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Your Healing Mind 27.09.2020

How would the world be different if... each of us rediscovered life's perfection?

Your Healing Mind 17.09.2020

As you decide, so you will see. And all that you see but witnesses to your decision. (A Course in Miracles, T232) One of the most difficult metaphysical concepts to grasp is the idea that we create our own reality by projecting out from our subconscious minds that which we want to see (or hear, smell, touch, taste). Even more incomprehensible is the notion that because we are witnessing our own subconsciously-produced projections, everything we perceive and experience must be an illusion or a dream. Why is this concept important to understand? Even if we all agreed that everything is an illusion, how would that knowledge be helpful to us? Of what use would it be? Find out at www.yourhealingmind.ca. Click on "As You Decide, So Will You See."

Your Healing Mind 30.08.2020

How would the world be different if.... we saw the light in everyone?

Your Healing Mind 26.08.2020

How would the world be different if... we chose our livelihoods according to what really brings us joy?

Your Healing Mind 08.08.2020

How would the world be different if... we knew that we were literally the same "I am" ?

Your Healing Mind 25.07.2020

How would the world be different if... every person had the other person's happiness as the goal of any interaction?

Your Healing Mind 08.07.2020

Half Buddha, Half Bender My youngest son, Jake, is an intelligent, creative young man with a highly inquisitive mind. A few years ago, he bought himself a 3D printer and learned how to design and print 3D objects such as containers with hinged lids, rings with insignia, and a host of Dungeons and Dragons figurines for himself and for his buddies in his D&D group. Two Christmases ago, Jake asked each of his family members what animal they liked, and for Christmas that year, ea...Continue reading

Your Healing Mind 05.07.2020

What Are You Thinking? It is our thoughts, and not our bodies, that need healing. It is our thoughts, and not our bank books, that need balancing. It is our thoughts, and not our partners, that need to be loving.... It is our thoughts, and not our job titles, that need to be elevated. The thoughts we have consistently thought throughout our lives both form and confirm our beliefs. How we see and feel about the world out there is determined by our beliefs. How we act, interact, and react is based on our beliefs. For example, if you hold the belief that money is the root of all evil, there is a greater likelihood that you are struggling to make ends meet. If a couple believes that marital happiness doesn’t last much beyond the honeymoon phase, then they might resign themselves to a mediocre relationship. Sadly, many of us have such limiting beliefs. Some of them seem universal and to go without saying, such as the belief that our bodies break down and our memories will fail as we age, and so we are not at all surprised when these things do occur. Once we come to the realization that it is our thoughts, based on our beliefs, that give rise to and maintain many of the conditions of our lives, we understand that if we want to change those conditions, we must change our thoughts. The most potent thoughts that must change if we are to change the quality and circumstances of our lives are the thoughts we have about who we are, what we are capable of, and how we feel about who we are and what we are capable of. How to do that is what Heal Your Life workshops are all about. Visit yourhealingmind.ca or contact [email protected] to learn more.

Your Healing Mind 30.06.2020

To see, open your eyes. To have vision, close them.

Your Healing Mind 16.06.2020

What You See is What You Believe Yogi’s and sages, philosophers, mystics and scientists, from ancient times to this day, tell us that we are seeing the world through a screen of illusion, referred to as the Veil of Maya. This is a way of describing perception, and perception is personal, not universal, not the truth. We could describe perception as seeing through a pair of glasses whose lenses we have ground and crafted ourselves. Those lenses are shaped according to our th...Continue reading

Your Healing Mind 30.05.2020

The healing energy of Love knows no race, colour, creed, gender--or species!

Your Healing Mind 15.05.2020

Your Healing Mind Heal your life from the inside out! Hello! My name is Jody Nassr. I am a certified Heal Your Life workshop leader and transformational life coach who is experienced, knowledgeable and passionate about self healing. I help others to discover and use the power of their minds to heal their emotional wounds, break free from their perceived limitations, and change their lives for the much better! No matter how difficult your physical and personal life challenges may seem, you CAN change. All you need to do is take the first step. To learn more, please contact me for a free, no-obligation conversation, or visit www.yourhealingmind.ca

Your Healing Mind 26.04.2020

Cancer is a Whale, Parts One and Two, are now posted on Yourhealingmind.ca In Part One, I recount a profound dream in which my sister and I were riding on the back of a whale. I interpreted the whale as a symbol for cancer. At the end of the ride, I let go and watched as the whale swam away. I felt both wistful and grateful, and I silently thanked the whale. I then asked, if the whale did represent cancer, why was letting go of it so meaningful? Why feel grateful and at the same time wistful to see this thing leave? And why thank it? The clue to the answers lies in the act of letting go. And all of that is elaborated in Part Two. Comments are invited and welcomed!

Your Healing Mind 17.04.2020

This is Adam Roa. His spoken word poetry contains an essential message that is at the core of what I teach in my coaching and healing workshops (yourhealingmind.ca). It's not just for young people and teens; it's for all of us. Love yourself, heal your life.

Your Healing Mind 14.04.2020

The Fundamental Truth of Unity I believe, as more and more of us now do, that we are all one. But what exactly do we mean by we are one? I think if you ask ten people you might get ten different answers. Even if we could all agree on what it means, does itand how does it actually apply to our everyday lives? Years ago, long before I’d ever heard about quantum physics, I had a conversation over dinner with some friends. I’d had a mini revelation earlier that day and wa...nted to see what they thought about it. What if, I started, we were all the same person. They looked at me quizzically. Do you mean, like, all the same guy? my friend Tim asked, not actually looking for clarification. Yes. That is what I meant. I went on. How do we know we are actually different people, way deep down inside? If you stripped away our genetics and our upbringing and personal experiences, and got down to what we think is a very individual sense of I am, could that be the same in all of us? Well, that began an interesting dinner conversation to say the least, (try it at your next dinner party!) but ultimately no one would even entertain the idea. Then, in 2004, I saw the documentary-style film, What the Bleep do we Know? and was transfixed by the ideas that it espoused. It delved into both science and spirituality, and interviews with brilliant minds from both camps helped to back its proposed theory that there is a strong link between quantum physics and consciousness. Here is how John Hagelin, one of the many scientists interviewed in the film, described this link: Continue reading at www.yourhealingmind.ca and click on the pink emblem.

Your Healing Mind 29.03.2020

I heard a cute joke one day. A small boy asks his mother if she could take him to the park. She is busy at the time and responds, Not now, sweetie. He waits a moment and then says, Okay. How about now? The joke is funny because it makes us realize how casually we use the expression not now without really thinking about what it means. Is it a micro-moment in time, as the boy understood it, so that the now that is now replaces the now that just passed a second ago? Or is... it a longer sort of now, the now that the mother thinks she is in and will be in for at least a little while until she finishes what she’s doing? How big is NOW? Even a micro-moment now can be divided into smaller and smaller nano-moments of now. A longer-lasting now can stretch out to included these days as in nowadays. Or it can be a starting point that separates itself from all past nows and moves indefinitely into the future, as in from now on I have been thinking about this concept and have come to realize that now is not a time at all. It is a state. We are eternally in the now. Now has no past or future. It is an awareness of being in the present at all times. It is similar to floating in the total blackness of void space. In that case, you could say I am here only if you were talking about your existence and not your position in space, because a positional here is relative to a positional there, and in the total darkness of a completely void space, where is there? One can neither be here nor there. The only thing you can say with certainty in both cases of time and space is I am here, now. And that could only mean one thing: that you exist eternally.

Your Healing Mind 23.03.2020

Please visit yourhealingmind.ca to read my latest blog, The Germination of Well-Being.