care, anyone else???

Soul Touch Photography 07.04.2020

Ok, I would like to offer some AWWWW in all the craziness going on lately, stay safe friends!!! Baby cows x3 next door, more pics coming when momma's decide I'm a friend & stop blocking my view <3 <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 31.03.2020

Low light fun <3 <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 24.03.2020

The counselling journey that I started in 2020 because I was worried about relapse in my future if I didn’t learn coping skills has been huge! Once my awareness began it never stopped,even if I go months between sessions!! I struggle to focus on self & I didn’t know it, I struggle when people are kind & offer compliments & slowly I’m understanding why & getting out of my comfort zone! Awareness is the key to me living life & finding acceptance for myself & how affected I’ve b...een from trauma issues! I can see myself in a new light & know that I love big & I hurt big & nothing will ever change that! I’m able to understand my childhood through adulthood & let go of any resentment, knowing that it doesn’t make me bad or wrong! The things in life that hurt the most are some of the biggest players in who I am today! Chronic pain can make it tough to feel good but it will never take my drive to experience joy full colour, life is brighter when I experience the darkness without letting it take hold! If I can hope for one thing today it’s that my story of trauma & addiction could potentially let others know they aren’t alone! We are all in this together, stick with the people who love you no matter your day! My fierce want to help others comes from a place of powerlessness, I don’t try to fix people because that’s not the goal! I do believe that kindness & love are the answer to a lot of life’s questions! I’m 37 & just beginning to heal from the journey that got me to today, one day at a time! I definitely want to write a book in the future in hopes that it can help others & be a true story about this addict that chose life & photography! See more

Soul Touch Photography 21.03.2020

Chronic pain is not all rainbows & butterflies, it took me years to be positive through it & it doesn’t mean it’s gone! I’ve had a few messages lately that includes words like I’m glad life is good or Glad you’re happy!.Let me speak on what I’ve learned... Everyone struggles some just hide it better, when I post negative truth I feel people don’t know what to say & I get that because I get the same feeling often! Most of my posts on fb are written when I have brain power... not exhausted & all I want from posting is to raise awareness of chronic pain & addiction! We are not alone but I know all to well how lonely social media can be at times! Today I’m angry & frustrated with physical pain that surgeons refuse to attempt to fix, I know why but it doesn’t make living with it easier! As much as I was excited not to have surgery ahead I’m left with another issue that causes daily pain! Not all injuries can be fixed, in my case long term more surgery is not the best plan. This means I will not get the torn tendon fixed & have to live with an unstable ankle on the leg I’ve always trusted to help with the pain on my fused ankle side! (Long term it’s looking like fusion for both ankles) It wasn’t until recently that I realized how much honesty can help others, being open to listen to others is how I feel connected in the lowest & highest times! My new normal is what it is, if I do nothing I often end up with a tendon on fire & it can’t be fixed or injected because of the damage, inflammation & fluid so I have to accept it & look after it! If I care about my longevity the only shoots I will book are 1-2 hours which sucks because horse shows are as much about the journey & being a part of as they are part time income! Today I feel defeated by pain that won’t go away but the great news is I look at each day new so no matter what.... I can and will look forward to the next 24 hours! I’m stubborn & have been told by surgeons to slow down for years, I’m finally adding things that I hope will help long term! This week I’ll be fitted with a brace for my right ankle so my brace legs will match! I’m unable to use a cane or elbow crutches after a car accident injuring a rib so it’s time to start using the walker I was lucky to be gifted! I got this... one day at a time, I can continue to shoot & enjoy life so long as I look after #1 also! PS thanks for listening friends See more

Soul Touch Photography 17.03.2020

With Covid I have only been shooting with a zoom to keep social distanced so today & played with my 50mm close to home.... I enjoy everything about photography but the #1 thing I LOVE is that I NEVER stop learning. I am willing to take photos of new & different things, my goal isn't perfection or likes, I shoot because I feel FREE. Photography is one of the big things I held onto when my "normal" changed & with chronic pain that keeps being redefined. I will always redefine normal with a camera in hand because photography isn't optional, it's vital to my soul & survival!

