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Wellbalance 20.09.2020

The longer and more intense your experience of stress, the greater its impact on both your mind & body. I’m currently reading Valerie Ann Worwood’s The Fragrant Mind, and she lists out stress patterns in 3 levels. The longer & more intense the stress, the greater the level of mind & body symptoms that develop. LEVEL 1 presents with symptoms like tiredness, irritability, aches & pains, occasional depression. There’s a lot of us that can be lumped into level 1.... LEVEL 2 can show food allergies, persistent infection, sub-acute disease (symptoms but perhaps the lab work hasn’t confirmed an official diagnosis yet but you can definitely feel it), and hidden weakness like an otherwise dormant viral infection - like herpes, mononucleosis, shingles, etc. This is because prolonged stress negatively impacts immune function. For those of us with autoimmune conditions, a lot of these symptoms & issues above look familiar, no? LEVEL 3 can involve a complex pattern of symptoms, which are often unexplained in the medical system (and can be often termed medical unexplained symptoms). Because of the stress & because of the impact of these difficult symptoms, fear, withdrawal & despair develop. Usually severe illness and/or burnout are imminent. I wanted to share this rating system so you can see just how much stress impacts us & our health. And for those of us with autoimmune or endometriosis, it’s an even bigger issue if we don’t manage it. Awareness is the 1st step to making positive change here, because you can’t change what you don’t see. Do you see yourself in any of these levels? If so, then addressing both stress AND your mindset - meaning how you look at, think about & respond to life - are important pieces of your puzzle. If you’ve been only looking at diet & ignoring this & still not seeing all the improvement you want, this is why. Save this post for future reference & Follow me to learn more about how to address & improve this piece of your puzzle .

Wellbalance 04.09.2020

I’ve recently connected to trying essential oils. I’ve learned how to use them in combo with Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture principles, and along with mindset shifting work to create even more powerful results. As a practitioner who wants to understand through experience, I’m trying them out on myself, and the results have been outstanding. I’ve discussed in my story thus far that changing my diet & discovering Carnivore was the first step that got me back on my feet after mo...nths of being bed-bound from an endometriosis & autoimmune flare. The next step that got me feeling better was customized natural supplements to support my immune & gut function & balance hormones. Once I did that, I was able to successfully reintroduce some foods. Then I looked for help to support stress management & mindset transformation, and that was the profound piece of the puzzle that got me from feeling good to feeling vibrant, energetic & in control of my life. I feel like what I’ve discovered with these essential oils & how I’ve been using them has been the next-step. The shifts I’ve experienced in such a short period of time has been amazing, inspiring & motivating. I’m working on creating suggestion lists for the top concerns I see amongst my clients, and pairing particular oils with each of my exercises, tools & techniques I use for each step of the process I use to train your nervous system to calm down & reprogram unproductive thoughts to create positive mindset transformation. The active ingredients in the oils can absolutely affect your mood, cognition, level of alertness, and even has shown to have effects on hormones, including cortisol. Therefore it makes sense that it can help to support all the other things you try to calm you down, support better physiological balance & shift your thought patterns. All of these things will change how you respond to life stressors, and that’s what’s going to get to the root of truly helping you heal. I’m very excited about this process & being able to further help others achieve their goals with yet another tool that can support delivering positive results. More info coming! .

