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Mind Body Free 07.11.2020

Hello friends! I'm offering free coaching to a select number of applicants for a new podcast that will be starting soon. Your name and identity will remain anonymous, and you will have the opportunity to break through limiting beliefs, success blocks and personal challenges in a rapid and profound way. Sign up at the link below. And feel free to DM me with questions. ... https://www.mindbodyfree.com/podcastcoaching/

Mind Body Free 28.10.2020

In Medical Qigong Therapy, we have an exercise to clear ‘liver fire’. When anger and rage build up in the liver, it needs somewhere to go. Emotion is energy in motion and it needs to move through you. If left for too long in the body it can turn into pain and disease, so it’s essential to release stuck emotions. For this exercise, you will need a big bag of rice, a bat or big stick, and a secluded outdoor space. Step 1: Prop the bag on something like a mound of dirt that all...ows you to safely and easily whack the bag. Step 2: Beat the shit out of the bag of rice. It can help to shout ha! Or no! with each hit. Step 3: Feel better. Don’t do it around public spaces because the energy will freak people out. Don’t do it indoors because you don’t want the energy lingering in your house. And don’t eat your ‘rage rice’, once it’s for beating it’s only for beating. You’ll likely want to do this several times if you’re on a liver cleanse. This is our personal bag of rice and bat for those days when the liver needs to release some extra . . . . . . #medicalqigongtherapist #qigong #liverfire #rage #anger #livelove #liverhealing #tcm #releaseanger #letgoofrage #ragemanagement #angermanagement

Mind Body Free 06.10.2020

Do you believe there are ‘bad’ people? Is it possible to be a bad person? I wrote an article to bring clarity to this feeling of division we see in the world. https://www.mindbodyfree.com/impossiblebad/

Mind Body Free 20.09.2020

To anyone who feels alone, unwanted, uncared for, without hope, or overwhelmed by the weight of it all, I want you to know that all of this pain is not who you are. You are the light behind it all, trying to break through. You are the one who came into this world perfect and enough, and you always will be perfect and enough. The world may push you and shake you. It may leave you feeling chewed up and lost. But when you’re lost it just means that what you were looking for isn’...t where you thought it would be. It’s still out there, you just need to look in a different way. We spend so much time trying to find happiness and light outside of ourselves, but it doesn’t work that way. The light you’re seeking is within you. And to find it you just need to remember the power and beauty of who you are; to shake off all the mud and painful beliefs coming between you and your truth. You can absolutely break through whatever is standing between you and your joy. I’ve done it for myself, and I help my clients do it over and over again. So even if all the ways you’ve tried haven’t worked, and even if all the people you’ve worked with didn’t know how to get you there, I want you to know that you CAN get there. You can do it in a direct, beautiful and supported way. And I can help. So if this you, please, reach out. Because you deserve to experience all the joy and wonder this life has to offer. And when you let that light break free, the whole world gets brighter.

Mind Body Free 14.09.2020

Good morning! A note to remind you that you are not broken. You are in the process of letting go of generations of social conditioning; of projected beliefs made up about who you ought to be and how you ought to act. And as you let those beliefs go, you begin realize you are so much more than what anyone else could imagine you to be. You came here with a purpose and gifts to share. And as you give yourself permission to do more of what you love; to follow your heart, your... gifts unfold naturally. And while your heart may break over and over again, know that it's meant to break you open. Because as you crack that shell, you realize there's a whole world waiting for you on the other side. So remember that who you truly are is endlessly powerful and beautiful. And as you tap into the depth of yourself, it becomes so clear that you might want to laugh and even cry at the same time. Because when you clear the fog and lift the confusion, the power and beauty of life, of you, might just blow your mind. See more

Mind Body Free 31.08.2020

Have you ever had a huge breakthrough moment, only to later go back to your old ways not long after? Maybe it became hard to remember what the breakthrough was about, or that it even happened? That’s because your mind loves what’s familiar, and avoids what’s unfamiliar. It’s your minds job to keep you alive, not happy. So it pulls you towards what it knows, even if that makes you unhappy. Because as far as your mind’s concerned, the unknown could have saber-toothed tigers lur...king around every corner. And there was a time when we needed to evade being eaten by predators. But that isn’t the case anymore. And that old survival programming can get in the way of your growth and happiness in the world we're in today. But the good news is, you can work with your mind to make the unfamiliar, familiar. When you have a moment of realization that feels freeing, write it down. Write it in your journal each morning. Put it on a sticky note next to your keyboard, put it on your mirror. Read it to yourself each morning. As you do this, you're guiding your mind towards what feels good; allowing that good feeling to become your new normal. And because change is accumulative, it will become more powerful the longer you do it. When I work with my clients, I make them a custom recording to listen to for 21 days that affirms all the breakthroughs from their session. It makes the unfamiliar familiar by guiding the mind away from the old way of thinking and reinforcing the new neural pathways created during their session. The recording is ongoing support for any time the mind begins to dip back into the old ways of thinking, gently guiding you back to your powerful new discovery. And the more you listen to it, the more your mind accepts the good feelings from your discovery as your new normal. Drop a comment if you love the idea of writing down your moments of realization and reinforcing them each day! Are you up for the challenge?

