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Locality: New Westminster, British Columbia

Phone: +1 778-791-4388

Website: www.guidinglightreadings.com

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Guiding Light Readings 18.10.2020

Here are your readings I hope you receive what you need to give clarity...put you on the right path and peace of mind! Card 1 - ORPHANED... We were all meant to have connections with other people within our families, society, and a larger culture. No man is an island, and it’s important to recognize when being a part ofrather than separate from is essential to your well-being. The issue at hand is the need to find where you fit. Be true to your core truths and values. Perhaps you no longer identify with a group or community the way you did before And need to find a new situation. You might be feeling a deep sense of loss or confusion. Address the need for belonging, and know that you will find your place with others of like mind and spirit. It’s OK to let go of pressure to fit in. Not everyone will understand you. It’s time to move on. Card 2 - BUILDING BLOCKS You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life. This is a time when your focus needs to be on the foundations you build upon. Your work, your relationships, and your very being are under written by your values, ethics, morals, and corbel leafs. Are They still true to you? Will they stand the test of time and serve as the solid grounding upon which you construct your life? Now you are making changes that will affect everything in a positive way. Your destiny is truly a remarkable and beautiful design. Card 3- BY THE BOOK The universe works within a structure of divine laws and principles that provides a framework for human experience and evolution. The law of abundance, the law of prayer, the law of karma, the law of attraction, the law of thought, the law of compensation, and the law of nature are only a few that are known. These principles create perfect order and operate with a kind of precision beyond human understanding. Even revolution has its place in universal law. Human beings, in turn, have their own laws and customs that vary from culture to culture and family to family. Laws keep social order and govern behavior, reflecting an Instinctive understanding that harmony is important. This is a time to learn these laws and conform to them, rather than being the rebel and flouting them. When this card appears submit to structure and follow the rules even if they seem to make no sense. Release resistance, for universal laws will correct any disharmony. Open your eyes to those universal laws will correct any disharmony. Open your eyes to those universal laws and it will be easier to go by the book at this time.

Guiding Light Readings 12.10.2020

Lets talk about dreams! I know this is random but i find dreams and what happens when we’re sleeping fascinating and there was a time about 30 years ago my friends and I did too! I love to analyze and meld together spiritual and psychological aspects when doing so! I had a doozy last night and it involved water ( as usual) and the death of a child ( reaccuring). And it was so intense it woke me up fast! When we know and understand what a lot of the messages and imagery ...means it’s very reassuring and takes that worry away Share yours and we can analyze together!

Guiding Light Readings 07.10.2020

Good morning beautiful souls! Here is your long overdue reading for the week Please post your choice and messages will be revealed later this evening

Guiding Light Readings 05.10.2020

Now I feel like my world is a bit more complete. Ive had alot of changes come my way recently that required my full attention and now I can go back to me. ( well..ill always be giving of me to my family when needed ) I am now a brand new Grandma as of yesterday and I got news last week that I am being given my own store to manage as of Aug 31 which is going to be a slower pace. All things happen when they are supposed to and when you roll with them and not fight the journe...y there is light at the other side. I am sooooo looking forward to this new chapter of Motherhood and embracing all my new roles. Its amazing how being a Grandmother can wake up something in you that you didnt expect ..more unconditional love! Now its time to reflect inwards and focus attention.

Guiding Light Readings 20.09.2020

Good Morning Beautiful Souls! I just wanted to share with you that a Full Moon will be with us on Aug 3. I will be sharing lots of info and ways to use this full moon to manifest change and start anew. Just like this page ! Here is a great link to keep you in tune with the Moon and her cycles :) ... https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/

Guiding Light Readings 16.09.2020

Good Afternoon and a beautiful one it is! After much contemplation I’ve decided to give my page an overhaul. The name didn’t come from me , but from a very well meaning friend when I was struggling with that and didn’t allow it to come from myself/spirit/source I want to do more fun stuff but haven’t been feeling it lately and I don’t feel it is a lack of wanting .. it is a lack of feeling connected to my space. And that space is online and my home space. ... We just went on a magical camping trip along the Sunshine Coast and to say I had many spiritual awakenings is an understatement! I feel more aligned with my gift , nature and myself. I haven’t had a vacation for a few years now and after experiencing a tragic loss last year my soul needed time to heal as well I truly want to thank you all for hanging around through all of this and being supportive and patient which gave me even more desire to continue on as you are really beautiful souls that I believe are all good for my growth and allowing my gift to flourish through your trust Can’t wait to continue on this journey in a new space that reflects who I really am!

