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Stacie 27.09.2020

It’s October 3rd, #MeanGirlsDay! This means only one thing, and one thing only: Today, all I’ll be doing is watching Mean Girls on repeat ALL DAY!!! But this date also has another significant meaning. My upcoming memoir, 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS, will officially be released in LESS THAN A MONTH!! ... I hope that the book will bring you just as much joy and happiness as it did for me. I hope that you’ll be able to relate to my stories and find your own meanings to each of these stories. I also hope you’ll learn and grow from each of them. I started writing the book as a journal; as a diary. I started writing it as a way of coping with my depression. My writing process for the book has finally come to an end. Throughout the writing process, I learned so much about myself and the woman I’ve become. I learned so much about the past that I can finally now put to rest; the past that led me to become the woman I am today. 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS will be released in ebook and paperback versions, so it will be the perfect gift idea for a loved one too - holidays, birthdays, you name it!

Stacie 09.09.2020

If you watched #ParisHilton’s new documentary, #ThisIsParis, you know that she’s a childhood abuse survivor. Now that she’s opened up about her traumatic experience that she kept a secret for years and years, she’s using her platform to do some good in the world - she’s aiming to close the Provo Canyon School for good so that no child will ever know of the abuse she’s endured. On top of opening up about her experience in the documentary, Paris is creating awareness of the ...military styled schools for children via her social media, and has partnered up with her schoolmates to create a campaign, #BreakingCodeSilence, which aims to close the school, as well as its sister schools FOR GOOD. She’s now created a petition for all her followers and others to sign. I was never a fan of Paris Hilton, but I’m a true believer that abuse of any kind needs to end. That’s why I signed the petition. Now I need YOUR help. Even if you haven’t experienced abuse yourself, you might know someone who has. It takes only two seconds to sign the petition, and then another two seconds to share the petition on your own feed to spread the word. We are stronger together. We are stronger as a united front. Let’s start using social media to bring a positive influence in the world.

Stacie 26.08.2020

September 27th, 2019: I was so not ready for 2020. My husband on the other hand..

Stacie 19.08.2020

I recently completed an inquiry for a client. Sending any completed project feels like sending an essay for a teacher to mark. It’s just so astounding to me how, after all these years of being a professional freelance writer, my work still feels as though I’m still a college student. Just like always, I was nervous for the response I’d receive in my inbox. Hours later, though, I had a sigh of relief when I saw my client’s response to the completed inquiry. It was exactl...y as follows, ‘This is perfect. Thank you so much.’ It was so nice to see such gratitude from a client, especially at such a difficult time. She could’ve said absolutely nothing, which I would’ve understood. Usually, clients follow up if they’re unhappy with the result. On the contrary, she made sure to let me know just how happy she was with the finished product I prepared for her. It was a small act of kindness, but a very important act of kindness nonetheless. If you’re new to my page, or if you need a little reminder, I’m a professional freelance writer. I work with students, job seekers, entrepreneurs, and other professionals. The services I provide include resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, blog posts, website content, and more (the full list is available on the ‘services’ section on my page). If you or anyone you know has a writing, editing, and/or proofreading inquiry for me, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly!

Stacie 04.08.2020

Sometimes, when you feel inside of you that you have nothing to say, it’s better to stay quiet until you feel that whatever you say next will benefit others and do greater good. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing as of late, and I’m not ashamed or regretting it by one bit. I’ve been doing a lot lately that has nothing to do with social media. I’ve been working on my freelancing, I’ve been working on my upcoming memoir, and I’ve been working on my future endeavours that I’...ll be making public once the book, 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS, is released in November. My vision for myself as a person and as an entrepreneur is to consistently learn and grow. I don’t ever just want to be stuck in one place. I don’t ever want to stay the same. Being a freelance writer and author helped me do so, and I want it to continue to do so. But I also want to start doing so in other ways, in other horizons. I’m so excited for the next chapter in my professional life to finally begin. I’m even more excited to see what that chapter will bring. My memoir, which started out as a little journal, will be yours to read starting November, the BEGINNING of November. And because it’ll be released in ebook & paperback versions, it’ll be a great gift idea for your loved ones as well! As my writing process is coming to an end, new ideas and new projects are coming to life. I promise I’ll share them all with you when the time is right. But for now, I just want to thank you all - for absolutely everything and absolutely nothing. But most importantly, I want to thank you for being so kind to me.