Mind Body Free 21.08.2020

Do you remember your dreams? Do you have vivid or recurring dreams? How about nightmares? The sleeping world is where your subconscious mind processes thoughts and feelings from your waking life. Psychologist Carl Jung believed that dreams show us the unvarnished, natural truth, and are therefore fitted, as nothing else is, to give us back an attitude that accords with our basic human nature when our consciousness has strayed too far from its foundations and run into... an impasse. So what does that mean? It means that because your dreams are so closely linked to your deepest self, they have an immense power to heal old wounds, uncover your deepest desires, and align you with your inherent truth. All of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour is a response to what's happening within your subconscious mind. And working in this place is where true, lasting change happens. In all my time dream coaching, there has never been a single dream that didn't have a profound message. Even the most seemingly mundane or bizzare dream has something important to tell you. And the nightmares, recurring dreams, and vivid dreams have massive potential for deep healing and growth. When my clients have a dream they'd like clarity on, this becomes woven into our session. I love getting to see them rapidly transform long standing issues by learning how to work with their subconscious mind. The power and beauty of it (and them) never stops blowing me away. See more

Mind Body Free 18.08.2020

I’ve dedicated the past 7 years to finding freedom. Exploring the world to learn ancient healing techniques, award winning therapies, and cutting edge neuroscience. I delved deep into understanding and healing my spirit, and helping my clients heal theirs. Learning and refining how to work with energy, nature, and spirit allowed for a greater depth of healing and transformation. And with that, I also wanted a grounded understanding in the science of our minds. I believe we al...l deserve to find freedom, regardless of our spiritual beliefs. And science can be a bridge for connection and understanding. Knowing the science of the mind takes what seems like esoteric magic and brings into clear, approachable principles to live by. After years of searching, I found my answers. I don’t consider myself a seeker anymore. I’m simply discovering more each day, while knowing that I have everything I need to support my own growth, and help my clients with theirs. And all that I’ve learned has converged into an ever evolving understanding of who we are; of consciousness and life within this amazing universe. And in this clarity, I found freedom.

Mind Body Free 12.08.2020

Everything you feel is there for a reason and serves a purpose. Pain is an alarm to get your attention. Anger is there to protect you. Depression is a symptom of a hurt that needs to be released. Once you understand why a feeling is there, you can begin addressing its cause, honoring its purpose, and embodying a new way of being. Clarity is a very freeing thing. It doesn't force or plead. It simply opens up a deeper truth and melts away the pain of confusion. And jus...t as we all have the ability to get confused, so too are we all able to find clarity. Are you ready to find yours? See more

Mind Body Free 07.08.2020

Black lives, aboriginal lives, LGBTQ lives matter. Let's get better, humanity. #blacklivesmatter #antiracist #itstimeforchange

Mind Body Free 27.07.2020

Good morning beautiful people. You've likely heard of PTSD, but have you heard of PTG: Post Traumatic Growth? We remember trauma by the meaning we give our experiences. Your mind tries to make sense of things with stories that can sound like 'it's my fault', 'this will never be safe', or 'if only I had done more'. These stories stay with you. Hanging out in your subconscious mind, creating feelings of anxiety, fear and anger any time something triggers them. ... Even if you consciously know you want a loving relationship, a successful career, or to get on a plane, if your subconscious doesn't think it's safe, it will create all kinds of resistance to try to stop you. This is the stuff that holds us back from getting what we want. That is, UNTIL you update those subconscious beliefs. When you do that, you heal those pieces of the past and get back all the energy that used to be in a tug-of-war between your conscious desires and subconscious beliefs. There is nothing more powerful than getting clear and aligned in who you are and what you want. And the really fucking hard things can be the catalyst that pushes you to find that clarity, especially with the right guide to help you through it. Shit happened, we can't change that. But you DO get to decide who you are on the other side of it. If you want help getting clear on who that person is, reach out. See more