Wellbalance 30.08.2020

Yesterday I gave you an inventory to consider if your diet hasn’t worked as expected. While diets like Carnivore, Keto & AIP can help, it’s not the whole picture. Use yesterday’s inventory to help you figure out some pieces for yourself. However, some need guidance & fine-tuning. Especially to balance the immune system, gut, hormones & to rewire all of those stress responses.... When I work with my clients, we address everything on the list & more. People who come to me have tried all the diets & treatments, usually including Carnivore or Keto & are still not seeing all the results they want. They realize they’re at the end of what they can figure out for themselves. This is where my special focus comes in. I use my Triad Method of (1) dietary fine-tuning, (2) customized natural supplements, and most importantly, (3) personalized stress & mindset transformation work, which makes the results from 1 & 2 work even better. This work not only helps the body to balance, but every aspect of your life improves. Clients tell me they feel calmer, happier & more confident. Relationships with friends & loved ones heal, jobs become more fulfilling, contentment with life improves & life is more enjoyable. When you get to the root of how you think & react to challenges in life, that’s when the transformation happens both physically & mentally. This goes much deeper than just follow this diet. When this transformation happens, that’s when you’re more likely to reach your goals. This is the aspect that most practitioners ignore. But it’s my specialty & it makes all the difference. If you know you’re at the end of what you can figure out yourself, you’ve tried everything you can think of, including whittling down to Carnivore & you know there’s more results to be had, you might be a fit for one of my 1:1 programs. We get down to the root of everything, both physical & mindset. This is what delivers more results than anything you’ve likely tried before. Send me a DM or apply using the link in my bio, we’ll see if it’s right for you. It’s not for everyone, but for who it’s for, it’s life-changing. It might be the thing that transforms your life in amazing ways .

Wellbalance 12.08.2020

You’ve gone all the way to Carnivore, ketovore, keto, AIP, or other therapeutic diet to try to control symptoms of chronic illness like autoimmune, PCOS, endometriosis, and possibly to shed unwanted weight. You’ve been following this way of eating to a T, and you’re still not getting the results you want. Or you’re ready to reintroduce some foods again, but you don’t know how to do that without triggering symptoms or flare-ups. I want to point out some important things that... you’re likely missing if you’re not getting those results, namely: . Hormones . Inflammation . Immune Function . Gut Health . Stress Levels . Toxins . Sleep . Alcohol use The last four items on the list actually affect the first four. Your stress, toxin exposure, sleep, and alcohol intake will all affect immune function, inflammation, hormones, and gut health. While diet has a huge role to play in how your body functions, these above things need to be taken into consideration, as well. I know how frustrating it can be to be trying what feels like everything but still not get results. If you’re sticking strong to your therapeutic diet and you’re still struggling with fatigue, brain fog, pain, bloating, digestive issues, and weight stalls, then you’re probably feeling at the end of your rope of what to do. So what can you do about all of this? Awareness is always the first step. So take an inventory: . How’s your sleep? . Are you exposed to toxins or chemicals? . How’s your alcohol intake? . Do you have hormone imbalances? . How’s your stress & how you handle challenges? As you can see, managing your health and your weight goes far beyond just what you eat, although your diet is a very important piece of the puzzle. How did you fare in this inventory above? Did anything stand out? Comment below .

Wellbalance 01.08.2020

If you’ve whittled down to carnivore with hopes of getting control over autoimmune symptoms like pain, fatigue, brain fog, bloating, digestive problems, or you’ve hoped to release extra weight, and you’ve just not been getting the results you expected, you need to grab this new free guide I’ve put together. I dish up juicy insight and action steps so you: . Can get your symptoms under control... . Make your diet work FOR you . Look & feel more like yourself . Can make reintroduction possible if you so desire It’s got instructions to figure out exactly which foods are problematic for you, some simple recipes, suggestions for supplements you may be missing, and helpful tools that will get you pointed in the right direction. To get the free guide, go to my profile link or go to: https://wellbalance.ca/carnivore Let me know what you think!

