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Wayne Sutherland 30.12.2020

, . , ! As 2021 comes around the corner, most of us are planning to improve our lives. We know who we want to be, but the challenge is seeing the process through. I’ll be honest, this year has been a year of self-development for me. It took me outside my comfort zone. It was challenging and it still is and that’s the whole point.... However, my biggest challenge when it came to self-development was the process itself. I’m happy to say that I’ve become a better person, both physically and mentally, because of what I went through this year. Here are 7 truths that I learned this year so far 1 Every failure can be reframed as a lesson. 2 Consistency is more important than being perfect. 3 Being part of a community significantly speeds up the process. 4 All good things come at the right time. 5 Don’t compare yourself with anyone else. 6 How you do what you do is MORE important than what you do. 7 Fall in love with the journey. I’m excited and ready to see the opportunities and possibilities that 2021 has to offer. What about you? Comment I’M READY in the comments if you are ready for 2021.

Wayne Sutherland 26.12.2020

As 2020 is winding down . . . It's time to assess your health and fat loss progress. How much fat have you lost in the past year? ... For the majority of fat loss hopefuls, the answer is a very sad ZERO! Yep, not even one! Some may even weigh more now despite all their efforts. Even with all the "Monday" starts, the hours on the cardio machines, the time reading the fitness blogs, the diet books, and those expensive supplements, you have achieved NO fat loss in the entire year. I hope this is an eye-opening statistic and a wake-up call for many of you. Accept that your weight is merely a manifestation of your emotional state. Address your fears, anger, hurt, avoidance and control issues. This is why you binge eat (to numb your feelings). This is why you carry around that extra fat (not because you don't know how to eat). This is why you're not free (these feelings control your actions, not you). This is why you're not truly happy (the weight is a symptom of the negative feelings, not the cause of it). That is the truth, like it or not. Drop some in the comments if this really opens your eyes and puts you on a better path

Wayne Sutherland 22.12.2020

Psst. Hey you Just stopping your scroll for a sec in order to share this special message from my heart to yours: I know these days may not seem certain right now or looks grim, but this is part of our journey together. ... Most people will want to quit but not you. Success is not linear. No matter what, don't give up!

Wayne Sutherland 12.12.2020

3 WAYS I BECAME MORE CONFIDENT. I'm no confidence expert, but with time and experience, I've found that there are 3 activities that always boost my confidence in whatever I'm doing. 1) TRUST YOUR GUT - how many times have you felt a certain way about something, gone against your hunch, then later discovered that you were right? This used to happened to me ALL the time before I chose to start trusting myself. Give yourself more credit and treat yourself like you dese...rve to be listened to. 2) EMBRACE FEAR - when you lack confidence in yourself, life is scary. You fear rejection, failure, even embarrassment. But listen to me, by recognizing when you are afraid, you can start to manage your reaction to fear. Make a daily habit of facing your fears head-on and they'll cease to have control over you. 3) BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, NO MATTER WHAT - Let go of all doubt and insecurity and focus on how you are working to achieve your goals. We all have limitations in life. After all, nobody's perfect. Those who have self-confidence focus more on what they do have and what they can do, rather than what they don't and can't. I share these tips with you today so that you can try them for yourself the next time you're feeling a little unsure or shaky. Save this post for future reference! See more

Wayne Sutherland 25.11.2020

. ’ !!! The qualities you display with your health are a symbol of the qualities you display in your life.... If you show commitment, consistency, and the ability to overcome adversity, then you will bring those qualities to everything you do in your life. But if you don’t show up for yourself daily, make excuses, lie and quit on your goals, saying shit I’ll try instead of I’ll do it, then you will bring those qualities to everything you do in your life. In other words, what you do with your health is symbol of your character. Drop a GOOD ONE COACH if you agree with this message See more

