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Sunyata Movement Studio 27.09.2020

" Just because youre incredibly skilled in certain areas of you life, doesnt mean youll be skilled in all areas of your life."

Sunyata Movement Studio 21.09.2020

Wanna go exploring? Its wonderful! Try a fee Awareness Through Movement lesson - no opt-in required: https://sunyatamovementstudio.com/free-awareness-through-/... If you like it - become a member and access my Free Online Content Library for more free lessons.

Sunyata Movement Studio 01.09.2020

Moving from Why? to How? Notice the difference between asking: Why do I have back pain?... and How can feel better? Or How can I move so I dont irritate my back? What about: Why is writing so hard for me? And How can I become more comfortable with writing? OrHow can I write better? OrHow can I learn to write in a way that resonates with people? Really take a moment to feel the difference in your body.Heres another example: Why cant I run without irritating my knee? And How could I run without irritating my knee? Ok - one more - a bit more edgy. Why is the world so f*^~*!d up right now? How can I make the world a little bit better? Of course, the move from why to how is not the only way to improve our questions. And its not to say there are no good why questions, naturally. But notice the intention behind your questions, and notice which questions help you act in ways that feel healthier, useful (to you and others), more authentically you. What good question are you asking yourself today? P.S. Find out how Awareness Through Movement lessons invite you to ask better questions. Questions you can embody with curiosity. Questions that lead to improved comfort, clearer thinking, better living: https://sunyatamovementstudio.com/free-awareness-through-/

Sunyata Movement Studio 21.08.2020

Check out these cuties! Everyone could use more smiling and warm fuzzy feelings these days - no? http://ed.gr/ccya1

Sunyata Movement Studio 15.08.2020

Although the aspect of reversibility is my favourite of the 4 elements of quality movement , Id have to say that breathing is, in my mind, the best indicator of the quality of your movement and posture or acture." https://sunyatamovementstudio.com/breathing-key-moving-be/

Sunyata Movement Studio 01.08.2020

And...were all only human after all! We all need to grow up some. In the meantime, we can check in with ourselves now and then and just check:... Am I using will power to get this done? Could I use interest and curiosity instead? How can I be a little more skillful just now? (Even if that means to breathe a little freer and release the tension in your face while youre doing whatever youre doing). Later on in this quote Feldenkrais writes how its about inhibiting the distracting tendencies... & learning about how you actually function. So if youre struggling with pain (or you just want to be more comfortable, happier) - check in with yourself - are there any cracks you can find where you could see a little light, a little space where you could find even the tiniest hint of the possibility of curiosity and look/sense/feelhow are you actually functioning? Where can you stop the stuff thats really not helping diminish your pain? Jaw, breathing, belly, hands, face... If your curiosity is piqued - try an entire Awareness Through Movement lesson and see what that does for you: http://ed.gr/cne1t

Sunyata Movement Studio 08.07.2020

Wanna change any habits youve got? Me too! When we find ourselves repeating a habit wed rather not be repeating it can be insanely helpful to slow down and become aware. Its in the gap between our intentions and actions that we can start to form new patterns, new options, new choices.... Me? I wanna find a new normal re: my food choices. Ive gone from being very happy eating meats and greens (lots and lots of greens) with selective carbs to fuel my training all the way to eating so many more carbs and enjoying plenty of wine and gin all while NOT training, sitting WAY more since the pandemic and dealing with mid-life hormonal madness! This would be totally fine with me if it felt like a truly free choice. The problem? Theres a lot of compulsion (enacting a habit with no choice). _ I can be just as compulsive when Im training - only its on the side of things most would call healthy eating. I want true free choice! To enjoy good food and drink when and how I want, in a way that nourishes me on all levels. What do you want more choice about in your life?

Sunyata Movement Studio 23.06.2020

"The next time youre struggling with a relationship, a difficult problem in business, school, work, life, or difficult emotions you check in to see how you are organising yourself for movement or acture in a very tangible and concrete way."

Sunyata Movement Studio 21.06.2020

How does this strike you? Paradoxically, this makes me feel both hopeful, relief, grounded..._ While simultaneously challenged, and provoked.... As embodied beings, we can tap into and affect every thought, every emotion, all of life through movement._ Connecting with movement that is born of curiosity, compassion, and presence opens the door to discovery, insight, healing, and well-being. Andsometimes the fear of what well find, or the fear of failing to move the way we want makes us shy away from moving at all. My question today How can I listen to the differences between moving the way fear makes me move, even if in the seemingly most innocuous ways, and moving in a way that is free of fear whatever the form, nature or apparent source of that fear? What would this feel like as an embodied experience for you?

Sunyata Movement Studio 25.03.2020

This post by @therecoveringathlete on IG really resonates with me on many levels. Two huge things _ Opportunity for discovery: with curiosity, insights come across can make life better than then it was before the injury. _ Process of recovery: Process allows us to be present with what is right in front of us, giving us a chance to do what is actually needed, not what we think or wish. Being in process takes us out of the worry that comes from focusing on a goal, an e...nd state. There is no final destination as Moshe Feldenkrais said, Life is a process.

Sunyata Movement Studio 06.03.2020

"[Feldenkrais] pointed out that the image of ideal posture shown in medical textbooks or on those medical charts with a plumb line overlain on the skeleton is a pretty crazy way to look at what proper posture is." https://sunyatamovementstudio.com/how-to-improve-your-pos/

Sunyata Movement Studio 20.02.2020

"This forecasting involves imagining and evaluating different scenarios, such as considering how it would feel to talk with someone in a certain way or simply wondering, What would taste good for dinner tonight?" http://ed.gr/cmowh

Sunyata Movement Studio 22.01.2020

Learning Your Way to Wellness: Its Not What You Think

Sunyata Movement Studio 05.01.2020

"All inefficient action is accompanied by this sensation [of effort]; it is a sign of incompetence. When carefully analyzed it is always possible to show convincingly that the sensation of effort is due to other actions being enacted besides the one intended." ~Moshe Feldenkrais https://sunyatamovementstudio.com/how-to-improve-your-pos/

Sunyata Movement Studio 11.12.2019

When you are not deriving power from your pelvis, with your head free to move in any direction, you can be sure youll be unnecessarily restricting the freedom of movement in your ribs, shoulders, neck or jaw." https://sunyatamovementstudio.com/breathing-key-moving-be/