Wellbalance 29.07.2020

Awareness is the first step to healing. You may have noticed lately I’m talking a lot about things like personality type and how it affects health, and how our personality types are largely created from our personal experiences in our developmental years. What we’ve gone through in our lives shapes how we see and think about the world, how we respond to life and challenges, interact with others, and in turn, how our body physiology functions.... All of our thoughts & actions affect things like immune responses, stress hormones, neurotransmitters, gut function, and so, so much more. Our thoughts & actions are largely determined from our life experiences in our childhood and adolescence. And if we experienced stressful or adverse events, then our ways of thinking about and responding to life & challenges may be imbalanced. This will lead to physiological imbalances. This is why so many people try all the diets to either control their symptoms or lose weight & don’t get all the results they wantbecause they haven’t looked at this piece of the puzzle. It’s a major component to your physical health and body physiology. You’ll see me share here more details about how mindset, personality, stress, and stress coping mechanisms play a role in your physical health, and most importantly, what you can do to turn it around. I mention the why so you can understand and illuminate the pieces of your puzzle. But not to blame or shame or get caught up in the past. Not at all. When you know WHY and you can start to see how it plays out in your present life, then you can start to see where you can start shifting things. That’s the first step. It’s Empowering. So follow me & turn on post notifications to learn more. Especially if you’ve been trying all the diets to no avail & you know there’s something missing. This might very well be that something. .

Wellbalance 13.07.2020

A research study concluded women with endometriosis tend to exhibit a worry personality. Yup. I can agree with that. In the study worry personality is defined as: - feelings of anxiety, ... - a need for control, - negative and catastrophizing thoughts, - uncontrollability of thoughts. Oh boy, did I have ALLLLL of these once upon a time! Check, check, check. The study went on to explain that these traits are counterproductive in the long-term. How? When you don’t feel in control of your thoughts, it leads to psychological distress. This psychological distress can in turn lead to a greater pain experience and worsen inflammation and production of stress hormone, which produces a vicious circle. As a result, you can end up feeling powerless to control your situation, making everything that much worse. Have a look at the attached picture I extracted from the research paper. The study concludes that treating beliefs about the uncontrollability of thoughts would reduce feelings of powerlessness & psychological distress and, in turn, decrease acute pain experience. YES. However, learning how to better control your thoughts will do much, much more than help you decrease an acute pain experience. How do I know? Because I’ve learned this myself, and it’s what I teach every single one of my clients, and it changes their lives in many amazing ways. Follow me & turn on post notifications to learn how - I’ll talk about this in upcoming posts .

Wellbalance 30.06.2020

What I mention in this video is truly the thing that makes the difference to get you the results you want- whether it be more energy, control over pain, weight loss, etc... Diet will get you part of the way but when you’ve hit a wall and not getting more results than you’d expected, it’s because you’re missing this. I’ll be talking more about this, follow me to get the updates.

Wellbalance 18.06.2020

What comes first, personality or autoimmunity? Yesterday I explained how there’s certain personality types more commonly associated with autoimmune conditions. Does personality cause autoimmunity or is a result of?... My theory: both & neither. How’s that for confusing? From what I see with my own clients is during our formative years, we develop ways of coping with stressful or adverse events. Maybe we try to make everything perfect to avoid repercussions. Or put ourselves last, or try to please people to keep them calm or to gain acceptance. We might put ourselves down because our parents did so that’s the internal narrative we develop. Or maybe we negate our own feelings because they were not taken seriously by our caretakers. The above are just a few examples of many. We do these things to get through what we’re going through, especially during our developmental years. But when we carry these tendencies into our adult life doing these things over & over again can contribute to low-level, long-term stress. When we constantly try to make things perfect. When we put ourselves down. When we sacrifice our needs for those of others. I say all this not to make any of us feel bad for who we are or how we’ve managed ourselves up until now. We’ve all done what we needed to to get through it. Including myself. But I want to raise awareness, because when you can see what’s in the way of feeling your best, then you can start doing it differently. It’s never too late to do it differently. This is the work I do with my clients - rewiring the personality & mindset tendencies keeping them stuck. Because when your system is stressed, all your physiological responses are affected: Immune system, hormones, nervous system & so much more. This is why so many try every diet they can think of & still not seeing results they want: because underlying mindset & stress management work hasn’t yet been addressed. When you do, the results can be life-changing in so many ways. I’ll continue to talk about this here, because this is the secret ingredient that makes everything else work better. Follow me to get the updates .

