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The Strength Girl 12.02.2021

You shouldn’t lift weights because you’ll get too bulky. You should go on the pill because it’ll regulate your hormones. You shouldn’t take creatine because you don’t want to get too big. ... You should limit your protein consumption because you don’t want to have too much muscle on you. ? Being a female it seems as if some people feel the need to offer unsolicited advice about what we should be doing with our bodies. Huh, odd. All I have to say is, be an advocate for your own body and don’t let anyone tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. Quite frankly, their opinion means nothing and the opinions of others should not dictate how you live your life. . And if someone doesn’t like what you are doing kindly say that it shouldn’t concern them. Just want you to remember that. Comment below a time that you advocated for yourself #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more

The Strength Girl 31.01.2021

? For as long as I can remember I wanted to help people. And I wasn’t sure in what form that would be but I knew I wanted to help people become better and reach their goals. I have been working one-on-one with all different types of clientele since 2015 (Wow, it doesn’t feel like it’s been 6 years). ... I truly love my job and I am so passionate about helping people find out what they are truly capable of through weightlifting and movement. There is nothing more rewarding or fulfilling then seeing a client reach a new PR, improve their technique on their lift, or squat pain free. And those are just a few wins I get to experience daily with my clients. Seriously missing my clients so much right now and I can’t wait to be back in the gym with you ASAP. P.S. peep the new Strength Girl cropped hoodies There are still some size medium left on the website Link in bio to snag yours! #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more

The Strength Girl 29.01.2021

[Be sure to follow my Instagram page for video instruction] I have many clients that come to me and say, ... When I do core exercises I never feel it in my core, I always feel it everywhere else. Why is that? And that could be, you just aren’t creating enough tension or resistance in the right places. The core is more than just your abs; it consists of your entire trunk which is made up of your abdomen, chest, back and pelvis. So we need to start thinking of it as this 3 dimensional shape rather than this flat surface. There’s three pillars that we go through when it comes to core bracing and activating through the trunk are: 1Engaging the lats 2Setting the rib cage 3Engaging the pelvic floor And then maintaining all three of those fixed positions at the same time. I usually have clients do sets of 3-5 holding for 5-10 seconds. So before we start doing the dead bugs and the bird dogs, we want to master this foundational work first to make sure we’re engaging properly and feeling it in the right places. Like Share Comment below if you’ve used any of these techniques #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more

The Strength Girl 12.01.2021

’ Getting started making healthier lifestyle choices can sometimes be really overwhelming.. We turn to the internet that’s filled with all of this information on what we should be doing, become too confused and then decide not to do anything at all. ... Many of us also have these preconceived thoughts that being healthy is hard and that in order to be healthy we have to workout 2 hours a day, eat only salads for every meal and skip out on events. I’m here to tell you that’s not true! Here are 5 things you don’t need to do to start being healthy: 1get a gym membership- although gym memberships are GREAT, you don’t NEED one to be healthy. And right now since we’re in a pandemic and gyms are closed, you can’t really get one anyways. Utilize the outdoors and go for walks, or find a small space in your house and begin a yoga routine. 2supplements- although supplements can be helpful they are not always NECESSARY. If you start incorporating whole, nutrient dense foods into your diet instead of processed, refined foods you are already well on your way! 3doing hours of cardio- Although cardio is great for cardiovascular benefits, we don’t need to be spending hours running on the treadmill (unless you’re a marathoner and you like it of course). But for a beginner aiming for 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each day is a great place to start! 4eliminating food groups- This can actually become detrimental to our relationship with food over time. It’s all about balance and moderation. Fill your diet with foods from all food groups containing of lean meats, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. 5skipping out on events- just because you’re living a healthier lifestyle does not mean that you can’t enjoy yourself at a social event every so often. With COVID right now we probably aren’t doing much of this anyways but memories are meant to be made, not missed out on because of food. Like Share Comment below if you fell victim to any of these things #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more

The Strength Girl 25.12.2020

And... ’ Strength 2.0 is now available for pre-order for the next 7 days . You can shop via Instagram or Facebook shop or use the link in my bio. ... STOCK IS LIMITED, so be sure to get the pieces you want ASAP A reminder with every purchase made I will be donating $1 to the Alzheimer’s Society of Brant in support of those who have lost loved ones to Alzheimer’s disease. From the bottom of my heart, thank-you to everyone who has messaged, commented and shared this launch. You have no idea what your support means to me, and for that I THANK-YOU. #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more

The Strength Girl 08.11.2020

. [Be sure to check-out my Instagram page for more video tutorials] ... Expanding on my last video tutorial, here are some more of my favourite row variations. Two out of the three variations require a greater amount of posterior chain engagement due to maintaining that hinge position. So not only are you targeting your back with the row component, but we are also actively engaging the glutes and hamstrings as well which increases the overall difficulty of the movements. Whether you have a gym membership or have your own home gym these variations do require access to some equipment. Like Comment your favourite row variation #FINDYOURSTRENGTH

