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Locality: Bradford, Ontario

Phone: +1 289-926-0535

Address: 63 Christina Crescent L3Z 0B2 Bradford, ON, Canada

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The Next Step Consulting 17.12.2020

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius(Dec 14th, 2020 11:17 am EST) An old Cherokee Indian was speaking to his grandson: A fight is going on inside me, he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil--he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good -- he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, ...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 13.12.2020

The Gift of an Amazing Life A Journey of a thousand miles starts with one step! But any trip is easier with a map. Tarot and astrology provide a key to the terrain your trans-versing and shows you the easiest route to your destination. Astrology Charts $80 or Tarot Readings $50 make great Christmas gifts! Contact me on Facebook or email me at [email protected] for information on gift certificates.

The Next Step Consulting 06.12.2020

Looking for a unique, inspiring Christmas gift? Tarot and astrology gift certificates are perfect. They offer a sneak peak into ourselves, our futures, and a better life. Gift Certificates and readings for Tarot are $50 each, astrology $80 each. Prices in effect until. Christmas! Contact me on Facebook Mitzi Johnston or email at [email protected] Readings can be done in person, by phone, or email!

The Next Step Consulting 25.11.2020

Full Moon in Gemini (Lunar Eclipse) Nov. 30th, 2020 "Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new." Og Mandino A full moon occurs each month when the sun and the moon are in opposition to each other in the heavens. On Nov 30th the sun will be in Sagittarius and the moon in Gemini. This also being an eclipse it’s effects are even more pronounced. Many of us are already experiencing it, and have been for the last...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 16.10.2020

New Moon in Virgo (Sept. 17th, 2020 7:00 am EDT) Mitzi Johnston "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 12.10.2020

Mars Retrograde in Aries (Sept. 9th-Nov. 13) Mitzi Johnston Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite. Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody. Kahil Gibran ...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 10.10.2020

Full Moon in Pisces (Sept. 2, 2020) Mitzi Johnston To confront a person with his own shadow is to show him his own light....Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 25.09.2020

New Moon in Leo ( Aug 18th 7:00 PM EDT) By: Mitzi Johnston It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything here. The past few months have been challenging but also rewarding for both myself and you. Yes rewarding even if we’ve failed to recognize it. Take a moment, pause (Saturn) and ask yourself how you’ve prospered, (Jupiter), and gained insight (Neptune) into your deepest self (Pluto)? It’s there, if we’re willing to see it! The world has changed but so have we. We are no lon...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 19.09.2020

Full Moon in Scorpio (May 7th, 2020) The secret of letting go not only holds the keys for ending what is unwanted, but locked within this same supreme secret is the beginning of your New Life -- the birth of a new nature that never has to hold on to anything because it is already everything. Scorpio always asks us to let go of something to make room for something new. This Full Moon says to look deeper,even if we have been releasing things we no longer need there is still m...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 14.09.2020

Full Moon in Libra (April 7th, 2020) By Mitzi Johnston "I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never crossed my mind that that person could be me." -Anna Quindlen...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 23.08.2020

New Moon in Aries (March 24th, 2020) 5:28 am EDT The Best Way to predict Your Future... is to Create it!" The Aries New Moon is symbolized as springtime, a time of rebirth and renewal. A time when new life is bursting forth from the earth. Aries adds fuel to a fire that was dwindling in the past couple of months and for many this will bring new inspiration and hope, for others it can be frustration, anger or headstrong impulsive action. What the cosmos is asking of us now is ...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 21.08.2020

Mercury Direct (March 10th, 2020) By Mitzi Johnston It’s been an interesting mercury retrograde, for me at least. I dealt with multiple cases of miscommunication, cancellations, dealing with my son trying to purchase a vehicle and clients calling to lament thier own mercury retrograde foibles. As far as the car issue, I really didn’t want to see my son purchase one during the retrograde but it seemed to be an emergency. Funny thing is it took the whole 3 weeks of the retrogr...ade for things to straighten out enough to get one. The universe knew best. Well now it’s over as mercury makes a u-turn in Aquarius and heads direct. Right now and for the next few days however mercury is at almost a complete standstill in relation to the earth making for some possible difficulties yet. We can however start to get back to signing papers, ordering by mail or internet, purchasing computers, cars and electronics. My advice to you right now would be to get all the information you need, start looking for the things you wish to purchase and set up your appointments but not to do anything literal for a few more days. Better to ere on the side of caution, at least where things ruled by mercury are concerned. He was the trickster god after all. For more information or to book an appointment contact me here or at [email protected] or on Facebook Astrology readings make great gifts! Contact me for gift certificates. I hope this finds you living in immense joy, passion, and celebration celebration of the life you so deserve. Mitzi