Wayne Sutherland 19.11.2020

. This is throwback to when I worked with badass momma who lost a staggering 20 lbs and gained a lot of energy and a positive mindset. My client wanted to be a healthy and fit role model for her 2 kids, but most of all, she wanted to be happy again and finally confident in her own skin.... She ate a very nutrient dense meal with a big focus on protein and moderate carbs and fats which fuel her body to kick ass in her workouts and cardio protocols. If you’re finally ready to feel confident in your own skin, shoot me a DM or comment below with CONFIDENCE We’ll schedule a time to hop on the phone to talk about your fitness and see if we are a great fit to work together! See more

Wayne Sutherland 08.11.2020

Do me a favour, don’t let a few extra pounds become a bigger problem. If your healthy eating has slipped a bit or you have put on some unwanted weight over the last several months, try these 8 quick tips to get yourself back on track. 1) Don’t put it off, start right now with your very next meal. ... 2) Drink your water 3) Plan your meals 4) Get moving 5) Weigh and measure when preparing your meals. 6) Remind yourself how far you’ve come 7) Don’t let a bad meal turn into a bad day or bad week or a bad month 8) Even if you can’t change everything, change the things you can. What other tips have you used to help get back on track? See more

Wayne Sutherland 07.11.2020

NOT seeing results? FEEL like giving up? THINK about this ... You cannot eat the fruit the same day you plant it. The seed takes time to grow into a tree to produce the fruit. Reaching an end result takes. And even when you reach the end, are you really done? When it comes to our health and bodies, we should be constantly growing and evolving. Instead of being worried of getting results, enjoy the journey. DROP a below if you agree *********** I Help You Shred Unwanted Belly Fat To Reveal Your Body With Confidence Follow @waynesutherland_ for motivation and fitness advice Wanna be my next success story? DM READY COACH *********** See more

Wayne Sutherland 02.11.2020

You continue to be around and take advice from people who are not healthy and in shape themselves. If the people you’re getting advice from don’t have the results that you want, find someone else who does. ... You try to do things on your own or on your own timing. This only sets you back in your quest for improving yourself. Looking for the perfect time leads to procrastination. That’s why the time to act is NOW. There’s no better time than the present. You’re impatient AF and want results right now. Patience is the name of the game when it comes to being successful. While we’re in the situation, we get distracted by things that don’t matter. Hence, hiring a coach is extremely valuable. The coach is objective and steer you in the right direction to get the results you want in far less time than you think. So if you’re ready to start creating the life and body of your dreams, I can help you. Shoot me a DM or comment below with READY COACH I’m opening up a few more spots for my 1 on 1 ELITE coaching program. This is for a minimum of 12 weeks, as magnificent results take time and commitment. See more

Wayne Sutherland 30.10.2020

I’VE GOT SOMETHING TO SAY This is a rant. And it’s because I care. Are you thinking of taking it easy for the holidays by eating a bunch of sugar and other garbage and then starting your transformation in New Years?...Continue reading

Wayne Sutherland 27.10.2020

’ This client of mine wasn’t a stranger to being active. But one day he noticed that he couldn’t do the active things that he used to do. He had a kind of ‘aha’ moment. He thought abut his life at that very moment and saw that he wanted more out of his role as a Dad. ... He was very busy at work running his team and at the end of the day, he would spent his evening drinking beer. Weighing at his heaviest and not feeling his best, he reached out to me and we went to work. He followed my nutrition system, crushed his workouts and did his cardio protocol. The road wasn’t easy for him. But I was there to push and remind him why he was doing this. He was willing to dig deep and do the work and most importantly never give up. After 16 weeks, he lost 20 lbs of body fat and is finally able to showcase his abs like a boss and play his kid without losing breath. I’m so proud of this guy. So if you’re ready to start creating the life and body of your dreams just like my client, I can help you. Shoot me a DM or comment below with READY COACH We’ll set up a quick chat on the phone and see if we are a great fit to work together! See more

Wayne Sutherland 14.10.2020

Drop a if you agree ... *********** I Help You Shred Unwanted Belly Fat To Reveal Your Body With Confidence Follow @waynesutherland_ for motivation and fitness advice Wanna be my next success story? DM READY COACH *********** See more