Soul Touch Photography 01.03.2020

Kids are not in my plans, loving my friends kids is the stuff love is made of Caleb & I when he was a little guy & this summer, this boy turned 3 today & is growing like a beanstalk

Soul Touch Photography 26.02.2020

Can’t wait to be back shooting family shoots when things settle down! By family I mean 2 & 4 legged! These photos of Jess with her dog Daisy & beloved Arabian Stallion Khohie in plaid was great fun! Jess & I have been friends a long while a lot of my learning with photography came from time spent together in high school & beyond!

Soul Touch Photography 22.02.2020

The sun yesterday afternoon in Chemainus about 2 hours before it went down behind the mountain behind my place....

Soul Touch Photography 20.02.2020

My journey with horses began at 12 & won’t ever stop, walking away from horses when I lost Houston was one of the worst decisions I ever made! My healing from his loss began in 2014 when I surrounded myself with these amazing unicorns again! When I meet others that love horses at heart level I am captivated by my own memories & ability to freeze time to give others photos of that love! Over the decade plus I had Houston I struggled to say that I owned him because he chose me ...& I chose him! I’m forever in dept to the gangly gelding that got me through the toughest years of high school & opened my heart in a way no human ever could! I’d say I miss him but today he’s with me everyday in my photography journey, he only gets closer! To anyone suffering the loss of an animal if you ever want to talk endlessly about how awesome they are I promise I will listen, deep loss is best understood without words at times! Deep loss is deep loss whether it’s a human or an animal it’s good old grief! To those who still let me speak of Houston, thank you, keeping his memory alive makes my heart the happiest! I lived & breathed through the love of a horse & today I love big because of a special boy that opened the parts of me I feared being seen! Houston you will forever be my connection to every equine friend I make and shoot I do & my gratitude for knowing you only grows! See more

Soul Touch Photography 16.02.2020

A little history on the grandfather I never met, my dads dad, who passed away too young from cancer!

Soul Touch Photography 25.01.2020

Well 2020 has sure been a minute & I am trying to get into the Christmas spirit(giving spirit). Today I got my tree up & I'm unsure if my tree grew, my house shrunk or if I am a hoarder lol. I am so lucky to be in my own little home, safe & healthy. Setting up Christmas & getting laundry done means the rest of today I am on ice. With the recent jump in Covid numbers I have decided not to add to the shoots I have booked ahead before X-mas, I have to be careful because I help look after my mom, stay safe friends!!!

Soul Touch Photography 22.01.2020

Huge thanks to LJ for coming to support our islanders and give them new things to work on! I am glad I was able to come for a bit of both days, feel free to share...The rain doesn't stop Island Riders <3 <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 20.01.2020

I happened to be in the area today and managed to snap a few photos of the Laura-Jane Tidball Clinic at Flying Changes!

Soul Touch Photography 13.01.2020

The most amazing journey in my life & the toughest has been diving below surface level! Today I’m starting to see the other side of trauma, the imperfect yet beautiful side that made me me.. PC With Love Photography

Soul Touch Photography 06.01.2020

Everything tastes better in a unicorn mug!!!

Soul Touch Photography 19.12.2019

Had a blast yesterday with Shayne's help <3 <3 Long days are not easy BUT they are WAY more FUN in great company! We headed to Flying Changes so I could update a few sales photos, snap a few random lesson pics & see my boy Bentley. Thank you Shayne & Tianna for helping with standing shots & Teresa for amazing riding as per usual! Since moving to Chemainus & the recent car accident I don't get out to Coombs very often & it was nice to touch base with old friends <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 10.12.2019

Thanks to my dear friend, I have lots of recent photos of me doing what I love! Shooting once a week to do so within my physical limits is a new world of AMAZING! Carey jokes that she is my paparazzi hehe, I am just grateful to see me from another perspective! I truly do photography as a labour of love & more and more I am forced to pass along shoots & only book an hour once a week to keep my sanity with chronic pain! I feel blessed beyond measure to get to do what I love, le...arning to slow down is a work in progress but one day at a time I got this!!!! last year I got a brace for my fused ankle and it was a big help until osteoarthritis grew fast with me being on my feet too much. Recently I got a brace for the right also because the tendon I shredded surgeons don't want to fix because the outcome would potentially be worse for my mobility. I embrace these braces as a way to continue shooting & maneuvering on uneven ground! My limits won't define me, they just slow me down a bit they will NEVER slow my passion or quality of the photos I take! See more

Soul Touch Photography 27.11.2019

To everyone supporting my journey today, thank you!!! I will say this...between trauma counselling, life, chronic pain,chiro, friendships & part time photography this journey isn’t easy! I’ll add that right now I feel overwhelmed daily by physical pain that will never be fixed & at the same time I feel more freedom in life then ever before!!! I know I will never give up & I just need to acknowledge & live within the parameters of chronic pain to keep my sanity! Here’s a week of poems...