The Strength Girl 04.11.2020

. . -The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, 2020. The majority of Canadian adults are not meeting the recommended movement guidelines. Around 82.5% of adults do not meet physical activity guidelines and are sedentary most of the day due to having sedentary job...s (Stat Can, 2020). The minimum, recommended weekly amount of physical activity for adults is 150 minutes of accumulated moderate to vigorous activity in bouts of 10 minutes or more. Nowadays, there are so many different forms of exercise to choose from. From Zumba, to barre, to spin to CrossFit, to yoga and Pilates; you name it and it probably exists. I think it’s great that we have so many different modes of exercise to choose from. This allows people of all ages, interests and abilities to find something that they enjoy doing and continue to adhere to it. Is that not what we want to encourage? People finding something that they LOVE and that allows them to partake in being physical active, no matter what mode of exercise they choose. All I’m saying is, we should be focusing less on criticizing the type of exercise people choose and encouraging more people to engage in activity that they enjoy. If you agree, give this a share! Comment below your favourite kind of exercise or physical activity to engage in #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more

The Strength Girl 27.10.2020

’ As a coach believe me when I say most of the time we have more confidence and faith in you than you do (it’s true tho). We are here to provide you with guidance, support and help you in anyway that we can to help you reach your goals. ... BUT we can only do just that. It is also up to you to put the trust into us and yourself to do the work that’s needed to get to where you want to be. And we won’t get there if you start uttering these words to us: The classic I can’t. You don’t know until you try. And if you fail, try try again. You are usually capable of so much more than you think. The I won’t. But you can and you will. The dreaded I give up. If you want to reach your goal as bad as you say you do you won’t give up until you get it. Maybe we need to reevaluate our action plan but we will not stop trying. The nasty I suck. Negative self-talk won’t get you anywhere, in fact it’ll only make you more frustrated. Try switching those negative thoughts to positive ones and see the change in outcome. The I’m sorry. NEVER apologize to us. If you are trying and putting forward your best efforts we will never be mad. If you find yourself saying any of these things, recognize it and move on. Don’t internalize it and make it become a regular thing. Comment below which one you find yourself saying the most #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more

The Strength Girl 23.10.2020

’ .. I think that’s because I really haven’t set goals for myself in a long time. Being a coach I get so focused on everyone else that I sometimes forget about me. But, that has changed! Goal setting is so important because goals give us something to work towards and gives us purpose in what we’re doing. ... Setting a goal allows us to celebrate accomplishments along the way as we make those small strides towards our end goal. Goal setting also teaches us to work for things and build some sort of work ethic. Not everything is going to be handed to you and you have to put in the work in order to get what you want. Here are three things to consider when goal setting: 1. be SPECIFIC: when it comes to your goal be as specific as possible. We want to narrow it down as much as we can so that we are solely focused on that one thing and you’re not feeling overwhelmed. 2. create a PLAN: in order to reach our end goal we need to have a plan in place. This will provide you with some sort of outline or guidance so you have the necessary action steps you need to complete in order to reach that end goal. 3. pick a TIMELINE: figure out when you want to achieve your goal by. This will give you a little sense of urgency so that you have an idea of where you should be throughout the process. Goals shouldn’t just be created on January 1st. Have a goal in mind that you want to achieve? Go for it NOW. Do you set goals for yourself? If so, what’s your goal right now? Comment below #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more

The Strength Girl 15.10.2020

Okay, so you’ve been going to the gym for about 3 months, you’re working really hard and your progress has stalled. Now what? ... First thing not to do, GIVE-UP. Take a step back, reevaluate and think to yourself, Am I really doing everything I can to be making progress in the gym? Here are 5 ways you can continue to make progress in the gym: be consistent: you can’t expect to make any progress when your training days are all over the place. One week we hit back squats twice and the next we don’t at all. I get it, life happens, but we need to prioritize consistency in order to see continued progress. apply feedback: if you work one-on-one with a coach or in a setting where a coach is instructing, it’s important to take the feedback they give you and make those necessary changes in order to make progress. challenge yourself: it’s important to push yourself to do things you think you can’t do. Learn a new skill, progress a modification; you may surprise yourself and be able to do it! practice: doing something once or twice will not make you an expert at something. Constant repetition is needed in order to perfect anything. be patient: the hardest thing for us to do. Unlike Uber eats and Amazon prime, progress takes time! Keep at it and don’t quit. If you’re finding your progress has stalled, think about these 5 tips and try applying them when you’re in the gym. Like if this was helpful Comment below which type of progress you struggle with most #FINDYOURSTRENGTH See more