Stacie 19.07.2020

I’ve been watching a lot of movies about writers as of late, and it’s not even on purpose! There was one movie in particular that had a quote in there that really resonated with my thoughts: Extraordinary writers don’t live ordinary lives. It’s so freaking true!!! How can a good author write a good story? By living a life. Whether the author writes an autobiography or fiction book, the author still bases his or her on ideas on their own personal experiences. So before th...ere’s even a story for an author to tell, the author must live that story first. The same goes for any artist as well, such as actors, painters, and so on. Art is a creative skill that can’t be bought. For instance, I recently had a conversation with someone who was a life coach. They talked about their competitors. They said that now their competitors who are 19 year olds who call themselves life coaches even though they have no business being in that business because they hadn’t bloomed yet to tell 30-40-50 year olds how to live their lives in the best way possible. I just hope that my upcoming book , 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS will do justice to guiding my readers, friends and fans on how to be their best selves through their own journeys of battling their hardships. I hope that I’ve lived an extraordinary enough life to be a good writer and get my message across.

Stacie 11.07.2020

I’m very happy to be able to share my story with all of you, and I can’t wait for it to finally be released in just a month and a half. You’ll be able to read what living with a physical disability and multiple invisible disabilities through the eyes of someone who’s actually going through it themselves rather than from a medical perspective. I’ve been asked so many times what motivated me to start writing the book and release it to the public. Well, there are a lot of ...factors that motivated me to do so. One of those motivating factors was my father-in-law. Back when I met my then future in-laws, my husband’s father gifted him a book all about cerebral palsy. The book was a heavy one, written from a medical perspective; probably by some doctor who retired in 1975. One day, I was journaling as a method of coping with depression, I came across that same book that was given to my husband, who never actually read it, on my book shelf. As I looked at it, I saw releasing my journal to the public as an opportunity to educate others on everything I’d been through. I saw it as an opportunity to have a conversation with my readers, whether or not they did or didn’t have any physical disabilities, chronic illnesses, or mental illnesses. I’m now happy to tell you that my story will go beyond MY books. I’m so happy to tell you that my story will be featured on another upcoming author’s book! I will give you all the details as soon as I know them, but for now, all you need to know is that I’ll be recording a podcast episode with the upcoming author on OCTOBER 1. ‘12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS’ will be released at the beginning of November. Both ebook and paperback versions will be available, so it will make the perfect holiday gift for your loved ones - unlike the book my father-in-law gifted to my husband.

Stacie 01.07.2020

September means a lot of things to a lot of different people. For some, it means it’s the start of the fall weather; for others, it means the beginning of the school year for their children. But September is a lot of things. It should have more than just one meaning. A lot of you might not know this, but September is also Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. There’s still a heck of a lot of stigma going on around invisible illnesses around the globe, and mental illness is e...specially the case. That’s exactly why a lot of people keep their illnesses quiet. Just yesterday I was talking to someone who said that people have lost their empathetic skills with the use of social media, relying too much on television as a means of information, and much more. Suicide is no laughing matter. Someone being suicidal is no laughing matter. Someone you know, or even someone close to you, might be suicidal, and you don’t even know it. We never know what someone’s going through, so please remember to stay in touch, check on your loved ones, and be kind and empathetic. My vision for 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS is to end the stigma around trauma and invisible illnesses, specifically a chronic illness and a mental illness. And yes, it will cover suicide. I hope all my readers will get something positive out of it. Life is hard enough as it is. So let’s all learn and grow together.