Soul Touch Photography 19.11.2019

Houston’s legacy is the soul in my photography!

Soul Touch Photography 31.10.2019

As most horse people know you don't have to own a horse to fall in love! Jen has been riding Beck for a couple years, has been a friend of mine over a decade and is the person I chose to ride Houston when I couldn't! Jen isn't a rider that likes to show in fact it took serious convincing for her to do a clinic with Gareth Graves and I am glad I helped push her out of her comfort zone because she is a beautiful rider. Jen adores horses based on their personality more so than r...ide-ability, she seems to fall in love with their cheeky side & she adored Beck! This summer I got a call & was asked to help Jen say goodbye, with going through Houston together this was next level hard on the emotions. I wanted to share a few photos of their journey together in lessons, a clinic & portraits I took over the years. The beautiful & raw emotion I captured in the goodbye is a photo that left this photographer breathless...It is an honour to be asked to be there for a goodbye because I know the the cost of loving a horse deeply & it's a big part of who I am as a photographer! I knew & loved Beck previously from catching all the firsts & show memories with his owner Holly before he became a school horse. I may not ride anymore but my heart beats the same as it did from in the saddle, I cannot be impartial, I live breathe & LOVE horses. RIP Beck you are missed by many & will be fondly remembered for years to come <3 <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 23.10.2019

Me and my boy Houston! When I purchased this magical unicorn I knew it would be a long road but I had little clue what buying a horse born wild was till owning one! Houston had a kindness that is why we picked each other but there was always a part of him that fought because he came from long lines of wild to become bucking stock! I remember a few times when I’d dismount if I touched his flank area he’d immediately kick and it was fast & a cow kick! I remember that no amount ...of IV sedation would let him allow us to use clippers, he’d be fast asleep until they touched his body & fingers were broken! The first time he let me approach him laying down had me in tears & I appreciated him more because I had to earn his trust on a sliding scale! Houston was almost always calm & sweet so initially I had no idea what to do with his fight or flight response & introduced natural horsemanship to our daily lives! Nothing will come close to the love & sheer adoration I have for this being, even his death can’t remove any of that majesty he left in my soul! I often get asked why I don’t do more people photos & I just feel at home with animals & I feel like Houston taught me how to capture any animals Essence! I truly love & appreciate animals from a place of love & loss, a place of love mixed with crippling vulnerability! I don’t venture far from animals because I owe them everything & will until the day my # is called! My body hurts every minute & the only reprieve is found once a week capturing memories for others who love animals as I do! See more

Soul Touch Photography 21.10.2019

As most now know my horse shows days are physically behind me, sadly in the rear view & the only thing that makes that ok is the fact it opens my summers up for more beach shoots I will no longer be booking things over 2 hours ever so I can continue to book once a week, except one local show I always try to shoot with the help of Robyn! I’ve been back shooting part time since 2014 & since then I’ve shot photos at Kye Bay, Williams Beach, Weirs Beach & Saratoga beach! I l...ive for the fun action & love moments between horse & rider & beaches hold dear memories of my heart horse & riding days! I’d even be down for beach photos in the winter with a bit of notice I’m booking a month ahead so please shoot me a message if there’s a shoot you’d like to plan ahead! My limits don’t define the images you get aside from the obvious I can’t climb trees or walk far on uneven terrain! Beach shoots easily yield 100 images, perfectly timed action & moments of love between horse & rider, I’ve never found posing beneficial I LIVE for the REAL & RAW moments! Oh I should add reflections are my fave when the light & beach allows, can’t wait for beaches in 2021!!

Soul Touch Photography 05.10.2019

Farm adventures of Winston & Schmidt...

