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Wild Astrology by Alex 15.10.2020

Well my Wild friends, Scorpio season is upon us in a few hours!! La season scorpionique est avant nous dans quelques heures!! As the Sun moves into Scorpio, the deep waters of the Goddess of the Underworld invite us to look at what is not easily seen by the naked eye. Secrets. Shadows. Fears. Our immortality and survival instincts. Our core needs. Our desire for deep soul connection. What shakes us up and turns us on. What we suppress or repress. The deepest roots... of our being. This is where the POWER of the OTHER comes in to offer reflections: Partners, friends, family, therapists, nature, astrology, metaphysics, psychology, etc. Dare to use this Mars-Pluto medicine, and you will undoubtedly experience radical transformation as the serpentile kundalini energy invigorates your entire being; giving you the opportunity to shed anything that doesn’t serve you Like trees in the fall, Scorpio says: Let go of your old leaves to make room for new life - - - I KNOWWW! Quite a stew lol There’s a reason Scorpios are the shamans, alchemists, witches, therapists and detectives of the Zodiac. Know that Scorpio season can be really challenging for a lot of people. With Mercury and Uranus being in the mix this year, we can expect lightning bolts of raw truth and psychological awakenings. Yet, Scorpio teaches us the benefit of befriending the darkness Having a spiritual & self-reflection practice is an ABSOLUTE asset to help you anchor in the unknown and move through turbulent currents. Speaking to someone that can hold safe space for you to be vulnerable and offer a truthful, compassionate reflection is also incredibly important. Send me a DM if you need help with this. TAG A FRIEND WHO NEEDS TO KNOW . . . PS. I’ll be offering a workshop for Scorpio season. Stay tuned . . . See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 30.09.2020

MOON TIME WISDOM In a culture that values expansion, productivity and the go-go-go way of live... Honouring your innate bodily wisdom is a revolutionary act. As I feel the transition between the closing of my inner fall and the beginning of my inner winter of menstruation;... I hold space for my egoic mind to have its tantrum as it restlessly attempts to lure me with to-dos, responsibilities and the accomplishments of the bloom of my previous inner summer. I do my best surrender to do the deep renewal process of inward journey; this part of my cycle gifting me with shadow vision, psychic awareness and acute sensitivity. Breathing in the power of the contracting flow, knowing that I will soon be breathing out into the power of the expansive flow... once again initiating my sense of Self and stepping boldly out into the world. But for now, I give myself permission to honour my natural rhythms and listen to my bodily wisdom. So I rest in rejuvenating stillness; retreating from the noise of the outside world and opening myself to receive the magical revelations of this divine rhythms that connects to me spiritual oneness. . . . Question: Do you find it challenging to listen to- and honour your bodies wisdom? . . . See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 12.09.2020

HAPPY NEW MOON IN LIBRA JOYEUSE NOUVELLE LUNE EN BALANCE The Moon officially meets up with the Sun to initiate the New Moon in Libra on Oct 16th, 2020, at 3:31pm EST.... This is a powerful one with challenging aspects to planets in Capricorn and Aries featuring Mars & Mercury Retrograde. I wrote a blog to help you navigate these cosmic currents consciously and to take this wisdom into your life. The link is in my bio! Libra energy is an absolute asset right now as the Cardinal air sign, ruled by the heart chakra and Venus, reminds us of the power of love - especially during turbulent times. We’re in this together my Wild friends. I’ll be welcoming this energy in my life by setting New Moon intentions, performing an elemental ritual and taking action with Zodiacal embodiment practices. We say New Moon in Libra, but FReal this is to set the pace for the next 1-6 months ahead and beyond. For ourselves, our loved ones, communities, the human family and mama Earth. My intentions will involve spending more time connecting to nature, practicing gratitude and breathing more consciously With the goal of helping me find calmness. You can find the deets on how to intuitively do this for yourself in the Lunar Lifestyle Guide. Link to get your copy is also in my bio Just a reminder that you will also get lunar meditation and access to the Lunar Lifestyle Community fo FREE! And PS remember to breathe in and breathe out What are your intentions for the New Moon in Libra? Quelles sont tes intentions pour la Nouvelle Lune en Balance? . . . ALSO shout out to @marizzahandley for bringing my visions into this super dope video. I do not do this alone friends #libravibes See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 31.08.2020