Wellbalance 31.05.2020

Personality affects immunity. Studies have shown certain traits are associated with autoimmunity compared to controls. Personality is described as the characteristic manner of feeling, thinking, behaving, and relating to others (PMID: 11126462) . These thoughts, feelings, and reactions impact all the physiological processes of your body including immune function, and over time, can result in the development of conditions.... We develop personality traits in part because of our environment during our developmental years. If there’s stressful events, we try to survive them by compensating. This is usually how we end up developing tendencies like: . Hyperconformability . Excessive Kindness . Self Deprecation . Perfectionism . Self-Sacrifice I mentioned over the last few days about how your ACE score can impact your tendency of developing illness later in life. The above is part of that. See #endoimmuneaces for more. The good news is you can rewire all of this! The first step is awareness. Pay attention to your tendencies, notice if you display any of the above. You can’t change what you can’t see. It’s like turning on a light bulb to illuminate the whole picture. This is the work I focus on when I help women with autoimmune conditions overcome their illness & get their lives back. This is the root of it ALL. While diet’s very important, this is more so. And you CAN do something to turn it around. I help women all the time with this. If you want to turn this around for yourself, send me a DM, I’m happy to chat and see if you’d be a fit for my 1:1 mindset transformation work. Otherwise, I hope this has helped you understand another piece of the puzzle. Follow me & turn on post notifications as I’ll talk more about this in the future .

Wellbalance 24.05.2020

I’ve been talking about how your ACE score can impact your risk of developing health conditions like autoimmunity in adult life. Adverse childhood experiences can impact your future health. But as I mentioned yesterday, you can turn it around. The first step is awareness - of your ACE score, of how your thoughts & reactions to life challenges impact your life choices & your physiological responses. Then what do you do?... Here’s a few ideas of many: . Develop vagal tone - see #endoimmunevagusnerve to learn more . Learn to focus on the now - it’s the only moment you can control with your actions. This shift will do so much to improve your stress levels & feeling of control over your life . Develop health boundaries - this is a common issue I see with those dealing with autoimmunity. See #endoimmuneboundaries to learn more . Understand & respond to your needs - too many of us don’t prioritize our needs & self care. This is a mindset shift that’s necessary for your health . Limit toxic interactions with others - especially if your boundaries aren’t strong. Emotional dysfunction & toxicity from others can impact our own well-being in many ways This is just a taste, but some important aspects to consider. As you can see, this goes far beyond just dietary choices. To turn your ACE score around & get control over chronic illness, you need to dig deep. These are vital pieces of the puzzle I address with my clients in my 1:1 programs. When you dig deep, you get more effective, longer-lasting results. The clients I work with have tried all the diets, including carnivore & are still dealing with issues. When we address the above & more, real results happen. Send me a DM if you’re ready to look beyond just diet to get control over your autoimmune condition or endometriosis. Do you do the above things? Comment below .

Wellbalance 12.05.2020

Turn your ACE score around. Even if you experienced adverse events in childhood, doesn’t mean it has to affect you now. Studies show that the higher your ACE score, the greater chance of health conditions in adulthood, including autoimmune & endometriosis, as I explained in yesterday’s post. This is because adverse events during our developmental years can affect how we see, think about, and act on life & challenges in life.... All of this affects our body physiology in many ways. BUT, once you gain awareness, you can break the cycle & develop new & more productive ways to look at, think about, and respond to life. This is what I call mindset transformation. This is the secret sauce ingredient I use that makes all the other things you try work better. When you learn how your old ways of thinking about and responding to stress & challenges are affecting you, then you can see it to change it. Awareness is always the first step. It’s like turning on a light bulb so you can actually see what’s happening. Then you can learn new ways to think about & respond to what’s appearing in your life. When you do this, everything changes: your stress responses, your choices you make, how your relationships unfold, the level of contentment with everything in your life. When all of that changes, real healing begins. This is the work I guide my clients through. This is what takes you beyond just changing your diet. And what delivers the results you’re looking for. Send me a DM if you’d like to learn more. Otherwise, I hope this has given you some hope. You can turn it all around