Mind Body Free 08.07.2020

You came into this world with amazing, beautiful gifts that most didn't yet understand, let alone know how to nurture. Fearing the unknown, they may have pressured you to suppress your gifts. Teaching you that it was safer to not speak up from a place that feels powerful and true. And that tension around your neck and jaw helped you hold back your thoughts and feelings so you could ‘fit in’ with the world and not cause any trouble. The only problem is, fitting in didn’t ...feel that great when you didn’t really get to be you. Maybe you even started to feel like an imposter, or like your life was a dream. Something essential was missing, YOU were missing. There was a time when fitting in may have been the only option you had; to stay safe, to move forward. And you’ve been incredibly resilient and adaptable in doing so. But you don't have to do that anymore. Your voice, your light, and your gifts are needed in this world. There is not a single other person like you. No one else has a message, perspective, or medicine quite like yours. And if you don't share it, the world won’t ever get to see it. So please, share your gifts, use your voice, create your work and follow your passion. Because you are needed in this world. See more

Mind Body Free 03.07.2020

What would it feel like to be totally grounded and centered within yourself? To know with crystal clarity what's true for you, and what's not? It's my job to help people get clear on what's true for them, so they can let go of what isn't. When that happens, relationships change. With your loved ones, with your career, and most importantly, with yourself. All that we do in the world is an extension of what we believe to be true. When was the last time you questioned those dee...p beliefs that tell you whether or not you're enough, you belong, or you're safe? If any beliefs creep up saying you're not or you don't, it's time to get clear on what really is true for you. Because in knowing yourself, the truth will free you. : Svetlana Yanova

Mind Body Free 24.06.2020

Photo by Svetlana Yanova

Mind Body Free 22.06.2020

Hey everyone! How are you doing? How's life in these surreal times? For anyone who could use some support right now, I'll be guiding an online course for working through anxiety and overwhelm with Natalie Vandenberg this Tuesday, April 28th from 4-6 pm MDT. Learn how to manage anxiety and overwhelm, gain a clearer understanding of how you can handle any situation, and walk away feeling grounded and centred with a powerful toolkit you can draw on any time you need it.... I use a blend of somatic healing exercises and hypnotherapy in my coaching to guide people into feeling free and aligned in their mind and body. Natalie is a registered provisional psychologist and owner of Vivid Psychology, a mental health and wellness collective. The price is $40 CAD For more info and to register: https://www.mindbodyfree.com/courses/ Please share with anyone you know who could use this!

Mind Body Free 17.06.2020

Happy Thursday friends! I hope you're all staying healthy and well. In case you didn't know, we've had lots happening over at our private Facebook group, Heart Space. Here you'll find a supportive community, wellness tips, online discussions, workshops and more. Tomorrow afternoon I'll be teaching a free workshop on speaking with your dreams and your subconscious mind. And you'll find a recording in the group if you're not able to make it live.... If you haven't yet joined the party, it would be lovely to have you there!

Mind Body Free 04.06.2020

A rebel is someone who thrives on non-conformity. They fight back against the injustices of the world and pave their own way forward. They’re fiercely passionate with unwavering stubbornness. This article is for all my rebel brothers and sisters out there. Please share with your rebel friends. <3... https://www.mindbodyfree.com/rebelinapandemic

Mind Body Free 16.05.2020

Hi friends! If you or someone you know has been feeling down or overwhelmed with COVID-19 news lately, this blog post is for you. You'll find simple and effective ways to feel better quickly, as well as a guided hypnotherapy meditation to help you claim the driver's seat of your life in a powerful and lasting way.... Be well friends. And please share with anyone you know this would benefit! https://www.mindbodyfree.com/navigate-mental-health-with-co

Mind Body Free 08.05.2020

What are some of your big reasons for being here on earth? What lessons are you learning? Who are you becoming? Through the years and lifetimes I’ve uncovered a lot of painful, beautiful and profound layers of myself. Each layer a process of dissolving confusion to realize a deeper resonance of truth.... Every heartache and feeling of loss has lead to a deeper understanding of love. It’s taught me profound forgiveness. For myself, for others, for all of life. It's shown me the innocence of everyone, including myself. In forgiveness, I hold no hate in my heart and I grow stronger and clearer with the awareness of that innocence. All the messy and heartbreaking struggles crack my heart open to an even more alive place. Everything I’ve learned has taught me another layer of love. All the challenges eventually come full circle back to this place. To the realization that it was always about love. And any suffering I created for myself was because I forgot this simple fact. I am love. You are love. All of life is love. It’s the force that unites us. It’s what’s beneath the heartache and the loss. And it can never truly be gone. It lives inside of you. It is you. Being here on earth is teaching me the depths of love. Each time I’ve gotten lost I’ve made my way back through a deeper understanding of love. It’s the journey of life finding its way back home. And what a gift it is to come home.