The Dark Moon is here The period of transition between the past and the new beginning. Symbolic for death. This also means that the Wild Woman is here Her passion and shadows arise in powerful, yet potentially destructive ways when she instinctively projects her pain onto others. Guilt, shame, sadness rising to the surface as she acknowledges the damage caused by her subconscious stingers. (Mars Rx Aries / Mercury Rx Scorpio)... To rise above the ashes of this havoc, she dives into the darkness within. Providing safe space for herself to feel the intense array of emotion and observe the storm of ego-driven thoughts. For she knows that shedding light onto her shadows brings them into consciousness and softens the edges of her deepest wounds; bringing much needed soul-healing. For she knows that this phase of the lunar cycle invites her to let go of a part of herself that needs to die for the highest good of all. So she sits in vulnerability. Like floating in the ocean at night. No choice but to trust and take care of herself whilst doing so. For she knows that this psychological death is the threshold to rebirth on the upcoming New Moon In this moment, she is reminded of the teachings of the Libra Sun; air medicine of the Fall season for balancing the dark with the light: Deep breaths. Journaling. Gratitude. Positive thinking and affirmations. Music, chanting and singing. Talking to a friend. She will infuse this medicine in her intentions for the New Moon in Libra to bring forth this wisdom into the next cycle and amplify its power. Thank f*ck for cyclical wisdom. For it anchors her in the inevitable ebb and flow of life, rather than frantically going against it. Living in harmony with her natural rhythms, she is intuitively guided home to her highest self. In the light. In the dark. And everything in between. ~ This is the Lunar Lifestyle. Want to join this movement of lunar living? I teach you everything you need to know in the Lunar Lifestyle Guide! Purchase your copy and you also get lunar meditations for freeeee AND access to the Lunar Lifestyle Community. . . . See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 17.08.2020

MOON PRACTICES Let’s talk about them PRATIQUES LUNAIRES Parlons-ens The Moon represents the soul, the divine feminine, emotions and intuition. It can be really hard to access these more subtle realms - or lunar energies - if we’re not taking time to tune inwards and self-reflect. ... Things really started to shift in a positive way when I started slowing down to look within myself and reflect on my thoughts, emotions and behaviours.... Self-reflection helped me become more self-aware, take responsibility of my actions, and as a result, my life changed in really important ways. This is especially profound if you can do this intentionally on a consistent basis. THE MOON AND I GOT YOU. The way I see it, we can use the specific energies on the Moon phases to help guide self-reflection. There are so many ways to self-reflect but my personal fav is journaling. Combine this with the specific energies of the different Moon phases and, woooow, it is seriously SO powerful and incredibly spirituality fulfilling. Journaling + Specific energies of the Moon phases = MOON PRACTICES They are a fundamental practical component of the Lunar Lifestyle! Moon practices can be really simple OR they can be performed as a ritual with energetic enhancers such as crystals, Tarot cards and your birth chart as well as principles of manifestation. It really doesn’t matter as long as do what FEELS best for you in the moment And acknowledge the fact that this will likely change every Moon cycle. By doing this consistently you will become more self-aware, gain self-trust and strengthen your intuition aka Moon consciousness. In the Lunar Lifestyle Guide, I’ve included specific writing prompts for the 4 primary Moon phases AND for the Dark Moon phase. You can get started right away using the link in my bio Do you have a self-reflection practice? As-tu une pratique d’auto-réflexion? . . . Image via @canva Pro See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 15.08.2020

There is SO much to be thankful for, even in the sh*ttiest of times. Il y a tellement de choses à apprecier, même dans les moments sombres. Even in the midst of ... This Zodiac season that does not feel like typical lighthearted Libra bc of its squares to planets in Capricorn and oppositions to planets in Aries Mars Rx in which our actions are taking a halt as we take check as to how we react, make decisions and manage anger. The waning Moon approaching her Dark phase as we are invited to let go of shit that doesn’t serve us and tune back inwards (both astrologically & in my menstrual cycle) The Wild Woman is here. Even as Mercury prepares to go Rx tomorrow; giving an extra reflective and emotional current to our mental circuits and communication activities for the next few weeks. Do you feel these cosmic vibes too?? The world isn’t perfect. Our relationship isn’t perfect. But Phoenix and I do our inner work, we’re vulnerable with each other, communicate A LOT, act with respect and f*cking loooove each other. Our birth charts and the Lunar Lifestyle are seriously so useful for helping us move through it consciously. In light, dark and everything in between. Tap into the intelligence of the heart and mix it with air energy, and you’ll find love, respect, understanding and peace of mind even in the most ambiguous of times. This isn’t about neglecting the truth of how you feel, but rather to help you calm and shift your perspective for balance. This is Libra medicine. With the New Moon in Libra on Friday, this is your opportunity to intentionally infuse your life with Libra energy over the next 1-6 month cycle. There’s everything you need to help you do this in the Lunar Lifestyle Guide. Purchase your guide now using the link in my bio and you’ll also receive guide lunar meditations for FREE. I am thankful for so sooo much! Even those uncomfortable times that make us grow and expand our minds & hearts. What are you thankful for? De quoi es-tu reconnaissant? . . . @ Fourth Sand Beach See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 12.08.2020