Wayne Sutherland 09.10.2020

If You Want Results, Don’t Be Any of These 5 Types of People For 15 years, I’ve helped people get in a great shape. As a fitness trainer, I realize there are just a few types of people who just never get results. I’m not bashing anyone. I’ll admit that I have also been one of these people at various times in my life. I still struggled with a few of them myself. ... Let’s run through the 5 types of people who never get the results they want. 1) The Inconsistent Person - this person goes hell or high water for week 1 and then fizzles out in week 4 or sooner. If you’re not consistent, you’re pushing your results away from you. 2) The Perfectionist Person - this is an ego issue. We’re all same in most ways. We’re all cut from the same cloth but a few of us make the decision to weave into something better. We all make mistakes or screw up, don’t let that deter you from reaching your goals. 3) The Fad Diet Follower - remember that quick and easy don’t last. Stop falling for the latest and greatest shiny object. Long lasting results take work. 4) The Weekday Warrior - these folks can be annoying with their kale-eating, refined sugar-free, and organic only attitude. They will live healthy and live it up on the weekends. They’re ass backwards IMO. They need to be consistent. 5) The Whiner - They love to whine about their health situation but not do something about it. They will quickly judge others on what they’re doing but don’t act on good advice. My advice to you, if this is you, give your head a shake and STFU. Stop whining and start shining. If you know someone who needs to hear this message, tag him or her. See more

Wayne Sutherland 29.09.2020

What a difference the right mindset can make! Yes, the program works as long as you work the program. ... If she can do it, you can too! So if you’re ready to start creating the body of your dreams just like this mama, I can help you. Shoot me a DM or comment below with READY COACH Let’s schedule a call to discuss your health and fitness goals and see if we are a great fit to work together! See more

Wayne Sutherland 27.09.2020

Before being accepted into the program, she was extremely busy being a parent to her 4 kids and trying to fit in as much as activity to lose weight. When we had our phone consultation, we got to the bottom of her struggles which prevented her reaching her fitness goals. She shared with me that she was working out every day but nothing was happening. I told her that exerc...ise alone isn’t going to help you lose weight. When she finally got accepted into my program, I set her up with my nutrition system that came with a lot of variety for nutrient dense foods. Because she was active, I had to prioritize protein to build her muscle while stripping her bodyfat. In the nutrition system, she knew what she had to eat to see and experience her results. She still continue to work out and do her cardio protocol but now with a lot more structure and simplicity. This structure gave her more time so she could spend with her 4 kids. As her weight and inches fell off, her confidence grew big time. She was finally able to celebrate her weight loss with her family. Now if you’re finally ready to start creating the body of your dreams and be a great example to your kids, my team and I can help you. Shoot me a DM or comment below with READY COACH Let’s set up a phone consultation and see if we are a great fit to work together! See more

Wayne Sutherland 15.09.2020

5 Common Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight 1) When people start a diet, they don’t eat enough calories. Slashing your calories all at once isn’t a great way to start losing weight. My advice is NOT reduce your calories too much and don’t try to lose too much weight too quickly. 2) Too many people focus on cardio to lose weight. It makes sense. But if you’re trying to sculpt your body, it’s important to lift weights to shape your body. Remember building mus...cle makes it easier to burn calories while at rest. 3) The benefit of whole foods is that they have a system that keeps you from overeating. That’s fibre. I’m pretty sure that you won’t overeat on broccoli if given the chance. 4) Start investing the time to read labels to know how much your eating. It would be a huge shocker to see how small one serving of pasta is. 5) Don’t quit on yourself. Losing weight is hard so don’t underestimate the struggle. Know that you’re undertaking a challenging task before you start. Remember that anything worth having doesn’t come easy. Many of my clients have succeeded and so can you. If you’re finally ready to avoid these 5 mistakes and still living a healthy life in your new healthy body, shoot me a DM or comment below with READY COACH See more