Wellbalance 01.05.2020

What’s your ACE score? It’s important to know for chronic illness. ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences. It’s a tally of experiences in childhood, the more adverse experiences, studies show the higher chances for health problems in adulthood. I just listened to a podcast where the Surgeon General of California cited an ACE score as low as 2 can double one’s chances for developing an autoimmune condition. That’s huge!... Often we think of an adverse event as trauma, but it can go far beyond what we would typically categorize as a trauma, whether physical, sexual, or emotional. Other examples of childhood adverse events can be household dysfunction & unstable family dynamics, including substance misuse, parental incarceration, mental or physical illness of a family member, emotional or physical neglect, and even a child exposed to parental divorce. With rising divorce rates, that’s a lot of people who will grow up with an ACE score of at least 1. Which can impact your future health. But your ACE score doesn’t mean you’re bound to develop illness in your adult years. It’s a predictor, because exposure to adverse events in your developmental years affects how you see, think about, and respond to life events. The good news is that no matter how high your ACE score, you can do something to turn things around. The ACE score is a predictor IF you continue on in life without making adjustments. But once you develop awareness, then you can do something to change it. And it’s always possible to change. You can always learn & develop new and more productive ways to think about and respond to life & life challenges. This is the work that will heal your body, your health & your whole life. This is the work that goes beyond just your dietary choices. Which is why so many people wonder why they’re not seeing results despite trying all the diets. This is the work necessary to get true & lasting results. .

Wellbalance 29.04.2020

Latest podcast episode: healing endometriosis & autoimmune conditions, details about my journey with carnivore. Link in my bio or go to: . https://youtu.be/zq5uBZHOKfU... . . Posted @withregram @grassfedgirl New video about healing with #endometriosis! How to balance your hormones when you have #estrogendominance. Great interview with @wellbalancend about overcoming chronic health issues and fatigue. Watch with the link in profile or click here https://youtu.be/zq5uBZHOKfU . . Has a #carnivorediet helped your hormonal issues? See more

Wellbalance 26.04.2020

New podcast interview: Healing #endometriosis & #autoimmune conditions, with Grass Fed Girl

Wellbalance 17.04.2020

Part 2 managing Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Check out #endoimmunehashimotos for all the previous posts in the Hashimoto’s series. In the last post in this series I mentioned that medical practitioners often just prescribe thyroid hormone & that’s it. But that prescription isn’t addressing the immune attack & thyroid function will only continue to degrade. What’s vital is addressing the autoimmune response at the root. That’s what’s going to give you control over this condition, ...and for some, even offer the possibility of remission. Hashimoto’s, like all autoimmune conditions, are multifactorial. Which means it’s not going to be just one thing that resolves everything. It’s important to take a multifactorial approach at getting control. I use a TRIAD METHOD: . 1) DIET - start by eliminating immune-triggering foods to give the immune system & intestinal barrier a break. I like to use a meat-only reset for this. Once we do the other healing work, we’ll reintroduce foods one at a time. . 2) NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS - to support better immune function, gut health, and endocrine balance. This helps improve immune tolerance so food reintroduction becomes possible. . 3) STRESS MANAGEMENT & MINDSET WORK - this is the secret sauce that makes the rest work better & is the part that’s often ignored. When you learn how to think about & respond to stress & life differently, your entire body physiology changes, increasing chances for more thorough healing. I do all of the above with my clients, as well as addressing all the triggers, as I’d discussed the other day in the post titled: What triggers Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?. Check that post out if you haven’t yet. I’ll go into more detail about each strategy of my Triad Method in future posts. Follow me & turn on post notifications to stay updated .