Soul Touch Photography 29.04.2019

As many know action timing seems to be my super power, it's the thing that came most naturally & in the last 6 years I've had a TON of practice with sales horses! I am grateful that with Covid I have been busy with portraits because for me earning money helps with expensive life! Recently I posted about timing horses in action & got many messages interested in how I figured it out. Well, I figured it out when I had to wait a week to see the photos so with digital timing has b...een made a lot easier & with fast shutter speeds action timing isn't necessarily needed to shoot! I always shoot with the withers at the highest point of any movement a horse is doing, the highest point in the movement before they start coming down. With hunter/jumper if the rider is posting trot I only shoot when they are sitting, in dressage if they are sitting trot I can click every trot step. Canter also highest point, or lope, because riders are sitting I focus on the inside leg and shoulders, I choose the straightest angle side on & it works for most. For jumping I need the rider to get a good distance to get a BAM photo, there are a lot of factors to get a great shot not just timing. When I shoot jumping photos I watch through my camera over every fence especially the small ones at the start so I can guess when the horse will use itself, a spooky horse or youngster often makes my job easy, an older school master might just canter over the fence, so I watch the shoulders and the front feet! With a young horse, or a horse that has a choppy step I will shoot around a corner or on a circle to get the appearance of straightness! As a photographer who LOVES timing action because of my 15 years in the saddle I ride each step with you. I am sad that long days are no longer in my future but with notice I am happy to come for lessons, clinics and the odd show if a few people book ahead! Beaches are by far my fave shoots & I cant wait for summer 2021 to do more of those. I am grateful to those who book me ongoing to keep updated sales photos & for anyone who recommends me for any shoot! Life is a bit crazy lately because I am booking way ahead with portraits, going to chiro twice a week & doing counselling to better myself, go big or go home I guess! My once a week shooting is the fuel in my week that rockets me through all days, good or tough, no matter the physical pain my gratitude for life only grows.... Sales photos from Foxstone Stable taken a few years ago <3 <3 <3

Soul Touch Photography 16.04.2019

Added some oldies to this gallery of Shayne's pony pal Java, such an amazing & versatile dude!!!

Soul Touch Photography 07.04.2019

Java is a large pony, built like a mini draft he's 1/2 Morgan and 1/2 Halflinger ! I love his build and the way he carries himself naturally! Java is owned by one of my ultimate favourite humans, Shayne, that knew me back when I owned my soul horse Houston! Shayne has been behind the scenes on the long show days in Victoria keeping me sane through the pain that comes with being on my feet longer than I should be. I find when I do a shoot like this of Java at liberty with Sh...ayne telling him where to go my goal is to capture movement, sass and of course the moments of connection! As a horse person for more than 2 decades I know that ears perfectly perked is not the goal at liberty, I prefer seeing one ear focussed on his human <3 <3. This amazing pony has been a perfect addition as a therapeutic riding pony in Victoria, where he enjoys the attention and stimulation that comes from being a therapy pony! This pony is indeed special, and the bond that Shayne and Java have speaks volumes. I have to say when I see Java decide to go the other direction without being asked it reminds me of Houston and no matter how loyal horses are they are free thinkers and we can allow that as long as the mutual love and respect is there. As a horse owner I do not think horses should perform a certain way all the time, keeping their individuality is important. When I shoot photos there are special moments that can be planned but the goal is to get the personality of every horse I snap photos of, to tell a story is far more important to me then the perfect image! See more

Soul Touch Photography 04.04.2019

I often get asked to help by getting photo memories when a horse is going to be put down because it’s the kindest option & it’s an honour! In the last 6 years I see the play out in life & on social media, sometimes people choose to not be kind when someone is hurting because it wasn’t their horse! I was the kid that fell in love deeply with the horses I spent time with, I cried for weeks over horses that weren’t mine & I’d hope that as riders we can understand that deep l...ove doesn’t only exist with ownership! I never felt like I owned Houston & I knew when I said goodbye that many people felt his loss deeply & it brought me comfort! I choose to surround myself with those that build others up at all costs & stay neutral when I don’t have enough knowledge of a situation! I feel deeply about this topic because nothing is worse than riders feeling alone let alone being alone in their grief thinking it shouldn’t be because they didn’t own the animal! Let me tell you, deep love equals big loss & grief is grief! Let’s choose kindness & support when riders lose a horse no matter the circumstances! Whether it’s a weekly lesson horse, a lease or your heart horse they leave a big hole & love is not dependant on riding or ownership! It’s sad to me that ownership could matter at the end of life because these majestic animals are borrowed! I have seen horses heal so many people & I have seen horses find healing also through kind humans! Can we love each other & know that if someone’s hurting our words could leave a hole or pull them back into the light! You see I never owned Houston, he was a gift from my dad but far too majestic to be property! I still feel awe & reverence thinking about him & all the life stuff he got me to the other side of! Horses have healed me more in my lifetime than anything else & I don’t have a choice when I connect with horses from the ground up! I am deeply affected by all the horses I have connected with that make their journey over the rainbow bridge & I wouldn’t want in any other way! Pic of Walter, a horse that built my confidence up to the point where I was ready to buy a green horse! Every horse I loved has left hoof prints on my heart some it’s just bigger prints!