Guiding Light Readings 07.09.2020

Here are your readings May you receive what you need and take this with you for your guidance in your daily life Card 1. WHALE ... It is time to take a break! Not just a coffee break, but I respite from the usual environment you find yourself in. That trip you wanted to take? Go for it. Tired of being indoors? Make it a point to get outside. You have become so attached to your surroundings that you have created within them an illusion of safety, yet it is not these things that make you feel safe. Rather, the familiarity you have imbued in your surroundings have generated this false sense of security. Taking time away from the familiar is literally about changing your external environment in a significant way, such as doing something unusual or perhaps something you have always wanted to experience. Another perspective is breaking through the barrier of beliefs that have constricted you in anyway from being who you truly are. This is your opportunity to do some intentional breaching of the stop patterns, which will open you to different worlds and perspectives. Card 2- RAINBOW The storm has passed, and it is time to enjoy the refreshing beauty of this cycle, even though it has been difficult to appreciate any sense of purposefulness in what you have endured lately. You can now, as they say, count your blessings. Do not just look at the brighter side adhering to some academic mantra that has no heart or depth, but do so slowly and with genuine gratitude that is expressed up close and personal. This ever evolving process of life itself is a blessing -an opportunity to exist as a human being on earth. The planet is a beautiful garden, even if it does not always appear to be so. Sometimes it is only when you look back at a memory of an experience that you can truly see the blessings that have come from them. Bless your difficult or painful experiences, and let them go. Card 3- WATERFALL You have come to the edge of your comfort zone and find yourself fighting to resist moving past that perceived precipice of who you are, how you can be, or what you can do. Spirit is asking you to step beyond the edge and allow yourself to do so with ease rather than struggle. Yes, at times physical exertion is necessary, but when performed with fluidity and grace, even when the task seems daunting, you’ll find that the movement moves you Effortlessly. Approach the present situation or relationship with awareness and grace. Do not try to make it effortless that just creates more strain. The keyword here is to ALLOW . This is not a time to fight, but to surrender to the will of spirit, even if you are being asked to let go completely and tumble into the brink of creation itself. You’ll find the waters there to be ultimately still and calm. Keep your focus on your solar plexus and your breath, breathing through any tension. Relaxing and yielding to the movement that is occurring at any given moment makes your life effortless.

Guiding Light Readings 30.08.2020

Good Morning beautiful souls! I truly hope this reading reaches you all happy and healthy I felt drawn to use the Earth Magic deck for your reading and I have to say it is very encouraging and needed at this time. I hope you all find what you need ... Take a deep breath and let the card come to you

Guiding Light Readings 25.08.2020

Im not getting certain inbox messages and posts as Facebook is funny that way :(. Sorry if i dont get back to you right away, but i am not getting all of my notifications

Guiding Light Readings 11.08.2020

hello beautiful souls...just wanted to check in . How is everyone feeling.

Guiding Light Readings 26.07.2020

Here are your weekly readings Hope these reach you well and help assist you with your current path or propel you onto it! Im always here for further clarity if needed ... This weeks reading is brought by The Keepers Of The Light by Kyle Gray Card 1- Commander Ashtar Call To Action Take Charge. Lead by example. Walk your talk. You are receiving a call to action and being asked to step up and create the changes you want to see in the world.. Divine inspiration is all around you and Ashtar and his legion of cosmic Angels are standing by to offer you loving support. Know that you are being encouraged to be honest, assertive and true and loving way. You may feel your ego trying to hold you back, but know that when you take the first step, the next one will soon follow. Take some time to connect with the universe by looking up at the stars, knowing that there are loving beings of light gazing back down on you. You are not alone. Card 2 Master Jesus Forgiveness You are on the path of light, Love and forgiveness. Father healing is possible at this time Forgiveness is an act of self-love. You were being encouraged to know that whatever you have done to yourself or others, the divine is not condemning you. You don’t have to forget what has happened, but you no longer need to allow in your whole story to be defined by situations that doesn’t support your happiness. Jesus is here to bring the miraculous shifts of healing to you and all those around you and to release you from the burden of self loathing. He wants you to know that he sees the child of God within you. He also brings clarity and healing to any situations concerning your father, either on earth or in heaven. Card 3 Mahatavatar Babji Soul Expansion You’re consciousness is expanding. You understand the connections between all things. You may feel that you’ve retreated from the world recently. Maybe you’ve not been as active socially or spiritually, but this time of inner rest has really paid off. You are becoming more and more consciously aware of how connected you are to God in all living beings. This sense of union is called yoga. Yoga goes beyond physical ability and into a sense of awareness that’s created through spiritual practice, meditation and devotion to the divine. Mahavatar Babji , the yogic father, is here to inspire that fire of union within you so that you can understand how your thoughts and actions are creating the waves of energy that form your life.

Guiding Light Readings 15.07.2020

Here is your weekly reading Find your Center by placing your hand on your heart , take a deep breath and allow spirit to show you your intended message by giving you the number or image of the card Trust this! Don’t second geuss it’s your for a reason ... Messages I’ll be posted tomorrow morning

Guiding Light Readings 03.07.2020

Good Morning beautiful souls! Hope your all having a peaceful morning as I am. Listening to the rain while drinking my morning coffee is probably one of my favorite pastimes :) It allows me time to reflect and take stock of whats really important and focus on the day ahead Its OK to take this time to reset and focus on you and your goals , whats really important at this exact moment and how are you going to honour your souls path here on earth and how will you find that... guidance from within. It can look like meditation, talking to a trusted friend, using your oracle or Tarot cards or prayer. However it looks like and feels good to you ..do it! Mama Earth is re-settting and rebirthing ..so shall you! Weekly reading will be posted shortly and messages in morning

Guiding Light Readings 21.06.2020

Hello Everyone I have three days off next week so have lots of space for online readings I have spaces left Monday afternoon and Tuesday eve ! 40$ for full one hour reading through FaceTime or sent to Messenger ... 25$ for three card reading