Wellbalance 07.04.2020

How you do you manage Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? In previous posts, I’ve described what this condition is, its symptoms & triggers. Please look at these posts under #endoimmunehashimotos if you haven’t read them. I’ll have to use more than one post to talk about managing this, because as with all autoimmune conditions, Hashimoto’s is multifactorial. Which means it’s never just one thing going on, so it’s never just one magic pill that’s going to fix it.... If you go to the medical doctor & you’re diagnosed, you’ll likely be given synthetic hormones, namely Synthroid, to give your body one of the thyroid hormones (T4) that your thyroid isn’t producing as well as it should. WHY isn’t the thyroid producing this hormone? Because of the autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland, reducing the thyroid’s ability to function. Synthroid doesn’t treat the autoimmune attack, it just replaces the lack of hormone because the thyroid is failing. While some people will require thyroid hormone of some sort because the thyroid damage is so far-gone it’s irreversible, it shouldn’t be the only option given. Which, unfortunately, in the medical system, it often is. What needs to happen for better results is to address the underlying autoimmune reactions going on. The reason why the thyroid is being attacked in the first place. Often, when this autoimmunity is addressed, the autoimmune attacks simmer and even stop. And in some cases, remission can then occur. If there’s not been much damage to the thyroid, then exogenous/supplemental hormones may no longer be needed. Which is why catching this early is so so so important. You don’t have to wait for lab work to get out of range to start doing something to control this issue. You will usually have symptoms long before the doctor will give you an official diagnosis. Being proactive increases your opportunity for remission. Stay tuned, I’ll talk more about what you can do. Follow me & turn on post notifications .

Wellbalance 26.03.2020

What triggers Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? Similar to any condition of immune dysfunction like other autoimmune diseases & endometriosis, Hashimoto’s doesn’t typically express without a trigger, even if you have the genetic predisposition. These triggers actually affect the intestinal barrier function, which in turn triggers immune dysfunction, and as a result, the autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland.... What are common triggers? . Inflammatory diet - worst culprits: seed oil, gluten, sugar . Emotional stress - either low-grade chronic or a large acute stress . Physical stress - surgery, inadequate sleep, injury, overtraining, etc . Hormone changes - especially pregnancy, childbirth, menopause . Mold . Endocrine disruptors - especially scented body care & cleaning products, herbicides, BPA, moth balls, etc. . Infection - Epstein Barr virus and Lyme are common ones There can be other triggers, but these are common, especially if there’s multiple all at once. Therefore, part of getting control over Hashimoto’s as well as any autoimmune condition is to make sure you’ve addressed the triggers - avoid & minimize them as much as you can. Otherwise, no matter what you try, you’re going to continue to trigger immune dysfunction. And, of course, since these triggers affect the intestinal barrier function, it’s also super important to heal the gut & restore better intestinal balance at the intestinal barrier. I’ll talk more about that. Also look at #endoimmuneimmunetolerance for more. Keep your eye out, I still have lots more to say about this condition. Look at #endoimmunehashimotos to see what I’ve written so far. Follow me & turn on post notifications to get updated when I post more .

Wellbalance 18.03.2020

How are your limits & boundaries? This is important for any autoimmune condition. Seriously. A common theme I see for women with any autoimmune condition is not being able to maintain healthy boundaries between themselves & others, and a difficult time setting limits. What does any of that mean??... . Do you find it challenging to say No - perhaps out of obligation, guilt, or a need to please others? . Do you find yourself pushing the limits of what you can or want to do - out of a need to get it done just right, or because you think you should be able to accomplish more than you are? . Do you do everything to make sure others are taken care of & happy, and when they don’t reciprocate, you’re left feeling frustrated, confused, and resentful? . As a result of any of the above, do you feel taken advantage of, resentful, overworked, overwhelmed, lacking control, and perhaps feeling like a victim of your circumstance? Does any of this sound familiar? All of these questions have to do with limits & boundaries - that we put on ourselves, others & situations. We learn how to do this in our developmental years. However, many of us have learned this may be wrong, or experienced negative repercussions of trying. So in order to adapt, we let those limits go. We don’t develop healthy boundaries - to try to survive whatever situation we’re going through. Our thoughts, feelings, actions & choices reflect this. Over time, this leads to all sorts of negative effects on both our emotions & physical health, including burnout, and often, I often see this pattern in women with autoimmune conditions. Think of it this way: autoimmune conditions mean the immune system is attacking itself. There’s no delineation between self & non-self. The boundaries are blurry. This can be represented not only physically within the body, but can be a reflection of what’s happening in your own life. I definitely see a strong correlation in the women I work with. The 1st step to reconcile this is awareness. So how are your boundaries & limits - with others AND yourself? Comment below! .