Soul Touch Photography 31.03.2019

A HUGE thank you to my friend Carey Trodden for offering to help me complete the shoots I had booked before Christmas. The car accident in September complicated my already compromised physical health & this girl has been a goddess <3! On a funny note she told me she feels my personal paparazzi hehe, and seeing myself behind the scenes and my smile truly tells me I am living the dream one day at a time! I am so lucky to have so many helpers in my corner today & feel blessed and grateful to be here doing what I love!

Soul Touch Photography 20.03.2019

At 37 I fully get that surgeries cannot fix everything! I’ve had a fused ankle a long while & it’s caused my good ankle to be the more painful one! I definitely shouldn’t have done horse shows as long as I did because now I’m left with busted tendons surgeons won’t touch because of the fusion! They can’t promise I’ll be better off so I went the brace route recently for my good ankle! In 2014 I could walk a few hours, now I plan out everything including gas or groceries in a...dvance to know I’ll have the mojo! My mental health is so directly linked to having mojo I am careful who I surround myself with! I choose to surround myself with love & kindness & the people I have met through photography connect me at soul level to the world around me! Yesterday I tested out my new brace & I am thrilled, no more ruining my body bending down because I can crouch for the first time in 5 years! Shooting once a week is my cryptonite & having orthotics & chiro help me in this journey of life has me full of gratitude!!! Pain will not take my joy & love wins, I truly believe so! Thanks to my helper yesterday Carey I got some unreal behind the scenes photos, my smile tells me how much I love what I do! See more

Soul Touch Photography 06.03.2019

To my friends who are supporting me on this journey through trauma counselling, I can’t do it without your unconditional love and support! 2020 has been a year ...of growth in life & in my part time photography journey! I need to live a life where I plan ahead in order to have joy when everyday has physical pain! The best part is I’m doing it a day at a time & people are booking months ahead with photography so I’m shooting with a full gas tank! As my fused ankle continues to grow osteoarthritis I can see the changes in my physical & mental health & wouldn’t wish this pain on my worst enemy! I can no longer feel guilty when I say I can’t do a shoot unless it’s booked ahead because everything I do affects my mental health & my physical health is only getting more challenging! I am in a place in life where I am doing everything to help myself have a future doing what I love & am excited about the adventures ahead! I never want anyone to feel sorry for me because the journey to here has been amazing & challenging & made me the person I am today! The support of friends & family is for sure the soul in Soul Touch Photograohy! Tomorrow is my busiest day of the month & next week is the craziest week of this year so I’ll be sure to catch you up & share behind the scenes when I’m rested! I love big & will continue to do so because living life fully & photography are why I fight so hard today! See more

Soul Touch Photography 19.02.2019

2 legs more your body, 4 legs move your soul, isn't that the truth when it comes to animals! This cutie pie Deizel crossed the rainbow bridge & I knew I had to find these photos! This boy loved huge, played hard and was a loyal friend to his family! To everyone at Foxstone Stable & especially Georgia Hunt and family, my heart goes out to you! "Love Big, Play hard & Live fully"

Soul Touch Photography 30.01.2019

Some super hero’s wear a cape, this one wears leg bracesSo excited to be able to trust my right ankle walking on uneven ground it’s been tough this year knowing it wasn’t stable...After all, that is my good ankle

Soul Touch Photography 13.01.2019

I LOVE FALL!!!!! Enjoying photography way more since slowing down to shoot within my limits. I notice the little beautiful things I used to walk past and cheris...h my face to face time with friends more... Perspective can change everything in photography & life, my LOVE for photography only grows... The walnut shell is a heart, nuff said <3 <3 <3 Goodnight friends

Soul Touch Photography 11.01.2019

I love Fall! There’s many reasons, the biggest is likely toques