Stacie 17.06.2020

Though I absolutely loved having my much needed week-long downtime, I’m so happy to be getting back to work. It’s finally September, which is so meaningful to me for so many reasons. For one, that means that my upcoming memoir, 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS, will be released in just TWO short months! I really can’t believe that the release of what was supposed to be my little journal that has turned into a book is getting so close. I’m both excited and nervous the same time. It was initially supposed to be released in May, but the release date had to be moved to November due to COVID-19. At first, I was davastated. But as months went on, I realized that it was actually a blessing. I now not only get more time to promote myself further and make sure my writing is absolutely perfect, but I’m also already working on a SECOND book before the release of my first, THE BATTLE SCARS OF A DISABLED BUSINESSWOMAN. And just in case you forgot, I’m also a professional freelance writer. I work with university and college students, job seekers, entrepreneurs, and other professionals. You can view all the services I provide in the ‘Services’ section on my page. If you or anyone you know has an writing and/or editing inquiry for me, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly!

Stacie 11.06.2020

I’M BACK!! I hope you had a good week while I was away. Yes, I was away for a while, especially in the social media world where I consistently have to promote myself. I have a good reason, though. I was away on vacation in Northern Ontario. I never meant to go to Northern Ontario. That was my plan B. My initial plan was to go away on vacation to the sunny side of the world. But that plan went down the drain once the pandemic hit back in March. When the pandemic first hit, ...I was drained out. I was tired. I felt that I had too much on my plate. And I felt that the pandemic ruined everything. All my plans went down the drain, personally and professionally. I was devastated. As the months went by, I started getting used to my new normal. What I saw as a plan ruiner became a real blessing. The pandemic helped me focus on my writing. I got more time to make sure that my upcoming book, 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS, which was initially supposed to be released in May, was absolutely perfect before its official release to the public. I also got to promote myself further as an upcoming author to the public. On regular days, my phone statistics showed that I was on my phone for at least 8 hours a day AND I use my computer all day to write. While on vacation, though, my stats showed that I was on the phone for 4 hours a day. Not only that, but I didn’t open my computer at all the entire week; not even once! Sometimes, it’s just nice to get away from the normal day to day living just to get away from the real world. Sometimes, it’s better to get away from everything for a little while to make sure your quality of work doesn’t go down the drain. Now that I’m well rested, I’m fully ready to get back to work. I’m ready to take on your inquiries as a freelance writer. I’m ready to continue working on my upcoming book; my memoir; my life story; my baby. Both the ebook and paperback versions of 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS will be available for purchase starting THIS November!

Stacie 30.05.2020

The epileptic girl who also has CP conquered her fear of heights by going up the Fire Tower.

Stacie 15.05.2020

If you haven’t heard the news yet, #ChadwickBoseman passed away on Friday after battling stage 4 colon cancer. He battled the illness privately, without anyone knowing. In between surgeries and chemotherapies, he worked nonstop and made a whole list of movies for which he’ll forever be remembered, including his most notable role in #BlackPanther. While battling this deadly invisible illness, he lost a drastic amount of weight. None of us knew what was happening behind the ...scenes, and yet some took it as an opportunity to make fun of on social media to the point that he was forced to delete some of his photos, as well as disable comments on his Instagram. This goes to show that none of us fully know exactly what goes on in a person’s life, and that’s why we should always be kind to one another. ALWAYS! Kindness always wins, just like he did. After all, battling the illness, Brosenan still took time out of his busy schedule to visit children who were battling cancer. When talking about Black Panther in an interview, Boseman said that there were no villains in the movie. Someone’s always a villain in someone else’s story, and that’s why we should be heroes in our own stories. This particular statement resonated with me. It made me really think of my own story. I started asking myself so many questions about my upcoming memoir. These are questions that I will definitely answer in the future, and in my story as well. My life story, 12 YEARS A WOMAN: MY JOURNEY TO HAPPINESS will be yours starting November. In the meantime, however, I want you to please remember to BE KIND.