Wellbalance 28.02.2020

The other day, I described what Hashimoto’s disease is. It can be a slow, lingering issue for a long time before it’s actually picked up on labwork. And even then, it can often be missed. All the while, there’s many symptoms brewing, and the sufferer is often told it’s nothing, it’s in their head, or it’s mistaken for something else.... So what symptoms to look out for? . Fatigue & sluggishness . Increased sensitivity to cold . Constipation . Pale, dry skin . Puffy face . Brittle nails or hair . Hair loss . Unexplained weight gain . Joint pain or stiffness . Muscle weakness . Depression . Memory lapses There can be more. You may have some or all of these. As you can see, these symptoms can be confused with many other issues & can sometimes be subtle at first. This is why it takes an average of 6-11 years to be diagnosed with this or any other autoimmune condition. Who’s most at risk of developing Hashimoto’s? Women tend to develop this condition more often than men, commonly either at middle age, during pregnancy or just after childbirth, which indicates a tendency for hormonal involvement as a trigger. Women who have other autoimmune diseases or other conditions of immune dysfunction like endometriosis are at an even higher risk of developing this disorder. Once you have one of these conditions, the tendency to develop more rises, especially if you haven’t addressed the root issues (which I will talk about in future posts). As well, those with family members who have this condition are at a higher risk. Even if you have a genetic predisposition for the condition, there’s typically a trigger that gets things started before it will express. I’ll talk more about triggers in a future post. Also refer to #endoimmunetriggers for more on this. I’ll continue to talk about Hashimoto’s in future posts, because there’s lots to say! Save this post & make sure to follow me so you can get updates when I post more about this topic .

Wellbalance 20.02.2020

Making changes can be hard, but so is suffering. Many tell me it’s hard to make changes required to get control over chronic illnesses like endometriosis & autoimmune. These conditions are multifactorial, which means there’s no one magic pill that’s going to fix it. No one magic superfood that’s going to turn it all around for you. Including celery juice.... It does take commitment to change: what you eat, how you live your life, your lifestyle habits & how you manage your thoughts, stress & emotions. Because all of these influence your symptoms. I know it can be hard to make some of these changes. Some foods commonly enjoyed in society are problematic when the immune system isn’t working as it should. But some of these foods, which I know are often staples of comfort for us, are a piece of the puzzle of why we have the symptoms we do. While food can be medicine, it can also be poison. Even foods we seemingly consider healthy. If your immune system is in activated state, even those foods can be problematic. There’s things you can do to improve immune tolerance, but that also takes work & commitment. It’s a process, which does require patience. It doesn’t all happen overnight. If you’ve not made the changes because it’s too hard, I ask you this: Isn’t it hard to struggle with your symptoms? Isn’t it worth making the changes so you can feel better & get your life back? What’s more important: comfort foods & lifestyle habits, or turning your health & whole life around? These are big but important questions. I help women get their lives back with tools, support, guidance, and accountability, but they’re the ones that show up & do the work to make the changes. And when they do, magic happens. This will be the same for any practitioner. Magic pills don’t exist. Give yourself your life back by making the changes. Yes, it’s hard, but so is suffering. Which would you rather? Go watch @tracey_mcbeath_healthcoach IGTV Hashimoto update video for words of inspiration & motivation & give her a follow while you’re there. You won’t regret it .