The Next Step Consulting 08.08.2020

Full Moon in Virgo (March 9th, 2020) By Mitzi Johnston "Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game."...Continue reading

The Next Step Consulting 23.07.2020

New Moon in Pisces (Feb. 23rd, 2020 10:32 am) By: Mitzi Johnston You've now traveled through the zodiac and arrived at the 12th, and last sign. The sign of transcendence. Every month, we experience a different New Moon energy, from Aries through Pisces. The moon's transits are ever spiralling upward, toward our full realization of self. In Pisces our boundaries become blurred. It is here that we our given the ability to see the illusion of our stories, and become witness to... something more. Nothing here is as it seems. If we try to grasp something at the level of what we perceive is real, we can become disoriented and lost. This is not the time for mundane tasks, for Pisces is ethereal, and spiritual in nature. This is a symbolic sign and life speaks through this medium now. It's time for us to read between the lines and see beyond the structure of our lives. Images, signs and symbols speak directly to our soul. Our psychic senses are stronger and we become more empathetic to others and their feelings. This is an ideal period for meditation, spiritual pursuits and experiencing the connection of all creation. Other awesome uses of the energy available now are and the next 2 weeks are: 1.Being around water, Visiting a fountain, waterfall, or aquarium 2. Getting a pedicure or reflexology treatment, buying shoes. 3. Gazing at the stars 4. Starting a dream journal 5. Losing yourself in your favourite music, dancing 6. Spending time alone 7. Believing in something bigger. In the body Pisces rules the immune system and so problems here can be in our inability to let go, or a failure to flow with the energy cycles of life. It also rules the lymph system, and so problems in this area can be inertia or the failure to experience joy in life. Feet also fall under Pisces, so problems in this area can be knowing we need to move forward and failing to do so. Possibly moving in the wrong direction or lacking stability in our lives. I hope this finds you living in immense joy, passion, and celebration - celebration of the LIFE you so deserve. Mitzi To see how the new moon affects you personally as per your natal chart contact me on Facebook or email me at [email protected]

The Next Step Consulting 10.07.2020

Have you ever wondered what your future has in store for you? Do you ever wonder when things are going to either end or begin? Tarot holds the answers to many of your questions, and gives you direction as to how to deal with any obstacles that are holding you back from the life of your dreams. Readings $50 until the end of March. Contact me to book a reading or for more information. Gift certificates also available. email at [email protected] or text or call (289)926-0535

The Next Step Consulting 08.07.2020

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces (Feb. 17th-March 10th 2020) By Mitzi Johnston Relax, renew, recharge, recuperate, and relate. Let’s face it we live in a fast paced world and we often become depleted, stressed, and blinded to our own reactions. The universe has a remedy and it’s Mercury Retrograde. Meant to be a positive time, Mercury retrograde has got a bad rap. It happens 3-4 times a year and lasts 3 weeks at a time. Why such a bad reputation? Probably because we don’t know h...ow to slow down. It’s as if we think if we do we’ll lose some figurative race. Here’s a little secret to keep in mind during this period, the tortoise had the right idea in winning the race against the hare. Slowing down during the next 3 weeks will put you a fair distance ahead of those that don’t. Not taking the signals from the universe now, will put road blocks, barriers, and detours in your path. Mercury retrograde doesn’t mean stopping altogether it just means to remain vigilant to your own needs. To take things in and ruminate on them before taking action. This retrograde being in Pisces makes these things even stronger. Pisces rules the spiritual side of life, it’s the sign of the dreamer and the bigger picture. Meditating on something will give you clearer answers than reacting to circumstances. You can also daydream solutions into reality. Shamans have been aware of this for centuries. What you believe you receive. Create new circumstances in your imagination and it changes your outer reality. I hope you take the last paragraph to heart and enjoy the next 3 weeks, coming out of it renewed. If not then here are the usual warnings during this period. Computers and electronics can be unpredictable and it’s not a good time to purchase them unless you do a lot of research. The same advice goes for vehicles. Reread all documents before signing on the dotted line and if you can avoid signing anything until the retrograde is over even better. If you continue to rush headlong into life, traffic snafus and accidents are more likely during this time. Starting anything new without careful consideration can lead to regrets later. Medical procedures undertaken now may need to be redone. Your body is regenerating during this period especially if your taking time for relaxing. Let it do its work. Let’s give mercury retrograde a new reputation. For more information on mercury retrograde and how it affects you personally as per your natal chart, you can email me at this address [email protected] or message me on Facebook Consultations can be done by phone, email, or in person. Also please feel free to forward this to friends and family. Astrology charts make great gifts Contact me about gift certificates I hope this finds you living in immense passion and celebration- celebration of the life you so deserve Mitzi