This is a message for all those of you who are curious about spirituality and Moon practice OR those of you who are wild Moon childs and are ready to take it to the next level. Regardless of where you’re at in your journey, the truth is we are all cyclical beings requiring a balance between healthy feminine and masculine energies. It can be difficult to honour this in a society that is driven by the unhealthy masculine energy... This result in always needing us to be productive, on the go, perfect, success-oriented. Never feeling good enough, depleted, anxious and disconnected from your intuition. This is legit unsustainable!!! Working with the Moon can help you balance out these energies in healthy ways! The different Moon phases offer you cues and anchors to take action AND tune within; setting the stage for you to come home to your highest self by helping you to align with your cyclical rhythms. Are you ready to dance with the ebb and flow of masculine energies with monthly Moon practices?! I teach you how in the Lunar Lifestyle Guide! Get your copy here: https://www.wildastrologybyalex.com/the-lunar-lifestyle-gui . . . See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 05.08.2020

Introduciiiinnnng THE LUNAR LIFESTYLE GUIDE - revised & expanded!!! The Lunar Lifestyle Guide is a comprehensive e-book designed to help you live in alignment with cyclical rhythms so you can intuitively come home to your highest self. I published Part 1 in July and I’m SO pumped to now be offering the revised & expanded version.... I teach you how to use the Moon phases as a tool to help you balance masculine & feminine energies, enhance self-reflection practices, inspiring intention setting, following through on goals, supercharge manifestation rituals, develop your spiritual practice and strengthen your intuition (aka lunar intelligence). Going from the connection between the Moon and the menstruation cycle, specific journaling prompts for the 4 primary Moon phases, guidelines for intuitively understanding cosmic energies (including the Zodiac, houses, birth chart & transits), frameworks for crafting Moon rituals, practices for Zodiacal embodiment and MORE A compilation of the tools I use in my personal practice and what I teach in my coaching programs, this guide is appropriate for both beginners and more seasoned lunar practitioners. So whether you’re curious about working with the Moon and you’re not sure where to start. OR you’re a wild moon child and you want to take your Moon practices to the next level. I am confident that you will LOVE this deep offering for my heart and soul!!! Are you ready to amplify the power within you and come home to your highest self THUS intuitively create a conscious life from a balanced flow state?! THE MOON AND I ARE HERE FOR YOU. Purchase your copy before Oct 31 2020 and receive guided meditations for the New Moon, Full Moon and Dark Moon for FREE! This is the perfect time to get started because the next New Moon (aka new beginning) is next Friday on Oct 16 Get your copy using the link in my bio! . . . See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 15.07.2020

A lot has changed with Wild Astrology since it was first created, but not much has changed with the mission and vision that drives it. So I wanted to take a moment to share the intention behind the word WILD. Bcp a changé depuis le début de Wild Astrology, mais peu a changé en ce qui a trait à la mission et vision qui la mène. Donc je voulais prendre un moment pour expliquer l’intention derrière le mot WILD. ... It is to peel off the layers of subconscious patriarchal conditioning. It is to let go of beliefs, fears, people and circumstances that are holding you back. It explore the depths of your soul and to harness the gems of power from within. It is to release the walls around your heart and to open yourself to something greater. It is to live consciously for the highest good of all. It is to embody your true, authentic, uninhibited, unchained Wild nature. It is to consciously embrace of your phases. It is to establish a healthy equilibrium between masculine and feminine energies. It is to come home. To yourself. To mother Nature. From here, we see our intimate connection with her seasons. That her seasons are our seasons which means that we must also be WILD. The thing is being WILD is much like a journey on an untravelled trail. It can be confusing, uncomfortable and feel like it’s never ending (bc it’s infinite). The thing is, there are maps and tools to help you on the adventure! So the purpose behind my work here at Wild Astrology is to guide you on your UNIQUE journey to exploring your wilderness. Trust me when I say that this can at times be treacherous, but also f*cking beautiful and well worth it when you intuitively step into your WILD power. I know because I’ve been there (and am continuously doing my inner wild work!) and I’ve worked with countless of wild women. Your journey on the wild path may involve taking the first few steps. Or perhaps you can see the lake ahead, but you’re stuck in a big patch of bush. What ever it is, I can help!! Peu importe, je peux vous aider!! THE LUNAR LIFESTYLE GUIDE REVISED & EXPANDED WILL OFFICIALLY LAUNCH ON FRIDAY Ready to be Wild?! . . . See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 04.07.2020

Moon practices are a really sacred part of my spiritual practice The primary Moon phases invite me to tune in for self-reflection and connect to a higher power each month. Working with divination tools has become so trendy. Yet it’s so important to acknowledge the history and where all of it originate from. (Yes I am talking to spiritual white people!) The components of my personal Moon rituals have diverse and ancient roots.... Pagan and Celtic roots for Moon water, oracle cards, elemental tools and seasonal teachings. Indigenous roots for traditional Moon wisdom, sacred medicines and the land I practice on. Indian roots for the yoga flows, meditation and breathwork. Then there are the universal laws as well as my intuitive guidance, focused awareness and much much more. Although I put in the work, none of this would be possible without all of the ancestors and teachers who selflessly shared this wisdom. And with that, I approach my Moon practices with humility and gratitude for this allows me to consistently do my inner work and consciously navigate inner & outer tides. If you’re interested in developing your ability to craft personally meaningful Moon practices, I’ve included step-by-step guidelines in part 2 of the Lunar Lifestyle Guide! [I’ll be releasing this very soon - so get started with part 1 ] However, if you’re with me, I invite you to always: 1. Honour and respect the roots of these sacred practices. 2. Do your inner work not only for yourself, but also for the wellbeing of the collective. 3. Trust yourself. Drop a below if you agree!! Have a blessed week as the Moon continues to wane. Passez une belle semaine pendant que la Lune continue à décroisser. XO Alex See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 19.06.2020

FULL MOON IN ARIES PLEINE LUNE EN BÉLIER 01/10/2020 5:05pm | 17h05 EST During her full phase, the Moon sits in opposition to the Sun allowing her to be illuminated in her fullness.... This time we are working with the Moon in Aries and Sun in Libra. Bringing to light the issues surrounding maintaining our independence (Aries/1st house) in the context of relationships (Libra/7th house). Check out my new blog post for more insights to help you navigate these energetic waves including cosmic tips and a personal story to demonstrate the energies. You can find it here: https://www.wildastrologybyalex.com//full-moon-in-aries-op I also want to note that there is SO much going on astrologically. This Full Moon lights up Eris (discord), Lilith (repressed feminine), Mars Rx (slowing of action, re-evaluation of action), Chiron (wounded healer) ALL in fiery Aries as they get a hit of the patriarchy, governments, laws and authority when making square aspect to the power clusterf*ck in Capricorn. OUF YES. I know! As above so below... Yet this Full Moon can be medicine for helping us gain emotional courage So my Wild friends. It can be really powerful to use the fire element in your Moon ritual (e.g. fire gazing, burning paper, etc.), but also remember to balance things out with water. Be kind and take care of yourself. Reflect on where you were 6 months ago on the New Moon in Aries and practice gratitude. How is this Full Moon going for you?? Comment est-ce que cette pleine lune se présente pour toi?? With fierce love. Avec amour féroce. Alex . . . See more

Wild Astrology by Alex 02.06.2020

I was raised in a French catholic family. We went to church every Sunday when I was young and I went to catholic school. I’m really fortunate that my parents were very open-minded and exposed us to various cultures. Also, I’m the youngest of 3 (by 7 years) so I was lucky to witness my older siblings and their partners pave the way for choosing their own beliefs. I’ve always been so intrigued by different religions and ways of living (I have a 9th house stellium). And tbh,... I personally do not resonate with the catholic religion. I don’t do well with spiritual practices that are super rigid, restrictive, dogmatic, discriminatory, corrupt, difficult to relate to and that cause pain Yet, the need for spiritual health is still there. It wasn’t until my early 20s that I opened up to a greater sense of spirituality apart from religion. Before then, I struggled to find a sense of faith (without knowing it). Not only was I disconnected from myself, but I also really struggled with the unknown (and so much more). Since I’ve awakened to the world of spirituality, I’ve piece-mealed a sense of faith that feels good to me based on everything I’ve learned from several spiritual teachers and philosophies. Personally, I’ve found so much grace and purpose in connecting to the cycles of the universe. Macrocosmically through the astrological cycles. Microcosmically through my menstrual cycle, the cycles of nature and the cycles of life itself. They point out to the power within me and my interconnectedness to all there is. A nature-based philosophy of life feels really f*cking good to me. But it might be different for you. What ever it is If you ask me, what matters is that you embrace what is most meaningful to you and that we all respect one another. #fullmoonaries #libraseason I’m incredibly passionate about helping women develop a spiritual practice that is uniquely meaningful and beneficial to the collective. I’m simply here to be a guide and a reflection of your divinity. Spiritual health is such an important component of overall wellbeing!!! Comment below if you agree! . . . See more